Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ XXVI ☽

I get to leave the hospital today.

Since my mom doesn’t want me to become a drug addict, there’s not much else they can do for me here. It’s going to take time for me to heal, and it seems like I’ll have to get used to the uncomfortable pain for a while. I was glad to leave. I couldn’t move around much, and I was lonely for parts of my day. Ty would come for a few hours but it’s not like he could stay for long. Others from school came to visit me and see how I was. Word travels fast in a small town so I did get quite a few visitors.

My parents were taking care of the registration paperwork so they could check me out. Meanwhile, I had five Martin brothers in my room, just standing there and brooding.

I wasn’t sure if they were mad at me...or what...

Cana and Baron usually aren’t like that, but they follow their alpha male who is always brooding and grumpy.

“We came to see how you were.” Channing finally said, though he didn’t soften up despite his good intentions.

I tried not to take it personally but I couldn’t help it. “You all don’t have to look like that.” I said.

“Like what?” Brendan asked, though his expression didn’t change either.

I wanted to tell them to look a little happier since I was getting out of the hospital today, but I wasn’t sure if it was the right time. I don’t remember any of what happened and I don’t know if they succeeded in their plans.

“So, Henri did his thing on me.” I started.

“Good thing he did.” Channing said, which was a bit of a surprise to me since Channing wanted him to stay away from me.

The others agreed with Channing though.

“What they did to you, you shouldn’t have to relive that.” Baron said. “Your screams were actually chilling.”

I don’t remember. I wanted to know but I had a feeling they wouldn’t tell me. Maybe it's best that I don't ask...but it's weird having chunks of my memory missing. The only thing I can truly remember is leaving my house.

After that, everything goes black.

“Trust me, you don’t want to remember.” Brendan said when he noticed that I was thinking too hard. They could all tell I was trying to remember what happened.

They’re seeing it as a good thing that I don't recall anything.

From their perspective, they saved me from trauma. I wasn’t going to fight them on it mostly because Ty did this to protect me. I believed him, and so I believe his brothers when they say I should be lucky.

My expression didn’t say I was that happy though.

“We were careless.” Channing spoke again after some time. His expression was still serious as he looked at me. I was worried that there was more he wasn't telling me, more about whatever happened. “I thought we had the situation handled, and I trusted Henri to get you out safe. I didn’t consider them going after him, too.” It sounded like he was going to apologize. He was owning up to his mistake, but I could hardly call it that.

The atmosphere of the room changed. Baron, Cana, Brendan, and Cina wouldn’t look at me. They shouldn’t feel guilty about what happened to me. The fact that I’m still alive means they protected me. I’m grateful for that much.

“Are the vampires still...” I didn't want to think this was all for nothing. And by Channing stared at me, there was this feeling of a lingering problem.

“They won’t be a threat for a long while.” Channing said.

Well I was wrong about that. “That’s great.” I think I was the only one that was happy. “It means the plan worked.”

“At the expense of you getting injured-”

“Considering how many times I’ve gotten hurt in the past year, I’m not surprised.” Its not that I don’t care, but Channing is making this a bigger deal than it has to be. “I don’t remember what happened, so you don’t have to bring it up again.”

“Alright, you’re the boss.” Cina said, the first one to give up.

Brendan touched my face, leaning my head to the side so he could see my ear. “Seems like I’m gonna have to pierce your ear again.”

I flinched at the thought of getting another piercing. “No thanks!” I said abruptly. “If the vampires are gone, I don’t need a needle in my ear.” I tried to stand up so I could move away from him, but it hurt to bear weight on my left ankle.

Cina was the one that caught me as I fell back. He purposely put his arm around my waist when all he had to do was lift me up, maybe put his hand on my back. But he just had to put his arm around my waist.

“Cina.” I warned him. If I even try to shift, I might hurt myself again. I was perfectly still while Cina held on to me.

“What? You wanted me to let you fall and hurt your pretty little head?” He asked.

Brendan laughed loudly. “Ty’s going to hurt you one day.”

Cina helped me stand up straight before letting me go. “Yeah, we’ll see.” He didn’t believe Brendan.

I was ready to get out of here and be in my own house. I was already dressed and had all my prescriptions. The only thing I had to wait on was a wheelchair since the nurses won’t physically let me walk out on my own. Not that I would make it far anyway.

“Considering that we’re all going to have free time now, what are you going to do?”

“Free time?” Channing didn’t seem convinced. “Final exams are in two weeks.”

No one really takes final exams seriously. I know I should but it’s not like I’ll fail. I’ve been doing fine in my classes. Channing definitely doesn’t need to worry either.

“You’re already graduating, might as well have a little fun.”

His brothers were laughing. Channing, as interested as he wanted to be, was not hopeful about having time to himself. “Yeah, okay.” he said as he turned away to go towards the door so he could leave. It’s always work and responsibilities with him. He really deserves a break.

“We’ll see you around, Gabriel.” Baron continued laughing. “We’re definitely not going to leave without saying goodbye.”

I forgot that they don’t live at home anymore. Both Baron and Cana are in college. I never got a chance to ask what happened to them this semester. Clearly they couldn’t go back.

“Online classes are not for me, so I’m definitely not doing this shit again.” Cana said.

“Plus I miss the parties.” Baron added.

“You guys are so lame.” Brendan sighed as he pushed them along out of my room. I was tempted to follow them, but I sat down on my bed because my foot hurt.

When I try to think about what happened to me, I just draw a blank. I can’t feel my arm, and my chest sometimes hurts. I had to have been hit hard for me to have these injuries. Everyone says its a good thing I don’t remember.

I really should leave it at that.

My dad came in the room, pushing the empty wheelchair in front of him. I groaned unhappily. I don’t need to be wheeled around. I can walk just fine.

“Hey,” he didn’t want to hear me complain. “If your mom sees you walking around, she’s going to yell at me.” And he definitely didn’t want that.

“So what I have a limp?”

He pointed to the wheelchair so I would get in it. I wasn’t thrilled, but I got up and placed myself in the wheelchair so he could get me out of the room.

I also had to wear an annoying arm sling.

My arm is already in a cast, why do I have to add something else to it?

Mom came over to us, but she was in her uniform so she couldn’t stay long since she was working. She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“I’d feel great if I could walk out of here.”

“You heard the doctor. No weight bearing for a few days.”

I didn’t want to listen. Its not like I would be able to get around the house. I know it would be hard to use crutches, but it’s better than this.

My mom looked at my right arm, and pointed to the writing on my cast. “That’s cute. Did Ty write that?” she smiled.

I was going to tell everyone that my boyfriend drew on my cast. I couldn’t even hold back my excitement as I looked up at my mom.

My dad scoffed when he saw it. “Don’t you think that’s a little gay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I would hope so.” I leaned my head back to look at him since I couldn’t turn around. He just rolled his eyes.

“Leave him alone.” My mom said, hitting his arm lightly.

“But am I wrong?”

He really wasn’t.

I was home alone on Wednesday. I haven’t been to school since last week. I've had to stay home and do nothing for most of my time. I’m okay with that, but today is my first day to myself. My parents had to go to work, and as much as they really didn't want to leave me alone, they couldn't call out much more than they already did. I had to really convince them that I would be okay by myself for the day.

It's not like I could do anything anyway.

Where was I going to go? Not outside, that's for sure.

So, this was a prime opportunity to spend the day with Ty. He skipped school to be with me. I shouldn't be a bad influence, but I didn't want to be alone today.

Taking care of myself is exhausting. I can only use one arm and can barely reach for things because of my rib pain. It’s not as bad as before, but it makes it hard to do things myself. At least my ankle doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m glad I can stand on my own two feet.

But taking a shower is annoying.

That’s why Ty is here.

Though he didn’t get the hint that he should get in with me. I don’t know how to make it more obvious. I’m naked. What else do I need to do to show him that he can take advantage of me?

“You can’t keep spraying water on me.” Ty said as he rubbed my shampoo in my hair. “Getting my clothes wet isn’t going to make me take them off.” He wasn't going to get in the shower with me.

When did he get his control back?

I frowned and splashed a bit of water on the sleeve of his shirt. His hands stopped moving in my hair and he looked me in the eyes, almost like he wanted to scold me for my behavior. “Gabriel-”

“Don’t you want me?” I asked.

“I want to take care of you.” He said.

As cute as that was, that’s not what I’m asking for. But if he’s not horny, there’s no use in trying to make him. He was doing me a favor by helping me. My left arm gets tired when I reach up. And I certainly can’t do anything with my right arm. So I guess I was okay with him taking care of me.

And he was blushing a little because he got to see me naked.

It’s not like it’s the first time, but it’s nice to know that I still get him flustered.

Maybe it’s because I’m dripping wet, too.

He continued to run his hands in my hair till the shampoo was all over. His fingers slowed down a bit, then he was trailing his index finger down my neck and to my chest. I opened my mouth to make my request again, and just like that, his hands were back in my hair like he didn’t get distracted for a second.

I frowned again. This is not fair.

“I don’t get why you’re upset.” Ty said.

“We haven’t showered together before.”

“Why do you want to?” He asked genuinely, wanting to know why I was so persistent.

“Because it’s an intimate thing to do, and I want to be intimate with you.”

It’s not always about sex...and I know Ty really wants to work on his control again so he doesn’t suffer next year. We’re already so close anyway, why not do more things together? This is the perfect opportunity.

And possibly sex.

But mostly because I love him and I think showering together would be such a vulnerable and intimate thing we could do.

“It’s not because you want to see me naked?” Ty asked.

“I always want to see you naked.” I answered. How could I not? I stare at his arms a lot, and I like tracing my fingers on his back.

Ty wasn’t thrilled.

But he did step away and moved his arms back so he could pull off his shirt. He tossed it on the floor and unbuttoned his pants so he could take that off, too. I wiped the water off my face so I could stare as he pushed down his underwear. I had to admit I was happy that he was doing this with me. I won’t tempt him into doing more.

There was still a faint blush on his face as he stood up straighter. I’ve seen him naked so he shouldn’t be embarrassed. Maybe it was because I was smiling. He knows I could stare at him all day, and I just might if he lets me.

I moved aside as he stepped into my shower, getting under the water. His black hair began to mash around his face. The way he pushed his hair back, running his fingers through the curls, and let the water fall over his skin, was absolutely heavenly.

I really need to tell him that I’m attracted to him more often.

“Wow.” I said in awe from watching him be the hottest person in my life.

“Gabriel, stop. You’re making me nervous.” He sounded like it. “It’s just a shower.”

Not for long. “Sure.”

He put his hands in my hair, slowly washing out the shampoo. I closed my eyes as he continued to wash my hair. As much as I wanted to say something, I didn’t. I liked having him touch my hair.

He’s gentle.

And soft. Kind. Sweet.

He lifted my head up slightly and kissed my lips. That’s what made me smile. My good arm moved around him and I leaned into him more.

This is nice, making out in the shower, not caring about anything else in the world. Being with him this way truly did make my heart flutter. As much as I was teasing him before, I had to admit that I was probably getting as flustered as he was. That wasn’t going to stop me from being incredibly close with him though.

I definitely lost track of time while he kissed me. The water running down our bodies was the only reminder that we were still in my shower. I breathed deeply, feeling the pain in my ribs. I tried to suppress my groan, but now there was this throbbing sensation going all over my side.

Usually Ty gets concerned for me when he thinks I’m in pain. Now was no different. He pulled away and looked to where I was injured. His hand gently caressed my side, his fingers trailing around my bruises. I didn’t want him to worry, but I knew he would anyway. My left hand pressed over his where he touched me. As much as I wanted to assure him that I was fine, that I wasn’t in pain, I didn’t.

Instead I rested my head on his shoulder and hoped we could spend a minute more together like this.

After a bit of time, Ty helped me get out of the shower and got me dressed. When my hair was dry, I laid down in my bed and rested my head on my pillow. Ty got dressed and laid in bed with me, too.

“Are you hungry?” He asked quietly.

I actually thought about the answer to that question. “Well...” Would he cook for me? “I have to eat to take my pain meds.” I said.

“I can get something for you.”

I nodded.

I can think about him cooking for me, but I’ve only had an appetite for small things. I’ll probably only eat a bowl of cereal. Ty knew this.

For a few seconds he continued to stare at me. I liked seeing the look in his eyes, like he’d risk everything for me. We both know he would. I smiled slightly and so did he.

It’s nice to know that he’s not feeling so down. If I can make him smile then everything will be okay.

Ty left my room.

I was the only one in my bed. It was quiet. I closed my eyes though I wasn’t tired. I’ve been calm for the past few days, which is a good thing. I was reminded of how I don’t exactly remember how I got my injuries. Going through that trauma again would make it hard to sleep.

I thought about Henri.

I hadn’t seen a while.

No one has said anything about him, if he was okay, where he was. I texted him once but I didn’t get a response. If I ask about him, will someone tell me what happened?

Something shifted in my bed gently. When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar face, one I was just thinking about.

Henri was laying in my bed and he was looking at me.

From the looks of it, he wasn’t hurt. I don’t know what I was expecting, but seeing him perfectly fine wasn’t it. So I was incredibly relieved to see him.

“Ty knows I’m here.” He started. Though he said it cautiously, I laughed. He’s not big on saying their names. It makes me wonder if he has a new found respect.

“I’m glad you’re still alive.”

“I can say the same for you.” He smiled weakly. I wanted to let his words sink in but I wanted to think about something else. “I came to say goodbye.”

That was a surprise to me. “You’re leaving?” I thought it was too soon.

“I shouldn’t stay.” He said. “After everything that’s happened, it’s time for me to leave with the rest of the vampires.”

Was this his choice?

I had to know.

He saw the way I looked at him, almost heart broken because he decided to leave. “I made a deal with Channing to get what I want. Now it’s time for him to get what he wants.”

“He told you to leave?”

“It’s the only thing I could offer up of value.” It’s not like that made me feel any better. “Vampires are travelers. We don’t stay in one place.”

He’s told me this before so I can’t be surprised. “I know...” But hearing him actually tell me he was leaving made me sad. “I just thought I’d have more time with you.”

Henri looked away, his blue eyes solemn. It must’ve been what I said. He had tried to look happier seconds before, but then I made my comment and things became real. The fact that he wasn’t smiling the way he usually does made this worse.

I didn’t want him to say goodbye.

I didn’t want him to leave.

But I know better. “Do I have to wait fifty years before you come around again?” I asked.

“Trust me, I’ll come find you one day.” He smiled.

Still, there was a sadness in his eyes, but his smile did reassure me enough. He has to leave, I know this, so I wasn’t going to beg and plead for him to stay. He’s promising to find me one day, and I’m sure he’ll look the exact same as he does now.

I won’t forget him.

“Thank you.” I said kindly. He’s done so much for me. I basically owe him my life.

He continued to smile genuinely at me. I’ll miss this, the way he reminds me of the sun. “I’ll see you around, Gabriel.” He said.

When I blinked, he was gone.

It was almost as if I was speaking to a ghost. Just as quickly as he appeared, he disappeared, and there was no trace of him except for the lingering image of his face in my mind.

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