
Chapter Rush 29

Chapter 29

Dalton looked up lazily and teased, “Sure, but is that what you call a ‘serious‘ massage? You were really quite serious.

Back then, Dalton was in a coma, so Alicia didn’t hold back in the privacy of the bedroom. Sometimes she even came out of the shower without grabbing clothes, never thinking there were cameras! “You’re such a perv! A creep! Who gave you permission to watch?” Alicia was fuming.

“Seriously? You walk around without clothes, and you blame me?” Dalton smirked, his tongue pressing against his check. His voice dropped an octave, “Honestly, what’s there to see besides all that pale skin?”

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Alicia was so pissed off that she couldn’t stammer out a word. Alicia was shakir “Dalton, you perverted jerk! Who cares about your comments on my body! I’n. videos!” With that, she stormed off with the laptop, slamming the door so hard the whole villa seemed to shake.

Daniel looked at Dalton with a complicated expression. He’d never seen his boss smile before, especially not after being confronted by a woman. This was rarer than a tree blooming in winter.


At 8 P.M. Alicia deleted all the videos and called Lillian to return the computer to Dalton. To avoid him, Alicia skipped dinner. Just the thought of Dalton watching those videos made her uneasy. Her phone chimed. Opening it, she saw an email from someone claiming to be Mr. D, mentioning an interest in investing in Mayer Group. “Scammers these days are so unprofessional,” Alicia muttered, immediately deleting the email.

She was so upset that she couldn’t sleep, tossing and turning in bed until almost 11 P.M. When she finally dared to go downstairs for some water, she saw two people sitting on the couch in the living room. It was so late, yet Dalton was still entertaining guests. With messy hair and in her pajamas, Alicia’s mind went blank. She turned to run but twisted her ankle in haste, making a noise.

Dalton sat in his wheelchair and looked up when he heard the noise, his eyes locking onto Alicia. She felt totally exposed under his gaze. Gritting her teeth, she limped back to her room. Once there, she rubbed her ankle to ease the pain. She felt completely humiliated. Just then, her phone buzzed. Alicia picked it up and saw a message from someone calling themselves Mr. D. This time, he had sent proof of his assets along with a note.

Mr. D: [Ms. Mayer, I’m not a scammer. Here is my proof of assets. If you need more, we can meet tomorrow to discuss.] The message included contact information and an address. Alicia opened the attachment. The asset statement showed a total of 900 million dollars! And it was all in a liquid account! After hesitating a moment, she added Mr. D on WhatsApp.

Mr. L sent another message immediately: [Ms. Mayer, glad you give me a chance. I’m really not a scammer. If you still don’t believe me, I can transfer a small sum as a gesture of good faith.]

Soon, Alicia received a huge transfer–a total of 3 million dollars! She quickly called Charles to





Charles sounded excited. “There are a few well–known investors in Hofcaster whose names start with They’re all pretty reputable… How about this, Alicia? Send me the address, and I’ll You temonon:*

Alicia agreed.

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The next day, Alicia stayed in her room all day. By evening, she finally went downstairs, only to run into Dalton at the staircase. He was coming back frein outside. “Move,” she said, pressing her red lips together and clenching her fists. The fact that this pervert had seen almost every part of her made her furious. But hey, she had seen almost all of Dalton too. Fair was fair!

Dalton glanced at her. “Where are you going?

Alicia didn’t want to tell him about Mr. D. After all, the investment hadn’t been finalized yet. She made up an excuse, “I’m preparing for the SAT. I need to fill out some paperwork.”

Dalton’s eyes chilled as he looked at her, speaking slowly, “Alicia, remember your current status. If you lie to me and I find out, you’re done for.”

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