Ryan Reign: A Dark Mafia Romance. Book 4 of New York Ruthless

Ryan Reign: Chapter 12

We spent an incredible evening with Em and Aoife yesterday. They are both so lovely and kind. Em told me so many stories of Shane and Conor when they were young that my sides hurt from laughing so much. She never really got to know the twins after their mom died; Patrick kept her away from his boys and I could see how sad that made her. But I have made them both promise that they will visit us in New York once Aoife’s baby is born.

Aoife is marrying her fiancé, Noel, in a few weeks’ time and I realized after we got back to the hotel last night that he was the guy who Shane had me look into all those months ago when I first met him. I love that even halfway across the world, he was still looking out for his family.

Shane has gone out to do more business today and I have been alone in the hotel suite alone all day.

I’m lying in the huge jacuzzi tub when I see the message from him pop up on my cell phone.

I’m sending you a gift. I’ll pick you up at 6 x

I grin at the screen. A gift? I wonder what it could be? And we’re going out! Shane has been so busy, I’ve hardly seen anything of Ireland since I got here. Full of excitement, I jump out of the tub, grab a warm fluffy towel from the rail and wrap it around myself. I open the closet, trying to think of what I’m going to wear, until I realize I have no idea where we are going.

I’m about to grab my cell and ask him what I should dress for when there is a knock at the door to the suite. I actually squeal with excitement, like a teenage girl.

Is this my gift?

Peering through the spyhole, I see a woman with black curly hair and bright red lipstick standing outside our room, holding three boxes.

I open the door and she smiles at me. “Mrs. Ryan?”

“Yes,” I breathe, still not used to being called that.

“Mr. Ryan asked that I had these personally delivered to you,” she says in an accent that I could listen to all day. I think she’s French. I stare at her open-mouthed and she laughs softly as she hands over the boxes.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“I hope you enjoy them,” she purrs. “I picked them out myself, although he gave me very specific instructions.”

“Oh.” I blush to the roots of my hair. Just what the hell has that hot devil had her pick out for me?

I wonder if I should tip her, but then realize I have no cash on me. Damn! “I’m sorry. I don’t…” I start to say but she holds up her hand to stop me.

“Mr. Ryan has taken care of everything. Have a good evening,” she says and then she walks away elegantly in a cloud of sweet perfume. I watch her strut to the elevator in her heels and smile. She’s one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

I carry the boxes inside. They are pastel shades of pink, lilac and mint green, and have a discreet label embossed in the corner. ‘Lady Mademoiselle.’

I place them on the bed and resist the urge to tear open the pretty boxes. I open the first one carefully and find a pair of black patent Louboutin pumps with a six inch heel. They are stunning but I have no idea how I’m going to walk in them.

I open the second box and pull out a black mini-dress. It has long sleeves and a high neckline, but it is obscenely short. The material is beautiful though. It has a soft, almost velvety feel, yet it looks like leather. I brush it over my cheek and sigh softly. It feels like it cost a fortune. I leave the pink box until last. It is the smallest and I already have an idea of what I’m going to find in here. My stomach flutters in anticipation anyway. I open it and unfold the pink tissue that it is so exquisitely wrapped in.

I smile as I see the flimsy black material. He is so predictable. I pull out the bra first and check the size, which of course is right. It’s all black lace and is so beautiful I almost want to wear it as outerwear. Next, I take out the matching panties. They are gorgeous too. It’s only when I hold them up that I notice they are not ordinary panties. They are crotchless.

My cheeks flush with heat as I think about wearing these out in public, and beneath that tiny dress. But my stomach dances with excitement too, as the prospect of being out in public with Shane Ryan when he has such easy access to my pussy makes the warmth pool in my core.

Checking the time on the clock on the nightstand, I see it’s a little after four, which means I have just under two hours to get ready. I put the expensive underwear back in the box and lie on the bed, wondering what other surprises Shane has in store this evening.

At one minute before six, Shane walks into the hotel suite. I am standing waiting for him and he smiles when he sees me in the clothes that he sent.

“Thank you for the outfit,” I flutter my eyelashes at him, trying to appear like the confident sex kitten he’s had me dresss as.

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. You look good enough to eat,” he growls as he walks towards me. When he reaches me, he drops to one knee, pulling a velvet box out of his pocket. It’s clearly far too big to be a ring though, so I know I’m not about to receive a marriage proposal. Still, I can’t resist teasing him.

I look down at him and flutter my eyelashes. “Are you proposing to me, Shane Ryan?”

“I’m proposing something, sweetheart,” he says with a wink as he snaps the box open with one hand as his other hand snakes up the inside of my thigh and beneath my dress. I shiver at his touch as I look down at the two rose-gold metallic orbs inside.

“They are beautiful,” I say with a sigh. “But my ears aren’t pierced.” I lick my lips as his fingers trail over my skin.

“They’re not for your ears,” he growls.

“Oh, I know what they are,” I purr. “And you are a deviant.”

“Hmm,” he agrees, reaching down to take them from the box. He holds them up and they click together, the small weights inside rolling around.

They are very pretty for a sex toy, and even the silicone retrieval cord has a beautiful rose-gold heart attached to the end. He puts the box on the floor and taps my ankle, indicating that I should lift my foot. I do as he commands and he takes hold of it, planting it on his shoulder before running his warm hand from my ankle and along my calf, causing goosebumps to prickle over my skin. His every movement is so considered and controlled.

I press the heel of my shoe lightly into the spot just beneath his shoulder blade and he narrows his eyes at me in warning as his hand slides beneath my dress again and all the way up between my thighs.

“Ordinarily, these would require some lube,” he says as he pops one into his mouth for a few seconds and sucks. My pussy throbs at the sight of him and my legs tremble.

He looks into my eyes, sucking on the ball as his fingers slide through my pussy and he pushes one into my wet heat, making me shudder and groan at the same time. When he pulls the ball from his mouth and licks his lips, I feel an intense rush of wetness. “But not with you, sweetheart,” he growls as he pushes a second finger inside me and I bear down, grinding onto them. “Why are you already so wet, Hacker? Have you been playing with yourself all day?”

“No,” I protest. “I’ve just spent the last half an hour getting ready for you take me out, and these panties made me think of…”

He grins at me. “Of what?”

“Of all the things you might do to me,” I whisper as a blush creeps over my neck and cheeks.

“Jessie!” he groans loudly as he slides his fingers out of me. He presses one of the Ben Wa balls against my opening. It is warm from his mouth and I groan loudly as he pushes it easily inside. I feel the weight of it instantly and when he pushes the second one inside me a moment later, I have to reach down and hold onto him to steady myself as my legs almost buckle.

“They feel good?” he asks with a soft chuckle.

“Yes,” I pant. “Are these why you chose the crotchless panties?”

“They are one of the reasons, sweetheart,” he growls, planting a soft kiss on my ankle before setting my foot down on the floor.

He holds onto my hand as my legs are still shaky. “How do they feel?”

“Heavy,” I groan. “Like deliciously heavy. But what if they fall out?” I chew on my lip as Shane jumps to his feet with a grin on his face.

“They won’t,” he assures me.

“How do you know that?” I whisper. “We could be walking through the restaurant and they’ll fall out and roll beneath someone’s table. What if that happens? I would die!”

He slides his hand onto my ass and bends his head close to me, brushing his lips over my ear. “Then make sure they don’t, sweetheart,” he growls before he slaps my ass and straightens up. “Besides,” he reaches for my hand and we head for the door. “I’ve been inside you enough to know that your tight cunt could hold those balls even if they were made of solid granite.”

I nudge him in the arm and he laughs loudly, and I’m not sure if it’s his laugh, or these damn balls that make my entire body thrum with anticipation.

As we walk along the hallway to the elevator, the balls move inside me, massaging my walls as they jiggle. I squeeze to try and stop them jiggling so much but it doesn’t help, in fact it only seems to make it worse. The weights inside are constantly moving, rolling around and sending waves of pleasure pulsing through my body and the weight of them, just sitting there inside me, is making my pussy throb. Shane brushes the pad of his thumb over my knuckles and I whimper.

“I can feel these things moving,” I whisper.

“That’s kind of the idea, Jessie,” he chuckles.

“I can’t do this. I can’t go a whole evening with these inside me,” I chew on my lip. “I can barely think straight.”

He lifts my hand to his lips and brushes them over my knuckles and I squirm even more. “It’s because you’re walking, sweetheart. They won’t be so obvious when you’re sitting down. We’ll be in the car soon.”

“Okay,” I swallow and take a deep breath. I am going to be nothing more than a puddle on the floor by the time we get to the restaurant.

Shane keeps my hand firmly clasped in his as we walk out of the hotel. “We’re over here,” he says as we walk towards the valet, who is standing in front of the sexiest car I have ever seen in my life. A Lamborghini Sian. The valet hands the keys to us as we reach him.

“Good evening, Mr. Ryan.”

“Did you look after her, Stu?” Shane asks.

“I certainly did, Sir. She’s a beauty.”

Shane looks at me, his eyes roaming over my body. “She sure is.” He licks his lips and I realize he’s not talking about the car. The valet coughs awkwardly and excuses himself.

“Wow!” I say as I step towards the car. “This is beautiful. Is it yours?”

“No. I borrowed it.” He shakes his head as he leans down to open the door for me. “But we can get one for home if you like?”

“Yes!” I squeal. “And are you letting me drive?”

“No,” he says before he kisses me softly. “We drive on the other side of the road over here, sweetheart.” He laughs and I look down and realize it’s the passenger door he just opened and not the driver’s one.

Shane drives the Lamborghini like he stole it, gunning the engine as hard as he can down the country roads as we head to the restaurant. He was right about the balls. They are less obvious when I’m sitting down. But this car is like one huge tease. Its engine roars so beautifully that it vibrates through my body and whenever Shane’s hand is not on the wheel, it is on my thighs, sliding between them and squeezing as if to remind me he is there. As if I could forget.

By the time we reach the restaurant, I am a trembling mess.

Shane gets out of the car first and walks around to open my door. I take his outstretched hand and step out, pulling down the hem of my incredibly short dress.

“You look beautiful,” he growls as he slides a hand onto my ass and closes the door behind us.

The damn balls start their incessant rolling again when I take a step and I am overwhelmed by a rush of wet heat between my thighs.

“Shane!” I gasp quietly, holding onto his arm with my free hand.

He turns and looks at me, his face full of concern as his eyes roam over my face. But then his concern turns into something else as he realizes why I’m struggling to even breathe.

“Aw, sweetheart, do you need some relief?” he soothes, his voice as smooth as chocolate and a wicked glint in his eyes.

“Yes,” I pant with a nod of my head. “Like, now.”

He bends his head down, dusting his lips over the delicate skin on my neck. “Soon, Jessie,” he murmurs against me and I whimper.

When we reach the restaurant, Shane is greeted by the owner and one of the waiters. He introduces me, and I force a smile as they make polite small talk with us, while my pussy throbs like a Harley Davidson engine.

When we are finally seated, I am pleased to see we’re situated in a booth in a quiet part of the restaurant. Shane slides onto the bench next to me until our thighs are pressed together.

“How you doing, Hacker?” he chuckles.

“This isn’t funny, Shane. I need to get these things out of me.”

“Not yet,” he says as he slides his hand between my thighs.

“What are you doing?” I clamp my thighs together. “We’re in the middle of a restaurant.”

“Open,” he narrows his eyes at me.

“But someone might see,” I gasp as tiny waves of pleasure keep rolling over my body.

“Do not make me ask a second time, Jessie!” he warns.

Like the obedient, dripping mess that I am, I spread my thighs apart slightly, allowing him access to my pussy. He takes hold of the silicone cord.

“What are you doing?” I ask again. Surely he’s not going to pull them out here at the table? I was planning on going to the ladies’ room.

“Just a little adjustment,” he flashes his eyebrows at me as he pushes the balls deeper inside, while twisting them slightly and the jolt of pleasure rockets through my pussy, releasing a rush of wet heat.

“Shane!” I hiss as I hold onto his forearm, digging my nails into his suit jacket. “You’re not helping.”

“Breathe, Jessie,” he soothes in my ear. “You’ll be okay now we’re sitting down.”

I take a deep breath and close my eyes and he pulls his hand from beneath my dress. “Hey,” he says and I blink and look at him. “Better now?”

“Yes. A little,” I nod my head as the heat starts to subside.

“Dammit, Hacker,” he laughs and shakes his head.

“What’s so funny?”

“If I had known those things would have you all worked up like this, I’d have used them on you long before now.”

I’m just about to reprimand him when the waiter comes over to take our drinks order. I press my lips and my thighs together as Shane discusses the wine menu and focus on my breathing. By the time the waiter walks away, I feel much more in control.

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