
Chapter Rush 15

Chapter 15

Dalton was on the verge of refusing, but his mind took a sudden turn. “Hmm, we’ll have the birthday party at the villa

And the gift…” Nick asked.

Arrange it yourself. The bigger the splash, the better” Dalton said while he was thinking of something.

Nick was somewhat surprised; it seemed Dalton still had a soft spot for Ashley, or he wouldn’t go to such lengths. “Yes, Mr. Slater.”

Meanwhile, at Mayer Group, Alicia quietly finished listening to Charles‘ report. Wilde Technology, the predecessor of Mayer Group, was founded over two decades ago by Alicia’s mother. After Michael took over, due to his lack of business skills, the company had b operating at a loss.

But the core technology for new energy research had gradually matured and began to turn a profit. As long as they held onto the core technology, securing financing could pave the way for further development and product launches, potentially turning things around.

“The company is currently developing a new energy vehicle, and its core technology…” Charles hadn’t finished speaking when a phone ring interrupted. “Excuse me, I need to take this call.” A few minutes later, Charles walked back in with a pale face. Alicia, we have a problem. I just received news that Michael didn’t just drain the company’s resources and leave debts behind; he also sold our most critical technology!”

The other executives in the room turned pale as well.

“The new

energy core technology is the company’s most valuable asset! How could Michael dare do that?” one of them snapped.

“It’s not about whether he dares or not–we need to figure out a way to solve this issue with the core technology. Otherwise, our current projects will come to a halt. Not only would our initial investment be wasted, but future research and development will be stuck!” Charles said through gritted teeth.

A company without its core technology would quickly fall behind. Even if Alicia wasn’t versed in business, she understood this.

“Alicia, this company is your mother’s creation, her legacy. At this critical time, you can’t just give up, Charles said, worried Alicia might walk away, especially since she wasn’t yet truly in charge.

The other executives nodded in agreement.

Alicia was silent for a moment. “Sorry, Mr. Eastman I’m really overwhelmed right now; this is all too sudden. I can’t decide at the moment. Give me a few days to think this over. I’m not exactly savvy with business matters. Before I make any decision, do you have any suggestions?”



Chapter 15

The company was her mother’s blood, sweat, and tears. After the divorce, it was the only lifeline for her and her children. Now, not only could the company not sustain them, but it could also saddle her with a mountain of debt. She was at a crossroads.

The executives looked at each other, not sure how to proceed. A glint of shrewdness appeared in Charles’s eyes, but he didn’t take the initiative to speak.

One of the executives sighed, “If we still had our core technology and could secure a loan from a bank, the launch of our new product could pull us through this crisis. But now, without that technology, even with financial support, we might not be able to continue our research and development.”

“Exactly. Without the core technology, money won’t solve our problems. Plus, the clients we invited for the beta test were mainly interested in this very technology. If we lose it, they might not be interested in participating at all, let alone help us with future marketing…” another one chimed in.

“Michael really screwed us over big time!” Everyone was pissed off.

“Actually, there might be a way to solve this problem,” Charles spoke up, sensing the moment was right.

Alicia was all ears. “Mr. Eastman, you have a solution?

Charles nodded. “The company’s core technology was patented a long time ago. According to that patent, any transfer of the core technology would only be legally binding with Alicia’s signature. This clause is something even Michael isn’t aware of. If we can prove this provision exists, we can declare the sale of the core technology invalid. However

Alicia urged. “However, what?”

Charles sighed deeply, “The document stating this clause is in a password–protected safe in the former CEO’s office. We’ve tried everything, but we can’t crack the safe. Alicia, think hard. Did your mom ever leave behind any codes? If we can just get that safe open and retrieve the document, we’d turn the tables and reclaim our core technology.”

Alicia thought with a frown, “The code?”


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