Runner: A dark enemies to lovers gang romance (Sapphire Duet Book 1)

Runner: Chapter 22

I paced the room for the thousandth time, looking through the curtain to see if the car was back. I’d learned in the past two hours that I was terrible at delegating work. All I was imagining was them messing up the one chance at getting the key. Maybe Caleb was right; I should have done this job alone. This wasn’t a regular car heist. It was personal for me, and I should have fucking come here without them. But no—I wanted to prove to Kade and Gray that I’d work with them before the Panther job.

My phone went off, and I nearly sprinted across the room, snatching it off the bed. I arched an eyebrow in surprise when I saw it wasn’t Kade or Gray.

Rylan: How’s your business trip going?

I grinned as I texted him back.

Mili: Boring so far. Working late again?

Rylan: Always. But the image of you on my desk is making it hard to concentrate.

Mili: We can always skip that date and make that image a reality.

Rylan: And what would you wear if we skipped the date?

Mili: I’d wear exactly what I have on now.

I flopped onto the bed, lying on my stomach while I waited for his response. This was much better than just waiting around for the guys to come back.

Rylan: What are you wearing?

Mili: How about I show you the night I come back?

Rylan: Show me now.

I bit my lip, standing up and looking out the window again. The car was still gone, and I decided I’d have more than enough time to snap a quick picture. Stripping off my clothes, I stood in front of the full-length mirror. The black lace bralette I was wearing covered some of my tattoo, and I slid the straps off my shoulders, lowering it until only a couple of the blue flames were showing. My thong matched the bralette, and I turned, making sure he could see the curve of my ass. I kept the phone high, hiding my face as I took the picture. I didn’t mind him seeing my body, but putting my face or tattoo through a message wasn’t happening.

Rylan: Fuck me.

I giggled, falling back onto the bed. I scooted back until I was resting against the pillows and started texting back until he sent another message.

Rylan: I’m fully regretting letting you leave my office the other night.

Mili: It’s too bad you’re not here.

Rylan: Touch yourself as if I were there.

Mili: I’m shocked. The straitlaced mayor wants to sext?

Rylan: Only with you.

Hot excitement flooded through me, but I paused at the slight hesitation creeping through my chest. Rylan was in a whole different world than me. And Gray and Kade. I could play with them all I wanted because we were in the same life. Getting Rylan involved was a mistake, especially since there was clearly bad blood between him and the crew. If I dragged him into this life, he might end up dead.

My hold on the phone tightened as I stared at his message. I barely knew this man, yet there was a part of me that cared what happened to him. Fuck, I didn’t like it. Worrying about people made things messy. It made me vulnerable. Something my enemies could use against me if they found out. With a sigh, I texted a quick reply.

Mili: Thanks to this hotel messing up, I don’t have my own room. But I’ll be back in town in a few days.

Blowing out a breath, I tilted my head back and stared at the ceiling. My text was short and ruined the playful mood. I doubted he was going to respond, and it was better this way anyway. He didn’t need me in his life. I’d only ruin it. My phone dinged again, and a smile played on my lips.

Rylan: Are you alone now?

Mili: Yes. But not for much longer.

Rylan: I bet you could get yourself off before then.

Mili: Is that a challenge?

Rylan: If I say yes, do I get a picture with your fingers buried in your pussy?

This man was taking me by surprise every time I talked to him. Which didn’t happen often. I was usually good at reading people. I had pegged him for another boring politician in the beginning. I could admit I had been wrong. He had a dirty mind under those pristine suits he wore. And I had a feeling he would be fun in bed.

Rylan: Don’t keep me waiting.

My defiance flared even as my lower stomach pulsed. I should have realized he liked control in the bedroom. Kade and Gray were the same. I fucking hated giving up my control. It was something I hadn’t done in five years. But apparently, when it came to men, it was clear I had a type. I should listen to reason and leave them all the hell alone.

Instead, I shimmied down the bed, keeping the phone in one hand while pushing my thong to the side and sliding my fingers over my already-drenched pussy. I worked myself up a bit before angling my phone to take a picture. Again, I made sure my face and tattoo couldn’t be seen before sending it to him. I continued touching myself as I stared at the three tiny bubbles that showed me he was replying. I glanced at the door as the AC kicked on. Even with the low fan, it would be easy to hear when the door opened. I doubted they’d be quiet when they came back.

Rylan: Fuck. You’re stunning. And so wet. I want you to finger yourself until you come. While thinking about what I’m going to do the next time you’re on my desk.

Texting back one-handed proved more difficult as I kept my fingers on my clit.

Mili: What are you going to do?

Rylan: I’m going to strip you naked before my hands explore every inch of your skin. Until my tongue takes over and I start all over again.

I circled my clit faster, imagining it. I’d make sure that his desk would be the first place we fucked. Even though I knew it was a bad idea, I also knew I was going to end up sleeping with him. He wanted it—and so did I. I’d just be careful.

Rylan: I can’t wait to fucking taste you.

A small moan escaped me, but as close as I was, my movements faltered as I kept my eyes closed. There hadn’t been another noise other than the AC fan, but I wasn’t alone anymore. I could feel their presence without having to look. I got a small whiff of cigarette smoke for a moment before it disappeared. Apprehension settled in my stomach as my face got hot. I didn’t care that they saw my body. But seeing me get myself off was a whole other thing.

“I warned you earlier you shouldn’t smoke on a job,” I murmured, forcing my eyes open. “They leave evidence—like the smell. It gives you away.”

I hid how startled I was when I met their gazes. I figured they’d be near the door. But Kade was only a couple of feet away, while Gray stood at the edge of the bed. How the hell did I not hear them come in?

“I didn’t smoke on the job,” Kade said through clenched teeth, his gaze dropping to my pussy before moving to my face again. “What are you doing?”

I smirked, refusing to show that they’d surprised me. “I got bored waiting for you two.”

I still had my phone in one hand, and my other was still covering my clit. The tension was thick, and I had a feeling the second I moved, they would too. Gray beat me to it and jumped on the bed next to me, his grin wide.

“Let me help you finish,” he offered, a wicked gleam in his eyes.


I moved my hand away from my pussy, and Gray snatched my wrist, pulling it to his lips. He sucked on my wet fingers and groaned. I broke his stare when my phone went off and it was still unlocked, but before I could look at it, Kade ripped it from my grip.

“Hey,” I hissed angrily, moving to get it, until Gray tightened his hold, yanking me back to him.

“Holy fuck,” Kade muttered, his eyes glued to the screen.

Twisting out of Gray’s grip, I jumped to my knees, reaching for my phone. “Give it back. Now.”

“What is it?” Gray asked from behind me.

“Our great mayor seems to have a thing for little hellions.” Kade lifted the phone above his head when I lunged for it again.

Gray chuckled. “He has good taste.”

A surprised cry left me when Gray’s arm banded around my waist, tossing me back on the bed.

“Gray.” His name came out as a warning—one he didn’t heed as he pried my thighs apart and settled himself between my spread legs. I leaned up on my elbows, not making a move to push him off. I remembered how good he got me off before, and even with their interruption, my body was begging to finish.

“You were getting off while imagining another guy,” Gray murmured, and I couldn’t tell what he thought about that. “I’ll touch you so you don’t need to fucking imagine it.”

I didn’t move a muscle, even when his fingers trailed up the inside of my thigh. His eyes were locked on mine, as if waiting for me to shove him off. When I didn’t, he bit his lip, playing with his piercing as he pushed two fingers inside me.

“What are you thinking?” Kade snapped, making my attention go to him. He was standing at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed tightly as he glared at his best friend.

“I’m thinking we never stopped for food,” Gray answered gruffly, “and I’m starving.”

“She’s probably doing this to fuck you over,” Kade argued.

“Aw. Are you still upset about being locked in the bathroom?” I had meant for the words to come out sarcastic, but Gray’s moves were making it hard to talk, and I barely choked them out.

Kade ignored me. “The second you’re distracted, she’s going to do something.”

“If all you’re going to do is talk, then you can leave,” I said between quick breaths. Gray was plunging his fingers in and out of my pussy as his thumb circled my clit. The pressure building in my lower stomach was promising my release was going to be fucking amazing.

“I’m not leaving him alone with you,” Kade said gruffly.

“Then stand watch for me, brother,” Gray grinned. “Watch her to make sure she doesn’t try anything. It looks like you’re enjoying the show anyway.”

It seemed Kade wasn’t going anywhere. He stayed where he was, his eyes darting between Gray and me. I turned my focus back on Gray, stifling a cry when he pinched my clit. Knowing Kade was watching only turned me on more. He might act like he didn’t want me, but that wasn’t the truth. We both knew it, even if he wouldn’t admit it.

“What are you doing—” my words were cut off when Gray lifted me and spun me around on the mattress. Now my head was at the foot of the bed, and I only needed to bend my neck slightly to look upside down at Kade.

“Why’d you invite us to this job?” Gray asked, his fingers going back to my pussy.

I frowned. “I told you. So we could build up trust to work together.”

“I think Kade needs more to trust you,” he replied, his tone promising dangerous fun. “Don’t you, Kade?”

They seemed to have a silent conversation as they exchanged a look. Even upside down, I could tell Kade was fighting against whatever Gray wanted him to do.

“Do you trust us, Rebel?” Gray asked in a low voice.

“I don’t trust anyone.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Do you trust us enough to know we wouldn’t hurt you tonight?”

Hurt me? My stomach dipped when I realized I hadn’t worried about them hurting me since the night they tried to arrest me. Even when they chained me in their office, I didn’t fear them. I didn’t exactly trust them, but I was getting comfortable around them. And that was just as fucking bad. Refusing to give that any more thought, I licked my lips before grinning.

“Am I going to get an orgasm?” I asked, and Gray nodded. “Then even if you do hurt me, I’ll probably enjoy it. Do your worst, Gray.”

His eyes darkened, and he withdrew his fingers, wrapping his arms around my thighs. “Get the bag, Kade.”

“Wait. What bag?” The rest of my questions were lost when Gray’s tongue attacked my clit without any warning. My pussy throbbed, and I fisted the comforter when his teeth nipped at me. I was barely aware of Kade moving around the room before stopping near me. Gray’s hold on my thighs went tight when Kade grabbed one of my arms. I stiffened, attempting to regain control. But Gray held my body in place as Kade pulled my arm above me.

My eyes widened when he began wrapping some type of rope around my wrist and tying a knot before tying off the other end to the bed post after he pulled it taut.

“What the hell are you doing?” I tried sitting up, but Gray only tugged me until I slipped back down.

“Trust, Mili,” Kade taunted, catching my other arm in his grasp. My half-assed struggling did nothing to stop him from tying my other wrist to the bedpost.

“Why the fuck do you carry rope around?” I snapped.

“We come prepared for jobs,” Kade answered, staring down at me. “You never know when you need it.”

My heart was racing, and as I tugged against the thick rope, my chest went tight. Giving my freedom over to someone wasn’t something I ever wanted to do again. But as Gray continued to feast on my pussy, I realized this was different. They weren’t trying to trap me. They weren’t Joel. Even if Kade hadn’t touched me, I could see the lust in his gaze. They both wanted me. He’d tied me down because he didn’t trust me after what I did to him. And I couldn’t exactly blame him for that.

I squirmed in Gray’s hold when he got me close to the edge, but then he slowed down. Lifting my head, I glared at him as he slowly licked up my slit.

“Why don’t you show Kade he can trust you?” Gray’s words were barely coherent since he hadn’t lifted his mouth from my pussy.

“And how am I supposed to do that when he tied my hands?” I snarked.

“Prove to him that those pretty lips can do more than cause trouble.”

“You’re not serious,” Kade nearly choked out. “I put my dick anywhere near her, and she’ll bite it off.”

“Not if she wants to come.”

“Excuse me?” I hissed out.

He didn’t answer, sucking on my clit until I was grinding on his face. Fuck me, it felt so good. He slowed again, and I snarled in frustration. He edged me again, his eyes staying on mine as he kept his face buried between my thighs.

“This is bullshit,” I huffed out. “Untie me, and I’ll get myself off.”

“Not an option,” Gray mumbled, clearly intent on bringing me to the brink of insanity. “You want me to stop, I will. But you’ll stay tied to this bed for the rest of the night.”

“Careful, Gray,” I threatened, rocking my hips against his mouth.

“I could do this all night.” He released one of my legs to finger me. “When I have you on the edge, it’s the most open I ever see you. Your defenses are down. I can see your pleasure. Your need. And I fucking love it.”

There was no bluff in his voice. He would really do this all damn night. Craning my neck, I glared at Kade, biting my lip when Gray’s fingers hit my sweet spot.

“Pants off,” I ordered, daring Kade to argue with me.

“Last time you said that, you cuffed me to the sink.”

“Trust, Kade.” I mocked his words from earlier. “I promise I’ll play nice. No teeth.”

He grumbled something under his breath, but I could see his control snapping as he watched my chest rise and fall. Tugging his gun out of his waistband, he tossed it on the small table. He unbuttoned his jeans, slipping out of them and his boxers. With one hand, he grabbed the back collar of his shirt, pulling that off too. He didn’t seem to care at all that he was naked in front of his best friend.

My eyes roamed over his hard chest and to his sculpted abs. Black ink covered almost every inch of him, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away. He might be an asshole most days, but fuck, he was beautiful to look at. Even when I was looking at him upside down. He fisted his huge cock as he stared down at me. He was still hesitating, and I grew impatient as Gray alternated between licking and fingering me. I needed more.

“Fuck my mouth, Kade,” I demanded.

He stepped closer, and Gray pushed my body forward until my head hung off the bed. The blood rushed to my skull, but that was a second thought as Gray brought me back to the edge again. I opened my mouth as wide as I could, and Kade slowly pushed the head of his cock between my lips. I almost wanted to fuck with him and drag my teeth along his shaft, but I didn’t want to give Gray a reason to keep teasing me.

I relaxed my throat as I attempted to get used to his size. He hit the back of my throat, and I sucked in breaths through my nose. He couldn’t even fit all the way, and he was already blocking my airway. I choked out breaths as he started moving. Slowly at first, but then faster as I flattened my tongue and sucked.

“Fuck,” he groaned.

“Just like that, Rebel. Good girl,” Gray praised me before returning his attention to my clit.

I whimpered around Kade’s cock as my body locked up. This time Gray didn’t stop. Even when the shattering orgasm consumed every inch of me, he kept going, drawing out wave after wave of pleasure. I jerked against my bonds, trying to escape when the pleasure became overwhelming. Kade was controlling how fast he fucked my mouth as he chased his release. I could feel him tense up, but he only slowed down for a few moments, apparently not ready to be done. Gray was still devouring me, quickly building me back up again.

“Fuck,” Kade grated out as he came, his release shooting down my throat. His cock jerked, and he pulled out, his gaze landing on mine. I licked my lips, swallowing the few drops that spilled out of my mouth. He watched, looking both unsure and still turned the fuck on.

“One isn’t enough,” Gray growled, pulling away from me. “This time, I want to hear you scream.”

I lifted my head, watching as he pulled his wallet out and cursed. I realized he was looking for a condom, and I was as disappointed as him. If his tongue and fingers were anything to go by, he probably fucked like a God. A silver foil wrapper hit him square in the chest, and Gray stared over me at Kade.

“I still think she’s going to fuck us over,” Kade grumbled. “But if you’re going to do it, at least don’t make a spawn of her.”

Gray grinned, ripping open the condom wrapper that Kade had thrown at him. “If she screws us over, I think feeling her pussy around my cock will make it worth it.”

She is right here,” I said, my usual attitude absent as I caught sight of something silver on the tip of Gray’s cock.

He followed my gaze, his smirk growing cocky. “You didn’t think I just had my lip pierced, did you?”

At the base of the head, a barbell piercing ran vertical with a bulb at each end. I knew just by looking at it that I’d feel it even with the condom.

“It’s a King’s Crown,” he told me, sliding the condom on. “I’m thinking of getting another.”

Kade was shuffling again, and after he’d tied my hands, I wanted to know what he was up to now. Letting my head fall back, I watched as he slid his boxers back on. My breath hitched when Gray nudged my entrance before slamming into me. My pussy clenched around him, the piercing hitting my inner walls with each thrust.

“Yes,” Gray moaned, slowly sliding out and plunging into me again. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”

My words were lost as he fucked me. When his fingers played with my clit, I lurched up, only staying on the bed because of the restraints. These men were going to be the death of me. Both he and Kade seemed to know exactly what I needed. I’d never had a man give me such powerful orgasms before. Fuck, I was going to miss them when I left town. My heart thrashed. This. I was going to miss the sex. That was it.

The vibrating of my phone caught my attention through the sex haze, and I protested when Kade grabbed my phone from the bed. Gray didn’t slow down, his grip bruising my hips in the best way.

“Who’s C?” Kade asked, glancing up from the screen. “He’s calling.”

Gray distracted me when he lifted my legs over his shoulders, hitting me at an entirely new angle. My nails dug into my palms as he hit my G-spot over and over.

“Want me to answer it?” Kade asked.

“No,” I snapped. “I need to take it.”

As much as I wanted Gray to keep fucking me, Caleb knew I was with them. He wouldn’t call unless he absolutely needed to talk to me. Gray and Kade looked at each other before Kade hit the screen. Anger intertwined with the pleasure Gray was giving me, but it bled into shock when Kade pressed the phone against my ear.

“Yeah?” I clipped out, glowering at Kade and looking pointedly at the ropes. He didn’t move a muscle, a smug gleam in his eye. Gray slowed down, but didn’t pull out, and I blinked a few times, trying to concentrate. They were really going to have me take my call while Gray was buried inside me.

“Mili?” Caleb asked hesitantly. “You’re not alone.”

It wasn’t a question. Every time I answered the phone like that, it was a hint that I was around people, and we couldn’t speak openly.

“No, I’m not.”

“You with them?” Caleb kept his voice soft and quiet to keep anyone on my end from overhearing.

“Yes.” My voice was hoarse, and it was taking everything in me not to cry out in pleasure every time Gray circled my clit as he kept up with his slow strokes.

“Something came up that you need to know about, but I can call back later—”

“Tell me, Caleb,” I forced out, instantly regretting my words.

Kade’s face lit up with interest, and I mentally kicked myself for saying Caleb’s name. They didn’t need to know anything about that part of my life.

“One of your old coworkers reached out to your new partners’ bosses,” Caleb breathed out.

Ice chilled my veins, his words slicing through the immense bliss Gray was giving me. Old coworkers. Joel’s men. Fuck. They reached out to either Vic or Juan.

“They want to work with me?” I asked carefully, ignoring Kade’s penetrating gaze.

“I don’t think it’s about you.” He sighed. “They want to run a job. I think it’s a bad coincidence. But we can’t chance it.”

“Send me the details. I’ll take care of it.”

Gray was moving faster, not liking that I wasn’t reacting to him anymore. That changed the next second when he reached over me, slid his hand under my bralette and began pulling at my nipple. I choked out a breath as he plunged back into me, fucking me like his life depended on it. Even with the news Caleb had dropped, my orgasm was about to explode.

“Are you okay?” Caleb asked, worry coating his voice. “You don’t sound like yourself.”

“I’m fine,” I forced out.

“Did they do something to you? If they did, fuck the plan.” Caleb’s voice got louder as he grew angry.

“No, they haven’t.”

“Mili. Tell me if you need help.”

I could tell by Kade’s furrowed brow that he could hear Caleb. Yet I couldn’t focus on anything other than Gray’s cock. I was on the brink of coming, and my thoughts were no longer coherent.

“I don’t.”

“Are you worried about the job tomorrow night? I know it’s going to be hard—”

“Fuck,” I cut him off before he gave Kade my whole life story. “I’m drunk. I’ll call you back later.”

I could hear Caleb arguing, but I nodded to Kade, and after a moment’s pause, he took the phone from my ear and hung up the call. I’d call Caleb when I wasn’t being fucked within an inch of my life.

Gray let out a yell as he came, and I got my release at the same time. Every muscle locked up, and I grew lightheaded as euphoria washed over me. It seemed to last forever until I came back to reality when Gray fell on top of me. His heart raced against my chest as Kade untied my arms. I’d have rope burns, but I couldn’t get myself to care. It was well fucking worth it.

“Who is he?” Kade growled.


“Don’t play dumb.” He raised my phone and shook it. “The guy you were talking to.”

“Someone who works for me,” I answered before yawning.

“He sounded awfully worried about you to be just an employee,” Kade said, suspicion flashing across his face. “Are you his girl?”

“Jesus,” I muttered, pushing Gray off me and jumping off the bed. “No. I told both of you that I’m not anyone’s.”

“How about you two fuck again?” Gray grumbled. “Seeing as it’s the only time you don’t argue.”

“Did you get the key?” I asked, the seriousness of the job settling over me now that I could think clearly.

“We got it,” Gray answered.

“Good.” I snatched my phone from Kade, racing to the bathroom before either of them could steal the shower. I opened my texts, freezing in my spot when I opened Rylan’s chat.

Mili: She tastes like ours. Fuck off, Mayor.

I bit my tongue so hard that I tasted blood. If that text wasn’t bad enough, below it was an attached picture. Gray’s head was between my legs, and my hands were balled up in the sheet. Most of my tattoo was still covered, and at least he made sure not to show my face. But my rage soared as I spun to face them.

“You asshole,” I spat out, stalking toward Kade. “You had no right.”

Kade shrugged. “We don’t want you around him.”

My jaw dropped at his audacity. “I don’t give a flying fuck what you want. I am not yours. Or Gray’s. I can see whoever I want.”

“Don’t forget that you’re staying in our city,” Kade warned. “We don’t need a connection between us and the mayor.”

“Don’t forget who the fuck I am,” I retorted, texting Rylan back. Not that anything I said would help.

Mili: They took my phone. Sorry, Rylan.

I laughed at myself, staring at my phone. What was I doing? Why did I feel bad that I’d likely hurt his feelings? I shouldn’t. But I fucking did.

“I’m going to take a shower.” Gray shuffled to the bathroom until I pushed him back, making it to the bathroom first and slamming the door behind me. Making sure it was locked, I turned on the shower and then sagged against the wall. I planned to take my time. They could fucking wait all night for all I cared. My phone went off, and I almost didn’t want to read his text.

Rylan: I’ll see you for our date, Mili.

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