Running from the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Eight) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter One: Denied by His Mate

Tamara Reese sat at a table in one of the local restaurants, sipping her ice water. Why had she agreed to this? She didn’t need or want a blind date. But her co-workers were right. It has been too long since she has dated.

She doesn’t remember the name of the last man she’d been on a date with or had sex with. She knows it’s been over two years.


Tamara looked up at the handsome man and smiled. “Yes.”

He grinned. “I’m Greg,” he said, holding his hand out to her.

“Nice to meet you,” she said as she shook his hand.

He nodded, then sat down in the seat across from her. She looked into his eyes and sucked in a breath. His eyes were silver, and she knew what that meant.

He’s a shifter.

“Does my being a shifter bother you?” he asked as he watched her.

She shook her head. “No, of course not.” She smiled. “I was just surprised. My co-workers hadn’t mentioned it, is all.”

He smiled. “I guess they don’t think about it much. I’m just a normal person, like you.”

She giggled. “I doubt that.”

The date didn’t go too badly. She really liked him and even thought about a second date. After he paid the bill, he walked her out of the restaurant and to her car.

“I had a nice time,” she said as she pulled her keys from her purse.

“So did I.” He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. “Do you know how hard it was for me to concentrate on just talking to you and not fucking you on that table?”

Her eyes opened wide, and she stared at him in shock.

“You’re mine,” he said, then kissed her.

She tried to pull away from him, but he was too strong.

“Don’t fight it,” he growled. “You’re my mate, and I will fuck you.”

“What do you mean, I’m your mate?” she asked as she pushed on his chest.

“We were fated to be together, Tamara. Don’t you feel it? Fuck, you smell amazing.” He growled and kissed her again.

Tamara fought him. She didn’t feel anything except revulsion and fear.

The shifter started to rip at her clothes, and she cried out for him to stop, but he pinned her to her car and continued to tear at her clothes. She tried to knee him in the nuts, but he blocked her knee. He spread her legs and ripped the fabric of her skirt.

Why was no one coming out of the restaurant? Why was no one helping her?

“Not yours,” a voice growled from behind Greg.

Greg turned his head and growled at the stranger. A scream was ripped out of Greg as he was pulled off Tamara. She slid down the car to the pavement once Greg’s hold on her was released. She looked up to find the stranger tearing her attacker’s head off. She screamed and covered her eyes.

“You shouldn’t be around shifters right now,” the stranger said as he hovered over her, sniffing the air.

Seriously, he was sniffing the air around her.

“You’re activated.”

She looked up into bright green eyes and blinked away the tears.

“Get into your car and go home.” He turned and was gone.

With a whimper, she did as the stranger said. Without looking at the body of the shifter who had attacked her, she drove home and took a long, hot shower.


The following day, Tamara found a folded piece of paper by her front door and opened it.

I know I told you last night to stay away from shifters, but there are ones who will protect you. Look this site up on the net, and you will find protection and a job. Good luck and be safe.

She blinked at the letter. How the fuck had the man found her? Had he followed her? A chill ran down her spine, and she took a deep breath. Last night he’d warned her to stay away from shifters, and now he’s saying there’s a group who can protect her.

She opened her laptop and typed in the site he had given her. She blinked at the ad. There’s a group of shifters who are looking for sitters. Well, she hasn’t been around children much, and shifter kids, never.

But how hard could it be?

They say they don’t want any humans, but the note says they will protect her and give her a job. Why her? She will never know. She wrote down the address, then looked up at the clock on her wall. She was already late for work, but if she’s moving, who cares? She better let her boss know…

‘Why the fuck am I considering this?!’

Because she was attacked last night by some asshole shifter—who claimed to be her mate. And some green-eyed stranger saved her and told her she wasn’t safe. He said something about her being activated.

‘What the fuck does that even mean?’

With shaking hands, Tamara typed—Fated Mates—into her computer and stared at the screen.

“No,” she breathed.

According to this, activating a Fated Mate means she’s destined to be a shifter’s mate. And she’ll know her shifter by the pull she’ll feel… She closed her laptop and covered her face with her hands; this can’t be happening to her.

‘You shouldn’t be around shifters right now. You’re activated.’

The stranger’s words played over and over in her mind. But then he tells her that there are shifters who will protect her. But they don’t want humans around their cubs.

She closed her eyes. She understands why they want their own people to watch their cubs. Humans haven’t been the nicest to their kind lately. And it’s getting worse.

‘Trust them.’ A voice whispered in her mind.

‘Trust who?’ she wondered.

‘The Fated Mates,’ the same voice whispered.

Okay, so somehow, this address is connected to the Fated Mates. She looked up the address and found it belonged to a bar about two hours from where she lived called The Dive.

“All Supernaturals Welcome,” she read out loud.

According to the net, she’s a form of Supernatural. Or she will be once she’s been claimed by her mate. But how can she ever believe anyone who claims to be her mate? From what she can tell, every shifter will try to claim her.

“Fuck this,” she groaned. She picked up the note and reread it. “Okay, stranger,” she whispered. “You saved my life once. Let’s see if you can save it again.”


“Has anyone responded to the advertisement?” Shar asked as she sat at the table with Josie and Maddy.

“Yep.” Josie smiled. “Three tiger shifters and a vampire. But I don’t like the vampire’s resume.”

“And why is that?”

They looked up at Tate as he stopped at their table.

Josie smiled up at the vampire. “Because she said that the best way to keep a child in check is by control of the mind and body.”

Tate snorted. “She’s not wrong….”

All three women growled at him, and he chuckled.

“She’s not wrong, but she’s not right either.”

Shar snorted. “Go away, Tate.”

Tate chuckled. “As you wish, little mama.” He turned and headed for the front of the bar.

“Hello, Mafilia,” Dustin said as he joined them at the table and kissed Shar on the cheek.

Shar smiled at her husband. “Hello, Mafilio.”

“What are you ladies up to?” he asked as he looked around the table at the three women.

“Just discussing the few people who have responded to the advertisement,” Josie said with a smile.

A commotion at the front of the bar had them turning to see what was going on.

A woman stood at the entrance. Her eyes opened wide with fear as she took in the bar’s patrons.

“Fuck,” they heard the woman whisper.

“Why is a human in here?” Dominic asked as he walked up to their table.

“I’m here to apply for the sitter job,” the woman said, looking around the room.

“Didn’t you advertise, no humans?” Dominic asked his mate.

“She’s not a normal human,” Dustin said as he got to his feet.

Shar jumped to her feet when several shifters stood and headed toward the woman.

“She’s an unclaimed Fated Mate,” Maddy said as she jumped to her feet.

“Back off!” Tate hollered as he shoved a few shifters away from the woman.

“Anyone who touches her will have their hands cut off!” Shar screeched as she headed toward the woman.

Most of the patrons returned to their seats, except for a couple who were too stupid to know Shar was serious. Too many Fated Mates have been compromised. They’re not compromising one in her bar!

“Tate, if they touch her, rip off their heads!” she yelled at the vampire.

Tate grinned. “With pleasure.”

That got their attention.

“What’s all the commotion?” Drezden asked as he entered the bar from the kitchen. “Holy shit,” he said when he smelt the unclaimed mate. He looked at the entrance and froze when he saw the woman. “Fuck, me,” he moaned, staring at her. She was beautiful. And…. “Mine,” he growled.

Drezden climbed onto the bar and walked across it, not caring who’s drinks he knocked over as he made his way to his mate.

“Finally,” he grumbled as he jumped down to the floor.

“About fucking time!” Dustin shouted with a laugh as he watched his brother move toward the unclaimed Fated Mate. He’d heard him say mine and recognized the look in his eyes.

“Back off!” Drezden growled as he made his way to his mate. “She’s mine,” he said as he pulled her into his arms.

“No.” The woman shook her head.

“She denied you!” one of the shifters, still trying to get to her, said with a howl.

“Get the fuck out of my bar!” Shar yelled as she gave the wolf shifter a shove toward the door.

The shifter turned and growled at Shar. Tate lifted the man up by his throat.

“The lady said to leave.” He opened the door, tossed the shifter onto the sidewalk, and closed the door again. He turned to Shar and the new unclaimed mate.

“Please don’t deny me,” Drezden said as he placed his hand to her cheek.

The woman pulled out of Drezden’s arms and backed away, shaking her head. “Please,” she cried. “I was told I would be safe here.”

“You are,” Shar said softly as she moved toward the terrified woman.

The woman looked at Shar. “I came about the job. And to ask for your protection.”

Shar nodded. “We will protect you.”

The woman pointed at Drezden. “Then please keep him away from me.”

Shar frowned and looked at Drezden. “Drez?”

Drezden didn’t take his eyes off his mate. “She’s mine.”

The woman shook her head. “Please, no,” she cried, then turned and ran out the door.

“Damn it!” Shar yelled as she turned to her mate. “We need to go after her before someone cockblocks your brother!”

Dustin nodded as he pulled out his phone and called in the cavalry.


Tamara cried as she drove away from The Dive. She shouldn’t have come here. She’d been promised protection and had gotten the same treatment. Why does every fucking shifter have to claim her!?

She heard a noise behind her and looked in her rearview mirror. Several motorcycles were coming up on her. She hoped they would just leave her be.

But no such luck. The bikers pushed her off the road, crashing Tamara into a tree.

The last thing she remembered was her airbag hitting her in the face and hearing hoots and hollers from the bikers as they pulled off the road behind her car.

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