Rules of Summer

Playing By The Rules: Chapter 21


The last thing I expected to happen tonight is me grinding on Cam’s erection and making myself come. Well, I only had a little bit to do with that orgasm. Cam helped too, thanks to his fingers.

His extremely thick, expert fingers.

Then he goes and tears my old T-shirt like a savage, so now it’s basically hanging off of me in two pieces, only connected by the neck and sleeves. How am I supposed to walk back into my apartment like this? There will be no explaining what happened.

It’s fairly obvious.

No, what’s most embarrassing is that I’ve now become what I never wanted to be.

Just another girl he’s messed around with in the Challenger.

If I could slap myself in the face I so would.

I’m still clutching him to me, his face buried between my breasts, his breaths hot on my sensitive skin. The shivers are mostly gone, just the occasional twitch running through me, and I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly, trying to calm my racing heart.

“You okay?” His lips tease my skin when he speaks, his deep voice vibrating against me.

Nodding, I loosen my hold on his hair, which allows him to lift his head, his dark eyes meeting mine. “Yeah.”

His smile is slow. “I rocked your world.”

I roll my eyes. He would say something like that. “You tore my shirt.”

“Sorry.” He doesn’t sound sorry at all.

“Something about the way you just said that makes me think you’re lying.”

“I am.” His searing gaze drops to my chest, heating my skin. “I didn’t like seeing you come wearing some other dude’s shirt.”

“Oh my God.” I glance down at myself. “How am I supposed to sneak back into my apartment without a shirt on?”

“I have another one in my trunk.”

“You do?” I ask.

“Yeah. I always keep a couple extra changes of clothes with me. You never know when you’re going to sweat through what you’re wearing after an unexpected stop at the gym,” he explains.

Only Cam would make a surprise stop at a gym and work out so hard he’s sweating through his clothes.

“Besides, you don’t need to wear that asshole’s shirt anymore,” he says vehemently, his gaze dropping to my tattered shirt. “You can wear mine.”

Heat sweeps over my skin at the territorial sound of his voice. I should be offended. Cam Fields doesn’t own me.

Or does he?

“You’ll look good in my shirt.” His hand slides up, fingers curving beneath my right breast, testing the weight. “Maybe you could wear it for me sometime.”

“I can do that,” I say without hesitation.

“And nothing else.” His gaze lifts to mine, dark and serious, and oh so captivating. I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to. “Like tonight. You had no panties on, B.”

“I know.” I sink my teeth into my lower lip, not feeling bad about it at all. “That’s how I dress for bed, remember?”

He nods, his fingers squeezing my flesh, making my core throb again. Already. “Next time, I want you to wear the shirt and nothing else underneath. Got it?”

Now I’m the one nodding. Almost frantically in my excitement. “Got it.”

The fact that he wants a next time leaves me breathless.

His hand drops from my body and I fight the disappointment that threatens to sweep over me. Even though I’m still on top of him and can feel his erection beneath me, heavy and insistent.

“We should go,” he says.

More disappointment hits. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“You…didn’t get to have your turn.” I shift my hips, sliding my pussy over his cock, and I swear his eyes cross. “Let me help you.”

“I’m fine,” he insists as I crawl off him, plopping into the passenger seat before I reach for him. My fingers eager to slide beneath the waistband of his shorts. He stops me, his fingers curling around my wrist like a steel band, holding me off.

“I’m okay,” he reiterates. “Really.”

He lets go of my wrist, and I settle into the passenger seat, feeling silly. Worse? Feeling inept. I just came all over his shorts—pretty sure I saw a wet spot I left behind, how mortifying—and now he won’t let me finish him off, so to speak. All while I sit here wearing an old T-shirt he tore and a pair of crumpled shorts that barely cover my ass.

Sighing, I slip my feet into my Ugg slippers I left on the floorboard and turn my head so I can stare out the window, feeling silly. Cam starts the car, and for once in his life, he doesn’t rev the engine or make the tires squeal when he pulls out of the parking spot. Instead, he drives calmly, pulling out of the park moments later, not saying a single word.

While I’m slowly dying inside.

All my earlier excitement over him saying we’re going to do this again evaporates. I’m left wallowing in my confusion and worry, sneaking glances at him every few minutes. He looks no different. He rolled up the window so the wind is no longer blowing through his hair and his expression is calm. Almost indifferent?

God, I can’t tell. I haven’t spent enough time with him yet to get a good read on him and his facial expressions. And what man turns down a hand job or blow job? I mean, seriously? Why would he say no?

By the time we’re pulling back into my apartment parking lot, I’m a twisted-up mess, worried he’s going to reject me outright before he kicks me out of the Challenger, once and for all.

“Stay here,” he says, his voice firm as he puts the car into park and opens the door, climbing out before he shuts the door behind him.

I’m sitting there feeling stupid with my tore-up T-shirt and my boobs essentially hanging out. I clutch my bent arms to my chest, my fists at my mouth. I part my lips, nibbling on my thumb, nearly jumping out of my skin when he opens the passenger side door and kneels down.

“Here.” He holds out a T-shirt and I take it, lifting my gaze to his. He’s watching me carefully, another bundle of fabric in his hands. “I brought you a sweatshirt too. You looked cold.”

“Thank you,” I murmur, taking the sweatshirt from him.

“I’ll give you some privacy.” He rises to his full height and carefully shuts the door, leaving me alone once again.

Giving me the opportunity to bring the sweatshirt to my face and breathe deep. It smells like him. Spicy and fresh. I get rid of the torn T-shirt, dropping it onto the floorboard before I slip on the T-shirt he gave me. It’s huge, fitting me like a dress, and when I pull the hoodie sweatshirt over my head, it fits much the same.

I absolutely love it.

Glancing out the window, I see he’s leaning against his car, waiting for me, and so I open the door and go to stand beside him, the T-shirt and hoodie both falling to my knees, almost swallowing me whole.

“Kind of big on you,” he notes, his voice laced with amusement.

It’s the amusement that gives me hope. If he wasn’t interested in me anymore, I’d already be in my apartment and sobbing in my pillow.

“Hey.” He grabs hold of the strings of the hoodie and tugs on them, bringing me closer to him. “Sorry about your shirt.”

“Stop apologizing for something you meant to destroy,” I say, resting my hands on his chest, giddy at the realization that I can touch him whenever I want.

At least in this moment. And God, isn’t it wonderful?

“You’re right. I’m not sorry. You look better in my hoodie anyway.” He tugs on the strings again, bringing me even closer, and when he sweeps his mouth over mine, I revel in the tingles cascading over my skin, leaving me breathless. “I’ll see you later?”

I nod, my movements slow. Languid. Like I’m in a trance.

He kisses me again, like he can’t help himself, and when he finally pulls away, I ask the question that’s been on my mind since the orgasmic haze left my brain.

“I’m not just another girl you fucked around with in your car, right, Cam?”

He blinks at me, seemingly surprised by my question. “Hell no. I don’t think of you like that.”

“You don’t?”

Cam slowly shakes his head. “I don’t know what we’re doing, B, so all I can say is…be patient with me. I’m bound to say something stupid that’ll make you angry.”

I appreciate his honesty. It’s refreshing.

“That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll do something stupid too.” I rise up on my tiptoes and press my mouth to his, whispering against his lips, “Bye, Camden.”

Just before I turn and run all the way back to my apartment.

Having a sexual encounter with Cam is just the invigorating experience I needed to put some excitement into my life and some hope in my deepest, most secret dreams. The ones that haunt me at night and make me think I might have a chance with Cam after all.

Well, when you end up grinding on his extremely thick dick while he makes you come with his fingers buried deep inside you, that gives a woman a lot of hope.

Especially me.

I spend the next few days in a haze. Doped up on the lusty feelings Cam brought out of me, praying I’ll come across him eventually. I spot Derek on Tuesday and dodge out of his line of vision, just before he catches sight of me, not in the mood to put up with the way he stares at my chest every single time we run into each other.

No thanks.

I see my brother everywhere I go and sometimes I even see him with Joanna, my new friend—and it seems like she’s his new ‘friend’ as well. It’s so obvious Knox is into her, and I’m pretty sure she’s into him as well, though I haven’t really talked to her about it.

I’m too busy, always on the hunt for Cam.

I run into Ace at the Student Center on Thursday, his smiling face a friendly reminder that he’s a good guy. He holds his arms out to me in greeting when he spots me, surrounded by a bunch of girls, and I walk straight into them, letting him hug me.

The girls are jealous. I can feel their energy radiating toward me when I pull out of his embrace, but I ignore them. I’m not interested in Ace that way. They can have him.

There’s someone else that I want.

“Looking good, Maguire,” Ace teases, always flirting.

“Right back at you,” I return, flirting just as much.

“Uh, just to let you know—your friend has been in an extra good mood lately,” Ace tells me.

My heart threatens to flutter right out of my chest at his words. “Oh, really?”

Ace nods. “Extra cheerful. Cracking jokes. Giving everyone shit, which is not his usual style, and always in a good-natured way. Hell, he even shouted encouraging words at me during practice and he normally has a permanent scowl on his face when he watches me play.”

Hmm. Cam is threatened by Ace, not that he’s ever told me that out loud. It just makes sense, and I understand his feelings. Ace is young and coming up through the ranks. He’ll take over Cam’s spot once Cam graduates, and of course, Cam wants to leave on top.

But what if Ace goes on to top him?

It won’t matter. Cam will be on to bigger and brighter things by then. I just know it.

I’m just not sure if Cam has as much faith in himself as I do.

It’s much later in the afternoon when I finally run into Cam. I’m out in the school parking lot, ready to jog around the track at the practice field—why did I never think of this idea before?—when I see Cam and Knox leaving practice together, heading straight for me.

I come to a stop and wait for them, disappointment filling me when I realize I came too late. They’re already leaving.

“Hey, sis,” Knox greets, waving at me.

“Hi.” I wave at him in return, my gaze zeroing in on Cam, who’s watching me with that intense dark gaze, silently communicating with me the reminder that he’s had his mouth on me in lots of places.

He’s seen me naked. Well, mostly.

He’s had his fingers inside my body.

He’s witnessed me come.

My entire body goes hot at the memory.

“Heya, B,” Cam drawls when we come to a stop on the sidewalk, his fingers wrapped tight around the strap of his duffel bag.

Knox sends him a look. “B? Is that what we’re calling her now?”

“I like it.” Cam shrugs, a secret smile curving his lips, his gaze sliding to mine.

I smile at him in return. “It’s kind of cute. Don’t you think, Knox?”

“If you say so.” He studies his best friend before his gaze shifts to mine. “You two are acting weird.”

I school my features, trying to appear nonchalant. “You’re the weird one, Knox. What’s your problem?”

“We were just leaving,” Knox says, his voice clipped. He won’t hardly look at me, and I can tell I offended him.

Good. He needs to focus on that emotion and not me and Cam giving off weird vibes.

“You have a good practice?” I ask Cam.

He tilts his head toward me, his lips curved into the faintest smile. It’s sexy and setting about a zillion butterflies loose in my stomach, making me feel all fluttery inside. “Yeah. You coming to the game this Saturday?”

“Definitely,” I say without hesitation.

“I’ll get you tickets,” Knox says, sending Cam a look that I can’t read. “Come on, bro. Let’s get out of here. I’m starving.”

“You want me to make you guys dinner?” I offer, hating that they’re trying to leave.

Well, Knox is trying to leave.

“I’m hungry now,” Knox says, his gaze scanning my outfit. I’m wearing a matching dark green tank and leggings that I got at Aerie and I’m feeling extra cute at the moment. “Are you going running or something?”

“Yeah. Trying to work on my fitness.” I rest my hand on my hip, thrusting my chest out, praying my nipples aren’t obvious because eww, not in front of my brother.

“Looking good, B,” Cam says, earning a slap on the chest from Knox.

“That’s my sister,” my brother oh so obviously reminds him.

“No shit. I can still tell her she’s looking good, which she is.” Cam’s gaze locks with mine. “Been working out extra hard lately?”

The only extra hard workout I’ve had was with him in the front seat of his car. “Not particularly.”

“That’s a shame.” He whistles low, ignoring how Knox is glaring at him like he wants to tear his head off. “We should meet up at the gym sometime and I can put you through a workout regimen.”

“Oh, come the fuck on,” Knox groans, “you’re trying to piss me off, aren’t you?”

“No. I’m serious.” Cam glances over at Knox for a moment before sliding that gaze onto me. “I’m always looking for an excuse to hit the gym.”

“I’ll hit the gym with you,” I say like the shameless hussy I am.

“Let’s plan something soon then.” He thrusts his hand out toward me. “Give me your phone.”

Oh, my word. This man is a genius.

I pull my phone from my pocket and open it before I hand it to him, watching as he enters his phone number into my contacts and then sends himself a text from me. “Here. Now you can text me. Or I can text you. We can meet up next week.”

Disappointment coats my tongue and I try to remain bright and chirpy despite it all. “Next week sounds good.”


“You two are full of shit,” Knox mutters. “Just trying to get under my skin.”

“Well, it worked, so point for me and Blair.” Cam’s amused gaze meets mine. “See ya this weekend.”

“Bye,” I call to the both of them, staying in the same spot so I can watch them walk away.

Knox’s mouth is moving a mile a minute and I can only imagine what he’s saying to Cam. Cam glances over his shoulder one last time before he goes to the passenger side of Knox’s truck, his gaze locking with mine.

I waggle my fingers at him, dropping my hand when Knox looks at me too, a puzzled expression on his face.

Turning, I head for the field, not in the mood to run any longer. Mad I wasted a cute outfit when I got to talk to Cam for all of five minutes. I feel like I’m in middle school. Desperate to catch the attention of the popular boy and failing miserably with every chance I get. I remember those days far too vividly.

Can’t believe I’m living them again.

I’m stretching out on the field before I run when I feel my phone buzz against my side. I pull it out of the tiny pocket that’s in my leggings, smiling when I see the name of the person who’s texting me.

Hottest QB Alive.

Giggling, I open our very short text thread, reading the text he sent from my number to himself.

Me: U r hot.

I want to roll my eyes. He would send that to himself.

Hottest QB Alive: Sorry I had to go.

I send him a quick text back.

Me: It’s fine. Knox is obnoxious.

Hottest QB Alive: You look gorgeous in that outfit. Green is your color.

I’m smiling. Grinning, really. Now I don’t regret wearing it. Not one bit.

Me: Thank you.

Hottest QB Alive: See you later tonight?

The butterflies are back, bigger than ever, their wings flapping and leaving me giddy.

I decide to play it cool.

Me: We’ll see.

He responds immediately.

Hottest QB Alive: We’ll see? Oh B. You know you want more of this.

Me: More like I think you want more of THIS.

I snap a photo of myself out on the field, a full body shot, and send it.

Hottest QB Alive: You’re right. I def want more of that.

Me: Text me later and like I said.

Me: We’ll see.

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