Runaway Wolf (Blue Moon Series) (Book 3)

Chapter 16


The next morning sound of footsteps woke me from my light sleep. I shot up from lying beside Kyle’s hot form and stood protectively in front of him. This was it, the hunters have found us and I was ready to tear every single one of them to shreds. Lakota made his stance beside me also and lowered his head growling dangerously towards the shadowy trees in front of us. Our bodies were tense as we waited for certain death.

Just then two figures stepped out of the foliage and I bared my teeth.

“Stop right there” I growled lowly emitting a dangerous warning to them.

The two did stop to my surprise; it was a fiery haired woman with smoldering black eyes and perfect flawless skin. She was beyond beautiful; she was dressed in a tight brown leather one piece suit with holster straps on her legs and waist with nothing in them. Her suit had weird embroidered black flame designs on them. Her feet were in black buckled knee high heeled boots. I found it weird for someone to be wearing a costume while trudging through the woods.

“Who are you” the deep voice broke the trance I was in from the woman towards the man in front of her. This guy was nowhere near decked out like the women. He was just in a pair of dark cargo pants and a tight white t-shirt under a black leather jacket and steel toed combat boots. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He was an inch or so shorter than my 6’2. This guy was the one that put me on edge, he had a hunters look to him and I growled at him again.

“I won’t let you take us without a fight” I snarled my canines extending. The guy stood his ground but watched me in confusing.

“What is wrong with you?” he asked questionably. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

When I made no move to back down I heard the women behind him snicker deeply.

“Well this is interesting” her voice was like rich flowing honey but there was no mistaking the hidden dark iciness cruelty within it. The man’s eyes shifted dangerously towards the ground.

“Why do I hear your voice?” he snarled at her before looking at me and his hard eyes softened a fraction.

“Can you tell me what happened?” I frowned at the two before straightening up. I just now caught on to his scent and realized it was wolf.

“You’re not hunters?” the man’s brows furrowed.

“Hunters, hell no” his gaze drifted over to Kyle. “But I see you’ve had a run in with them”

A sorrow began to corrupt me once more.

“Yes, he’s been poisoned with silver” I turned my head to gaze at my mate’s motionless body. “I don’t know if I can save him.” my voice wavered with thick emotions.

The man walked forward then, giving me a clear view of the chain he had in his hand that were connected to the woman’s hands. I frowned at this, why did he have her cuffed? Her cuffs were connected to a chain around her waist restricting her from moving her arms.

“You say he was poisoned?” the man asked nonchalantly like having a woman tied in chains was normal but I wasn’t going to let it go.

“What’s going on?” I demanded glancing from him to her. “What are you doing to her?” I demanded watching him cautiously. He raised a brow at this before sighing.

“Let’s not play hero to things you don’t understand.” He warned me sensing my apprehension. “She’s no victim pup.”

She did look like she could handle herself in that get up.

“No, he’s holding me captive, doing unmentionable things to me!” she suddenly cried staring at me with tear filled eyes. “Please help me!” she begged her voice breaking in the process.

Just when I was going to intervene, Lakota growled viciously glaring at the woman as if she were the devil.

“Well would you look at that, even the wolf knows a snake when he sees one.” The man ground through clenched teeth and yanked on her restraints roughly causing her to trip forward a bit.

“You’re so glad my hands are tied dog otherwise you’d be in a world of pain.” her threat sent shivers down my spine. He voice held such malevolence that I knew then she was no damsel.

“Yeah but who’s the one with the leash.” He taunted shaking the chains loudly provocatively.

“Hey guys I hate to break up this love hate relationship you two but I really don’t have time for this” I told them becoming annoyed. I just now noticed the puff of smoke drifting in the air as I spoke and realized it was freezing cold.

It was dawn and I had to get out of this area, the hunter must be gaining on us and I had to find something to help Kyle. I turned towards Kyle and began to pack things up quickly keeping an eye on the two strangers.

“You do realize you’re in Leon’s territory right?” the mad said after a few minutes.

“Who?” I stood and turned to him.

“The wolf who owns this district” I glanced around the empty forest then back at him with a frown.

“And what district is that?” if there was wolves around they weren’t very territorial if they let us sleep and walk on their grounds.

“The Alaskan district of course.” He said with a ‘duh’ tone. I stared at him in shock,

“A-ALASKA!” how the hell did we get all the way up here!?

“Yes, where else did you think you were?” he frowned at me.

“We’ve been chased by hunters all this way so I don’t really care where we are just as long as we’re safe from them.” The guy glanced once again towards Kyle.

“What is this poison you spoke of?” he asked.

“I don’t know, we were caught in a car chase; the guy was shooting at us and Kyle got hit. I thought I could take the bullet out and everything would be fine but they put liquid in the bullet so when I punctured it the poison leaked in his body. Now he won’t wake up.” I whispered the last part as I knelt beside him and touched his sweaty forehead, brushing his drenched blonde hair back.

“He means a lot to you?” the man asked. I didn’t even glance up at him just kept my gaze on Kyle’s pale face.

“He’s my mate” I muttered.

The woman’s deep dark laugher filled the air then, “Oh you sad little pup, what cruelty your beloved Spirits have put you two in.” the woman said. I turned my head to watch her in shock as she continued. “Never to express the true extent of your “love” with what all you flea bitten wolves are driven most to do… mate and breed. Have little pups of your own, continue to populate. Apparently your own gods are trying to kill your species off to extinction” she smirk spitefully, her dark eyes were so dead I knew she felt absolutely nothing.

“Shut up Nadia!” the man snarled deeply at her yanking at her chains again.

“Who are you?” I spat in disbelief at her cruel words but her face remained blank and emotionless all but the small devious smirk. She never answered me.

“I may be able to help him” the guys abruptly said and I glanced up at him in delight.

“Really!?” It felt like a weight was lifting from my heart at his offer.

“But I left it back at my cabin which is a few hours that way. Do you think he’ll last till then?” I looked back down at Kyle then up at the guy.

“He has to”


“Are you going to be a good boy for me, pet?” the voice purred beside my ear. A shiver wracked my battered body, I was so tempted to please and say yes but my pride would never let me.

“F*ck you” I coughed weakly. The sick laughter filled the room and a sharp sting hit my ribs so hard I lost my breath for a moment. I couldn’t see anything behind the blindfold but I cringed every time I knew the pain would come.

The sound of the whip cracking was just as worse as it hit my skin, I almost screamed out in pain but I bit my lip till it practically bleed.

“To get me to stop, all you have to do is say ‘Please Mistress’” her words were slowly purred as the whip came down at me twice as hard. “Easy right?”

After what seemed like hours and probably was the torture stopped. I could no longer stand and hung from my upstretched shackled wrists, which were bound in silver and suspended on the ceiling holding all my weight. The clicking sound of heels resonating off the cold cement floor was echoing in my sensitive ears.

“You’re a stubborn one aren’t you” the woman’s voice never raised or dropped it was always calm and sensual. I was panting from the exertion so made no effort to answer her. The blind fold was ripped from my face suddenly causing me to blink at the blinding light from above.

“I will train you boy” I tried to see her but my vision was blurry though I could make out her silhouette. “And when I do you’ll be begging to please me like the dog you are.” She said huskily, her warm breath fanning my face gently as she pressed her very lush curvaceous body against mine right before she grabbed my neck and the most excruciating pain I ever felt shot though my whole being.

This time I did scream till I could no longer stay conscious and just like that everything went black once more.


Kyle whimpered behind me as I carried him to Cyrus’s cabin (he had told me his name a while ago). The woman who he dragged behind him was blindfolded so she didn’t see the location of his cabin. I didn’t know what that was all about and to be honest I didn’t really care anymore. I just wanted Kyle better and Cyrus was my closes chance to doing that. Plus the way the women acted towards me earlier and the weird vibe I got from her I was pretty sure the guy had a good reason for holding her prisoner but once Kyle was better I’ll ask him what was up with all this.

“We’re almost there” he said. I nodded adjusting Kyle’s body in a better position on my back and continued behind them both. Lakota was pacing beside me, his yellow eyes still glaring at the woman. I had no idea why, he was acting so bizarre.

After a few more minutes Cyrus finally spoke.

“Were here” he said and I looked up to see a small quaint little brown cabin hidden deep in the trees for privacy. Cyrus opened the door and ushered me in.

“Just lay him on the bed and I’ll get the medicine” he said chaining the woman on a wood beam in the middle of the room.

Ignoring it I laid Kyle down softly, brushing the damp hair from his forehead. His brows were drawing in tensely as he uttered a groan and I bit my lip with impatience and worry.

“Alright I found it, step back.” the guy said walking towards us with a weird colored vile in his hand. I got to my feet and stood aside as he opened the bottle.

“Ugh” I exclaimed covering my nose at the foul smell. “What is that?” I muttered through my hand.

“I can’t exactly tell you that but all you need to know is that it will make him better.” He never looked up at me just reached over and poured a couple drops in the angry festering wound on Kyle side. His body jerked moments later and I jumped towards him fearing that we were too late and I was going to lose when Cyrus grabbed me before I can reach him.

“Kyle!” I cried fighting in Cyrus’s arms to get free but he yanked me roughly to his chest.

“Stop! Let it work” he hissed in my ear. I completely went limp at his words and watched once again as my mate suffered from body jarring seizures. I think I was crying my eyes out by the time they were over. Everything was quiet as Cyrus let me go and I fell to my knees at the side of Kyle’s bed.

“What now?” I stuttered.

“Now we wait” I turned to look up at him.

“Wait for what?” I frowned. His piecing blue eyes bore right at me.

“For him to wake, …that is if he wants to.” I turned back to Kyle and a deep dread filled my blood.

‘If he wants to’

Was he saying Kyle might never wake … up?

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