Ruthless Empire: A Dark Enemies to Lovers Romance (Royal Elite Book 6)

Ruthless Empire: Part 2 – Chapter 24

My fight mood rushes forward and I’m about to kick him, bite him, stomp on his foot, and punch him in the crotch.

But then, something happens.

His warmth.

His damn warmth mixed with cinnamon and lime.

“What did I say about giving me your back?” Cole whispers against the shell of my ear.

I release a long breath and then realise I did it against his hand. I push him away, turning around to face him.

It’s worse in this position. Now his chest is close to mine and my breasts are an inch away from his shirt.

He lost the jacket and has the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows, revealing his strong, veiny forearms.

Focus, Silver.

“You scared the shit out of me.” I fold my arms over my chest.

He raises a brow. “You shouldn’t roam around in places that scare the shit out of you.”

“And neither should you.”

“This place doesn’t scare me, Butterfly.” He pauses, staring me up and down as if I’m a case study. “So?”

“So what?”

“Why have you been following me since I left school? Do you perhaps miss me?”


“If you say that word one more time, I’m going to fuck you right here, right now.” He leans over and lowers his voice. “They have cameras on these streets.”

My eyes widen, but it’s not only at the prospect of being caught. It’s also because of the fact that he mentioned fucking me.

Why did he have to paint that picture in my head after a whole week of depriving me of it? Is this a game?

“Or you can come with me,” he offers with nonchalance. “You followed me here so you might as well see what I’m up to.”

“N…” I trail off at the dark look in his green gaze.

“What was that, Butterfly?”

“Nothing.” I clear my throat. “What is this place anyway?”

“Come with me and you’ll find out.” His voice is smooth, suave, like I imagine the devil sounded when he tempted Eve.

But he’s right — not that I’ll ever admit it. I’m already here, so I might as well meet the other side of Cole.

I walk ahead of him, and when he doesn’t follow, I toss a glance over my shoulder. “Aren’t you coming, coward?”

He throws his head back in laughter and I freeze in place. My heart thrums hard in my chest at the view of his happy face. That sound of laughter is as rare as a passing unicorn in Cole’s case.

I wish I could somehow steal it and store it away for safekeeping.

The moment ends when he soon joins me and we’re going through the entrance he parked his car near.

Someone who looks like a bouncer tips his chin at him, and it’s then that I’m positive we’re at some type of a club.

“She’s with me.” Cole motions at me and the bouncer just nods again. I nod back, not sure about the protocol here.

If Cole is known enough to be recognised and even given a free pass, this should mean he’s somewhat of a regular.

A petite woman wearing a satin gown and a black kitty mask smiles at us. “Welcome to La Débauche.”

Is this some sort of a costume party? If so, I’m not dressed for the occasion. I actually have the perfect Chanel dress for it. Also…

“Debauchery?” I whisper-hiss at Cole.

He ignores me and motions with his head at the girl, leading us into a room with black wallpaper and no furnishing except for a sofa and a rack with hangers full of black clothes. “Should I arrange a separate room for the Miss?”

“No, we’re fine, thank you.” Cole flashes her his kind smile that can melt ice.

“The show starts in ten minutes, sir.”

“Arrange a private viewing session.”

“Yes, sir.” The girl bows and closes the door behind her.

Yes, sir? What the hell was that all about?

I take a quick sweep of the black gowns and trousers in their plastic bags. There are also masks like the one the girl was wearing.

The reality of things slowly filters in. The secrecy, the club’s name, the girl’s clothes and her words. I swing back towards Cole. “Did you bring me to a sex club?”

“You came on your own. You can leave at any time.” He unbuttons his shirt. “But you’re not a coward, are you?”

Damn it. He always gets me with that argument.

“What are you doing?” I murmur as he shrugs off his shirt, revealing his taut muscles, before he moves on to his belt.

“There’s a dress code for this place.” A smirk tugs his lips. “Why are you shy when you’ve already seen me naked, Butterfly?”

“I-I’m not.”

“Are you perhaps eager because it’s been some time since you’ve seen me naked?”

“You wish.”

He yanks his trousers and boxers down in one go, standing fully unclothed before me. I force myself to stare at his face to stop myself from ogling his dick and the way it’s pointing at me.

Cole takes his time to retrieve black trousers and pulls them up his legs. I stand there, crossing my arms and pretending I’m irritated, when in fact, I’m boiling from the inside out.

I shouldn’t be in a place like this, and most of all, I shouldn’t steal peeks at his nakedness.

“If you’re not going to leave, you should change.”

“I’m not a coward, but I’m not going to have sex in front of a bunch of strangers – even with the masks on.”

“It’ll be the other way around.”


“I don’t come here to have sex. I come here to watch it.”


I bite my lower lip. “And…um…did you bring someone else in the past?”

He approaches me in slow, predatory steps. When he’s in front of me, he places two fingers under my chin and lifts it up. “You’re my first.”

“And last,” I speak before I even realise it. It’s out now; I’m not taking it back.


“I’ll stay if you promise I’m the only one you’ll bring here.”

“Deal, but you have to come with me all the time.”

I gulp, nodding. This is a drastic step, but the thought of him bringing another girl here makes me delirious. I’ll never allow that.

“And you’ll let me dress you.”


“That’s my condition.”

“Fine, but there’ll be no sex while you’re dressing me.” I stop, then quickly blurt, “Oral included.”

He smirks as he removes my jacket. “You’re learning.”

Not that I have a choice. I need to keep up with his devious mind. Cole is like the tiny clauses you don’t see in a contract. It’s as if he searches for opportunities to turn people’s decisions against them.

I pretend to be unaffected as he loosens the ribbon from around my neck and unbuttons my uniform’s shirt. He takes his sweet time with it. He’s watching my face the entire time, probably hoping for me to squirm or something.

In his dreams.

“How do you know about this place anyway?” I try to focus on something else other than his fingers as they brush over my skin.

When my shirt falls open, I let it drop from my arms and join the jacket on the hanger.

“It was my father’s.”

Oh. “Helen knows about it?”

“She just knows it’s one of the gazillion businesses William Nash owned. She doesn’t get too involved.”

“And…you do?” My voice turns breathy as he opens the zipper on my skirt and it falls down my shaking legs.

I step out of it and let him pick it up and hang it.

“I do. That’s why you were allowed in. There’s a brutal screening process of applicants here. You have to be eighteen and older, but not just any legally aged person can walk through those doors. They have to be investigated and proven to have both the financial support and power to be accepted. It was my father’s way of gaining dirt on the dark and depraved minds of most of his board of directors. So he didn’t want many other outsiders around, unless he could collect some dirt on them, too. I get a free pass for being the heir. Aren’t you glad you know me?”

I can’t concentrate on his words, because his fingers are running over my stomach. He stands up again so that his front is nearly glued to mine and he reaches behind my back to unhook my bra.

As it drops to the floor, he groans. “I love your tits. I’ve loved them since you refused to show them to me when we were fourteen. But do you know what I love more?”

I couldn’t speak even if I tried, so I keep my mouth shut. He takes my breasts in his hands and runs his thumbs against the hard tips over and over until my breathing is chopped to bloody pieces.

“Marking them.” His lips latch on to the flesh of my left breast where he left a hickey the other day. It’s like he wants to mark the same place.

He sucks and nibbles, and it’s almost as if he’s fingering or fucking me. My thighs clench and my heartbeat picks up.

At this rate, I’ll beg him to take me right here and now. But I’ll never do that.

I put my hands on his shoulders. “I said, n-no sex.”

“Sex is when I’m pounding into you until you scream, Butterfly.” His eyes glint as he pulls away from my tortured breast. “I’m only touching you ever so gently.”


His fingers hook on either side of my underwear and he slides them down my legs, leaving goosebumps in their wake. I step out of them mindlessly.

“I don’t have to touch you to know you’re turned on. I can smell you.” He bunches the underwear in his hand and sniffs them.

My lips part and I feel as if someone’s doused me in fire.

That’s not supposed to be so hot, right?

“S-stop it,” I murmur.

“You didn’t make a rule about this. You don’t get to now.” He watches me and my toes curl as I resist the urge to cross my arms.

It doesn’t matter how many times he sees me naked. I always feel this sense of intimidation.

I shouldn’t, and if it were anyone else, I probably wouldn’t, but it’s Cole.

Anything sex-related has happened with him. My first kiss, and second and third and all, actually. My first fantasy, my first sex dream, my first masturbation, my first oral, and losing my virginity.

All of it.

He’s like the definition of sex in my mind and it’s nearly impossible to shed away that image.

He yanks the black dress off the hanger and throws it over my head. I help him, letting the sleeveless outfit fall to my knees, confused about his reaction. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to see me naked. But why? He’s the one who wanted to undress me.

Instead of placing the underwear with the rest of my clothes, he shoves it in his trousers’ pocket.

“Hey!” I protest. “That’s mine.”

“Not anymore.”

“Are you a pervert?”

He places a kiss on my nose, his voice teasing. “I’ve always been a pervert for you, Butterfly. It’s not my fault you’re only just figuring it out.”

I shove him away and he chuckles as he puts on the mask before strapping the other around my eyes.

Cole stops to watch me, then he nods with approval before interlacing my hand with his.

I start to pull away, but he keeps me in place. “No one will know who we are. This is a private room only I use. Besides, the masks.”

He’s right. Now that I study him closely, he’s a bit unrecognisable and I must be too with the help of the mask.

After we make our way out of the room, Cole leads me down a long hall with dim red lighting and black flowery wallpaper. A few black chandeliers hang from the ceiling.

I’d never tell Cole this, but I’m glad he’s holding my hand. I feel like demons will jump from the walls and devour us.

Or me, to be more specific. Cole would probably make friends with them.

We stop in front of a door. “This is a viewing room.”

“What does that mean?” I whisper, not sure why it feels like I should.

“It means we get to watch a couple have sex through a one-way window. They know they’re being watched, but they don’t know who’s watching and they can’t see us.”

“People like that?”

“You’d be surprised, Butterfly.”

He clutches the handle.

“Wait.” I swallow. “I don’t want to watch with other people.”

“Why? Are you shy?”

“I just don’t want to. That’s like watching porn.”

“Porn is fake. This isn’t. Besides, I usually watch alone anyway. Perks of being the heir.”

I release a breath and let him guide me inside.

“Ah, they’ve already started.”

I don’t focus on what Cole is saying because I’m trying to adjust to the darkness in this room. It’s almost like a film theatre, but the seats are sofas — bigger in size and fewer in number.

Instead of a screen, there’s a large window that gives a view of another room. It has the same black wallpaper. There’s a table in the middle on which a petite brunette is tied, spread-eagled, and a bigger black man is fucking her.

The sound of their groans and moans echo around us like a symphony.

Oh. God.

My thighs clench at the power of his thrusts. He looks as if he’s hurting her with his size, and yet, she’s screaming, “More…faster…harder!”

I watched porn once. Just that one time after being intrigued by all the praise Ronan and Xander have for it. I wasn’t impressed. It seemed staged and fake and all the sounds they made turned me off.

This isn’t porn. This is…humans at their truest, rawest, most real form.

I don’t realise I’ve stopped walking until Cole tugs me by the hand to sit me beside him on one of the plush chairs.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” His hot breaths cause my skin tingle as he whispers into my ear.

I want to call him sick for having such voyeuristic tendencies, but I’m too enthralled by the scene to build my defences.

The ecstasy on both their faces grips me by the gut and I couldn’t look away even if I tried.

My nipples tighten against the dress, and although the cloth isn’t a harsh material, it feels like they’ll cut through it.

A strong hand clutches my thigh and I jolt as a zap of arousal flashes through me. I slowly focus on Cole, on his shadowed face and cut lethal, yet handsome, features. My eyes are so droopy, I’m not sure he can see them.

“You want me to relieve that ache, Butterfly?” His hand sneaks under my dress, up my thigh, electrifying my skin along the way.

I part my legs. I don’t know why, but I just do. It could be the different setting or the couple’s groans, how he’s pounding into her and owning her.

I want that.

But not with just anyone. Only Cole.

“You know, it’s not obligatory to remove your underwear around here,” he muses.

“Then why did you?” I’m so turned on, my voice turns breathy.

“Because it gives me straight access to this.” He dips two fingers against my folds and I moan, my heart lurching in my chest. “You want me to finger you?”

I open my legs farther in answer.

“You’ll have to do something better than that.”

I stare at the couple, then at Cole’s arm disappearing under my dress, and I don’t think as I slip my hand into his trousers and grip his thick, hard cock.

A groan slips free from Cole’s throat as I work him up and down. I’ve never done this before. I’m being driven by pure instinct and the need for more. I do it fast and strong because I suspect Cole wants everything intense.

“Ah, fuck.” His voice is filled with lust as he circles my clit. “I love your hand on me, but you have to say the word for me so I’ll finger you, Butterfly.”

The woman’s moans echo louder as she screams, “Harder…harder…harder!”

“C-Cole, please…” I pick up my pace and he finally thrusts his fingers inside me.

Three in one go.

I nearly collapse from the sensation alone. I don’t stop working him up and down as he pounds into me in a rhythm that matches the man’s.

I can’t see their faces because of the masks, but I can feel the passion, the raw claiming, and I moan with her. I arch my back like her.

My whimpers fill the space as I focus not only on my pleasure, but also on Cole’s. I’m going to bring him to orgasm, I’m going to be the reason…

He hooks his fingers inside me and teases my clit. I fall apart around him, my thighs shaking and my moan mixing with his groan.

At first, I think he has come too, but he didn’t. He stands up with my hand still around his cock. “Put me in your mouth.”

My thighs shake at the image as I part my lips and guide him inside. I can’t stop staring at him, at the rippling of his chest muscles and his God-like presence. I only glide my tongue over him a few times before he comes all over my tongue. His cum drips down my lips and chin.

He gathers it with his thumb, his eyes shining with raw possessiveness as he smears it over my lips.

“Hmm. You look marked and mine.”

Cole thrusts his fingers inside my mouth and makes me swallow every drop. He licks his fingers that were inside me at the same time.

As I stare up at him, I realise two things.

One, he’s ruined me for anyone else.

Two, I’m screwed.

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