Rules of Summer

Playing By The Rules: Chapter 25

THE FACETIME CALL comes out of nowhere, just as I’m about to settle into bed and fall asleep. I’m exhausted after last night’s extracurricular activities with Cam and I’ve been sluggish all day. Despite how much coffee I’ve chugged, and I even skipped class.

It didn’t help. None of it. I’m so tired. I guess this is what happens when you get with a man with an enormous sexual appetite. And we haven’t even had actual sex yet.

I’ll probably end up dead, but at least I’ll pass with a smile on my face.

The photo flashing on the screen indicates it’s my mom and so I answer the call, offering a little wave and hello when her face appears.

Her brows immediately draw together in concern when she sees me. “Blair. You look exhausted.”

“Gee thanks.” I hide a yawn behind my hand and the look she sends me tells me she’s overly concerned.

“Are you doing too much?”

I’m not about to go into detail about what exactly I’m doing, so I just smile at her instead. “No. I’m fine. Just stayed up too late last night.”

“With school work? Or having fun.”

“Having fun.” Way too much fun.

“I’m glad you’re making friends. Your brother mentioned you were,” she says.

“You talked to Knox?”

Mom nods. “Earlier. Saw Cam as well and we chatted.”

My heart is in my throat at her mentioning Cam.

“You spoke to Cam too?” There’s a faint edge to my voice I’m afraid she’ll notice, but thankfully, she doesn’t.

“Yes. He’s a darling. Such a flirt.” Mom laughs. “Your brother got mad at him and said ‘stop trying to make a pass at my mom.’”

“He would never,” I say.

“No, he wouldn’t. I am old enough to be his mama and he knows it. Besides your father would kick his ass.” Mom cackles, and I can’t help but laugh too. “Tell me about school.”

I give her the usual rundown, letting her know about my class load and how it’s going. Giving her an update on my roommates and how much I’m starting to like them. I even mention going to the home game and getting to know Joanna and Natalie.

“The tutor?” Mom asks, interrupting me mid-conversation.

“Yes. Did Knox tell you about her?”

“Sort of. When I reminded him that’s how I met your father, he sort of blew me off.” Mom smiles. “He doesn’t want to think about getting in a steady relationship. He’s always been so independent.”

More like he’s been a complete manwhore, but I don’t need to rip on him to our mother.

“I think he might like her,” I say, giving her a little info. Mom always complains about how tight-lipped Knox is with her, but right now, I’m the one who’s feeling tight-lipped about my own situation so…

I’m throwing Mom a bone.

“Oh really? I love that.”

“And she’s really nice.” I smile. “I approve.” So far.

“That’s great. He deserves happiness. Your brother is such a sweetheart.”

I snort. “To you.”

“He’s nice to you too, and you know it. Just a little overprotective sometimes.”

“All the time,” I add.

“All the time. Sometimes. You know what I mean.” Mom laughs. “How was the game?”

I give her some details, frowning when I finish.

“Why haven’t you and Dad been to any games lately?”

“We’ve been busy,” she chirps, reminding me of…me.

I get chirpy when I’m feeling awkward or nervous.


“Busy with what?”

“Well, your father and I went to visit your aunt and uncle in California a few weeks ago. And then we went to see Ruby too, last week. It was parents’ weekend so of course we had to go. Not too sure how much longer she’s going to last there, though.”

The tone in Mom’s voice tells me she’s worried. “She mentioned something to me as well.”

“That she’s not happy? No, I don’t suppose she is. She’s so far away. That’s tough. You just can’t come home for the weekend. Not like you and your brother can.”

“Right,” I say softly, my heart suddenly aching.

I miss my mom. My dad too. I need to see them. Soon.

“I think she might come home over winter break and possibly transfer somewhere else. Maybe even go to the community college like you did for the next semester and start where you’re at in the fall,” Mom says.

“Wow, really?” I can’t believe Ruby is making the switch. I figured she wanted out of this area, this state. She always talked about how stifling it felt here, which is something neither Knox nor I ever experienced.

We like it here. Colorado is beautiful. And if I were to go anywhere else, it would most likely be California, because we already have family there, even though it’s expensive.

“I wanted to call you not to just catch up but also to let you know that your father and I will be out there soon. We’re flying too. We don’t want to deal with the drive,” Mom explains.

My sadness evaporates, replaced with joy at the thought of having them here.

“Oh, that’s great. It’ll be so nice to see you guys.”

“There’s a home game that weekend too so we’ll go to that and hang out. It’ll be fun, but I wish Ruby could be with us.” Mom offers up a little pout.

“Me too,” I admit.

My thoughts immediately go to Cam and wondering where he might end up if he gets drafted. His choices are endless. He could end up anywhere in this country, and then I wouldn’t get to see him anymore. Only on TV while watching a game he’s playing in.

So weird to think about, but then again, it’s not. I watch my family play all the time. My cousins and their spouses. Back in the day, when I was younger, I remember watching my dad. My uncle. I don’t remember the NFL not being in my life. It’s that ingrained in me.

What a great little NFL wife I would make, am I right?

I am so getting ahead of myself.

Mom and I talk for a little while longer and I’m just about to end the call when I get a notification that I’m getting another FaceTime call.

From Cam.

I don’t answer him right away, finishing my chat with Mom first, not wanting to rush her off the phone. All of my exhaustion evaporates though, knowing that he’s trying to get a hold of me. On a Friday night, no less.

Right as I’m saying good night to my mom, a text notification comes through.

Hottest QB Alive: I want to see you.

“Mom, I really have to go.” Another yawn, this one fake, and I cover my mouth at the last second. “Talk to you later?”

“Of course. Love you, sweetie. Good night!”

“Night.” I finally end the call and immediately send Cam a text.

Me: See me how?

He responds immediately.

Hottest QB Alive: See you now. Preferably naked.

My skin goes hot at his words.

Me: Where’s Knox?

Hottest QB Alive: In the living room.

Me: I can’t come over.

Hottest QB Alive: What’s going on at your place?

Me: I thought you didn’t want to cause a scandal or whatever if you ended up coming over?

My phone lights up with a FaceTime call and I answer him, smiling when I finally see his face pop up on the screen. Ugh, he’s so gorgeous. His hair is damp and he’s not wearing a shirt, which I think is a purposeful move on his part. Like he’s trying to drive me wild with lust.

It’s working.

“Where are your roommates?” he asks.

“They’re out.”

His brows shoot up. “Where?”

“The bars. Most likely Logan’s.”

“Perfect. I’m coming right over.” He starts to move, like he’s going to get off his bed and jet over here in minutes.

“Wait a sec.” He flops back onto the bed at my words, frowning. “I’m actually…really tired.”

“You are?”

I nod. “Someone kept me up late last night.”

He grins, looking pleased with himself. “That guy is such an asshole.”

“He’s something all right.” I’m teasing. So is he.

This is fun. Sweet even. Relationship-type banter, though if I said that out loud, Cam would deny it.

“Maybe I could come over and give you a massage,” he suggests. “Help you fall asleep.”

“A massage?”

“Yeah.” He grins, lifting his hands and waggling his fingers. “I’ve been told I have magic hands.”

“You do.” Now I’m frowning. “Who told you that?”

I imagine all of these gorgeous girls he’s been with over the years cooing at him, telling him he has magic hands, fingers, whatever. Ugh.

“The media.” He laughs, making like he’s going to throw a football. “They’re referring to how I throw a football, Bumblebee. So get those dirty thoughts out of your head.”

I scowl at him while he continues to laugh.

“Look, if you’d rather not get together tonight, I understand,” he says, once his laughter has died down. “If you’re too tired, maybe we can make it happen some another time.”

Why do I feel like this might be my only opportunity to see him? All of these moments we share seem so fleeting. Like I need to grab hold of them and grip them tightly. Probably because Cam isn’t the type to keep seeing the same woman for an extended period of time. I know he said he wants to see where this takes us, but what if it takes us straight to nowheresville? What if I end up getting dumped next week?

It could happen.

“You should come over,” I tell him, my voice soft, my heart aching to have him close.

“Really?” He sounds excited and he immediately clears his throat, his expression shifting into impassive. Oh, he’s trying to play it cool. That’s cute too. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Just—no strenuous exercise tonight, okay?”

“My workout routine last night was too rough on you?”

“Yeah. I’m more in the mood for some cuddling.”

“You and your cuddling.” He tries to make it sound like an insult, but I know the truth.

He likes it.

A lot.

Minutes after we end our call, there’s a knock on the door, and I go to answer it, sucking in a sharp breath when I find Cam standing in front of me, looking delicious in a pair of charcoal gray joggers and a long-sleeved team T-shirt that fits him like a glove. Showing off every muscle he’s got in his arms and shoulders. His chest and torso and stomach.

Seriously, I think he’s trying to slay me dead.

“Hey.” He’s rubbing his chin, his gaze drifting over me.

I’m wearing his hoodie and nothing else. Not a drop of clothing under this gargantuan sweatshirt. I hurried up and changed into it the moment I knew he was coming over.

“Hi.” I sound breathless, and my skin is starting to overheat, thanks to the lust I see flashing in his gaze. “Come in.”

I hold the door open wider and he strides right on in, resting his hands on his hips as he checks out my apartment.

“This is nice.”

“Thanks.” I shut and lock the door, leaning against it while I watch him. “You were fast.”

He turns to meet my gaze. “I have an early day tomorrow. Can’t waste time.”

“Are you saying I’m a waste of time?” I know that’s not what he means but…

It sort of sounds like that? Or am I just being way too sensitive?

Probably the latter.

“You? A waste of time?” He starts walking toward me, slowly shaking his head. “I don’t think so.”

My worry evaporates at the look in his eyes. My heart starts to pump a little harder, my breaths come a little faster, and when he stops directly in front of me, his hands going to my waist, I inhale sharply.

“Whatcha got on under my sweatshirt?”

I tilt my head back, smiling at him. “Why don’t you check and see?”

His big hands gather up the fabric of his sweatshirt, pulling it up. His gaze drops, focused on my lower half as he slowly exposes me. Revealing that, yep, I’m naked. He stares at me silently for so long, I start to feel restless. And when he finally settles his hot gaze on my face, I feel scorched.

“I feel like I created a monster,” he murmurs, and I can see it in his eyes. His expression.

He’s pleased. He likes that I did this for him. And he’s not too far off the mark. He’s totally created a monster. My entire body aches from what we did last night, and even though I told him I was tired, I can’t wait to do it again.

From the look on his face, I’m guessing he feels the same way.

Dropping my sweatshirt, he glances over his shoulder toward the hallway that leads to our bedrooms before he returns his gaze to me. “Where’s your bedroom?”

“Down there.” I incline my head toward the hallway he just looked at.

“Wanna show me?” He lifts his brows.

“Yes,” I whisper, shrieking when he grabs hold of me and swings me over his shoulder, my head dangling upside down.

Cam carries me like he’s some sort of caveman down the short hallway, pausing in front of the first open doorway. “Your room?”

“Yes.” Another shriek escapes me when he lightly slaps my exposed butt. “Cam!”

He strides into the bedroom, depositing me onto the bed. I land on my side, immediately sitting up, shoving my hair out of my face. “You spanked me.”

“So?” He checks out my bedroom, walking over to my dresser and picking up a framed photograph of my family. It was taken last year, after one of Knox’s football games and he’s still in uniform, looking pretty beat. The rest of us surround him, my parents standing on either side, Ruby and I directly in front of them. “I remember this game.”

“You do?” They won, I remember that. Even back then I admired Cam out on the field. He was so good, so confident and quick, playing like a professional. That’s what my father said as he watched him, and I couldn’t help but silently agree.

“You looked cute that night.” He glances up, his gaze meeting mine. “I noticed.”

How long has he noticed? “You did?”

“I noticed you that summer Knox brought me to your house and you followed me around all weekend.” He sets the frame back on the dresser, turning to face me. “Take off the sweatshirt.”

I gape at him, shocked by his fierce tone. Also aroused, I can’t lie. “I didn’t follow you around that weekend.”

He’s grinning. “You definitely did. Wore the tiniest bikini too. Trust me, I noticed.”

Damn it, he’s right. I was shameless, while trying to gain his attention, and all of these years I thought it didn’t work. Now it sounds like all the effort I put into myself that weekend actually had results. “Why didn’t you do anything? Say anything?”

“First of all, you weren’t even eighteen,” he reminds me.

“I was close.”

“Not close enough. And second, I just met Knox and we were getting along great. I wasn’t about to fuck around with his sister and make him hate me.”

“So, what’s the difference now?”

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