Rules of Summer

Playing By The Rules: Chapter 38


Not about the game or the other team or what the stakes are in regards to this game. Whoever wins today goes on to the conference championship. This is huge.

This is our moment to shine bright.

And all I can think about is seeing Blair after we win. Playing for her. Proving to her that I’ve got what it takes, both on the field and off. I’m going to win this game for my team. For myself.

For Blair too.

We left at the butt-crack of dawn, and somehow, despite how amped up I am, I was able to sleep on the bus. By the time we arrived, I was wide awake and raring to go. Out on the field during practice, I could feel the love surrounding me from my teammates. From the coaching staff. I know it sounds cheesy as shit, but they’ve got my back and I’ve got theirs, and it’s the vibe I’ve been seeking all my fucking life.

To belong. Truly. To be wrapped up in love and respect and know it’s for real. All these people who are involved with our team, they care about me. We care about each other. Deep down, I knew this. I did. But it was tough to realize when I let all the noise in my head drown it out.

Not anymore. I can’t. I refuse to. I’m reveling in the confidence we’re feeling. We’re on top and we’re going to continue this all the way to the championship.

I feel it in my bones.

The stadium is pretty much completely filled by the time we run out onto the field, eager to warm up. We’re in our away game uniforms, which are red with white and gold and Knox and I took photos together prior to running out. Shit we even made a video for social media, other guys from the team joining us, including Ace. I’m the one who dragged him into the frame and I’m glad I did it. Instead of acting like a jealous little bitch, who can’t handle competition, I’m embracing the kid because he’s going to step into my place when I’m gone.

And those are some pretty big shoes to fill.

We’re hanging out on the sidelines waiting for the game to start, Coach Mattson talking to us though I’m tuning him out. My gaze is focused on the stands behind us, scanning every face, looking for the one that makes my heart speed up.

I see her. Blonde hair flowing with a white beanie on her head, wearing my jersey with a thick black coat on that’s open at the front so everyone can see it. It’s cold, meaning she can’t show off my name that’s on the back of it, but she’s reppin’ that number four proudly and it makes me swell with pride.

She’s got my number painted on her cheeks too and she looks adorable. This is the first time a girl has done this—a girl that I want to do this, that is. Because she is mine. And I’m not scared to say it.

Her gaze finds mine and she smiles, waving at me, practically bouncing in her seat. She shakes Joanna’s arm, and she looks in my direction as well, waggling her fingers.

I slap Knox on the arm. “The love of your life is looking at you.”

He whips his head around, lifting his hand in greeting to Joanna. “She’s sitting next to the love of your life. How fitting.”

My breath stalls in my lungs, and Knox and I share a look.

“Too soon?” he asks.

Slowly, I shake my head. “Nah. I’m not scared.”

“Good. Don’t fuck it up.” He slaps my shoulder, repeating the words he said to me earlier.

Even a few days ago when he said that to me the first time, it caused fear to trickle through my blood.

Not anymore. I’m feeling pretty confident.

Cocky even.

Nothing’s going to keep me down.

The announcer starts talking and we huddle together, me delivering a rouse ‘em up-type of speech to get the team going. It works. We’re all roaring and pounding our chests and acting like warriors about to take the field, and I glance over at the stands one last time before we run out there to start the game to find Blair’s gaze fixed on me, a look of pride on her face.

Her lips part when our eyes meet and like the lovesick fool I’ve turned into, I blow her a kiss. She laughs, then does the same thing, and I pretend to catch it, closing my fist around it.

Who am I, and what has she done to me?

“What the fuck are you doing?”

This comes from Derek, whose head swivels between me and Blair up in the stands.

“None of your damn business,” I growl.

“Did you just catch the kiss she sent you?” Derek is grinning, trying to hide it behind his meaty hand, but there’s no use. He’s loving every minute of it. “With her brother standing right next to you? You’re brave, Fields.”

“I already know,” Knox interjects. “So mind your business, Big D.”

I’m chuckling. “He wishes he was Big D.”

“You guys wouldn’t know a big dick if it slapped you in the face.” Derek readjusts his junk, which is currently covered by a cup. “You finally official with her?”

I nod. “Sort of. I will be.”

Derek frowns. “What does that even mean?”

“You’ll see.”

The game is over and we won.

No surprise. I was that confident going into it and it was an easy accomplishment. They fumbled the ball in the first two minutes of the game, allowing one of our defensive linebackers to snatch it up and run that ball all the way in for a touchdown. That set the tone for the entire game. We felt unstoppable.

We became unstoppable.

It was great and I’m still feeling high from the game, but I’m nervous. I’m out on the field in search of Blair, but when I spot the ESPN reporter heading my direction, I come to a stop, realizing this is my chance.

The moment where I can make my declaration.

“Camden, great game today. You were on fire,” she says in greeting, signaling to her cameraman to come closer. She thrusts the microphone she’s holding in my face. “Tell us what it feels like, being one step closer to the divisional championship.”

“The team came together and we played like a well-oiled machine.” The words fall from my lips and I don’t even have to think about them. I should probably coach Ace on this sort of thing. He’ll have to deal with it next year.

“Your accuracy was stronger than ever,” the reporter points out.

“I’ve been working on myself,” I say truthfully, resting my hands on my hips, my gaze still scanning the people milling about. “But this isn’t all about me. We’re a team and they pulled it out today. Especially Rhoades. Did you see that catch he made? He’s the MVP of this game.”

The reporter laughs, a gasp escaping her when Joey Rhoades himself appears by my side, throwing his arm around my neck and giving me a squeeze. “You bragging about me, Fields?”

“You know it.”

The reporter talks to Joey for a few, while I stand there and nod, adding my opinion here and there. I spot the familiar face just when Rhoades is about to take off and the reporter is ready to wrap it up.

I glance up at the screens that hang above the field, my face on it, recording this moment live. It’s time.

Clearing my throat, I send the reporter a pleading look. “Can I say one more thing?”

She shoves the mic back in my face, eager to get more film for their aftertime show. “Go for it.”

“This is something a little more personal.” I tilt my head to the side, coughing a little like I’m a nervous wreck.

Which I am.

The reporter frowns. “Where are you going with this?”

“I just—I need to tell everyone how I’m feeling and what better shot do I have than right now?” I swipe the mic out of the reporter’s hand and turn, so I’m looking straight at Blair, who’s about twenty feet away, watching me with confusion in her eyes, Natalie right by her side. “Blair Maguire, I’m in love with you.”

The reporter gasps. Blair’s mouth drops open. Natalie grabs her arm, her eyes wide.

Even the stadium seems to go quiet, and it’s still full of a lot of spectators. All of them with their eyes on me.


“I know I’ve been a jerk to you and you’ve had to put up with a lot, dealing with me, but just know that over these last few months, I’ve changed for the better, and it’s all because of you. You’ve made me realize that there’s more to life than just myself. There’s you, and you make my world so much brighter when you’re in it. When you’re with me. I don’t want to do this without you, and I swear on everything I’ve got that I will be the best man I can be for you.” I pause, letting the words sink in, my gaze on her and no one else. I bring the mic closer to my mouth and murmur, “I promise.”

“Blair Maguire?” the reporter asks. “You mean Knox’s sister? Owen’s daughter?”

“The one and the same.” I hand her the mic. “Thank you for letting me do that.”

And then I’m off like a shot headed for my girl—woman—the reporter yelling after me, “I want an exclusive interview with you two, Fields!”

I ignore her, but she’ll get her interview. It’s the least I can do for her letting me say what I just did.

It’s only when I’m standing directly in front of Blair when I realize everyone is cheering. They’re as loud as if we just scored a touchdown or won the game—and we’re not even at home. I stop and take it all in for a moment, absorbing their shouts of encouragement. Seeing the smiling faces of my teammates, even Knox, who’s got Joanna wrapped up in his arms not too far away from where we are. He lifts his arm, giving me a thumbs up, and when I finally meet Blair’s gaze, I see that she’s teary-eyed, her lips trembling.

“Bumblebee,” I start, and a sob escapes her, cutting me off.

Worrying me.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she practically wails. “You told everyone.”

I’m frowning. “Was that a bad move?”

“You said you loved me on national TV.”

“I wanted everyone to know how I feel about you.”

“They all definitely know now.” She wipes at her face and I go to her, moving her hand aside, so I can gently wipe away her tears. “Cam.”


“You said you loved me.”

“I do. I love you.” I grab her hands and hold them against my chest, my heart thundering. “I’m in love with you.”

“I’m in love with you too,” she whispers, and I can’t hold back any longer.

I grab hold of her face, smearing the already streaked face paint on her cheeks, and kiss her.

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