Ruthless Villains: A Spicy Fantasy Romance

Ruthless Villains: Chapter 27

Metal clanked as Callan dumped his newly purchased stack of restraints on one of the chairs in the master bedroom. I studied him from outside in the corridor while he sorted through the items. Light from the oil lamps cast gilded streaks in his black hair, and his muscles shifted underneath his shirt as he lifted a long steel rod and leaned it against the chair instead.

Until this mission is done, you are safe in my hands.

The most infuriating part of that statement was that I knew, without a doubt, that it was true. We both needed each other for this mission. He needed me to make sure that Lance stayed knocked out until we were far away from the city, and I needed him to actually haul the unconscious hero out past the gates since I couldn’t very well carry his entire weight on my own. So we couldn’t do anything to permanently harm each other until this was over.

Drumming my fingers against my thigh, I kept watching Callan from the doorway while I considered my options.

All of this meant that now was the only time I could act on the infuriating feelings inside me. By all hell, I still hated him with every fiber of my being. But damn he was hot. And at this point I was curious enough that I wanted to know what it would be like to fuck him.

Indecision swirled inside my chest.

While we were still in the middle of this mission, Callan was not a threat to me. Which meant that I could sleep with him without putting my life at risk. So the only question that really remained was, did I want to?

I stalked across the threshold. “Then do it.”

A frown creased Callan’s brows as he straightened and turned to face me. “Do what?”

Raising my eyebrows, I strode across the floor until I was standing in front of him. Confusion still lined his face. I crossed my arms and looked up at him expectantly.

“You’ve been bragging about your abilities in the bedroom for quite some time now.” A challenging grin blew across my lips as I raised my chin. “So go ahead. Fuck me. Try to make me beg for mercy.”

Silence descended on the room.

For a moment, Callan did nothing. He didn’t move. Didn’t speak. He just stood there, looking down at me like a statue carved from marble.

Just when I thought I had interpreted everything all wrong, a wicked smile slid home on his mouth.

A dark laugh spilled from his lips as he took a step closer. “Are you sure you know what you’re signing up for?”

“I’ve spent every day for the past week and a half with you, I know exactly what I’m signing up for.”

“I need you to say it. Out loud.”

“Fine.” I spread my arms wide and raised my chin. “I give you permission to do whatever you want to me until I beg you for mercy.”

His eyes shone with something I had never seen before. It seemed to burn from all the way inside his soul. He took another step forward, backing me up against one of the carved wooden poles of the four-poster bed. Placing a hand on my collarbones, he pinned me against the wood and then closed the final distance.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his face closer to mine. “This doesn’t change anything. I still hate you and I’m still going to kill you once this mission is over.”

“Oh trust me.” He brushed his lips over mine, just shy of touching. “The feeling is mutual.”

“Good. So, no feelings. Just pure sex because we might find each other a little bit attractive.”

“Just a little bit.”

“And when you fail to make me beg for mercy, all we will have done is prove that you really aren’t anywhere near as good as you think you are.”

He laughed against my lips. “So cocky. I can’t wait to turn you into a trembling ball of need.”

I yanked him down the final bit. His mouth crashed against mine as I claimed his lips before he could make the first move. Stepping closer, he pushed his body harder against mine while returning the furious kiss. There was nothing sweet about it. Nothing romantic. It was rage and frustration and pent-up desire.

The round wooden pole dug into my back as Callan pressed forward again while his mouth continued to ravage mine. I sucked in a gasp as he bit my bottom lip. He stole that breath from me before his tongue pushed into my mouth.

His hands slid across my skin until he reached the collar of my dress. This one was much simpler, and laced up in the front, so he deftly undid the fastenings and then pushed the fabric off my shoulders while he continued stealing savage kisses from my lips.

A shudder of pleasure coursed through me as his fingers brushed down my bare arms. I reached out and grabbed the hem of his shirt. With quick movements, I pulled it up his chest.

He let out a low growl from deep within his chest, but then broke the kiss and took a step back so that he could yank the shirt over his head. I used the opportunity to fully step out of my dress. It barely had time to flutter to the floor before Callan closed the distance between us.

After drawing his hands up my back, he undid the fastenings on my brassiere and pulled it off me. My nipples hardened at the sudden exposure. While tossing the flimsy garment to the floor with one hand, Callan used the other to yank me away from the bedpost and position me before the mattress instead. Metallic rattling filled the room as he bent down and threw a long chain under the bed. I was just about to open my mouth when he snapped his gaze back to me.

Pure command pulsed from his whole body as he jerked his chin. “Get on the bed.”

“Make me.” I flashed him a smug smirk and raised my eyebrows in challenge. “If you want to hear me beg, you’re going to have to work for it.”

A lethal glint crept into his dark eyes.

Before I could react, he slammed his palms together and shot a small force wall at my chest. The hit sent me crashing down on top of the mattress. While trying to push my hair out of my face, I rolled over on my side so that I would be able to see where he was.

His knees smacked down on either side of me. My roll came to an abrupt halt as he put a hand on my shoulder and forced me down onto my back again. While still straddling my chest, he reached towards the side of the bed. I finally got my hands out from underneath him and pushed the curtain of hair out of my face right as metallic rattling filled the room once again.

Callan’s strong fingers snaked around my wrist. With a firm grip on it, he moved my arm towards the edge of the bed. Then the cold kiss of steel appeared against my skin.

After locking my wrist into the cuff, he grabbed my other hand and did the same. Then he sat back on top of my chest again.

I yanked my arms. Chains rattled somewhere under the bed. My arms were spread wide towards either side of the bed and my wrists were locked in the handcuffs at the ends of the chain, keeping my hands firmly trapped against the mattress. I pulled against them again, but they didn’t budge.

A sudden intense thrill rushed through my body and made my heart pound in my chest. It was followed by dark and throbbing desire.

Callan swung his leg over me, climbing off my chest and positioning himself next to my hip instead. Then he paused, his eyes searing into mine. “We can stop this right now.”

But I didn’t want to. If I had been curious before, I was enthralled now. I had to see where this was heading and how it all ended.

“I don’t want to.”

“Good.” A sly smile drifted across his lips. “Then I will only stop once you’ve begged me for mercy.”

Lightning crackled over my skin as he curled his fingers over the top of my panties and started sliding them downwards. The lacy material brushed my skin as he took his time drawing them down my legs. I shifted my hips, as if that would speed up the process. My heart was thumping in my chest. I wanted him to start already.

At last, he slid them over my feet, leaving me completely naked.

Callan rolled off the bed. After dropping my panties on the floor, he picked up the metal bar that was leaning against the chair.

My heart skipped a beat.

He trailed one end of it lightly on the floor as he sauntered back to me before stopping at the foot of the bed. Bracing one knee on the mattress, he grabbed my ankle. I sucked in a gasp.

Callan smiled like the villain he was as he locked my ankle into the cuff at the end of the bar. Cold metal pressed against my skin. After grabbing my other ankle, he did the same with that one.

I tried to move my legs, but Callan just grabbed the bar, holding it steady against the mattress. With my ankles locked at the ends of it, the wicked contraption forced me to keep my legs spread wide, leaving my pussy completely exposed to the smirking force mage.

After raking his gaze up and down my body, he climbed up onto the bed and positioned himself so that he straddled my right thigh. His weight prevented me from raising my legs, keeping them both spread wide and pinned to the mattress.

He brushed his knuckles against my center. I sucked in another shuddering breath and shifted my hips.

A smug laugh dripped from Callan’s lips. “Oh you really are enjoying this, aren’t you?”

There was no hiding how wet I was.

Bracing one hand against the bed next to me, he leaned forward until his face was level with mine. Satisfaction swirled in his eyes. “Do you like it when I dominate you?”

“Dominate me?” I scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself, pretty boy. You said that you’d make me beg for mercy.” With my arms spread wide, I managed a strained shrug. “Do you see me begging?”

Instead of answering, he drew his other hand down my soaked pussy. A tremor passed through me as his fingers brushed my clit. Locking eyes with me, he started tracing his thumb over it. Another shudder coursed through my body, and my eyes fluttered closed.

The weight of his arm on the mattress next to me disappeared as Callan straightened and instead placed that hand around my chin.

“Eyes on me,” he ordered.

I was just about to spit back a retort when he rolled my clit between his fingers, and a gasp escaped me instead. When I blinked before opening my eyes again, I found him staring me down with an expression that pulsed with authority.

Once he was satisfied that I was looking at him, he briefly moved the hand from my chin and down towards his other one before he leaned forward once more and braced his hand against the mattress again. While his thumb continued circling, he stared down at me from only a few breaths away.

“If this is the best you’ve got, you—”

I sucked in a sharp breath, my taunt getting cut off halfway through, as Callan’s fingers started vibrating with force magic. A moan tore from my throat. Shifting my hips, I tried to remember what I’d been about to say.

The thought flew straight out of my head as Callan pushed two fingers inside me while his magic continued pulsing against my clit. My eyes fluttered again as he started sliding his fingers in and out at a slow pace. Blinking them back into focus, I found Callan smiling down at me like a fiend.

In an attempt to relieve some of the building tension, I tried to pull my legs up so that I could push my knees together and trap his hand between my thighs.

Callan let out an amused huff.

Then the mattress below me shifted as he sat back again, straddling my thigh and putting his whole weight on top of it. My leg was trapped firmly underneath him, and since my other ankle was locked to it as well, I couldn’t raise that leg either.

His fingers continued sliding in and out of my soaked pussy while his force magic vibrated against my clit. Pleasure built inside me again. But it never reached all the way to push me over the edge.

I arched my back to get his fingers to a better spot.

Callan just chuckled again and grabbed my hip with his free hand. His fingers dug into my skin as he forced me back down against the bed. I yanked against the chains keeping my arms spread wide.

The vibrations continued at the same intensity while his fingers moved at the same unhurried pace.

Frustration swelled inside my chest. It mixed with the pleasure from the pulsing force magic and made me both angry and horny at the same time. I tried discreetly to buck my hips again so that I could press my clit harder against his fingers.

Callan’s hand tightened around my hip bone, pushing me back down. A soft snarl ripped from my throat. Pulling hard against my restraints, I tried to free my hands so that I could force him to give me what I wanted, but the chain only rattled under the bed.

My heart was pounding against my ribs and pressure built inside my chest until I thought it was going to explode. The wave of pleasure was so close, but it never came. I squirmed against the mattress.

A villainous laugh rolled off Callan’s tongue. He kept his vibrations low. Just enough to continuously push me to the edge, but not strong enough to actually make me come.

Desperation pulsed through me and a pitiful noise escaped my lips. I tried to press my legs together, but the bar kept them mercilessly spread for the cruel force mage as he continued edging me until I could feel my mind starting to unravel.

An animalistic whine tore from my throat. I yanked against the handcuffs keeping my wrists locked to the bed, and jerked my body back and forth underneath Callan’s weight. His fingers slid in and out while his magic pulsed against the exact right spot, but still not with enough intensity.

My mind was splintering into a thousand different pieces as the pressure built but the release never came. I needed it. I needed that release like I needed air. Thrashing against my restraints, I let out a sob that was pure desperation. My brain was going to shatter. I couldn’t breathe. I needed air. I needed release.

“Alright,” I gasped out. “Alright.”

Callan leaned forward over me again. Using his free hand, he took my jaw in a firm grip and forced me to look at him. “Say it.”


Power and control pulsed from his body as he held my gaze. “The exact word, Audrey.”

My mind was quickly unraveling and I was having trouble focusing my eyes.

Callan’s grip on my jaw tightened. “Say it.”

Sucking in a shuddering breath, I pressed out, “Mercy.”

His smile as he looked down at my pleading eyes was pure victory.

“Please, mercy,” I begged as my pride slipped right through my fingers and I found myself surrendering to my worst enemy. “Callan. Please. I’m begging you.”

The vibrations increased. I dragged in a shuddering breath as the pulsing force magic finally reached the intensity I needed. Pleasure built inside me exponentially. Callan pumped his fingers harder and then curled them slightly on the way out.

Stars exploded behind my eyes.

My legs shook violently as that sweet, sweet release finally crashed down over me and swept my whole mind right out of my head. I threw my head back and moaned incoherently as Callan kept the vibrations going while my inner walls trembled.

It was the most intense feeling that I had ever experienced.

The chains rattled as I pulled against the handcuffs and gasped out another desperate breath.

After being denied release for so long, the orgasm crackled through my body like a lightning storm. And the thought that Callan controlled it all sent a rush of dark desire shooting through me. I needed more.

While I was still trying to piece my mind back together, Callan unlocked my wrists and ankles and then stripped out of his own pants. I pushed myself up on my elbows as he returned to the bed. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I yanked his body closer. I needed more. I needed…

His calloused hands trailed up my thighs and then hooked around them, spreading my legs wide before him again. I reached up and snaked a hand around the back of his neck. With a firm pull, I drew his mouth down to mine while his hard cock brushed against my entrance.

Callan kissed me savagely while sliding one arm under my back. After lifting my body slightly from the mattress, he pushed inside me.

I moaned into his mouth as his massive length slid into me. He moved slowly in and out a few times to help me adjust, but I didn’t want slow. I wanted hard and fast and rough. There was wildfire in my chest and I wanted to feed the flames.

“Harder,” I growled against his lips.

He shoved into me all the way to the hilt.

Throwing my head back, I gasped in pleasure at the feeling of his cock filling me completely. I raked my fingers down his back as he pulled out and then slammed into me again. His arm around my back tightened as I arched into him, pressing my tits against his chest. He stole the breath from my lungs as he claimed my mouth with another rough kiss before his lips made their way down my throat.

My body slumped back towards the bed again as a tremor racked my body.

Callan drove into me again. I dragged my hands over the side of his ribs and then up his chiseled abs and chest. While kissing his way down my throat, he kept up his merciless pace.

Pleasure built inside me again.

His teeth grazed my skin as he reached the side of my neck and then started his way back up again. Just as his lips reached that sensitive spot below my ear, his cock hit the perfect spot inside me.

Release crashed over me once more. My inner walls clenched tight around his thick length. Callan kept driving his cock in and out, riding the orgasm with me, until a groan tore from his chest.

He tightened his arm around my back and pressed his forehead against mine as he came as well. My heart slammed against my ribs and light flickered behind my eyes as waves of pleasure washed over the both of us.

When the last of it had drained from our limbs, Callan pulled out and collapsed onto the bed next to me. The mattress swayed underneath my exhausted body as his weight landed on the bed.

“Fuck,” we gasped out in unison.

Turning my head, I rested my cheek against the soft sheet and stared at the enemy beside me.

His chest heaved, and there was a disbelieving look in his eyes that made him seem completely dazed. That same disbelief swirled inside me too. I raised a hand and placed it over my own heart, feeling it pound against my palm.

This damn force mage had made me feel things that I had never felt before. Things I didn’t even think were possible to feel.

“Fuck,” I pressed out again.

Tilting my head back, I stared up at the pale ceiling above.

I was in so much trouble.

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