Ryan Reign: A Dark Mafia Romance. Book 4 of New York Ruthless

Ryan Reign: Chapter 51

It has been an incredible day, not that I had expected any less. I’ve heard plenty of people talk about their wedding day and how special it was, but I never thought I would experience one myself. I certainly didn’t think I’d be sharing it with the four hottest and most amazing men to ever walk this earth. Our honeymoon for now is a long weekend in our beautiful house on the lake, but we didn’t want to be away from the city any longer because Aunt Em, Aoife and Noel, along with their four month old son, Archie, are visiting from Ireland and we don’t want to be away from them for too long. We have two weeks in a villa in the Caribbean booked in a month’s time, and I cannot wait for that, but in the meantime I am happy here with my boys.

We waved Em, Aoife and the boys off a few moments earlier. Shane did offer them the use of a couple of bedrooms for the night, seeing as we are only likely to be using one of them, but thankfully they politely declined.

Now it’s just me and my four husbands. They chat amongst themselves and I busy myself clearing some of the glasses and plates we have used. Suddenly the room is quiet and when I look up I see the four of them staring at me, their eyes roaming over my body with such desire that I feel like my panties are about to melt off me.

“What is it?” I whisper.

Mikey chews on his lip while the other three continue to stare at me.

“I think we’re all thinking the same thing, Jessie,” Shane growls.

“And what’s that?” I breathe.

“Which one of us gets to be the first to fuck Mrs. Ryan,” he replies with a wicked glint in his eye.

Dear God!

“We could let Jessie decide?” Liam suggests.

“No,” I shake my head. “I can’t choose between the four of you.”

“How about we settle this like we used to when we were younger?” Shane offers with a grin.

Conor frowns. “With an arm wrestle?”

“You got any better ideas?” Shane shrugs as he starts to remove his suit jacket.

“Fine by me,” Mikey grins as he does the same and the next minute Conor and Liam are taking theirs off too.

“You’re seriously going to arm wrestle to decide this?” I fold my arms across my chest and glare at them.

Mikey winks at me. “Yes. And we know you think it’s hot really, Red, having the four of us competing for you.”

The heat flooding my core confirms he’s right. “Well, yeah. But I’m worried this is going to get a little competitive.”

Conor sidles up to me, running his hand over my ass and planting a soft kiss on my shoulder. “Oh, it’s about to get very fucking competitive, Angel,” he chuckles before he walks into the middle of the room and starts arranging the furniture with Mikey and Liam for their impromptu tournament.

“How about Liam and Mikey go first?” Shane suggests.

“Fine by me,” Liam nods. “I’ll get rid of my toughest competition first round before I deal with you two old timers.”

“You’re pretty cocky for a kid who was taught everything you know by these two old timers,” Conor says with an arch of his eyebrows before he throws a sofa cushion at Liam’s head.

“Let’s just get down to business, eh?” Mikey says as he takes a seat. Liam laughs as he takes a seat opposite him. Conor hovers beside them, making sure they are going to fight fair. I watch in twisted fascination as the two of them prepare to arm wrestle and I’m so distracted that I hardly notice Shane isn’t anywhere near his brothers but is now standing beside me. As Liam and Mikey grip each other’s hands, he hoists me over his shoulder, making me yelp in surprise and then he runs out of the room and towards the stairway.

“Shane!” I half shriek, half laugh as he starts to take the stairs two at a time.

He slaps my ass and laughs to himself as his brothers start shouting after us. “Shane! You cheating asshole!” I can hear the sound of furniture being pushed over and their feet on the wooden floor as they run after us. Shane runs into our bedroom and sets me down on my feet before he locks the door behind us. Then he turns to me with pure fire and lust in his eyes. “Take the dress off, sweetheart. Right now,” he growls as he steps towards me, backing me towards the bed.

I reach behind and undo the zip as he starts to undress too. “You cheated.” I arch an eyebrow at him.

“I play to win, sweetheart. By any means necessary.”

The sound of his brothers banging on the door distracts me and I look over his shoulder.

“Open the fucking door, Shane!” Conor shouts.

“You fucking cheat!” Mikey adds while the three of them try and punch and kick their way through. The doors in this house are solid oak, but they are no match for three angry Ryans.

“You know that door won’t hold out much longer?” I say.

“I know.” Shane laughs and the sound makes my heart flutter. His genuine, playful laugh is a sound not often heard and it is a beautiful thing. “But I plan on being buried inside your hot cunt by the time they make it in here.”

He removes the rest of his clothes quickly. Just as I’m stepping out of my dress and before I can even straighten up, he pushes me onto the bed and crawls over me, trailing kisses down my stomach as he pulls my panties down and over my legs. When he’s taken them off completely, he rubs his nose along the folds of my pussy, inhaling deeply before he presses a soft kiss directly on my clit that makes me shudder. The low growl that rumbles in his throat vibrates through my body.

“Shane!” I pant as he moves up the bed and holds himself over me before pressing his hard cock against my entrance as his brothers go on trying to break the door down. “You ready to be fucked, Mrs. Ryan?” he breathes.

“God, yes!” I groan just before he drives his cock into me. He takes my hands, entwining his fingers with mine as he pins them either side of my head. Then he seals his lips over mine, pushing his tongue inside my mouth as he nails me to the bed, and claiming me completely.

The sound of the door bursting open a few seconds later, distracts me temporarily and I glance up to see his brothers tumbling through it. They grumble and shout incoherently as they pull off their clothes. Knowing that my eyes are on his brothers, Shane drives even deeper and harder, making me groan into his mouth and give him my full attention.

I hear stumbling and some laughing and then someone is beside us on the bed. In one swift movement, Shane slides a hand to my ass and rolls us both onto our sides, hooking my thigh over his as he continues kissing and fucking me. A hard chest is pressed against my back as soft kisses are peppered along my shoulders and I recognize Liam’s mouth and then his hands as one slides up my back and onto my throat. Shane lets me up for air and Liam takes the opportunity to cup my chin and turn my head to him.

He smiles down at me, his deep brown eyes twinkling. “Hey, baby.”

“Hey,” I purr before he kisses me softly.

As Liam kisses me, Shane’s hand slides to my hip and his fingers press into my tender flesh. Then he pulls his cock out of me and Liam pulls his lips from mine before looking at his brother. “Fucking cheat!” he says, narrowing his eyes at him, but there is no malice in his words.

“I did what I had to do, son,” Shane chuckles.

“Hmm,” Liam murmurs as he begins to kiss my neck and Shane turns my face back to his and slides his tongue inside my mouth again. Liam’s hand slides down my back and between my thighs before he pushes a finger inside me and I moan.

“Damn, Jessie. I love how soaking wet you get for us,” he growls as he slips his finger out and pushes his cock inside me instead and I groan into Shane’s mouth, wondering why he has stopped fucking me to allow Liam to. He’s usually not so accommodating. But then Liam pulls out of me again and pushes his cock against the seam of my ass instead and I realize that Shane has only allowed him temporary access to my pussy. It amazes me how these four men always seem to know what the other is thinking.

“So fucking wet, baby,” Liam whispers against my ear as he pushes the tip of his cock into my ass and I roll my hips forward against Shane, who rewards me by pushing himself back inside me. The moan rumbles through my body and Liam seizes the opportunity to drive his cock all the way into me and the two of them find a perfect rhythm as they fuck me relentlessly. My orgasm builds quickly, the warmth pulsing through my entire body as Shane and Liam rub their hands over my hot skin and Liam kisses my neck while Shane swirls his tongue against mine. I feel like I’m about to pass out as stars flicker behind my eyelids.

“Fuck, Jessie!” Liam growls as he squeezes my breast tightly and I come with a rush of wet heat, wrenching my lips from Shane’s as I gasp in a lungful of air.

“Damn, Hacker,” Shane hisses. “Your cunt feels so good on my cock.”

I groan as Liam slides deeper into my ass and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close against his chest while him and his oldest brother continue railing me.

“You’re such a good girl, the way you take our cocks, baby,” Liam growls in my ear. “Conor and Mikey are going to fuck you as soon as me and Shane are done, and I’m going to enjoy watching you come apart for them. And then I’m going to fuck you again.”

“Liam,” I moan and Shane responds by biting into the tender skin of my neck until I moan his name too. I run my fingers through his hair, pulling his head back so he can kiss me again, but he brushes his lips over my cheek instead. “She’s close to the edge, and I want to feel her come on my cock again,” he says to Liam who laughs softly and slides his hand between my thighs before rubbing my clit.

“You going to come for us again, baby?” Liam whispers.

“Yes,” I pant as Shane increases his pace. “God. Shane. Liam!” I moan so loudly that Conor and Mikey start urging them to hurry up and a few seconds later Shane roars my name as he comes inside me, tipping me over the edge as he does.

Liam stills but he kisses my neck softly as his cock twitches in my ass. Conor crawls onto the bed behind Shane and holds his cock in his hand. It glistens with precum and I look up at him to see him glaring at me with such ferocity that it makes me squirm. After Shane pulls out of me, he rolls over and sits up before jumping off the bed and Conor seamlessly slides into his spot. Lifting my thigh into the air, he drives his cock into me and I’m pushed back further onto Liam who hisses in my ear.

“Fuck, Angel. This pussy is so good,” Conor growls as he rolls his hips, releasing another rush of wet heat from me.

My body trembles as they hold me between them. “You ready, Liam?” Conor asks.

“Uh-huh,” Liam moans against my neck before he begins to suck on the sensitive spot beneath my ear. Then the two of them start moving together. Not one in and one out like they usually do, but both thrusting inside me at the same time. It is a delicious feeling of fullness, teetering on the verge of pain and it has me on the edge of oblivion again. I reach behind me, wrapping my arm around Liam’s neck and pulling him closer as he and Conor move in perfect sync with each other. Conor bends his head and sucks my nipple into his mouth and I swear I pass out for a few seconds. I can’t tell where one of us ends and one begins.

“Jessie, don’t come,” Conor groans as I squeeze around him, pulling him in deeper.

“I can’t help it,” I pant as my orgasm tears through my body.

“Fuck!” Conor shouts as he comes with me. “This pussy!” He thrusts harder into me as he spills every last drop of his seed.

Liam groans behind me as he stills his movements again.

“How the fuck are you still going, kid?” Conor frowns at him over my shoulder.

“Stamina, old man,” Liam chuckles.

I smile at Conor through my orgasm induced haze and he leans down and kisses me softly. He narrows his eyes at me. “You just made me look bad in front of my little brother, Angel.”

“Sorry!” I whisper and he winks at me before pulling out of me. To my shame, a rush of cum follows and drips onto my thighs and down the seam of my ass. Liam’s cock throbs inside me and he mutters under his breath. As soon as Conor rolls over, Mikey is crawling into his space. He lies on his back though and I look at him as he rubs a hand up and down his shaft.

“Come ride me, Red,” he arches an eyebrow at me. “Liam can get behind you. Let’s see how long he lasts like that,” Mikey grins at his twin, challenging him.

“Okay,” Liam says as he slides out of me. He taps my ass and I move over to straddle Mikey and as I do another rush of cum falls out of me. Liam catches some in his fingers and works it up the seam of my ass before pushing two fingers inside me.

Mikey holds his cock as I slide myself onto it. “Damn, Con, no wonder you couldn’t hold on much longer, because my wife’s pussy is fucking hot!” he groans as I slide all the way onto him. “And so damn wet.”

I bite my lip as I stare down at him and heat flushes my chest and neck. “I like it when you call me your wife,” I purr.

“I like it too, Red,” he growls as he holds onto my hips and thrusts into me, causing me to whimper.

Liam lines up behind me, his hands just above Mikey’s as he slides his cock into my ass again. “Fuck. You are tighter this way, baby,” he growls in my ear. “And I can get in deeper too.” As if to prove his point, he drives into me, all the way to the hilt and I cry out in pleasure. I plant my hands on Mikey’s chest as the two of them fuck me together. It’s not long before Shane and Conor crawl onto the bed beside us. Both of them are hard again and I know what’s about to happen. I have thought about this for a very long time. Shane moves first, squeezing my breast with one hand as he squeezes his cock with the other. When he kisses me, I whimper into his mouth as Conor takes my other hand and slides it onto his cock, working it up and down the shaft. Then his lips are on my throat, kissing and suckling. Or is that Mikey? Because now there are more lips on my neck and hands all over my body as Mikey and Liam go on fucking me to the same relentless rhythm. I have to close my eyes to deal with the overwhelming sensations.

Suddenly, Shane pulls back. “Look at me!”

I open my eyes and focus on his face. His eyes burn into mine and I know what he’s thinking. I lick my lips and he doesn’t hesitate. He pushes himself up onto his knees until his cock is level with my mouth.

“Suck it, sweetheart,” he orders and my pussy walls contract in response, causing Mikey and Liam to groan loudly. I suck him into my mouth, as far as I can go, while the other three continue their delicious torture. Kissing my neck and my nipples. Their hot hands all over my skin as Conor keeps me working his cock. I flick my tongue over the tip of Shane’s cock and a moan vibrates through his body before I take him to the back of my throat. But the maddening teasing of my body means I lose focus and my eyes roll into the back of my head as an unexpected orgasm tears through me like black powder. I moan loudly but the sound is muffled by Shane filling my mouth. Sensing that I need him to take control, he weaves one hand through my hair, grabbing it with just the right amount of pressure as he holds my head still and starts to fuck my mouth. My eyes water as he hits the back of my throat and I suck harder as my hand moves faster on Conor’s cock.

“Where the fuck did you learn to suck cock this good, Jessie?” Shane moans as he drives his hips into my mouth and I suck him harder until he spurts hot and heavy against the back of my throat.

Once I have licked him clean, a second hand is on my head, fisting in my hair. Shane pulls back and Conor turns my head. “My turn, Angel.”

With Shane’s and Conor’s hands and mouths on me, Mikey rubbing my clit, Liam’s fingers digging into my hips and their cocks filling me, I feel my climax threatening. They keep me teetering on the edge.

“You think we’re going to make our wife squirt?” Liam growls.

“I don’t think we can call this a successful wedding night if we don’t,” Mikey chuckles.

I shake my head. “Please?” I beg. If they don’t give me some release soon, I think I might pass out.

Shane and Conor suck a nipple each into their hot mouths while the twins increase their pace and pressure and my orgasm goes off like an atomic bomb, drenching Liam beneath me as well as the sheets. I have no doubt that everybody got a little of it because I have never experienced a rush like it, but I have no shame. These boys caused it after all.

I have no idea if the twins came too, but realize they must have because they both groan and pant and stop moving. Liam finally slides his cock out of my ass before Mikey pulls me down to lie on his chest.

“Wow, Red!” Mikey pants, his breath ruffling my hair as our bodies stick together with perspiration.

“I can’t…” I breathe. “I have no bones.” I melt into him, completely unable to move.

Someone chuckles softly beside us and I can’t even lift my head to see who it is. But I feel warm hands on my back and hear the steady breathing of all four brothers as we lie there catching our breath and enjoying the post-orgasmic haze of whatever the hell they just did to me.

When I wake later in the night, I’m facing Liam with Conor at my back.

“You okay, baby?” Liam says softly as I shuffle beside him.

“Yes. Are you?”

“Not really,” he whispers.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Well, I just realized that I’m the only man in this bed who didn’t get to fuck your pussy tonight,” he chuckles softly and I swat him in the chest.

“No. But you’re the only one who fucked my ass,” I remind him.

“Not the same as your pussy though,” he breathes. “I mean, your ass is hot, baby, but your pussy is like next level fire.”

I giggle as he slides his hand onto my ass and presses my body against his hard cock. “I suppose you’re planning on rectifying this situation now then?”

“Hmm. Are you sore?” he whispers.

“A little.”

All three of his brothers are in the bed with us, so there is no room for him to roll on top of me. Instead, he pushes himself up and pulls me beneath him, nestling himself between my thighs. “I promise to be gentle, baby,” he says as he peppers soft kisses on my throat and slides his hand between my folds. “You’re already wet for me,” he hisses.

“I know.”

He draws his hand back and wraps my legs around his waist before he sinks his cock deep inside me. “Fuck, Jessie! You feel so good.”

“Liam!” I groan softly.

“Can you two keep it down?” Conor mumbles sleepily beside us.

“I’m fucking my wife, Con,” Liam chuckles. “I can’t help it if I do it so well she can’t control herself.”

“We’ll all be fucking your wife if she keeps moaning like that, so keep her quiet,” he chuckles back.

“Sorry,” I giggle as I clamp a hand over my mouth.

“No you’re not,” Conor replies as he turns on his side and slides his hand between Liam and me until he finds my clit and starts to circle softly as Liam fucks me slowly. Liam takes my hand from my mouth and pins it above my head and then the two of them take turns kissing me, swallowing my moans and whimpers as they coax a long rolling orgasm from me.

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