Royal Twins

Chapter Chapter VII- Time for War

Fire burns bright in the castle’s throne room as the Queen sits looking upon her generals and high representatives. They all surround a large fire pit in the center of the room. She strokes her hair with a brush made of gold. Not a word is said as she looks at herself in her golden hand mirror with gems of all colors on it. They all look around waiting for her to finish until a man finally stands up and looks at her nervously. First a cough to get her attention but she does not look up at him.

“My lady,” he says.

She puts her mirror down as everyone gasps. A loud gulp comes from the nobleman standing up alone. She gives a sly smile before setting down the brush and mirror and standing up before her throne.

“W-We have troops all assembled. When do we march?”

“Do you fear me?”



“No, of course not, my lady.”

“Your voice would surely say different.”

“I fear the power you possess. I also fear the power you have been given by the dark lord Dubhan. But I do not fear you.”

“Then I must be doing something wrong then. Do you know what the strongest force in the world is, nobleman?”

“No, my lady.”

“It is fear. With enough fear people can be bent to do whatever I demand. Like when I demand my armies to march through the last of the resistance, they will. When I command the dwarves to make me a throne out of pure gold, they have. And when I ask for pure silence and you are not to speak in my throne room until I speak to you, guess what? You will obey.”

“I just fear we are wasting time.”

“We are obeying the great lord’s will. And if you cannot stand my beauty and his greatness than you have no place for this court.”

“My lady, please be reasonable,” he begs.

She starts to glow all around her and the flames in the fire pit get higher and higher until one flame jumps out and grabs the man. The flame pulls him back into the pit. His screams echoes and the smell of burnt flesh overpowers the nostrils of all. Soon enough it all stops, and the flames fall back to reasonable size. All that remains is the burnt corpse in the middle of the room.

“Does anybody else have any problems?”

Everyone shakes their heads with fear burned into their eyes. The flame starts to act strange again but this time it sputters and even surprises the Queen. It continues to sputter until a dark creature appears in the flames as a shadow. Two large horns stick out of its head and two red eyes glow. The rest of the body becomes more transparent the closer it gets to fire pit.

“Lady Lisa,” says the figure.

She immediately drops to a knee and the rest of the court gets off of their chairs and follows her lead.

“My lord Dubhan. The army is ready for battle. However, I fear what is going on with Lycus and the North.”

“Rise my child. The North is weakening, and I fear Lycus has ran out of his usefulness. I will seek to have him destroyed and to have his bloodline finished. With you defeating the child king Alex you will be able to control the portal.”

“Then we can control both portals and bring you back. What do you possibly want with the North Kingdom’s bloodline though?”

“That is not your concern, Lisa. March on Edjer and destroy any last resistance to my rising. For your nephew Alex, I want his troublesome head on the end of a blade by the end of this war.”

“He is a child. He is no serious threat to me. Especially without the weapon. My power has grown to be too powerful for anyone to defeat me.”

“Do not allow your arrogance to blind you?”

“If you could see my army, you would see I am unstoppable.”

“I SEE EVERYTHING! Your army is nothing without me.”

The lights from the lanterns on the wall start to go out and the whole room goes darker as his anger pursues.


She walks forward to his shadowy figure with no fear in her eyes. The same cannot be said about the rest of her court.

“I am in charge of this world, lord of darkness. Without me you will not ever have power over this world again. I am the White Queen and I rule all of the Five Kingdoms, not you.”

“Your arrogance will be your downfall and I will still rise long after your death.”

He disappears and the light in the room returns and the cowardly leaders return to their seats. Queen Lisa remains standing with pure rage in her face. She marches over to the balcony and shoves the doors open. Outside the balcony her monster sized army has formed up awaiting her signal to march to war.

“General!” she shouts as one of the men runs up to her from behind.

“Yes, my lady?”

“Prepare to march, we go to battle for the final time.”

Around a hundred ships sail from the South Sea and into the large Delvish River. A much larger ship than the rest sails in the lead. On the side of the light wood reads, The Hadrian. Inside of the ship, King Rasham commands, with his two children on board. In the King’s quarters, Rasham sits at his desk writing in his blog.

Today we sail to fight against the White Queens so called navy. She has hired mercenaries to fight against the five kingdoms. However, I feel these mercenaries are more of a diversion. As is this whole war. She is creating this mighty battle in three different areas throughout the world and it will in the end up weakening the Five Kingdoms. I also feel weaker as the darkness gets stronger. I feel it in my heart and as I train my children to be great leaders, I fear neither is ready for the trials. Rahm is too distant of the other nations and lacks political advantage while Calistus lacks harshness needed to become the leader of the Elves. They will need each other if they are to become victorious in not just this war but in the coming trials ahead. This is my last log so, to my children I ask them to always look to the wisdom of our people and guide all races. Look out for one another.

He puts the feather pen and ink away and sighs as a knock comes from the door.


The door to the room opens and Prince Rahm enters the king’s quarters. He places the journal in nearby bag and stands up.

“Enemy ships are about a couple of kilometers out.”

“We will keep going and let them come to us. Spread the ships out across the river. Nobody gets through,” he orders as he walks out of the room and onto deck.

The sky is filled with dark storm clouds but no rain falls. Rahm gives out the order that was given by his father. In the distance comes a small fleet of ships flying different flags. About twenty-five small ships stand ready to embrace the massive Elvish navy. Rasham stands at the bow of lead ship looking out at the enemy. Both children come to stand on both sides of the king. The Delvish River sits about fifty miles wide and a few hundred feet deep.

“Am I a good father?” he asks.

“Of course,” answers the two of them.

“Am I a good king?”

“The greatest of all kings,” answers Cali.

“Of course, my sweet daughter would say that. What about you my son?”

“You will lead us to victory as always, my lord.”

“What a political answer,” he says smiling weakly.

“I am neither a good father nor a good king, I fear.”

“What are you talking about?” asks Rahm.

“Have you ever wondered how I have lasted so long?”

“I have never concerned myself with it. I have just prayed and remained thankful for everything.”

“You will learn soon enough, my son and my daughter, that I have many secrets. As Bryne Wolfcrier said, our nation is full of secrets.”

“Bryne just likes to pick fights with everyone. You can’t take what he says to heart.”

“He is quite wise though. You must put your differences aside if you are to bring back the Five Kingdoms.”

“We will do your will, my lord,” says Rahm.

“It will have to be whatever your will is, Rahm. You will have to become the leader of our people one day. And that day is today.”

Rasham continues to look and watch the nearing ships. He looks upon them with a cautious look on his face. He looks beyond the ships and then looks to the rear.

“What is it father?” asks Cali.

“What else is she sending our way? I fear this may be a trap.”

“Of course, it’s a trap but we can defeat anything,” says Rahm optimistically.

“Archers at the ready,” Rasham says to Rahm.

“Archers!!” He yells.

A green flag is raised at the lead ship and all ships have archers ready almost at once. All in unison they pull out their bows and load them with an arrow and wait.

“Take them down.”


All of the front row of ships shoots their bows covering the sky before they land on the enemy ships. The arrows pierce trough the enemies with no problem. A few arrows are shot back in a scatter but not a single one lands in an Elvan soldier.



The archers fire again leaving the few mercenary ships with minimal crew left. A few enemy arrows land but none are fatal shots. Before very long the mercenary’s leaders start to wave a white flag.

“That’s it?” asks Rahm.

“I’m going to see to the wounded,” says Cali.

“Good, be on your guard, daughter.”

She leaves to under the ship to see help with medical assistance. The enemy ships approach next to the Elvish ships. They fill with dead soldiers across the deck.

“This is all she has to take us out?” asks Rahm.

“No, there is something else out there.”

Suddenly, the lead ship is bumped and starts to rock. All chatter ceases and everyone looks to the water. The next ship behind gets bumped, and the next one and the next one until … smash!

A gigantic reptile looking monster arises from the bottom of the river. It crashes through the bottom of the ship, breaking it in half.

“What in the hell is that?” asks Rahm.

“A piece of hell itself I am afraid,” answers Rasham.

“Orders?” he asks as it continues on to smash up another ship and then another.

Rasham remains silent as both mercenary and Elvish soldiers open fire on it.

“Orders, my king?”

He remains silent looking upon the monster going after the ship next to the Hadrian and smashes through it with no problem at all. The mast of the ship collapses and falls onto the lead ship. Everyone dives out of the way of the fallen debris. Rahm stands up shaken before brushing himself off and then looks around to realise his father is nowhere to be seen.


No answer.


A faint noise comes from the other side of a pair of stairs. Rahm follows it to see his father filled with wooden debris all over his body. He quickly rushes to his father’s aid.

“No, no, no, this is not happening.”

“Calm, yourself, my son,” he says faintly and coughing.

“You can’t die. Not like this.”

“Why should my fate be any different than the millions of deaths before me? How would you have me die?”

“With peace in the world.”

“I have had three hundred and twenty-two years to die at peace. This is how life is meant to be, my son. I am alright with this.”

“I can’t lead our people,” he says. “Not like you.”

“No, you can’t. You and your sister must work together. I see that now. But today comes first. Today you must be victorious or else nothing else of the future matters. Remember, my son, knowledge is power.”

The old man closes his eyes in the arms of his son.

“My lord, what are your orders?” asks a soldier.

Rahm gently sets his father down and stands up and looks as his fleet as it becomes rubble in the Delvish River. He sees the monster is heading back towards their direction.

“I have an idea,” he says going to the front. “Drop the sail so we move faster with the wind.”

“Are we going to try to run, sir?”

“No, he would catch us immediately. He is a predator and predator’s love prey that run. He will chase us taking attention off of the rest of the fleet.”

“Great,” says the sailor sarcastically.

“There are seven anchors to this ship. On my signal, we will drop all of the anchors directly on top of it.”

“Do you really think that will work?”

“The creature’s scales are too tough for arrows or spears.”

“Agreed my lord. Positions everyone! Here it comes! Man the anchors! Hoist the sails.”

The sailors rush into position as instructed. The monster can be seen bumping each ship from underneath. As predicted, it notices the lead ship leaving formation and sailing with the wind.


It gets closer.


It gets to the one directly behind and disappears back into the river.


All anchors drop deep into the river. It feels as if they hit something. The ship comes to an immediate stop. The chains rip through some of the wood of the ship in the process. Was it the ground or the monster? Everyone remains still and quiet. The river flows downward peacefully. Then a few shakes rock the ship a little bit, like a fish on a pole. Soon enough splotches of blood appear in the river and the rocking stops.

“Lieutenant give me a status report,” orders Rahm.

“My lord, we have counted thirty-two ships.”

“Thirty-two ships destroyed?”

“No, thirty-two ships remain. Hundreds have perished this day. Also, our anchors will not rise from the river bed.”

“Evacuate this ship immediately, we sail for Berthold to regroup and meet with the others. We can only hope they fair better than us.”

Alex rides in between David and Fromm with the same exhausted look as on the soldiers behind them. Above the army the sky turns dark underneath the storm clouds. It is night time dark during the middle of the day. In the clouds farther off in the distant, lighting continues to light up the sky. The boots of the soldiers continue to sink into the dead grass and mud. Berthold and Edjer armies march together, side by side. In the mix, even marches those that belong to no country. They march together in three long elements. No more than ten deep but stretching out for at least a mile.

“You look tired, friend,” notices David.

“As are we all, I’m sure,” replies Alex.

“You also look worried.”

“Should I not be?”

“You see those soldiers behind you?” David says looking behind himself. “They believe in you. I believe in you. But what do you believe in?”

“I honestly don’t know. Being the high king I guess I have myself to believe in. But I don’t.”

“How do you think the great King Floren, slayer of Dubhan, king of all times, or my personal favourite the immortal king, became high king? How do you think he became a legend?”

“It was voted by the council.”

“The council doesn’t create legends, Alex. He took the title of a legend. He too was just a boy, much like you, when he stood against the dark lord’s armies with the world at his back. The story goes he believed in his people as much as they believed in him.”

“It’s like a chain? But I am no King Floren.”

“No, you are not. The council is already been made and they believe in you. All you have to do is defeat some crazy ass queen. Sounds simple enough to me.”

“But I still haven’t learned what my power is.”

“Maybe this is your power. Bringing people together. Or maybe during the great stress of battle you may be able to discover it. Besides I never remember hearing about what Floren’s power was either.”

“I hope you are right. Thanks, David. One more question,” says David.

“Go for it, we have time,” insists David.

“If Floren was once the king of Edjer, are we cousins or something?”

“It is possible but Edjer and Armel have long ago been removed from the ancient bloodline. But today, we are brothers in arms.”

To the North they see a huge city sitting high on top of a hill. They can see lights burning in the dark sky. Large green and gold flags that are similar to the ones of the Edjer soldiers, fly high above in the sky.

“Is that Edjer City?” asks Alex.

“Largest city in the world,” confirms David.

“Which also means we have the most to lose if we fail.”

“If we fail, which we won’t, more than just one city will be lost.”

A drum beat bangs in the distance. Alex puts his fist up to halt his troops.

“What is it?” asks Fromm. “Can you hear it? It sounds like drums.”

Everyone remains silent as they here drums beat off in the distant. Alex looks through his telescope to see an army with three giants and an elephant. The drums come from the three giants as they bang them loudly. With each drum beat the soldiers can feel it from the ground and throughout their bodies. The soldiers start to stir in formation as they see the large beings banging drums in the distance. The drums are as large as two horses at least and the sticks as big as a man.

“So, it begins,” says David, “The final battle of the war of our time.”

“When I was a child, I was told the stories of King Floren, Dubhan and the first Great War. I never thought I would live to see my own. I would never have guessed the world would’ve come to this,” says Fromm.

“We will become those stories one day,” says Alex, “One day we will become the legends of these lands.”

Alex rides ahead a little and turns around to look at his army. He rides up and down looking at his ranks. He sees the fear in their faces and he knows he must be the one to lead them to victory.

“My brothers, my sisters! Today we ride! Today we ride to victory! We ride to victory not because of me or King David or any general! We ride to victory because of you! I was once told by royalty that battles are won by soldiers not kings. This battle will be echoed throughout the sands of time! Songs will be sung of the great heroes of Berthold and Edjer as we, together stand as one and defeat the Evil White Queen!”

The crowd of soldiers’ cheer in unison as it echoes throughout the land. The horns of Edjer are blown by David to drown out the sound of the giants’ drums.

“Today we become legends!”

He says once more before riding back to the head of the formation.

“I love it,” says David. “Short and sweet.”

“That was short?”

“Don’t worry, it got the message across that we aren’t to be messed with.”

He turns to see the enemy now about a hundred yards away before they stop.

“I see you,” says the shadowy dark voice in Alex’s head.

Alex squints as the voice causes a migraine deep in his head.

“Alex are you ok?” asks David.

“She is speaking to me.”

“Block her out,” says Fromm. “She shall soon fall to our blades.”

“Fromm, I want you to command the left army and flank left. David, do the same on the right. May we see each other again on the other side,” commands Alex.

They nod and take command of their armies and wait for the signal from Alex. He pulls his sword out of its sheath and raises it. The large blade points to the heavens and the soldiers follow his lead.


The soldiers in the rear pull out their bows and load them with arrows.


The five catapults are loaded up with large boulders.


Archers pull back on their bows and the catapults are calibrated to position.


Archers fire up their arrows, blending into the already dark sky. The boulders fly through the air until they smash through the middle of the enemy army. The arrows penetrate many orcs, dwarves, and men. The drumbeat stops and the bloodlust roar echoes throughout the valley. Rain begins to fall, softening up the ground even more.

“Focus on the giants! Take out the giants!”

Arrows fire again. A few hit the giants but only acquiring minimal damage. Enemy arrows fire back, dropping ally soldiers into the mud.

“For Edjer! For Berthold! For the Five Kingdoms!”

Alex rides towards the enemy with his men closely behind him. The enemy charges back and together they quickly come closer and closer until they clash together. Alex slashes the enemy and tramples the others with the horse. He continues to charge toward the giant in the center of the army until a spear pierces through the chest of his horse, sending him backwards falling to the ground. As the he hits the ground the wind knocks all air out of his lungs. The world goes black and he tries to focus on where he is. The sound of battle around him goes silent and he sees a figure in the darkness.

“You cannot defeat me, Alex son of Daniel,” says the dark voice.

“Get out of my head.”

“You still take me as one of my servants, don’t you? I will defeat you.”

“NO!” he screams as blood flows from his mouth.

He jumps up from the ground just in time as a dwarf swings an axe at him. He picks up a shield and blocks the blow. The dwarf is tripped up by his foot and smashed by the young leader’s shield. He stands up straight and continues to fight.

Fromm leads the flank on the left side as commanded. Him and another man charge together towards one of the giants. The giant stands 15 feet tall and a few hundred pounds. It swings at the soldiers with a large spiked club with anger and hate. The swing smashes through half a dozen men easily. The giant takes its drum and throws it into the crowd, crushing its enemies.

“Grab this,” Fromm tosses an end of a rope to the man and they move in unison going after the giant. The giant swings and misses smashing the club into the ground right in front of them. It tries to pry the club from the ground, but the club does not budge. “Now!”

They jump as the giant bends over to grab the club causing the rope to go around its throat. Together they land on the other side and cross each other. They pull as hard as they can. The giant lets go of the club completely trying to stick its large fingers in between its throat and the rope. As the giant gasps for breath Fromm and the soldier pull tighter until the giant starts to drop to its knees. It gasps for air, but no noise comes from the mouth. The face starts to change colour until the giant loses all fight and collapses face first into the mud. They hold the rope tight for a moment longer to ensure the beast is dead. Soon after Fromm walks up and cuts the throat, spilling its green blood all over the battlefield.

“One down, two to go,” says the soldier catching his breath.

“That depends on who we consider the real enemy.”

“Hopefully, Alex and David are taking care of things alright.”

“We can’t worry about that now. All we can control is how we fight.”

King David charges from the right just as planned but quickly get held up by the giant as predicted. He jumps off of his horse and charges towards it alone. He cuts down all enemies in his path putting him eye to eye against the large being. They spend a moment looking at each other in a standoff. Circling each other, neither the king nor the giant shows any fear in their faces.

“The great king of Edjer stands before me, ready to be smashed into the ground.”

“A piece of shit giant stands before me ready to fertilize my land with his blood.”

“How old were you when you became king? Just a child?”

“I am no longer a child.”

“Ah, more pride in killing you then, King of Edjer.”

The giant swings his club at the king but the he ducks just in time and cuts the giant’s wrist vertically. The giant screams in agony but comes at him with his fist. With the giant feeling faint, David jumps up and straddles the fist and runs up the arm. He jumps up on top of the neck of the giant stabbing his neck. The giant screams in pain and swings at David but misses. As the giant’s club smashes into his own skull, both the giant and David fall to the ground. David stands up admiring his dirty work. The giant continues to bleed out from its cut arteries.

“Damn, never overestimate the intelligence of a giant,” jokes David. “Eww, damn blood is on my new boots.”

He runs to continue fighting, making his way toward Alex in the center of the battlefield. Alex continues to fight valiantly but it seems like the more he slays than more keeps coming at him. He looks beyond all around and sees no end to the madness. Soon, he feels the ground quake under his feet as the giant makes his way forward.

“There is only one true kingdom and one true ruler,” it says.

“Maybe you are right, but it is not the queen. She will fall today.”

“Not by you, human.”

“Even if she wins do you think she will look out for you or your people? She only cares about herself and her power.”

“Well, when was the last time the council ever looked out for us? Why do we not belong in the council? Are we not part of this world too?”

“Together we can change this world the way we see fit. I will help you and your people. There is so much I am learning about this world and being king. Help me shape the world for the better.”

Alex holds out his hand offering a handshake, but the giant looks at him suspiciously. Finally, Alex takes his sword and sticks it in the ground.

“I can’t control what was done in the past, but we together can control the future.”

The giant falls silent and thinks for a while and lifts his club up and smashes an orc next to Alex.

“Cross me, and it will be the end of you. Now pick up your sword, you are in a battle, young king.”

Alex smiles and the giant smiles back fighting alongside Alex. Together they cut through many of the enemy forces. They continue to eliminate the enemy until, a large bellow comes toward Alex and he is pushed out of the way. He lifts his head from the mud just in time to look at the direction of a white elephant running past through and tramples all troops, good and evil. Alex stands to his feet to see the giant on the ground and the elephant over it. On top of the elephant is the White Queen in completely white armour. Lightning strikes just over her head.

“You weak minded idiot,” she says to the injured giant.

“Alex shows us the way,” the giant struggles to say.

“He will unite the kingdoms and destroy the world to where you are nothing. You gave me your allegiance.”

“A mistake I’m sure he greatly regrets,” buts in Alex.

“You think you can defeat me? You are nothing, nephew.”

“We are not family. You are a murderer, but I do feel sorry for you.”

“Feel sorry for me?” scoffs the Queen. “I am beautiful, I am powerful, and I am a goddess.”

“Only in your mind.”

She gets angry and decides to charge Alex and he moves out of the way just in time. David shows up to the scene just in time to stand next to Alex against the queen.

“Ooh, someone has a temper,” David mocks.

“The child king stands before me.”

“Just as one of your giants learned I am no longer just a child.”

“So, it would seem. You will die an honourable death for a worthless cause. Give Edjer to me and I will spare you wife and children. They would make great slaves in my castle. Only the best for the best, am I right?”

“You can go screw yourself.”

She goes to charge at the two leaders again, but as she gets closer and the two stand their ground, an arrow flies out of nowhere and strikes the animal in the center of the head. The monstrous creature stops in its tracks and lets out a bellow in pain. Alex and David look at the direction of the arrow to see three dragons with riders on the backs. Two more arrows come flying in and land in the head as well. The elephant cries in pain before collapsing forward head first into the mud. The center dragon drops down and creates a ring of ice around David, Alex and the Queen. It lands in the circle in between the Queen who jumps off of her pet and the two kings. The rider pulls out an ivory sword and hands it down to Alex.

“Bryne? You did it? This is the weapon?”

“Sure, kill her and we will find out.”

“Are those dragons?” asks David.

“Yeah, I am really happy the whole ice thing worked. It wasn’t supposed to, to be totally honest.”

“I love the honesty from you but maybe learn what to say and when to say it.”

“Thank you, Bryne. Now please go help Katherine and Sara up north. I’m sure they will welcome the help.”

“Don’t worry brother, as long as you do your job, we will do ours.”

With that Bryne mounts up, takes off and the dragons ride together to the north. The Queen takes out her sword and walks angrily towards Alex and David. Lightning strikes at the ground around her as her anger becomes more furious.

“That is the last time that prince will interfere with my work. Now give me the sword, Alex.”

“Lisa, it’s over. Surrender and we will work something out.”

“You really don’t get it, do you? The war doesn’t end here on this battlefield. This is only the beginning of the war. Even with my death a much greater threat comes to this world. Dubhan, the great lord of death, will defeat you when he returns.”

“You really did start the rise of Dubhan?” asks David. “Are you mad?”

“His rise was inevitable. It has always been, and nobody can defeat him this time. It is important to know what side you are on. You could join us Alex and be a great king of mine and his.”

“You are a fool to think he will share power with anyone,” he replies.

“You are a fool to defy the greatness we behold.”

David and Alex charge at her together and she strikes David with a lightning bolt sending him backwards to the ground. He lands against the ice wall created by the dragon and Bryne. Lisa turns her focus to Alex by trying to strike him but the bolt misses right. She tries again but the bolt now moves left.

“What?” she says questioning.

“You losing your touch?”

“Shut up.”

Once again, she tries, and it misses as he gets closer with the ivory sword. She shoots ice, fire and more lightning but it all misses until he swings his sword at her and she just in time blocks it with her shield. He strikes the shield again, but this time with full force breaking the shield handle. She falls onto the ground on her back. Fear overwhelms her face as she no longer knows what to do.

“You truly are part of the bloodline.”

“You didn’t think your own sister really had children?”

“With that peace keeper, Daniel? I would’ve never have guessed they would be so powerful.”

“Why not with him?”

“Your mother was a great princess. She was so strong and so powerful, and he was nothing. Most didn’t even know his name. And most didn’t care to. He was less than nothing. But you, your power is incredible, join me and together we can stop Dubhan.”

“Take away Lycus’ immortality.”

“I can’t. It doesn’t work like that. His immortality was sold to Dubhan for his beast soul. His life force is now tied with mine because I guaranteed his loyalty. Dubhan is as wise as he is evil. He knows to trust nobody without a price.”

“You relied on your powers and now it has become your destruction. Queen of the Five Kingdoms, you have been found guilty by the council. Guilty of treason, murder, and the rise of the dark lord himself. I sentence you to death in order to bring order to the world. You are sentenced to death by the sword of High King Alex Hodgins son of Daniel Hodgins.”

He takes his sword and thrust it deep down into her cold dark heart. Her skin turns as black as the sky before turning into ash and blowing away in the breeze. The orc army around the battlefield all turns to stone immediately and falls into millions of little pieces. All fighting ceases as the dwarves and Armels drop their weapons in surrender. The dragon’s ice begins to thin, and Alex carries David through a smashed piece. Fromm and a couple others meet them at the edge of the wall. Two men grab the now somewhat conscious David and take him to get treated. They leave Alex and Fromm to do nothing but look at each other and let out a laugh.

“You did it, King Alex.”

“We did it, General Fromm.”

“What do you want done with the dwarves and Armels?”

“Let them go home, there will be punishment for them but not today. There has been too much bloodshed already this day.”

“As you wish my lord.”

“Make sure that giant gets the treatment he needs.”

“Are you sure?”

“He saved my life. I owe it to him. I am now responsible for the well-being of all creatures of the land.”

“As you wish, your sense of mercy is quite noble and was surely missed in these lands.”

Fromm goes off to carry out Alex’s orders. Alex sits down on a stump and looks around at all of the death on the ground. The dark storm clouds turn into white fluffiness and soon disperse allowing the bright sun’s rays to warm up his cut up and tired body. Even in the midst of victory he can see that it all came a great cost.

How am I supposed to rebuild from all of this?

Tents are put up to take care of the wounded until they can be transported home. The enemy soldiers are forced to go to their homes with nothing from Berthold or Edjer. Not even a horse. The destroyed orc remains are left alone and are made as a reminder of the sacrifices made this day.

The rebel army marches north through the pass leading to the White Wall and the Gate of the North. In between the two mountains hangs three individuals by the neck. Sara looks up and gasps when she notices she recognizes two of them.

“That is Samuel and the other assassin up there.”

“It would seem Lycus is trying to send his message across that he is not to be defied.”

“I guess he should try harder,” Sara lets out a smirk.

“I wonder who the other one is.”

“Looks like a dwarf.”

“The queen and Lycus must not be getting along.”

They quickly move their army through the pass and approach closer towards the gate.

“You think we can win this?” Sara asks Katherine.

“I think we have to. I think we don’t have a choice if we care about those that we love. You worried?”

“I am worried that I am not you. I mean you are such a great warrior and leader.”

“Didn’t my brother train you?”

“Yeah, but-,”

“But what? Did you love him?”

“Yeah, of course, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“You will find a way then, and so will he. I have no doubt.”

“When I see him though, I may have to do something about that hair though,” jokes around Sara.

“Which part? The warrior hawk or the braid?”


“Well I agree with the hawk, but the braid down his back is a Hishonian male warrior tradition. Each braid down represents a kill during combat.”

“It is nearly down to his shoulder.”

“Yeah, his hair hasn’t grown fast enough with his number.”

Sara looks shocked by her response.

“Why do you love him?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I love him because he is my brother, so you know, I have to. But I have only met one other person to ever feel anything but fear and hate for him. So I have to ask again, why do you love my pain in the ass brother?”

She smiles while thinking about the answer.

“Because he is that pain in the ass. I wouldn’t have him any other way. When he looks at me, I feel like he will never look away. When he holds me, I feel like nothing else in the world can touch me. I feel like there is nothing he will ever let happen to me.”

Katherine smiles at the thought just before the large white gate opens slowly as Sara and Katherine await their fate in battle. Horns echo through the valley from the other side of the gate. As the gate opens up fully, soldiers dressed in black, march in unison with Lycus in the lead. They show incredible discipline in the freezing temperatures by marching in complete unison. Even in the deep snow they still look focused and ready for battle.

“They march looking to end the resistance once and for all. So much precision,” says Sara.

“Northern soldiers are trained for killing and don’t know of anything else.”

“While our soldiers face hunger, frostbite, and exhaustion, while they look near perfect for battle.”

“Don’t forget we don’t even have soldiers. Most are just farmers, hunters, and just normal everyday workers.”

“So how do we even win this?”

“We kill Lycus. Once he is killed the army will be required to take commands from the next member of the royal family.”

“So, you?”

“Or Bryne?”

“Yeah, right,” Sara says sarcastically.

“Be prepared, Lycus will not avoid combat like many leaders. He will come at us both, so we need to take him out together. If nothing else, we will have to hold off for Bryne.”

“Do you think he can defeat him this time?”

“Last time he was just a teenager. He was betrayed by the Order and lost nearly everything in the process, including himself.”

“What happened?”

“The first time he fought Lycus he was just twelve years old. This was before our immortality and Bryne was nearly beaten to death. After healing he would be tortured for literally the next year. After that year, with the help of his mother they smuggled many out of the city. Once he was fully healed again, he resumed his training and sought training from the greatest killers in the world, The Order of Assassins. He swore to serve them under one condition, to help assassinate King Lycus. The plan was simple, use his mother as bait and Bryne and the others would take him out.”

“His mother agreed?”

“His mother would’ve done anything to make Bryne become the prince that everyone knew he could become,” explains Katherine.

“Wasn’t Lycus immortal at the time?”

“We didn’t know yet, what he had done to the bloodline.”

“So, what went wrong with this whole thing besides fighting someone that is immortal?” asks Sara.

“The Order never showed up and quickly Bryne was over ran and captured. He was tortured for ten days. This is where he learned of the family curse. Lycus could inflict as much pain as possible without killing anyone of his bloodline. When he was tired of torturing his broken son, he forced him to transform into his wolf form and tossed his mother in the chamber with him.”

“Bryne killed his own mother?”

“He has no control of his wolf spirit. When he was done devouring her, he was beaten some more and left in the snow outside of the kingdom to die. That’s when Samuel, the elder assassin found him in the wilderness and brought him to life.”

“I thought you said the Order betrayed him.”

“They did, and Samuel betrayed the Order. But many believe certain stories because it sounds more believable. Such as, the Black Prince joined the Order, killed his mother and attempted to overthrow the throne. Many were told he died that night. Many were told he lived in the mountains learning the secrets of the ancients. Even now the legends grow bigger and bigger and even I don’t know everything that is true. All I know is that he must love you.”

“You think so?”

“Are you kidding me? For the first time since his mother’s death he has found something to fight for again. As his sister, I am happy to see him like this.”

“What about you?” asks Sara. “What is the legend of Katherine the Eagle warrior?”

“Haha, for that story, you will have to survive this day.”

The enemy suddenly starts to charge in unison towards the rebel army.


The rebel army puts shields up and spears pointed out forward. The North Army charges closer and closer until they clash into the shields and spears. The two girls ride into position behind the shield wall. They North army gets closer until they clash into the wall of spears. Most of the enemy soldiers first few lines fall to the rebel army. Many spears are lost after the first wave.

“Attack!!” orders Sara.

The rebel army attacks breaking formation and pushes back against the North. Sara and Katherine dismount and attack forward making their way for Lycus. Soon enough he fights his way to them as well and the three meet each other on the edge of the battlefield.

“Ah, my lovely daughter. Where is your pain in the ass brother?”

“Don’t worry about him, he’ll be here soon enough but for now you have us to deal with.”

“You are unworthy of me. You are not the notorious Black Prince. You are just a scared little sorry for an excuse sorceress. Just like your mother was.”

“You know nothing, father.”

Katherine twirls her dual swords with eagle head handles in anger and charges Lycus alone.

“Katherine, no!” yells Sara.

But it is too late. He spins his flail around one of the blades and rips it out of her hands and dodging the other one. Sara joins the fight by shooting an arrow at him. He catches it inches away from his face and tosses it aside.

“Ah, I recognize that bow. How cute? I can’t wait to see him suffer even more.”

“You underestimate me and your children.”

“Give me a reason not to. I have never been defeated.”

“There is a first for everything.”

Sara comes at him with a few good swings, but nothing connects before he Spartan kicks her in the chest backwards. The air is knocked out of her lungs as she lays on her back in the ice-cold snow. Lycus walks towards her to finish her off but Katherine gets between the two. She uses her one sword and a random shield to block his blows. She keeps getting pushed down and into the ground until the wooden shield shatters in her hand. She swings at him one last time but is once again caught by the flail’s chain and pulled out of her hands. She falls forward to the ground with her face in the snow and mud. As she goes to pull herself up, she feels the flail smash into the side of her face sending her flying over against a rock. Sara looks over to see Katherine unconscious and a broken, bloody face. She stands up to face him with the last remaining strength left in her body. With sword in hand, she tries to stand up straight.

“Brave and honourable, my lady,” says Lycus.

“I’d rather die with honor than live in the shadows.”

“Your wish is my command but not yet.”

He swings the flail low breaking her leg. She falls, screaming in complete agony. Tears roll down her face. At that very moment she feels fear, cold, and hatred all in one moment.

“I will make you feel pain beyond your knowledge.” He punches her in the eye. “I want Bryne to see once and for all, he is nothing and can protect nothing.”

“He will come, and he will kill you.”

“I have no doubt he will come, but it will not matter.”

He goes to punch her again but a large black wolf jumps on Lycus knocking him out of the way. Sara moves her head just enough to see through one eye, the wolf clawing at Lycus before Lycus is able to throw him off. Horns echo from the horizon. All fighting ceases for a moment to see the Hishonian army charging forward to join the fighting. Sara looks up to barely be able to see them all charge towards them riding horses led by Isabella and three dragons from the sky. One dragon remains without a rider but continues to fly with the others in formation. Lycus stands up and Bryne appears in place of the wolf. He pulls out his dual wielded blades and comes at Lycus with ultimate anger. Lycus spits out blood and his side clawed up.

“Your end has come, Lord Lycus.”

“The Black Prince returns home to take over the throne. Didn’t you learn anything from last time?”

“I have learned more than you could possibly imagine.”

“Ah, more pride in killing the last threat to me.”

The two warriors charge and clash at each other in the most ferocity imaginable. Lycus, out of breath and weakened throws a swing with his flail but is caught by Bryne’s swords at the wooden handle. The swords smash through the handle leaving the king defenseless. He pathetically falls to his knees and looks up to his son.

“You would kill a defenseless man? You are more like me than you know.”

Bryne goes to punch him but Lycus throws mud in his face and kicks him backwards. Bryne rolls back to his feet. Lycus picks up a sword and a shield and charges at his son. Complete rage between two turns into a complete all-out brawl. Lycus swings but Bryne block and when Bryne swings Lycus steps back and blocks it. Finally, Bryne catches Lycus’ hand in mid swing. He struggles to hold him back due to the difference in size. The Black Prince then decides and kicks him in the torso sending him into the snow and mud. While on the ground Lycus holds up his shield to block Bryne’s blows. Soon the shield shatters, breaking the king’s hand just as he had done to Sara. He lays there in fear as Bryne kicks the sword out of his hand and out of reach.

“I am nothing like you. I do not fear you and I have never feared you.”

“That is where I messed up with you.”

“Fear is not power. It has become your downfall.”

“Too bad yours is your girlfriend.”

Bryne lifts up Lycus from the beard and punches him over and over leaving him bloodied. On the fourth swing he stops and notices something about his father’s eyes and stares for a moment. They look pure black and no longer like his own that he once recognized. He drops him allowing his blood to stain the white snow.

“You have sold you’re the rest of your honor, and your soul. You know longer have your beast blood. And for what? All of this.”

“You don’t understand. He is coming, and you must decide what side you are on. Do you really think you can defeat the Great Dubhan all on your own? I did everything for you and your sister.”

Bryne looks over at his sister laying in the snow but barely breathing.

“You smashed in her face for us? You tortured me all of my life for us? This war is for us? No, you did it for you because you were scared. You were scared you would one day not become the greatest warrior in the world. You enjoy being feared and having power.”

“If not for me, you would’ve been weak. You could’ve never defeated me in single combat.”

“You think I wanted this? I used to actually look up to you. I remember looking at you and thinking I want to be a great king like you one day. But I know now that you are just pure evil.”

Bryne walks over to check on Sara, who is laying not far away. He sees her left eye swollen shut and her leg shattered. She gives him a weak smile and he returns it.

“I knew you would come,” she says weakly.

“Nothing could keep you away from me, princess.”

The prince suddenly notices movement about twenty feet away lying amongst the dead. It is a bow being lifted and pointed towards him and Sara. He pulls the bow back and fires it. Bryne throws one sword at the arrow and his other at the man. Both blades hit their target but leaving Bryne without a weapon.

“Bryne, look out!” screams Sara.

Bryne turns around to see an arrow coming from his father’s bow penetrate him in the right shoulder. He looks at the arrow in shock. He grabs it and pulls it out of his flesh but as he does another lands in his left shoulder. He falls to his knees as he feels the pain and coldness of death approaching. The pain shoots through his body as he kneels in the snow and mud. Lycus walks closer to him as Bryne stands back up. A third arrow sticks him in the left thigh and he falls to one knee. He stares off in the distance when he sees a white light and a figure.

“Is she worth dying for?” says a familiar voice.

“Only you can defeat evil,” says another.

“Fight the darkness inside of you,” and another.

The figure clears up and he sees Sara standing in front of him. Behind her he sees a middle-aged woman with golden hair and a gentle smile.


“This is not the end of you, Prince.”

“I am not strong enough.”

“You have always been the strongest person I know.”

“I am sorry. I am sorry for everything.”

“Today we do not apologize, today we defeat a piece of evil. Is she worth dying for?”

“Yes, yes she is.”

“Is she worth living for?”

He looks up to see her great smile warming him up throughout and realizes he can’t give up yet. He returns to reality and stands up to see his father standing in front of him, bow ready to fire one last shot.

“I want you to know that I really am proud of you my son. You put up a good fight but once again came up short. Your love will join you shortly. She will learn a valuable lesson called pain, first. I think she will make a lovely trophy until she dies from pain. I wanted you to witness it, but it seems you have become too strong for-,”

He is cut short be a piercing pain through his chest. He looks down to see two arrows shoved deep into his heart. The bow falls to the ground from his hand without an arrow. Lycus stumbles for a minute before collapsing into the frozen ground.

“Wh-What is happening?”

“Alex has defeated the queen and your powers are gone. Your poison tipped arrows have backfired.”

“I feel … fear.”

Lycus collapses into the snow lifeless. Bryne stands for a moment longer, turns around to see Sara trying to stand up. He looks around one last time to see the battle dying down and sees the rebels and Hishonian have conquered the North. He smiles for a moment before collapses face first into the ground motionless.

“Bryne, no!”

Sara limps over to him and rolls him over. She tries to heal him, but it doesn’t seem to work. The light tries to go around him, but nothing happens. She lays her head on his chest with a tear rolling down her face. A soft touch touches her on the arm and she looks up to see Isabella standing above her.

“Hello, my name is Isabella. I am a friend of Bryne’s.”

“Hi, I am Sara.”

“I am sorry about him. May I take a look?”

Sara moves back a bit but unable to move too far. Isabella approaches Bryne and notices he is still breathing faintly. She pulls out the arrows to notice a sticky substance on one of the tips.

“The shots were not fatal, but the poison seems to have some sort of magical qualities. Whatever it is, blocks your magic, Sara. It is unknown to me, but we need to get him to Berthold as soon as possible. Along with you and Katherine. I will take care of things here.”

“Are you sure? I can help y- owe,” she tries to stand up on her leg.

“I’m sure, Sara. You have done enough. My husband Reese will assist you to the city. Reese!”

Reese runs over with his dragon closely behind.

“What’s going on?”

“Take Bryne, Katherine and Sara back to Berthold and have them try to activate the portal from that side. I will get all survivors up to Zeev and transport them as soon as we can.”

“I will make sure they are taken care of.”

“Before you go, have you ever seen a poison like this before?”

Isabella hand Reese one of the arrows and kneels next to Bryne’s body.

“It seems dark. Whatever it is needs to get out of his system immediately. I don’t know what it is exactly or even why he isn’t dead. Something wants to keep him alive.”

Isabella and he load up the dragons with Sara, Bryne, Katherine with two other riders. One of the riders being Hailey. Hearne growls at the stranger trying to get on her back until she sees Hailey and Bryne’s lifeless body.

“I got this,” she says.

“You let her ride you this one time, understand?” demands Isabella.

She willingly puts her guard down, allowing Hailey to ride with Bryne. Sara is lifted up in front of Reese and is barely able to keep her head up straight. Katherine is brought onto the rider and seems to be unconscious but breathing steadily. Her right eye bandaged up, but blood seems to be seeping through slowly. Reese gives Isabella one last kiss before riding south toward the City of Kings. Isabella stays behind and loads up caravans to head to the North’s capital city. Before she does anything else though, she walks over to Lycus’ body and looks over it.

“You will control nothing.”

She takes out her sword and chops his head off with one single swing. As Sara rides the dragon, she feels weak but feels Reese keeping a tight hold of her. She moves her head to glance at Bryne riding lifeless on the back of Hearne. Even with all of this death around her she finds peace for the first time in a long time. While she heads to Berthold, she feels the cool breeze blow through her hair and she can’t help but close her eyes and sleep.

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