
Chapter Rush 7

Chapter 7

Dalton’s bodyguard was giving Sean a real beatdown, and Dalton just watched from his wheelchair like he didn’t have a care in the world. When a loud crack rang out, it was over–Sean’s legs were definitely broken. He straight up fainted from the pain and the whole place went quiet.

Dalton’s voice was cold as ice when he spoke up again, “Mess with me, and you’ll pay. Get him outta here, and make sure everyone knows this was my doing. No doctors for him. And let this be at warning—if anyone else tries anything, just off ther and toss them to the dogs.”

“Got it, Mr. Slater,” the bodyguards replied in union

The stories about Dalton being a scary dude didn’t do him justice. He was off his rocker! Alicia had never seen anything so vicious, and suddenly felt like she was gonna be sick. She slipped away fast. She needed to get that divorce and get out before she got caught in something way over her head.

Alicia had been having some weird health issues and decided to t checked out at the hospital. But instead of bad news, the doctor hit her with a bombshell–she was pregnant.

The thing was, it was a risky pregnancy because of some bleeding. The doctor said she needed to be all about that baby care now.

Alicia was shocked. If Dalton hadn’t woken up, maybe she could’ve made a deal with his grandma Ellen. But with Dalton back in the picture and a divorce on the horizon, this baby was coming at the absolute worst time. Alicia was shaken up, her life had flipped upside down in just a month- married and now expecting a baby. She really didn’t know what to do next.

Heavy with thoughts, Alicia left the hospital. As she walked past the ICU, she overheard someone. griping. “That beast Dalton nearly killed me! I had to beg for my life or I’d be done for… My legs are toast! But I know his legs are no good either, I saw it with my own eyes! Right! The Slaters will never let a cripple be the boss. That’d be way too embarrassing for them…”

Hearing the voice, Alicia was floored, thinking, ‘Is that Sean? Dalton crippled him so he is scheming to revenge? Who is he talking to? His accomplice? Should I tip off Dalton? Will he believe me?”

She didn’t have time to think it over before the voices went quiet. Not wanting to be caught by Sean, Alicia booked it out of the hospital.

Back at the Slater residence, in the study, Nick flicked a list at Dalton. “Mr. Slater, this list’s got all the people Sean sneaked into the company. What’s your play?”

Dalton, sounding bored and not even bothering to look at the paper, gave his order. “Fire them. Every last one.

“Will do, Mr. Slater. With you back and all, some of the VPs wanna drop by…” Nick’s voice trailed off.



Dalton knew it was more about them snooping to see if he was still kicking. But no way he was gunna let anyone from Slater Group catch him looking weak. “Let them come if they dare.”

Nick was a bit shaken by Dalton’s tone but managed “Got it, Mr. Slater, I’ll let them know.”

And keep quiet about my legs, got it? Not a peep.” Dalton shot a glance at Nick.

Got it.” Right then, Nick’s phone buzzed with some good news. “Mr. Slater, Dr. Wilson’s here! I’m on my way to meet him!”

Evan Wilson was some hotshot doctor. If he was on the case, Dalton might have a shot at walking again.

Nick scooted to welcome Evan and nearly bumped into Alicia. He tossed a quick “Hey” her way and then he took the doctor upstairs. Alicia knew who Evari was a top doctor, sure, but curing Dalton was got fat chance. She had done her homework while Dalton was out cold, even had a game plan. Now, all those plans were on ice.

Two hours later, a loud thump sounded from the study room!


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