Rule Number Five: A College Hockey Romance (Rule Breaker Series Book 1)

Rule Number Five: Chapter 25

I WOKE up to the sound of running water and hushed rustling noises from the washroom. Sid stepped into the room, fully dressed, looking sexy as hell. She pulled her hair into a messy bun, and my extra-large sweater hung off her. “You aren’t running out on me, are you?”

She jumped a half foot in the air, eyes wide. “Jesus, Jax, you scared me.”

She clutched her chest as if she was trying to hold her heart inside and took three calming breaths before speaking. “I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn’t wake you. It’s early.”

“You were sneaking out on me?” I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her response.

“Sneaking out implies something nefarious. I was letting you sleep in. It’s eight in the morning, and I’m pretty sure we didn’t get to sleep until three last night.” The slight pink tinge of her cheeks told me precisely what she was thinking about. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and my gaze roamed over her flushed skin.

Sitting up in bed, I swung my legs over the side. “Uh-huh.” I tried to play it off like I wasn’t buying it, but a smirk tipped my lips.

She moved within range, and I pulled her between my legs, her hands coming up to my shoulders as she dipped her lips down to mine. It didn’t take much to move our kiss from a light morning touch to deep, hungry pulls.

She gripped my hair, and my head tilted back, bringing her head down beside my ear. Her teeth ran over the shell before nipping the soft bottom, making me groan in approval.

“You’re going to make me late.”

“Where are you going?” My hands glided up her legs, grabbing the firm globes of her ass. I was leaving to spend spring break with my mom tonight, and it sure felt like she was skipping out on me. I wanted to ask her to come, but my pride got in the way, not wanting to hear her say no. She was staying here over the week. She’d brushed off the question of why she wasn’t going back home.

“I’m covering Mia’s shift. I barely have time to get home for my work clothes. Then I’ll be rushing to work.” Her lips grazed my neck, and her soft breath fanned out over my skin. A shudder worked its way through me at her gentle touch. She shifted her gaze down to my noticeable erection that was barely covered by the sheet. Her tongue came out, wetting her bottom lip, and I squeezed her ass harder, stealing a moan from her mouth. I spread my hand over the side of her waist, and the other drifted up to cup her breast. “What time do you get done?”

She dropped her head to mine and let out a long breath. “Not until after you leave.”

My grip tightened, not liking that this would be the last time I saw her for a week. “Call in sick.”

She straightened, taking a raspy breath, and stepped back. “I’ve got to go.”

I was sure she was trying to sound stern, but it came out breathy.

“Call in late.”

She searched my gaze for several seconds before firing off a quick text, tossing her phone on the floor. “We’ve got a half hour. Think you can work with that?”

I didn’t waste any time lifting her off the ground and pinning her to the bed beneath me. “Trouble, I’m going to use every second to make you remember exactly who you’re waiting for.” I kissed down the column of her neck, sucking hard, and bit the reddened skin, leaving marks all over her. That way, she’d think of me every time she looked in a mirror. She hummed in the back of her throat and tipped her head, making room for me. My girl wanted to be marked.

I pulled off her shirt, rolled down the cup of her bra, and sucked her nipple into my mouth. She gasped when I bit the sensitive skin of her breast and left marks where only she could see.

“Jax.” Her voice sounded desperate for release, and I made quick work of sliding my hand under her panties.

I groaned when my fingers slipped over her slick folds and dragged her arousal from her opening over her clit until she squirmed beneath my touch.

“You will not touch yourself when I’m gone,” I commanded, pressing harder on her clit, and she whimpered, climbing desperately closer to her orgasm.

I removed the pressure, enjoying her cry of protest that I was keeping what she needed most away from her, but I had to hear it. “Your pussy is mine, Trouble. Now say it.”

She squirmed under my hand, trying to chase the friction for herself, but I pinned her hips down with my forearm.

She glared up at me, anger mixed with frustration clear in her gaze. I nipped on her bottom lip, then soothed it with my tongue. I breathed against her. “I need to hear you say it. I need to know that I’m the only one who gets to make you come. Not even you.”

Her breath whooshed out of her, and she bit my lower lip, sharp enough to leave a mark. “You’re the only one that gets to make me come.”

I growled in satisfaction and drove my fingers into her core, hooking them toward the soft spot at the front. I rubbed her clit in continuous circles and watched her climb closer and closer to her orgasm. Her eyes closed, just at the peak, and I groaned, “Eyes open, Sidney. I want to see exactly how you look when you come apart for me.”

Her lids flew open, and she took in several deep breaths, so close she whimpered for me to push her over. I drove in a third finger, scissoring them to take up more room, and her pussy pulsed around my fingers as her orgasm broke through her.

I collapsed beside her and murmured in her ear. “You look so pretty when you come for me. I’m going to miss this sweet pussy of yours, and you’re lucky you have to go to work because I would’ve fucked you until you couldn’t walk if we had more time.”

She made an incoherent sound, and I kissed the top of her head, blowing out a breath.

“I’ll walk you out.”

Sidney made a sound of protest but climbed off me, adjusting her clothes into place, and her eyes rounded as the sheet dropped, and my cock bobbed at her attention. A wicked smile crossed my lips, but I grabbed a pair of sweats, watching her eyes as she stared until I was fully covered. I licked my bottom lip, satisfaction coursing in my veins at the deep purple bruises collaring her neck.

She looked up at me, unable to hide the disappointment pinching the corner of her eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that.” I circled her with my arms. “You’re the one who’s going to be late.”

She huffed but took my hand, following me to the front door. Before she could escape through it, I lowered my mouth just above hers. She froze in place, waiting for me to move, and her tongue snuck out, licking her bottom lip in anticipation.

I kept my mouth just out of reach, needing her to reach for me. “You’re going to have to kiss me, Trouble.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

Without hesitation, she tilted her head, rising on her tiptoes, and connected our mouths. A hum rumbled inside me as I pulled her harder to my chest. I tried to keep the kiss slow and lingering, but she raked her hands through my hair, drawing my mouth closer. I stepped forward, pushing her against the open doorjamb, and her body went soft and pliant against mine. Breaking the kiss took all of my willpower, and I left my forehead on hers until we both caught our breath.

“I’ll see you in a week, Trouble.” My voice was rough, not wanting to let her go. I needed more time with her before I left. I swallowed the thought, and instead, I led her out to her car. I stole one more kiss before I watched her get into her car and drive away.

When I got back inside, I heard a throat clear. “Want to tell me what that was about?” Piper asked from where she and Lucas stood in the kitchen.

“Fuck if I know.” I ran my hands through my hair. I was in over my head.

“She give you a ‘let’s be friends’ line, Jaxie?” Piper grinned from ear to ear.

I deadpanned, not reacting to her taunts.

“Don’t worry, it happens to the best of them. Not me, but you know… others,” Lucas shouted from the other room.

“We’re keeping it casual.” The words bit at me, and a deep breath escaped on a sigh. I was leaving and didn’t fit into her perfect plans. This was enough. Enjoying this needed to be enough.

“But is that what you actually want?” Piper’s eyes were knowing and probed into what I was holding secret even from myself.

“I’m listening to her. She wants to be friends… well… more than friends.” I shrugged. “I’ll take what I can for now.” When I tried to turn away, she put her hand on my shoulder.

“You see, it’s that ‘for now’ that has me worried.” Her eyes were full of concern as she looked to where Sid just drove off.

“Babe, quit picking on him. He never had so much as a crush. This is unfamiliar territory for him.” Lucas ducked, dodging my smack.

“I’m just saying I’ve never seen you this happy. There’s something that’s changed in you. Right, babe?” Piper stared expectantly at Lucas.

“She’s right, man. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you this… happy,” Lucas said while shrugging.

Am I happy? I thought happiness only came in the form of skating, but Sidney had shown me that the little moments could be just as fun.

“Anyway, boys, I’ve got to run too. See you tonight.” Piper gave Lucas a kiss that had me wishing Sid was still here. As soon as she was through the door, Lucas looked at me. They were heading to her parents’ place for spring break.

“Seriously, man, you doing okay?”

Did he think I was going to admit that it felt like a dagger to my chest when she said the words “friends”? She was right, though. There was no point in pretending. Sid had made it clear there was no future for us. I nodded instead.

“K, good, because we’ve got some planning to do.” A huge smile split across his face.

“What?” I wasn’t sure I liked the look in his eyes.

“I’m going to propose to Piper when we get back. Already have the ring and everything.” He showed me a giant diamond set on a simple band.

“Aren’t you young for that?” Although if anyone could make it, it was them.

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m dead positive about this.”

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. “Alright then. How are you going to do it?”

“I’m thinking we set up a surprise with all of our friends there to watch, a photographer, the whole thing. Then we could have an engagement party that same night.” Any other couple, I would think that was putting a lot on the line, but I was positive Piper would say yes. Lucas clearly knew that too.

“Maybe Sid will get in on it. Help trick Piper so she gets a genuine surprise?”



When I got home from work, I hollered out, “Honey, I’m home,” in a voice loud enough to echo off the walls. My smile slipped, realizing Mia wasn’t home. I dropped my bag with a plop to the ground and flipped the lights on as I walked to the kitchen. My shoulders slumped, and my neck cracked as I rolled it. Stomach rumbling, I checked the fridge, but no matter how many times I opened and closed it, there was still only the sad-looking bag of baby spinach tucked into the back.

I grabbed a box of crackers and a random cheese slice and turned back to my room. Quickly peeling off my uniform that was sticking to my body after a long day, I put on my comfiest pajamas. Armed with a handful of crackers in one hand, I plopped down on my bed.

After fifteen minutes of scrolling Netflix, I closed my laptop, drumming my fingers on top, and a jittery feeling worked its way under my skin. Dear lord, hold yourself together.

It had been weeks since I’d been home by myself. Normally, I hung out with my roommates or I was at Jax’s place. A huff left me as I reached over the side of my bed and grabbed my bag from the floor. It was a good time to read. I pulled up my Kindle app on my phone and tried to use a book to shut my head off. I had had no problem being alone before. If anything, I had preferred the quiet moments with my books. This constant pull toward Jax, who I’d just seen a few hours ago, highlighted the risk I was putting myself in.

My phone vibrated in my hand, and I smiled at the name. There would be plenty of time to be alone after.

Jax: what are you doing tomorrow? 

Me: working

Jax: what are you doing right now? 

Me: lying in bed 

My phone buzzed as his call came through.

“Hello.” His rough voice seeped into my gut, down to my core.

“Hmmm” was all that came out when I tried to speak.

“How was your day today, Trouble?” His voice dipped lower as he stretched the syllables in my nickname.

My body heated with his words. This man was going to be the death of me. I pulled at my collar, trying to cool down. “You know perfectly well how my day was,” I said, trying and failing to make my voice sound natural. I hated that he had to go home and I couldn’t just go to his place tonight.

Jax lightened the mood with his laugh. “I know my day was fantastic. I spent the morning with a girl I’m crazy about.” There was a pause as he hesitated a moment. “Sid?” My name sounded like a question.


“What are we doing?” Jax paused, and I was so still I forgot to breathe. “Because this is real for me. I know you said we have a time limit. Are you still firm on that?” His voice was unsure, barely more than a whisper.

My heart clenched in my chest, desperately wanting to give in to this pull of ours and do whatever we needed to do to stay together. The need was so strong I had to clamp my teeth together to stop myself from telling him everything had changed. I wanted to take away all of that worry, but the truth was I couldn’t.

There was fun and a connection to be had here, but it was fleeting. Soon, he would be out of here, and where did that leave me? I wasn’t giving my heart to someone that already had a first love. Jax’s life revolved around hockey. He had a contractual obligation to his team. There was no permanent place for me. Not without giving up on my dreams to follow him.

“I’m firm,” I said, clenching my teeth to stop myself from taking it back. My lips wobbled, but I took a deep, steadying breath, preparing for his next words. I listened to his breathing, waiting for him to speak.

“Okay, Sidney.” This time, he said my name as if it burned him, and the part of me I’d been hiding from myself, stuffing it deep inside, whimpered, knowing that was the last time he would ask.

Jax cleared his throat before he started on random topics. “Did you know we call tanks ‘tanks’ because in World War One, the army camouflaged them to look like water and supplied tanks to keep them hidden? Guess the name stuck.” The rhythm of his voice made me sleepy, but we kept talking through the night.

It was going to be the longest spring break of my life. I just hoped I was strong enough to handle it.

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