Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☼ XX ☼

It was raining outside.

I wanted to say I was calm, just laying in bed in the dark, listening to the rain. The truth is I didn’t feel much at all. I don’t know why, but I just...didn’t feel anything.

Ty was laying next to me. His fingers traced up and down my arm slowly when he realized I wasn’t able to go to sleep. Listening to rain just helped to ease the fact that I wasn’t okay, that everything was...a bit of a blur at the moment. The thunder didn’t scare me. The lightening flashed in my room for just half a second before going dark. Ty’s fingers stopped at the palm of my hand and didn’t move.

I thought he fell asleep.

I got closer to him, my forehead pressing against his. His skin was much hotter than normal. He was sweating too. He’s had a fever all day and not much could bring it down. Even laying in bed didn’t seem to help him. My hand moved, my fingers lacing with his so I could hold his hand. His breathing was a bit labored, probably from the stress his body was enduring.

Its been a while since he’s gotten a fever this bad.

“You should sleep.” I whispered.

Lightening flashed and I was able to get a glimpse of his face. His eyes were closed, yet I had this subtle feeling like he won’t doze off because I haven’t fallen asleep yet. My fingers tightened over his and he took a deeper breath as a response.

“I’m okay.” he said quietly, sounding a bit weak.

I shifted closer again. My nose brushed against his cheek lightly. His breathing was still ragged but he calmed down a lot more over the past hour. Though he was still hot. I worried about him having a high temperature for so long. He needs to sleep but I don’t want him to be knocked unconscious.

“...Gabriel.” he whispered.


“You’re too close.”

I shouldn’t take advantage of him, especially when he has a fever. It’s just that it’s easier to get his clothes off when he feels all that heat. I wasn’t doing it just to do it. Well, I shouldn’t say that. But it helps sometimes, when he gets to touch me and be close to me.

He didn’t push me away, but I didn’t make another move until I was sure that he could handle it. Like usual, he tried to hold back. Most of the time he fails, but it just depends on how long that takes. His breathing picked up again and he started to shift in bed, leaning over me more to kiss me. It didn’t take him long to give in this time.

His lips pressed softly over mine, kissing me gently once...twice...a third time. It was sweet, and nice, and loving.

The perfect way to spend the night.

My heart swelled with love for him, the first emotion I’ve gotten all evening. It was overwhelming in a good way, the kind of way that puts butterflies in my stomach. The kind of way that makes me blush but not want to hide.

I couldn’t help but smile.

“Can we...?” he didn’t finish his question but I knew what he was asking.

“Yeah.” I whispered before I pressed my lips to his again.

His hand let go of mine and he wrapped his arm around me. He held me against his body as his hand moved in my shirt, pressing flat on my back. He kissed me with more enthusiasm, and I know it’s because he gets to go further tonight. It’s cute when he gets excited.

With the thunderstorm going on, I wasn’t that worried about being too loud.

Within minutes we got each other’s clothes off. Ty was kissing me all over and it made my skin feel all tingly. I was just as excited as he was to have this time to be close with him. He moved the blankets because it was getting hotter.

He could probably see more of me than I could of him. My face felt flushed. He’s seen me naked multiple times before, yet every time I get a little embarrassed. Maybe it’s because he stares. I have to admit that I like it though, the way he looks at me makes me feel like I’m the only person for him.

I caught a glimpse of his eyes, a blue glow that happens when his other half is just as conscious. My hand pressed on his chest, feeling him breathe deeply as he looked at me. I could feel his heart beating too and it was fast. He came closer to me to kiss me again. My hand was trailing lower to his stomach, but I didn’t stop there.

I wanted him so badly.

When I touched him, he pulled away to take a shaky breath.

“Be gentle this time, Ty.” I said quietly as I turned over on the bed. “Your teeth actually hurt.”

He sometimes has this need to mark me and he does it over my other scars. Although it’s not as painful as what I’ve experienced before, it’s not always pleasant.

He kissed my shoulder, the new spot he planned to mark me. If he doesn’t, I can expect him to continue rutting up against me until he does. It’s one of his breeding habits. He has quite a few of them.

“Oh...” He said once he reached into my nightstand. “We don’t have condoms.”

That’s not really an issue, and I was surprised that he thought it was. “We’ve had sex without a condom-”

“I’m definitely going to bite you this time.”

My head fell against my pillow. There’s something about him getting riled up even more when we don’t use a condom. If anything, he gets more clingy, which I don’t ever complain about, but I do have to admit sex is more intense.

Again, I won’t complain about it.

It’s just another one of his breeding habits, this need to...fuck...repeatedly. In theory, a condom tones it down a bit.

He was already rubbing against me, his excitement literally leaking through already. Before I lose him, I might as well tell him to not go overboard. “Okay, just...go easy-Ah!”

He wasn’t as patient as he usually is. He pushed himself inside me, and as slow as he tried to go, he really did not want to wait. I pressed my head into my pillow again, holding it tightly as I groaned from the sensation of being filled. It was sudden enough to flood me and I had to muffle my voice.

Ty’s hands were at my waist, his fingers lightly tracing my skin. I heard his sigh as he continued to move against me slowly, the sound of complete satisfaction. If anything was going to turn me on, it would be that. I could feel almost every part of him just pulsing and throbbing inside me. His hands pulled me back a little more so my hips would press against him, and I could feel him slide deeper inside me.

He definitely liked that.

My face was hotter now from listening to him moan. Knowing that I make him feel good was what got me going.

He moved again, his body over mine. His hands pressed into the bed on either side of me and he slowly grinded his hips the way it made him feel good. I rolled my hips back against him, too, and he seemed to like that just as much.

The rattling from the rain started to quiet down as soon as Ty began moving more. I was hoping that the storm would cover up any noise but it didn’t seem like that was going to happen. Ty pressed against me again just like before so his cock would rest deep inside me.

I gasped at the feeling, especially at how good it felt. I forgot that I had to be quiet, and it wasn’t helping that Ty was trying his hardest to be buried into me. My voice came out louder than I expected, a strained whine from the shock of him being so deep. He kissed my shoulder and the nape of my neck. As I tensed up more, I felt his arm move around me.

As he kissed my ear, he shushed me to remind me to be quiet, though it just barely helped. Even though I mashed my lips together in attempt to silence myself, his movements became more abrupt as if he wanted me to slip up and moan out loud.

He was definitely getting me there, I can say that.

He kissed my ear again as he thrusted into me. I did my best to stay quiet but I felt good. I could hear that he did too. There was nothing sexier than hearing him moan in my ear.

It really didn’t take long for me to reach my climax. That’s when he kissed me, probably to try and keep me quiet which didn’t help since he was still moving inside me. I turned my head slightly to breathe, and my moans escaped again; his lips pressed against my cheek as he held on to me tighter.

He was getting close.

When he began kissing my neck, reaching the base to almost where my shoulder was, I started to brace myself. When he bites, it hurts. It’s not the worst pain, but it can be painful. His tongue flattened over where he planned to make his mark on my skin. But with every rough thrust, I was left anticipating the exciting pain that would come from his teeth. He was trying hard to hold back. He groaned deeply as he shifted over me. There was this desperate need to bite me, to mark me, to claim me.

His hold got tighter on me and his thrusts became sloppier. His body was shaking, tensing from the strain. When he was deep enough, he stopped suddenly, his cock pulsing and throbbing with his release.

I rolled my hips back he came inside me. He jolted a bit and lifted himself off me, his hand pressing on my back as the other held my hips against him.

Even after how rough he was with me, his cock was still throbbing excitedly inside me, as if he wasn’t done.

When I thought he was going to keep moving, he pulled out instead. He wasn’t exactly satisfied, yet he had the strength to stop. I know when he can go a second round.

And right now, he was just seconds away from going for it.

“You didn’t mark me.” I laid my head down on the pillow and took a deep breath. I hope I didn’t sound disappointed.

“I’ll try to stop doing it if it’s painful.”

Of course he was thinking about me and how I felt. Lately he’s good at figuring out what I’m feeling, which is fine.

But I don’t want him to fight his instincts.

“It’s actually kind of sexy when you do it.” I admitted. “You get all possessive and rough, like no one else can have me.” It’s a nice thing to think about really.

I was getting excited again just letting the thought roam my mind.

Ty remained quiet for a second. Then his hand pressed on my back as he positioned himself over me. I laughed quietly because it didn’t take long for him to be ready to go again.

“I love you so much.” He said, almost like he was swooning in affection as he rubbed up against me.

I laughed. “Round two?” I asked, a little more than just excited. He was eager, too. And I know this time he was going to make his mark on me to show that I’m his.

I was able to go to Ty’s house after school. My parents were being slightly lenient with me being grounded. Though, I think now it’s less of me not being able to go anywhere and more them limiting how much time I can be outside.

If I stay in one spot it’s better to stay protected.

There is always someone nearby me to keep watch and make sure a vampire doesn’t try to get me. I might not know who is around me, but they’re there. I’m not the only one being protected but I’m the one that knows about it.

To say it’s a little stressful would be an understatement.

The Martin brothers are working hard to make sure no one else gets hurt. The vampires continue to disappear and reappear and Channing is doing his best to track them down. There’s a lot going on right now, and it’s best not to ask about it. As long as everyone is safe, then I will let them do what they have to.

“Ty! Can you drive me to-Oh!” Leo bumped into me before he could stop. “You’re not Ty.” He said loudly, and I saw his nose flare. “Oh...”


Oh...I smell like Ty because of what happened last night. My face was beginning to get hot and I couldn’t think of anything to tell Leo so he could change the subject.

Leo was blushing, too. “I just needed some things at the library a-and...” He started to get flustered, and to be honest I’ve never seen him like that before.

He’s usually so oblivious.

“It’s okay, Leo.” I said to him quietly so he wouldn’t be nervous.

I should probably go sit outside so I don’t bother the others. Just by being in close proximity makes them anxious.

“It’s really strong.” He said.


“It’s not your fault!” He didn’t want me to feel bad. “It’s just...I didn’t realize what the others were complaining about” he said, his eyes going somewhere else so he wouldn’t have to look at me.

“I’ll go...sit outside.” I gestured towards the door that lead to the backyard.

It was a cloudy day and the air was surprisingly cold, but if I had to be outside to not cause trouble then I’m fine with that. Leo seemed to relax a bit more, well enough that he was okay with me being out of the house but nearby.

The sun barely poked through the clouds. There was one ray of light that squeezed through enough but was gone within a few seconds. I followed the walkway that led to the fire pit. I planned to sit alone and stare at the trees, but I turned to look around and saw someone laying on the other patio couch by the stone wall.

Jackie has never really been bothered by the way I smelled. I can tell because he doesn’t make comments about that.

Though, as I sat next to him, his nose flared a bit, a similar gesture that his other brothers do when they smell something that’s not normal. He opened one eye to peak at me, then he sighed.

“I haven’t slept in two days.” He said. “I would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t bother me.”

“Okay.” I said.

Usually, I get this itch to keep a conversation going, but Jackie says some mean things and I’m not sure how much I can handle today. So instead I got comfortable, laying back with my arms behind my head, and I stared at the cloudy sky.

“You have to do that here?” He asked since I didn’t move away from him.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I pretended to be oblivious.

That’s what made him sit up and glare at me. His eyes were blood shot from not sleeping, which isn’t unusual for him. A frown marked his face, but again, that’s not unusual either. “There are all these empty chairs, but you have to come next to me.” He was frustrated.

I just smiled.

He rolled his eyes and fell back against the cushion again.

I wanted to make an attempt to be nice to Jackie. Every time we talk, it ends up becoming an argument. Considering how he almost tried to kill me, he can’t be surprised that I get a little mean back to him. Still, he might be on edge...because he doesn’t sleep much.

“So...” I started, trying to think of something he would want to talk about. I don’t know about things he likes. He doesn’t like a lot of things. I guess I have to talk school gossip. “I heard Rosie Smith has a thing for you-”

“Oh my God, Gabriel!” He sat up abruptly again. “You’re so fucking nosy, its unbelievable.” he erupted with more frustration. But with the same energy he asked, “She actually said that?” There was this fire in his eyes like he had to know.

I was confused on what just happened. At first I was getting yelled at for being in his business, yet he wants to know if what I said was true. I was stunned for a second.

“Y-yeah.” I tried to respond without sounding absolutely terrified.

He didn’t say anything for a moment. Now he was staring right through me as he thought to himself. Does...he like the girl? She’s a sophomore but I know her sister. I overheard the conversation, and was a bit shocked to say the least. This girl has to know a side of Jackie that other people don’t.

“I guess playing hard to get actually works.” he seemed satisfied with the strategy.

I just can’t believe he thinks that works. “Why would you make it more difficult? You’re already hard to want-”

“Like you’re a catch.” he scoffed sarcastically and laid back down. “Ty could do without someone so nosy.”

He and his brothers like to say I’m nosy. Honestly, I’ve accepted the fact that I may be a little too interested in other people’s lives. But I just like knowing about people. I want to be their friends. I think there’s nothing wrong with that though it’s gotten me in trouble before.

Jackie was quiet again, then he said, “I could never go through what he’s going through.” I remember when Brendan said that. “To actually want to be with someone so bad that I’d die for them...I could never.”

“What if you ended up feeling like that about Rosie?” I was curious. He might actually find his “mate” one day and it will definitely strike him.

“I’m different.” he said as a legitimate response. I almost laughed dryly but I held it in. Next thing I know, Jackie is yelling at me again.

“You’d be surprised at how that’s not true.” I wanted to give him some insight. “Brendan got his, too. All you have to do is see the right person, and that’s it.”

He gagged. “You’re one of those people, aren’t you? Believing that love triumphs all and what not.” The way he said it made me not want to answer that question. “There’s no way in hell I’d live my life following someone around.”

He was adamant about what he thought.

I wasn’t here to change that. I just wanted to know what he’s thinking. This is honestly the first time he’s told me anything genuine. Now I know he doesn’t particularly like the idea of being in a committed relationship. It might not even be that. He just doesn’t want to deal with what Ty and Brendan deal with, that intensive bond to only be there for one person.

It can be frightening, I’m assuming from how much trouble Brendan and Ty had with it. Jackie doesn’t like the idea.

I can understand that.

“Okay.” I said.

“‘Okay’? That’s it?” he seemed shocked that I stopped it there.

I looked at him. When he turned his head to look at me, I smiled. “I’m nosy, not preachy.” I said.

“Right.” he scoffed again, but he smiled, too.

The color of his eyes are a bit brighter than his brothers. They were almost a hazel color. I can’t believe I didn’t notice that before. Though, this is my first time being so close to him.

When he’s not frowning, he actually has a softer expression, like Leo. Jackie is the second youngest, and he definitely looked like he was. His brothers are much bigger than he is, but to say he hasn’t grown would be a lie. I wonder if he scowls a lot so people don’t tell him he has a baby face.

I could ask him but that would piss him off.

A gleam of sunlight broke through the clouds, and I was able to feel the ray of heat over my skin. Jackie let out a breath quietly, sighing with relief as he closed his eyes.

And within five minutes, he was able to fall asleep.

Ty dropped me home before I thought it would start raining again. The clouds had darkened over the past hour and there were flashes of lightening that lit up up every couple of minutes. It might be a bad one tonight.

We stood outside together. I was tempted to bring him inside. Maybe he could stay for dinner. My parents like him so they won’t say no.

“Will you come over?” I asked as I tried to play cute so he’d say yes and be in my bed tonight.

He had that plain expression on his face like usual, but he’s probably trying to not get flustered. I know when he’s trying so hard.

“I want to.” He said.

I figured he had to help Channing tonight. I should just be glad that they’re getting along more...I think. I also had my fun with Ty last night.

“I know you have to go protect everyone.” I sighed, a little disappointed that he couldn’t stay with me tonight. “Be safe, okay.”

His hand moved under my chin gently and lifted my head up a little as he leaned closer to kiss my cheek. I smiled as he kissed me again. Ty is so cute, especially when he’s showing me affection.

I wish he could stay tonight.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kept him close because I didn’t want him to pull away. “You’re so cute.” I laughed as he nuzzled his face to my neck. “I love you.”

I wanted him to stay tonight.

At least when he’s with me, I don’t have to worry about him. I know he can take care of himself, but I will always feel better when we’re together.

He kissed my lips this time, and I just got this burst of energy like I was feeling all of the love he had for me. That just made me want to keep him here longer.

The sound of thunder rumbled through the air, and not a second later did I feel the first few drops of rain in my hair. The last thing on my mind was shielding myself from the rain. Ty kept kissing me and I wanted to keep him here as long as I could.

The rain began to pour. There were more flashes of lightening and thunder that followed almost as quickly. Even as our clothes began to stick to our skin, we didn’t move out of the rain. I tried so hard to hide how giddy I was. My heart was literally quaking at the fact that I’m being kissed in the rain. It’s such a cliche fantasy but there was this raging passion that swelled inside me.

I can’t believe I’m this lucky.

His hands cupped my face just as he kissed me one more time before pulling away to look at me. My heart was still fluttering as I looked at him. I wanted to tell him that I loved him a thousand times even while in this thunderstorm together. He smiled when he saw how happy I was, as if I was able to control the pure excitement and infatuation that I felt.

Before the thunder rolled in again, I heard him tell me he loved me.

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