Runaway (The Knight Society #1)

Chapter 21 - War

We were gathered in the Command Room once more. Not long after we had arrived at breakfast, our beepers had flashed blue and we quickly made our way there. On the screen was a recording from one of the cameras around the hive. It was from half an hour ago. A lone figure walked through the trees, coming to a stop right in front of the camera as if he knew exactly where it was. The hood he was wearing shielded his face but there was no doubt in my mind who he was. Arthur.

Slowly, he raised his arms to the sky and for about thirty seconds nothing happened and then the first one arrived. Slowly a single mongrel moved out of the bushes and came to a rest at Arthur’ feet. It just sat there and then another arrived, and another until the camera was filled with mongrels all sitting patiently in front of Arthur. Like loyal puppy dogs. Fear seized me at the sight of so many mongrels. An army. He had a mongrel army. Finally, he lowered his arms and turned slightly so he was facing the camera. His face was still hidden in the shadows but I could swear he was smiling. Lifting one hand he pointed it at the camera, the message clear.

I’m coming for you.

Then he turned and walked away, the mongrels kept up the puppy dog act and dutifully followed him. Thick silence hung in the Command Room, fear pouring from everyone. Panic clawed at my heart, but like I had done so many times before, I pushed it down and focused. Standing up I got out of my chair and began to pace.

“We need to get everyone inside the Institute now,” I said looking at Pierre. Hesitation was clear in his eyes but I had no time for that. “Now, Pierre. That man is headed here with an army of mongrels. We can’t risk any bystanders being outside when they arrive.” He finally nodded and leaped into action.

“Zach and Trish, gather every man woman and child who aren’t Knights and place them in the Commons Room. I’ll drop by to make the announcement. Chloe push the alarm button.”

Zach and Trish leaped out of the room while Chloe nodded and quickly walked across the room to a big red button. As soon as she pushed it a loud alarm echoed through the Institute's hallways. Pierre turned to the Uncle John.

“John, you and Krug gather the Knights in the Great Hall and let them know the situation. I want everyone armed and ready for an attack in the next five minutes.” They both nodded and left the room as well. Pierre then turned to Carrol.

“Carrol I need you ready with the H-toxin.” He glanced at the video recording once more. “God knows we’ll need it.” He muttered under his breath. As Carrol left the room he turned his gaze on me, the worry in his eyes plain to see.

“Jack, what’s your plan?” He asked and I gave him a grim smile.

“I’m going to be exactly where he expects me to be.”

“Where’s that?”

“At the gate waiting for his arrival,” I replied and Pierre gave me a small nod, before leaving the room himself.

The others moved about in a flurry of activity. Ed, Avery, and Drake rushed out of the room to prepare for the coming battle, while the Command Crew, who kept their weapons by their computers, quickly armed themselves. Once armed they typed away at their computers no doubt sending alerts to the other Institutes about the attack. After they were done they quickly left to join the others in the Great Hall, leaving me all alone.

I stared at the recorded image on the screen, Arthur surrounded by a swarm of mongrels, his arm raised to the heavens, as if he were committing an act of divinity. The adrenaline starts to build in me, along with the bloodlust. Already I can feel my body relaxing, wanting to give into the dance of battle. Standing I take one last look at the recording before I leave.

You’re mine, Arthur.

I made my way to the Great Hall. The room is gigantic, the size of a ballroom, but with all of the Knights crammed in it suddenly didn’t seem so big anymore. They stood in neat, ordered lines, armed to the teeth as they listened to Pierre brief them on the situation. I didn’t move to join them, I’ve never belonged amongst them, always been different but at that moment it doesn’t bother me. Instead, I scanned the crowd for familiar faces but see none. The energy in the room hums with excitement and fear. Pierre breaks the news about the mongrel army and the scales tip in fear’s favour.


They should be afraid.

They’re all going to die.

A sinister voice whispers in my mind and I push it away. Pierre takes a step back and Uncle John steps forward.

“Friends, today we face a battle unlike any we have ever faced before.” Uncle John’s voice booms out across the Hall and I can’t help the wry smile curving my lips. Uncle John has always been a world-class motivational speaker. Having been on the receiving end of such a speech before I know what’s coming.

“Yes, the odds might not be in our favour. And yes some of you might fall in combat but we are Knights! We chose this path. We chose to defend those weaker than ourselves. To protect our friends and family from these monsters.” The energy in the room starts to build, everyone focused on him as Uncle John weaves his magic spell.

“We fight to protect. We fight to destroy evil. But most importantly. We. Fight. To. LIVE!” A deafening roar filled the Hall as the Knights shout their agreement and stamped their feet. Yup, Uncle John could work a crowd like a pro. After a while, Uncle John raised his hand and the roaring instantly quietened.

“So my friends, I ask you this. Will you fight alongside me, so that we may live another day?” The cheers started up again even louder this time and I watched the spectacle a moment longer before slipping out the door.

It was a short walk from the Great Hall to the front door and I was soon standing in front of those large double doors. Taking a deep breath I push open the door and step outside. Wind whips at my face, washing over me in chilling waves. Outside is deserted, empty of all life. The sun hangs high in the sky, its heat doing little to take away the chill. Beyond the gate there lies only forest. The army hasn’t arrived yet but it will soon. Putting one foot in front of the other I force myself forward towards the fence’s entrance. The huge black gate is locked shut but somehow I know that won’t hold back the mongrels for long. I come to a stop metres away from the black metal and wait.

It takes ten minutes for the army to appear in the distance. Arthur doesn’t even bother trying to hide, instead, he leads his army of monsters straight down the road leading to the Institute. It’s another five minutes till I get my first good look at the man who calls himself Arthur. Dressed in black pants and a black hoodie the man would look like an ordinary guy if it weren’t for the mask covering his face. The black plastic covers the majority of his face, leaving only his mouth unobstructed. A mouth that curves into a cruel smile at the sight of me. The mongrel army following him is even bigger than it looked on the recording. Nearly a hundred and fifty of the beasts trailed after him, their features mashed into snarling rage. Arthur raises his hand and the mongrels come to a stop. Crossing the last of the distance on his own Arthur pauses near the gate and smiles at me through the gaps.

“My Queen, I am most pleased that you have chosen to meet me.” He said, his voice low and silky.

“I am not your Queen, Arthur.” Unperturbed he takes another step towards me.

“But you will be soon, Guinevere.” I decide to ignore that, grating my teeth instead.

“What do you want Arthur?” I ask as if bored by his presence. His smile drops and beneath the mask his eyes narrow.

“I told you, I want it all. Power. Money. You. Everything.” I hide a shiver at his words and instead take a step forward of my own.

“Why this Institute?” I ask, hoping he’ll keep talking long enough for me to get a straight answer out of him.

“This place is a stepping stone.” He says waving a dismissing hand over the building. “Today it’s here, tomorrow it’s London, and the day after that it’s the world.” The crazed glint enters his eye once again. His eyes flicker over my shoulder and his mouth forms a pout. “I see you’ve gathered your forces.” I didn’t need to look over my shoulder to know that the Institute’s Knights’ had gathered near the front door. I give a small shrug.

“You’ve got your army and I’ve got mine,” I reply lightly and his eyes light up with excitement.

“Your friends have no chance of surviving, my mongrels will slaughter them. This Institute will be mine.” Taking a final step forward I wrap my hands around the black metal of the gate.

“Over my dead body.” I hiss and he smiles once more.

“Oh don’t worry, I gave my pets strict orders not to harm my Queen.” We’re so close now, only the metal of the gate separating us. From this distance, I can see the blonde hair under the hoodie and the bright green of his eyes. “Soon I will walk amongst the corpses of your friends and you will be all mine.” He whispers and I can feel the puff of his breath on my skin.

“I will kill you, Arthur,” I whisper back, my voice harder than the metal beneath my fingers. “Even if I have to die along with you.” Instead of the fear I expect, wonder appears in his eyes.

“You more perfect than I had ever expected.” His own hands raise and he wraps them around mine. A shudder of disgust rolls through me at even that slightest touch. “I will have you, My Queen. Make no mistake about it. We were born for each other.” With that cryptic remark, he slips his hands from mine and retreats back into his army of monsters.

They swallow him up and it’s not long before I lose sight of him. Still, the beasts don’t make a move, waiting for something. I take a step back from the gate and another until finally I turn around. Sure enough every Knight is gathered around the Institute, swords raised, ready to defend their home. The sight is incredible and terrifying. So many of them will die today. Uncle John stands at the front, flanked by Pierre and Krug.

I march towards them, unsheathe my own sword and take up a position next to Uncle John. He glances at me before focusing back on the gate.

“Everything okay Squirt?” he asks and I give him a tight nod.

I glance at the Knights nearest me and spot Avery and Ed. Unlike everyone else Avery isn’t focused on the gate, no he’s looking straight at me. His blue eyes burn brighter than ever before, conveying a world of emotion. My mind flashes back to our almost kiss and for a moment I let myself get lost in his gaze. All too soon reality returns and I focus back on the present. Emotion swirls inside me and I give him a small, sad smile which he returns. Turning he focuses on the gates and after a moment I do the same. I tamp down on the emotion inside me. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and let the calm wash over me, let the peace before the fight wash over me. Snapping my eyes back open I watch as the mongrels swarm the black gate. It creaks under their assault. They ram at it until finally with a shuddering groan it gives way. There’s a moment of acute silence, where time itself seems to pause. It hovers in the air until finally, after what seems like a lifetime, one of the mongrels’ lurches forward. The spell is broken. Uncle John raises his sword.

“ATTACK!” He calls out and the Knights charge forward.

The two armies meet in a collision of steel, teeth and blood and I’m right in the thick of it. I slice and cut my way into the mongrel hoard. Around me is chaos. A cacophony of human screams and mongrel growls fills the air but I remain focused on my task; taking down as many of the beasts as possible. I plunge my sword into the belly of one mongrel and quickly yank out my sword and chop of its head. Mongrel after mongrel falls under my blade and the ground is littered with their bodies but not theirs alone. Amongst the corpses I can see human features. I don’t stop to check if I know them. Injuries burn all over me and I know despite Arthur’ so called orders I’ve sustained quite a bit of damage. I don’t stop to inject the H-toxin though, because stopping means another Knight goes down instead of a mongrel.

A mongrel leaps at me from the side and I turn and cut off its head in a swift motion. A few metres away Uncle John is fighting off his own beast and I see him take it down, before another mongrel takes a leap at me. Its teeth clamp around my arm and pull away, tearing flesh. I barely notice the wound as I plunge my blade into its back, severing the spine. Another mongrel takes its place and so the cycle continues.

On and on the battle goes and just when I’m convinced there is no end to the bloodshed it finally begins to ease. I cut off the head of another mongrel and turn to face the next until I realise there isn’t another. Only a few remain and together the Knights eliminate them. Bodies are everywhere and the ground is soaked through with blood both mongrel and Knight. We won. The remaining Knights raise their swords and roar their victory. I raise my own and join in the battle cry.

We won.

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