Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ XI ☽

I was sitting on the hood of Ty’s car. I hadn’t had much to say to him, and that’s because he’s mad at me. It just seems like when I apologize to him, it makes things worse. I don’t want that. It just hurts when he has a specific reason to not talk to me. I don’t like the silent treatment.

“Are you going to keep being mad at me?” I asked him after the aching silence. He barely shifted next to me, but I could tell he did not want to talk about this.

“I’m not mad at you.” He said, though I had this gut feeling like he was.

“I feel like you don’t want me anymore.”

He scrunched up his nose as he looked at me. “That’s a little drastic, Gabriel.” he said to me. “There’s nothing you could do that would make me not want you.”

“Aw.” I smiled though he made a displeased face because of my reaction. “But you don’t have to lie to me and say you’re not mad.” I’d feel great if Ty wouldn’t hide what he was feeling so he wouldn’t upset me. “You can call me stupid if you have to.”

“What you did was stupid.”

“You’re right.” I acknowledged that.

“But I’m not surprised since you do stuff like that.” He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Is he irritated?

Even if he was, that didn’t stop me from leaning closer to him. Now I had all these things that I wanted to ask him. “Okay, so, no one told me that you already killed two of the vampires.” I really couldn’t tame my curiosity.

“When you’re ending up in the woods, that’s not the first priority.”

“Do you use a wooden stake and fire?”

“Yes, we do.” He answered. “Just like in the legends.”

I had many more questions to ask and I was going to ask them all. It’s not like I know anything about vampires, despite all the mainstream stuff. It took some time to learn about the wolves, and I’m still learning. Now I need to know stuff about vampires.

I definitely had a lot more questions. “Can I-”

“No.” Ty didn’t let me get the question out. He knew what I was going to ask. “What reason would there be for me to give you a wooden stake?”

“You know I can make one myself.” I said to him.


“But I’m not going to.” I don’t need to stress him out. He sighed. “Are they fast?”

“I guess.”

“And strong?”


“Can you beat them?” He looked at me, though he didn’t answer my question. “You’re my protector.” I said to make him smile.

He didn’t.

He looked around for a second. Then he asked, “Are your parents home yet?”

“We have a free house.”

If I say the right words, I can put Ty on edge, which is a good thing. Now I was excited. We can just leave right now, can’t we? The others don’t need us.

Ty tried to pretend like he wasn’t thinking about sex. But when he gets antsy, he gets a little twitchy, and now was no exception. I smiled to myself as I remained close to him. The faster this gets over with, the quicker we can go to my house.

In the blink of an eye, someone made an appearance not too far off from the entrance of the library. Just as quickly as my attention was turned to Henri, I could see that he was not that excited to see Ty standing next to me. He had turned around to leave, and if I had blinked again he would’ve been gone, except there was a pack of wolves not too far from where he was, and that’s what made him second guess the idea of leaving.

He was cornered and couldn’t go anywhere.

He turned around again to look at us, this time at me and I couldn’t help but feel a little apologetic for ambushing him. It was for a good reason. I hope.

Channing was in his human form, and he was walking over to where the wolves were. He was tossing a wooden stake in his hand casually, but it would be a weapon in a seconds notice if he needed it to be. Compared to Henri, Channing looked more like a threat. That’s not surprising when he’s the alpha male of a whole pack of wolves.

“You can’t be serious.” Henri groaned miserably when he saw Channing.

He didn’t want to be here. And it wasn’t going to be any better with Channing threatening death over him.

“I just need some answers.” Channing said calmly. “And since you want to be neutral, might as well get something out of you.”

“I’m not here to cause trouble.” Henri has made himself clear on that multiple times before.

“When you’re messing with someone that runs with the wolves, you’re definitely causing trouble.” Channing didn't agree with Henri's stance on the situation. Henri glanced at me, but then swiftly at Channing again. “Honestly, I don’t have any specific reason to kill you, but my brother does so I wouldn’t make this worse for yourself.”

The wolves around them began to quiet down when Henri didn’t show resistance. He just sighed but he showed compliance.

“You do not want to start a fight with some of the vampires.” Henri warned them. “Those two you killed were practically nobody. If you threaten the wrong ones, you might have a war on your hands.”

“Who’re the wrong ones?” Channing asked.

Henri shook his head, not wanting to answer. “Vampires can be vindictive and vengeful.” He avoided the question, but not too easily.

“We know what you all are.” Channing tossed the wooden stake in the air again just as the wolves began to growl louder. “Tell whoever is in charge that they can’t be here. If I find them, I will take care of the issue myself.”

“I’ll let them know.” Henri turned away as the wolves began to back away from him.

Then he was gone.

That was a quick interaction that happened. Channing seemed some what satisfied. I don’t know what else he expected but it looks like it was something. Would Henri comply? He doesn’t seem like the type to fight, and he’s said he won’t try to get involved. But he was warning them to not mess with some of the others that he’s with, and it genuinely looked like he did not want anything to happen.

With the murders that’s been happening, Channing won’t let them stay.

I guess if another body is found, Channing really might take care of the issue himself.

Ty straightened up and went to the driver side door of the car. He’s ready to leave, and that means I have to leave, too.

Just as I got in the car, I heard a shrill that made me turn to look where it was coming from. A little girl was running across the parking lot, laughing loudly as she went right towards the wolves without the slightest bit of fear. Her mother that was chasing after her had enough fear for the little girl.

The little girl latched on to the auburn wolf and petted him aggressively.

Despite the mother’s fear, which was justified because there were eight giant wolves just near the entrance of the library, the wolves laid down on the ground obediently and the little girl began to touch all of them, going around them and putting her hands in their fur.

“Annabelle!” The mother made her way in the middle of the group and lifted up the little girl.

One of the wolves brushed up against the mother gently, and she looked down sharply at the animal. At first she was going to scream, I could see the fear in her face, but she paused as the others remained quiet.

The wolves were nice.

They’ve always been nice to people.

The only time they become vicious is when their home is threatened.

The little girl reached over her mom’s shoulder to touch the grey wolf that stood up on all four. Her fingers were able to pet his nose just before her mother noticed what was going on behind her.

“That’s so cute.” I started to smile.

“She behaves like you.” Ty sighed as he turned on the car.

“Okay, well I wasn’t lucky to have beast sized wolves around. I literally got yelled at every time I tried to bring a raccoon home.”

He stared at me for a quiet second. Then he said, “I’m not surprised, especially after seeing you holding a few squirrels.”

“I like animals!” I feel like I always have to defend myself when someone wants to bring up me holding on to some random animal that’s around.

“I know.” Ty said, though he wasn’t really surprised, just like he said.

I would’ve made a comment, but we only had so much time once we get to my house and I didn’t want to start another cycle of him not talking to me because he’s mad.

Considering that my parents know that I’m gay, I can count on them not letting Ty over.

Might as well have sex now while they’re gone.

The second we were in the front door of my house, Ty was pulling me up to my room because he couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t say anything. I just had a wide grin on my face because I know what he wanted. Once I was in my room, my clothes were coming off me. Ty would not give me a second.

I was on my bed, my pants were coming off, and Ty had gotten a condom between his teeth, ripping the packaging to get it open.

“Wait, Ty.” I pressed my hand on his chest after he got his sweater off. “I get that you’re excited-”

“That’s not the word I’d use-”

“It’s definitely the word to describe how fast you’re trying to get inside me-”


I know he doesn’t like it when I make fun of him wanting to have sex. I smiled at him dearly as I pushed him down on to the bed.

He was already undressed because he was excited. He doesn’t want me to describe his eagerness, so I won’t. For once I wanted to be the one to treat him. Sex should be fun. It shouldn’t feel like this unbearable act he always has to do.

I like having sex with him.

I wanted to show him.

I took the open condom wrapper from his fingers as I moved over him. My fingers touched his skin gently, wrapping around his cock before I started to put the condom on.

He was watching me. I could feel his gaze all over me.

I slid the condom over his skin. It didn’t stop me from feeling how warm he was, or that pulsing excitement of his cock. My hand almost didn’t let go, but I turned my attention to the lube that I needed. I poured a bit of it over my fingers and touched myself a bit to prepare. Ty has seen me do this before so I wasn’t nervous, though I could help the heat that was forming on my cheeks. His hands were rubbing my thighs lightly as I fingered myself. He hadn’t gotten impatient yet, but if I don’t move in the next second, he will be.

So I didn’t waste anymore time.

I lifted my hips and positioned myself over him to feel his cock rub against me. As I moved back a bit, his cock began to move inside me. I had to keep it slow, at least in the beginning because it can be a little too much to handle. His hands held my waist, and as much as I could see that he wanted to do everything, he didn’t move me.

His eyes were still a dark brown as he looked at me. I heard his quiet moans as I moved my hips, feeling his cock slide inside me easily. He couldn’t take his eyes off me. There was a faint redness to his cheeks, one I could only notice if I was staring at him.

And I was.

I love him so much.

I just want to be with him, be a part of him. That’s what makes doing this so much better.

He was starting to move with me. I expected him to want to feel more of me. If he gets carried away, it’s okay. I’d be okay. I almost smiled because he seemed so helpless.

That’s when he sat up and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him. Just as his face pressed into my chest, my fingers lifted into his hair gently, feeling the curls that wrapped around my skin loosely. We moved together, grinding with each other to get ourselves to our climax.

Ty’s arms were tensing around me.

His fingers pressed on my back, right at my spine.

He breathed heavily against my chest. He tried so hard to hide his voice but I could hear his moans that escaped. He was enjoying himself. I was too. He knows I would never hide it. He makes me feel good. I hope I was doing the same for him.

My hands pulled on his hair so he would tilt his head back. His eyes looked up towards me, filled with so much lust. I’ve seen his gaze before and I loved it when he looks at me like that.

I was breathing just as heavily as he was from moving on him. He was thrusting his hips into me, too, and I could feel all of him, even with the condom on. He was getting close. I could hear it in his voice, the way his quiet moans weren’t so quiet anymore even if he was still trying to hold back.

I loved the way he looked at me.

The way he holds me.

The way he touches me.

“I love you...” I said to him, meaning every single word, meaning the entire phrase with everything I had.

I love him so much.

He closed his eyes and his arms tightened around me, wanting to get much closer. He was shaking slightly, his muscles spasming while he held me. He was still moving with me, but there wasn’t much of a rhythm anymore. My hands moved to his face, my palms pressing on his cheeks, and I kissed his forehead just as I heard his sharp gasp for air.

He reached his climax first, but he didn’t stop moving his hips with mine. I wanted to give him a second but he didn’t let me stop. He kept going to get me over the edge, too. As much as I wanted to hold out to make this last longer, I couldn’t.

Just after a few more thrusts, I came. My body abruptly stopped moving and I gasped for air hard. My thighs were shaking as I felt the warmth over my skin, my cum oozing out when I reached my climax.

I didn’t realize how exhausted I was until after I had a few seconds to myself. My entire body was so hot. I was sweating.

But I was also so madly in love with Ty that I couldn’t move my arms from around him.

“I love you.” I heard him say to me with the same amount of passion that I had for him.

My heart fluttered when he said the words to me. I will never get tired of hearing him say it.

We spent another hour just laying in my bed. We didn’t talk much, but it’s like that sometimes. Ty would hold my hand and not let go. If I could stay with him all day like this, I would. I wanted to be with him. My parents will be home soon, so it would be a good idea to put clothes on. I don’t know how my parents will respond to Ty being here but as long as it looks harmless, it should be okay. Ty is nice and my parents like him. There shouldn’t be any problems with them knowing we’re together.

By the time my parents came home, the two of us were sitting on the couch together. We tried to put a bit of distance between us and make it seem like we were just studying and nothing more. My mom had walked by, greeting Ty politely, and that’s what made my dad pay attention and walk over to us.

He was staring at Ty.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking just by the way he was looking at Ty. He wasn't curious, that was for sure. Maybe he was trying to figure out why he couldn't tell we were dating before.

“You can’t stay the night anymore.” He said after a moment.

“Yes, sir.”

My mom was quick to balance out the abruptness. “But please stay for dinner, Ty!” She came out of the kitchen and clasped her hands together. “I’m cooking tonight.”

My dad turned away and sighed heavily. “I told you I can make dinner, Anne-”

“They finally had the cheese I needed for my lasagna. I’m making it!” My mom was extremely excited to cook this evening.

I guess that means it really is the beginning of spring. At least at my house.

Ty stayed for dinner, but he had to go home afterwards. Sure I would love to sneak him back in, but I wasn’t going to push anything with my parents at the moment.

The next morning I was watching the news before going to school. I wanted to know if there was still murders in the city. I can’t expect everything to change in a day but I was curious. The first thing that came on was a missing persons report.

I stared in shock at the picture of the girl as the news reporter announced that Monique Shaw had gone missing. She was last seen at the city mall last night and her friends said she didn’t meet up with them in the parking lot. I was stunned as I watched them describe what she looked like and where she was from.

There was this strong feeling in my gut like I knew what happened, like a vampire got involved.

And with how serious the tension has been due to the kidnappings and murders, I know officials aren’t waiting to report a missing person.

I was on the phone the second I saw the news.


“We know.” He saw it, too.

My heart was racing. I know I wasn’t in danger, but I can’t help but think this was retaliation. Because Ty said, “Lowe and Lowell are trying to find her,” and I knew this was a threat for what the brothers did yesterday.

Channing’s message was definitely received. The vampires decided to send a message, too, and I had a strong feeling like it wasn't going to have a good ending.

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