Royal Twins

Chapter Chapter V – Secrets Untold

Alex, Sara and Fromm await upstairs in the dark war room for what seems like forever. Fromm sits down and lights his pipe, letting the aroma of tobacco fill the air. Alex reads a book titled, History of King Floren, and Sara plays with her ring while standing off to the side with her active mind racing. Suddenly, the door flies open and everyone’s head snaps up to see Tucker and Courtney barging through.

“Tucker, Courtney, what are you doing here?” asks Alex.

“Eugene found us and thought this information involved all of us,” explains Tucker.

“What have you found out so far?” asks Courtney.

“Nothing, we are still waiting for Bryne and Katherine,” he answers.

“Hmm,” starts Courtney. “What do you think they could be hiding?”

“We know they are immortal,” says Tucker.

“Only on their land or land controlled by The White Queen or King Lycus. What else do we know?” asks Alex.

“The older assassin-,” starts Fromm before being interrupted.

“Samuel,” interrupts Sara.

“What?” he asks.

“Samuel. That was his name.”

“Okay?” he continues with a questioning sound in his voice. “Samuel said he was special, and I don’t feel like he was saying that just because of his combat skills.”

The boys continue to converse when Courtney pulls Sara off to the side.

“What’s up?” asks Sara.

“I never got a chance to properly thank you yet.”

“For what?”

“For always protecting me. First, in the locker room and then the castle.”

“The locker room incident never happened, and castle was all Bryne.”

“It did happen. Trust me, you would’ve done that whether or not it was real. I have no doubt in my mind. What is that?” she asks going completely off topic. She points to Sara’s hand.

“This?” she asks showing Courtney the ring.

“Yes, it’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she says trying to keep Courtney quiet.

Courtney continues to stare at Sara with her big puppy dog eyes. Sara notices she doesn’t have any glasses on.

“Where is your glasses?”

“They broke when I was captured. And when I woke up from my nap, I was able to see just fine. It really is a miracle if you ask me. Now, ring, details.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Who gave it to you?” she asked getting overly excited.

“Will you calm down?”

“Tell me or I will yell to everyone about your ring.”

“A certain black prince.”

Courtney gasps and Sara hushes her up by placing her hand on her mouth. A few muffled mumbles come from her mouth as her eyes get excited. She even starts to bounce unable to contain herself. Sara looks around to see nobody paying attention.

“Quiet,” she says before removing her hand.

“He is so cute.”

“You two will make some beautiful babies.”

Sara’s eyes get large and she begins to blush as red as a cherry ready to pick off of a tree in the autumn.

“What is wrong with you?”

“Come on, the only guy I have ever gotten close to doing anything romantic is Tucker. And it’s like he doesn’t pick up on any hints at all.”

“Wait, wait, wait. You’ve been trying to hit on Tucker?” asks Sara trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, why?” Courtney looks confused. “Why are you smiling?”

“Hey Tucker,” Sara yells out across the room.

“No please don’t,” she pleads but it is too late.

Tucker makes his way to them. Courtney’s smile goes away and now a nervous look is upon her face.

“What’s up ladies?”

“So, Courtney here has been trying to hit on you?”

“Really, since when?”

“This is so embarrassing,” says Courtney. “I thought you were really sweet, and cute and funny. I have never had a boyfriend, so I must not be very good at giving signals. I mean I had you crawl in bed with me earlier. I thought that was pretty flirty.”

“You said it would make you feel more comfortable and safer.”

“Yeah, because I thought you were sweet, and I was trying to flirt.”

“With me?” he asks shocked.

“Yeah, why act so shocked? Have you never been hit on before?”

Sara and Tucker both look at each other and burst out laughing. Tucker holds his sides and Sara starts to tear up. Alex walks over to see the two dying of laughter and Courtney standing angry with her arms folded.

“What did you guys do to poor Courtney?” asks Alex.

“She… She…,” struggles Sara, “has been hitting on Tucker all day.”

“Like romantically?”

Sara is only able to let out a few nods.

“Oh, I get it,” says Courtney as Alex joins in on the laughter. “You guys are too old for me and Alex and Tucker were too cool for anyone like me.”

“Courtney,” Alex puts his hand on her shoulder. “It’s nothing like that. I promise.”

“Then what? Tell me what is so damn funny.”

“I’m gay.”

A shocked look spreads over her face and she starts to blush now.

“I have been hitting on a gay guy?”

They all nod before she starts to laugh at herself. She runs her hand through her black flowing hair in shock. Shock that she didn’t see this before.

“I think you are so beautiful, and this experience has shown me who my true family is. You are like a sister to me now. But I promise there is a non-gay guy out there somewhere that is perfect for you and I can’t wait for you to find him.”

She gives Tucker a hug just as the door opens with Eugene leading the way of Bryne and Katherine. Together they walk in with the look of two warriors. Both of them heavily armed. They stop just in front of the center table in complete unison.

“May I present Princess Katherine and the notorious Black Prince of the North? I apologize but they refused to leave their weapons outside.”

“It’s alright, Eugene. There is no need,” orders Alex.

Eugene bows and leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

“You guys know I am fine with just being called Bryne. Not everyone has to introduce me as the Black Prince of the North.”

“Ignore him, you summoned us?” asks Katherine bowing but Bryne refuses and stares dead ahead at Fromm.

“Yes. We need some honesty from both of you,” asks Alex.

“And may I add, you gave your allegiance to the high throne down at the council,” adds Fromm.

“I don’t believe so,” replies Bryne. “I mean I have been hit in the head a lot but I feel like I would’ve remembered that.”

“Your sister agreed to defend the throne. That agreement is for her and her people.”

“Her people,” repeats Bryne. “I am not of her people.”

“Bryne, that’s enough,” orders Katherine.

“Fine, but he started it.”

“Nope, not of her people at all,” Fromm says sarcastically.

“You too, Fromm,” Alex orders. “This feud between you two is not why we are here.”

“Bryne, what are you?” asks Sara out of nowhere.

“Born from a mother and a tyrant war lord father. I was tortured for half of my life and the other was spent being a famous outlaw throughout the Five Kingdoms,” he responds with a rhetorical tone in his voice.

“Easy,” warns Katherine.

He lets out a loud annoyed sounding sigh but eventually gives in.

“What do you want to know about me?”

“I mean the yellow eyes, incredibly quick reflexes, and the fact your sister showed up here from Zeev in just a few hours. What are you two?” she asks again.

The siblings look at each other deciding whether or not they should say anything. They both nod to each other in agreement.

“First of all, my reflexes and combat skills are me training my whole life. If you listen to the legends, I was spat out of hell itself and worshipper of Dubhan, who gave me my abilities.”

“Bryne, enough,” says Katherine. “We are what many these days call Rangers.”

“Rangers, I knew there was something about you,” responds Fromm while the rest remain confused.

“What is a ranger?” asks Alex.

“They are animals. Well, half animals.”

“Wrong as usual, Protector,” answers Bryne and Fromm gets an angry expression. “First of all, we are not Rangers. My father created the name. The word ranger is kind of slang for who our people really are. Now, what is a so-called anger? Our kind is two souls, one animal and one human. Nothing about us is half of anything. If it was my bottom half would change while my body stayed the same. My sister and I can change into our selected animal at any time.”

“Wait, seriously? That’s awesome,” says Tucker. “Can you show us?”

“No. The last time I changed I-,” he pauses in his own mind. “I can’t control mine yet. When I am in its body I haven’t been able to control what I do like my sister can.”

“However, after flying here I must rest my animal soul and I don’t know if inside the best place for this,” adds Katherine.

“Fly? Are you a bird or something?” asks Alex.

“Giant red eagle. My brother is the great black wolf,” Katherine tells everyone as Sara remembers the mirror back home.

Her mind races back to a giant black wolf with piercing yellow eyes jumping at her. Bryne notices her facial expression and stares at her.

“It all makes sense now,” says Alex smiling.

“How big is a giant eagle?” asks Courtney.

“About a twenty-foot wingspan if that gives you an idea.”

“I thought a ranger’s animal was picked by your parent’s blood,” pointed out Fromm.

“It is. We have different mothers. I got my mother’s and he received our father’s. You know much of our kind, Fromm.”

“But nothing at the same time,” responds Bryne. “Will that be all?”

“Yes, thank you for taking the time. This explains a lot to us.”

Bryne takes a last apologetic look to Sara who is looking down and walks out. Sara stands in the back staring at the ring that he had given her. Katherine stays behind for a moment with an annoyed look upon her face.

“Is there something else?” asks Alex.

“I want to apologize for my brother. He is a great warrior, probably the greatest in the world but he isn’t great with people. He does not see his wolf soul as a gift as many others do. Especially, after he had an incident with it. He has even travelled and studied trying to figure out how to get rid of it. Ever since his mother’s death he has never been quite the same.”

“No need to apologize, Katherine. But thank you,” says Alex.

She bows and leaves the war room.

“Well, that explains how she beat her army own here,” states Fromm.

“I am just glad they are on our side,” says Tucker.

“I am going to get some fresh air,” Sara says walking out of the room.

“You want some company?” asks Courtney.

“No, I am alright.”

They watch as she leaves the war room and closes the room behind her. Almost on queue Fromm moves in front of them and faces to talk to them.

“Listen, I want you to be careful around them. Especially, Bryne.”

“Why?” asks Courtney. “He seems harmless.”

They all look at Courtney questioning her judgment.

“You know what I mean. Harmless to us.”

“Yeah, I mean he’s a little bit rough around the edges but seems to be a good person,” agrees Tucker.

“I know his kind. Sara, has clearly fallen for him and I fear what will happen when he is done with her.”

“Fromm,” starts Alex. “I knew a lot of people like that too. I mean I wasn’t always the greatest of people either, but he is different. I don’t know what history you have with his kind but that doesn’t make him that person.”

“His kind is unable to love. They aren’t bred for it genetically. That is what I worry about. He was created to kill and if his legend is true, then that is all he capable of.”

They turn to wait for Alex to make a decision about the whole situation. Finally, after pacing to the other side of the room he turns around.

“We will stay out of this and this conversation never happened. Understood? I am her brother and I will always look after her, but she is an adult, and this is her decision. All we can do is be there for her if something does happen. As king I cannot jeopardize this war and a strong ally because of anyone’s personal feelings. As much as you may not like him, or he not like you, we need him.”

“I will take my leave then and go talk to Rasham to get started on the translation of this journal.”

“I think we will attend this festival I have heard about earlier today. What do you say Tucker and Courtney?”

“Only hell yeah,” says Tucker.

“Alright, I will meet you guys down there.”

They all leave the room, leaving Alex alone in the War Room to decompress and think about everything going on.

Sara walks quickly down the stairs entering the main hall and heads for the main doors. A guard opens one of the doors for her and she continues outside. She stops just outside of the doors to see moon shine across the land reflecting off of the sea. Her mind continues to race back and forth.

Do I love him? I don’t even know him. But I do feel something around him that I have never felt before in my life. I don’t even know his last name; how can I love someone I just met? Love at first sight? No, it’s more than that. Then finally she stops pacing back and forth. I do love him.

She bolts down the main path that leads directly out of the main gate. Torches and lanterns fill the fields outside the wall. Hundreds of tents are scattered throughout the fields. In the sea, a fleet of ships scatter throughout the waters anchored in place with hundreds of sailors aboard each one. A strange orange glow shines near the beach. But she continues to run until she reaches Bryne’s tent. She pauses, takes a deep breath, gathers herself and enters the tent. She finds everything packed up beside his bed and nobody inside. She walks back outside and jumps out of her skin when she sees Bryne standing there.

“Looking for something, princess?” he asks.

“Just you.”

She quickly walks up to him and pulls his head down and kisses him on the lips. At first, he stands there surprised but soon returns the kiss. He cups her face in his rough hands and leans into her. Her lips, delicate but firm, kisses him back tenderly. They pull apart for a moment to catch their breath. He rests his forehead on hers with him staring into her eyes.

“You’re not mad?” he asks.

“I was pretty pissed off that you didn’t tell me. More confused, really, but I understand, and I realize it’s not worth being angry about,” she says looking at him. “Something’s in life aren’t worth being mad about.”

He leans down to kiss her again. She closes her eyes and goose bumps rush down her body with his touch. She leans into his lips harder and the kissing gets more passionate. He now cups her face in his hands again and she begins to giggle.

“What is so funny?” he asks her as he cracks a small smile.

“Your stubble tickles.”

He brings her close and she sits her head on his chest. He holds her tightly in his strong arms in the moonlight under the twinkling stars. It seems at that very moment all of the world has stopped and nothing else in it matters.

“Did you have plans for tonight?”

“No, not really. I think we are having the Rasham translate the journal they found in your father’s bedroom. So, until that is done, I have nothing on the agenda.”

“Lycus’ bedroom. Besides, you need to have some fun. Even if you are the future queen of the world, you deserve some time to enjoy.”

“Alright. What did you have planned?”

“The elves are having a ritual tonight. They call it the Kallistrate. The Kallistrate is performed before battle to remember those that have died. Today they honour all of those that have died in this war and those that will leading up to the final battle. We honour those that are willing to make that sacrifice.”

“Wow sounds like the most depressing first date ever,” she mocks.

“Oh, not really. It’s really just a night for everyone to get together and celebrate life. With music, alcohol, and some dancing.”

“Sounds fun. You lead the way.”

They walk between all of the tents and towards shore where a gigantic bonfire is being lit. People of all races and all walks of life surround the eight-foot fire. They fill the air with music, dancing, laughter, and chatter. Sara looks around at all of the smiling faces.

“There is so much happiness here.”

“The world is full of great people and it is worth fighting for.”

“Wow did The Black Prince say something that was kind of inspirational?” says Katherine from the side.

“Nope,” he replies. “And nobody will ever believe you anyways.”

“Good to see you again, my lady.” Katherine says to Sara.

“Please, just call me Sara. I’m not one for all these formalities.”

“Ah, I like her. Neither am I. Formalities don’t win battles, good leaders and soldiers do. So, what are we doing first?”

“There’s David and his wife,” spots Sara.

“Wife? When did that happen?” asks Bryne.

“Seriously, Bryne?” starts Katherine. “Where have you been?”

“I’ve been around.”

“Her name is Anne. She barely even spoke during the council. She seems good for him though. He wasn’t sarcastic and joking the entire time like he used to be.”

“Well, that’s good.”

David and Anne see them and walk over. They seem to have a young boy and a girl following close behind them.

“So, the rumours are true,” starts David as he approaches. “The Black Prince is alive and here in my camp.”

“Your camp?”

“Yes, you see this crown?” he asks pointing to his head. “I don’t just wear this for fun. Its uncomfortable as hell.”

“I thought it was to fool people of your disappearing hair.”

“Ah, so side splitting funny. You could use something to hide that hair of yours.”

“The King of Edjer, complaining as usual. Good to see you, David.”

They embrace each other in friendship with a quick hug and both of them smiling after the good nature riveting.

“I’d like to introduce to you my wife, Queen Anne.” David introduces.

“It’s a pleasure, my lady.”

“And our son, Prince Scott II. And my daughter Princess Hailey.”

“Are the rumours of you true?” the boy asks almost immediately.

“Depends on the rumour,” Bryne sighs and then smiles.

“Did you really defeat an entire ship of raiders in the Frozen Sea?”

“Yes, that is true.”

“So, to survive the freezing temperatures of night you made a shelter with the remains of their bodies.”

Bryne looks shocked and everyone awaits to hear his answer in suspense.

“Are you allowing your son to ask those type of questions?”

“I will deal with him later. Did you really do that?”

“That is disgusting, Bryne,” says Sara.

“I was on a ship, why would I make shelter out of dead bodies? That just sounds like way too much work.”

“You haven’t exactly said no, Bryne,” chimes in Katherine.

“Why do you hate me? No, I did not do that demented thing.”

Everyone lets out a big sigh of relief.

“Sorry, about my brother. He didn’t think you were actually real,” says Hailey.

“Huh, ’sorry about my brother,” thinks Katherine. “I feel like I have been saying that phrase my entire life Hailey.”

Bryne takes a minute to look at Hailey’s red hair and then he looks at David and Anne’s brown hair.

“You look confused Bryne,” says David.

“No, not at all,” he lies.

“We adopted Hailey.”

“Why are you telling me that?”

“Because I don’t want you to burnout trying to figure out how she can possibly be my daughter. She is fifteen, her home was destroyed a couple of years ago when soldiers invaded.”

“You aren’t Edjer, are you?”

“No, I am not. I am Northern like you.”

“I am sorry, I didn’t know,” says Katherine.

“It is alright,” Hailey assures. “The Black Prince will defeat him, and justice will be served. I can’t wait for him to get what’s coming to him.”

“Revenge is a scary path, my lady,” warns Bryne.

“Anyway, I just wanted to say I actually do feel much more comfortable with you fighting out there with my husband. To have the greatest warrior on our side can only help our chances of him returning home.”

“I will do whatever I can to make sure he comes home to all three of you.”

Katherine rolls her eyes and Anne gives him a smile and a warm hug in thanks.

“So, what goes on at this ritual thing?” asks Sara.

“Well, that depends if you want the royal fun or the real fun,” responds Bryne.

“Easy now, we have fun too,” says David.

“Alright,” laughs Katherine as she puts her arm around Sara leading her away from David and Anne.

“We will see you around.”

“Can I go with, dad?” asks Hailey.

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her. Don’t you worry. I mean her and Courtney are around the same age and she is somewhere out here, I am sure.”


“Fine, but no drinking. I mean it Bryne. If even one droplet touches her lips I will…,” his voice fades off as the two catch up with Sara and Katherine.

David and Anne walk away with their son toward largest tent. The others walk over to a group of soldiers sitting at a table next to a smaller camp fire. Three soldiers turn around and see the four of them approaching.

“My ladies,” bows one of the soldiers.

“Not tonight. Tonight we are just another group of soldiers. What are you boys drinking?” asks Katherine.

“We got everything,” says the soldier. “Well, not the expensive stuff. But it will get you drunk just the same.”

He is taller and lean like the elves with nice looking armour.

“Let me introduce myself. I am Captain Shom of the Elves.”

“Pleasure to meet you, I am Sara. This is Hailey of Edjer, Katherine of the North, and her brother-,”

“Prince Bryne of the North. A member of the Order if I’m not mistaken,” says the Captain.

“Former prince and former member of the Order. Now I am just Bryne. I am just another soldier.”

“Well, whatever you are, I am glad you are on our side. Here, shall we take some shots?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

The captain grabs a dusty bottle and pours seven shots on the table. Hailey goes to reach for the shot but Bryne grabs it first.

“Your dad said no drinking.”

“You are the Black Prince. Since when do you listen to anyone?” she asks.

“Since now when I respect his decision.”

They each grab their glass except for Sara.

“You alright?” Bryne asks her.

“It’s just that I’ve never drank alcohol before.”

“You do what you are comfortable with. Nobody here will think any less of you,” says Katherine.

They raise their glasses up holding them high.

“Tonight, we honour those that have died in the pursuit of our freedom. We honour those that will die along with those that live to see such dark times. Kalli!!” yells Bryne.

“Kalli!!” They all yell and drink their shots.

“What does kalli mean?” Sara whispers to Bryne.

“It’s Ancient Elvish, meaning hope.”

She thinks about it for a minute but then decides to smile and picks up her shot.

“Kalli,” she says and drinks it. She coughs as the strong alcoholic drinks burns going down her throat.

“You alright?” asks Katherine smiling.

“Yeah, what was that?”

“Elvish Whiskey. Trust me it’s a lot better than what the dwarves drink,” answers Shom.

“That’s because they basically drink pure alcohol. It would kill most people,” agrees Katherine laughing.

They sit there laughing and joking about different topics.

“I remember when Bryne first snuck some booze home,” starts Katherine.

“I can’t wait to hear this,” says Sara.

“He was like twelve and he decided to steal some whiskey from our father’s cabinet. Isabella, one of our friends decided to dare him to take a drink. Of course, Bryne couldn’t help but show off as always. So, he took a huge swig of it.”

“What happened?”

“He threw up everything he had in his stomach and then some.”

They all start laughing hard before taking another shot.

“I bet Bryne was adorable as a kid,” says Sara.

“He was a show off.”

A familiar voice comes from behind Sara.

“Sara, there you are.”

Sara turns around to see Courtney and Tucker walking toward them.

“This party is crazy. I just saw an Edjer soldier get into a fist fight with an elf.”

“Who won?” asks Captain Shom.

“The Prince Rahm and King David split it up before they could get too far,” she responds.

“Ah, typical royalty,” says Shom forgetting who’s around him. “No offense to you guys.”

“Hey Bryne, how’s it going?”

“How are you always so chipper, Courtney?” he asks.

“I don’t know. I guess I always know life can always get worse. It’s just who I am I guess.”

“Well, I love it,” he says making her smile. “My goal is to spend one day as happy as you always are.”

“That is perfect because my goal is to learn how to kill someone with just a rock.”

“Really?” he asks questionably.

“No, not really but I would love some training in combat though.”

“I think we can arrange that.”

“Who is this?”

“Name is Hailey, you must be the girl that was rescued.”

“Yeah. I must be.”

“Where is Alex?” asks Tucker.

“I thought he was with you guys,” answers Sara.

“I thought he was already down here,” replies Tucker. He takes a moment to look around for him. He is unable to see too far past the crowd.

“I guess he must be busy working with Rasham and Fromm on the translation,” answers Sara. “Why don’t you sit down with us?”

“Alright,” Courtney says as she sits down with the group. She looks in front of Sara and sees the two empty shot glasses. “Sara, have you been drinking?”

“One shot, which was my first and last time.”

“One shot?” asks Bryne.

“Yes, one shot,” she replies giving him the dead eye look.

“Alright, Alright.”

“It isn’t that strong anyways,” replies Shom.

“Yeah, whatever you say.”

Tucker and Courtney introduce themselves to the rest of the group.

“Hi, I am Courtney, and this is Tucker. We are from the same world as Alex and Sara.”

“How does this world differ from your own?” asks a soldier.


“Give me an example.”

“There is no electricity.”

“Like lightning?”

“Kind of,” says Courtney. “We use it to power our homes and everyday life. Most kids our age is in school right now, where here they are working, fighting, and apparently rulers.”

“Interesting, do you miss it?”

“Yeah, a little bit. But I think this world needs us and honestly we kinda need it as well.”

Sara notices in the loudness and commotion that Bryne sits in the corner deep in thought. He takes his dagger and twirls it with the tip of his finger. She stares at him and decides to stand up and walk over to him, holding out her hand.

“Care to dance, Black Prince of the North?” she asks him holding out her hand.

“What?” he looks up at her. “Dance?”

“Yes, dancing.”

“OMG, yes. Come on.”

Courtney gets excited and grabs Tucker by the hand and pulls him toward the center of the festivities. In the center where the giant bonfire is, is located elves and humans dancing around together. Music from violins, guitars, and other things along with people singing fill the night air. One person is even using a barrel and an empty mug as drums.

“It is what people do with music nearby. I’m not taking no for an answer.” Sara stands looking at him.

“Well, here is the thing, I can’t exactly-,” he starts.

“Dance at all,” barges Katherine. “He is terrible. It turns out if he isn’t about to stab someone he doesn’t know how to move his feet.”

“That’s not entirely true and you know it,” he says to his sister.

“Then prove it,” Sara says teaming up on him. She remains standing over him and holding out her hand.

“You know, she is the future high queen and she is commanding you to dance with her,” adds Katherine.

“That’s low, Kate. That’s really low.”

He sighs but eventually takes her hand and stands as she leads him to the center of the festivities. The music continues to get louder as they approach the glow of the large bonfire. The heart in Bryne’s heart begins to beat at a quick pace. His hands begin to sweat, and he feels clammy. A lump now forms in his throat as they approach the dance floor. He watches a number of people dance together in pairs around the fire. Tucker and Courtney approach the two with smiles from ear to ear.

“Hey, look who we found on the dance floor,” Courtney says pointing at Alex dancing in the distance with some bleach blonde Elvish girl. The four of them stand smiling and starring at him enjoying himself.

“Is she Elvish?” asks Sara.

“Yeah,” starts Tucker, “Check out her crown and clothes. She must be of the royal family.”

“You know her?” asks Sara to Bryne.

“No, I don’t recognize her at all.”

“Well, he seems happy, Shall we?”

Sara leads the warrior to the middle of the dance floor and for the first time she sees a nervous look covering his face. She places his hands on her waist and puts her own hands around his neck. He looks up at him with a smile that could put the stars to shame. Not long after she notices his eyes are not on her but on his own feet. She takes one of her hands and places it on the bottom his chin moving his eyes up slightly enough to meet hers. They stare into each other’s eyes without saying a word.

“You wanna know something?” Sara asks.


“You are not the worst dancer ever.”

“Well, that’s a relief.”

He responds as she laughs, and he smiles.

“I think we need to pick up the pace though.”

“What? Why?”

“Just relax,” she comforts him. “Just think of it like fighting but keep your weapons in their home.”

“So, then nothing like fighting at all?”

“Fine, imagine I am your weapon.”

“I think of you as the prize more than the weapon though. I will give it a shot. For you.”

She smiles in contempt and starts moving a little faster with the quick sounding music. Bryne continues to stutter step along trying to keep up. Finally, Sara decides to slow down and stop teasing Bryne.

“Alright, alright,” she says smiling at him getting frustrated. “We will have to work on that footwork of yours another time.”

“Yeah, sure,” he says out of breath.

“Don’t tell me the big bad wolf is tired,” she mocks.

She laughs as he looks at her with an annoyed but comical look. Suddenly, he cups the side of her face and leans in and kisses her on the lips. She closes her eyes and returns the kiss while draping her arms around him. She even pops up her leg. They pull apart slightly, while keeping their eyes closed and foreheads closed. They both open their eyes and pull apart slightly to see Alex, Tucker, Courtney and the Elvish girl standing nearby watching. Sara steps back and Bryne lets her go. Sara’s face goes pure red as she stares at the starring eyes.

“Alex, wh-who is this?” Sara gulps and walks over pointing at the Elf.

“No, no, no,” buts in Courtney, “First things first. What is going on?”

“What are you talking about? We were just dancing partners.”

“I dance with my lips on a guy’s lips quite often,” scoffs Tucker.

“Bryne and Sara, kissing in a tree, K-I-S-S-,” laughs Courtney.

“I swear I will send you right back into that tower, Courtney,” threatens Sara. “You too Tucker.”

The two go quiet but they can’t help but smile and try their hardest to prevent anymore laughing.

“Anyway,” Alex tries to quit the uncomfortable moment. “This is Princess Calistus of Elvland. Princess, this is my sister Sara and her date for the evening Bryne. Calistus is the younger sibling of Rahm and daughter of Rasham.”

She holds her hand out to shake Sara and Bryne’s hands and they oblige.

“You may call me Cali. That’s what I go by with my friends and family.”

She seems elegant and proper but friendly at the same time. She stands tall with a beautiful silver gown and flower circlet on her head around her blonde wavy locks.

“You must be the assassin aka the Black Prince. I’ve heard a great deal about you.”

“Hopefully, all good things,” Bryne replies.

“Well, I, um-,” she looks at him nervously. “I just heard stories from travellers and my father, so you know how things go.”

“Anyway,” Sara tries to change the direction of the conversation again. “You’re an elf? That means you are immortal, correct?”

“Well, not quite. Elves do live a little bit longer life than humans, but we are not immortal like many believe. My father is the eldest in the nation. However, I am only twenty and my brother is thirty-two.”

“How old is your father exactly?” asks Tucker.

“Three hundred and twenty two years old. He is even the oldest in the history that we know of. Unfortunately, I fear with the darkness looming, his mind is starting to fade at times. I have heard him talking to himself. Whatever has kept him alive this long is no longer effective in his body. Now, I believe this is a festival and we should be celebrating and remembering, not mourning. Sara, Courtney, would you like to meet some of the ladies of the Five Kingdoms. We can leave the men to have some fun for a while.”

“Umm, sure,” Sara nods.

“Sounds like fun.”

“I can introduce you to Queen Anne of Edjer, nobles of Elvland and some of the non-combat side of the world. This is more of the calmer and political side of us ladies.”

Courtney follows as Cali leads them to one of the large tents. Sara winks at Bryne and follows closely behind. Bryne, Alex and Tucker stand awkwardly watching the girls disappear into the crowd and eventually into a tent next to the main one.

“So, shall we go sit down?” Tucker asks breaking the silence.

“Yeah, I think I see the Elvish captain over there by the fire.”

Alex suggests pointing at bench near the bonfire. Bryne looks where he is pointing and sees Captain Shom sitting with a mug in his hand looking blankly into the fire.

“Let’s do it.”

They walk over to elf and sit down next to him. His facial expression immediately goes from nothing into a slow smile. His eyes remain fixed on something inside of the fire.

“My lords!!” he says loud lifting up his arms spilling his mug a little bit. Finally, he breaks his stare and puts his arms down around Tucker and Alex, who are on both sides of him. “Welcome, how are you today?”

“You drunk, Shom?” asks Bryne.

“Nooo, just a little buzzed.”

A large grin takes over his face as he sits there.

“Buzzzzzed,” he breaks out laughing.

“Right, and I am the new Elvish king,” Tucker says sarcastically.

“No way,” Shom stands up and looks at him. “I bow to you my lord of the sea.” Shom bows to Tucker but goes too far as he falls forward and face plants into the dirt spilling the rest of his mug. The three look at the drunk elf as he begins to snore with his butt in the air.

“I should warn you, Tucker,” starts Bryne. “Elves are some of the wisest creatures in the world however, they are immune to sarcasm. They are a quite literal people. Even when they are plastered.”

“Yeah, I noticed that. I was trying to be sweet with Cali and I told her she is as beautiful as the night stars,” says Alex.

“Smooth,” replies Bryne.

“What did she say?” asks Tucker.

“The stars are not just out during the night.”

They all look at each other and laugh. They decide to stand up and move down the bench a few feet away from the passed-out elf captain. Bryne stairs into the flame, Alex looks at the night sky, and Tucker looks around at the dissipating crowd.

“It must be getting late, everyone is either passed out or about ready to.” Tucker states.

“Yeah, I would say it’s about two hours pass midnight,” replies Bryne.

“Wow, this was quite the party, wasn’t it?” Alex asks.

“It’s good for the men and women to get together and celebrate life a little bit.”

“So, Bryne,” starts Tucker, “What’s the story between you and Sara?”

“What story?” Bryne looks sharply at Tucker.

“Tucker, not now,” Alex orders.

“I’m just wondering if you really care about her or was Fromm right about you.”

“Tucker, don’t, that is an order,” Alex orders again as Bryne stands up over both of them.

“No, please, I insist. What did the great protector say about me?”

“I-I don’t know if I should say anything. I’ve probably over stepped my boundaries as is.”

Feeling uncomfortable, Tucker tries to stand up slowly but finds himself face to face with the warrior. Alex decides to also stand up and split up the two of them. He gets them to take about a foot away from each other.

“Don’t be bashful now,” insists Bryne.

“He said people like you could never love anyone. You don’t have the capability of feeling love and are bred for killing. Or something along those lines.”

“Exactly how many people have I killed?”

Bryne begins to raise his voice. The few people left awake begin to gather and stare at the conflict.

“Guys, maybe this isn’t the place,” insists Alex.

“A lot more than more than most people. I mean that was your job as an assassin. To kill without feeling, right?”

Alex takes a step back to get away from the two almost allowing Bryne to take a free shot at his best friend.

“You think I don’t feel? Everyone I was assigned to kill as an assassin was a murderer, a rapist, or tyrant. And even these assholes I had to take out I felt something. You know nothing of me or my people. I was only in the Order for a short time before I wiped them out. ME! I killed the entire original Order because they stabbed me in the back. I kill so people like you can feel good about yourselves and can sleep at night. I kill so you don’t have to. I hear the cries from everyone I have ever killed every night. That’s something I hope you never have to face. To answer your question, yes, I, really care about her. I realize we just met a short time ago, but I love that girl. I hope as her friend and brother you respect me enough to know I will always protect her and you.”

He turns around, kicks the bench over, and walks towards his tent. He soon fades away into the darkness of tent city. Tucker looks at Alex in shock. Sara and Courtney stand outside the tent with a few others.

“I told you, no,” Alex says with a pissed off tone in his voice.

“I just thought I was helping,” says Tucker.

“By defying an order to let everything go or telling a trained killer that he isn’t capable of loving? Because either one has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever said. I like him and I already trusted him.”

“I guess I don’t always think before I say things, I’m sorry, Alex.”

“I’m shocked, it’s not like you have never done that before,” says Alex sarcastically.

“Screw you, Alex. I’m not afraid of you just because you are king. You have been whiny little ass ever since your injury. Newsflash, the doctor cleared you months ago. So, do not get all pissed off just because I happened to make a mistake. We all make mistakes!”

“What the hell happened? Where’s Bryne?” Sara asks walking up.

Sara stands in front of them with folded arms. Courtney, Katherine and Cali follow quickly behind. All four girls starring at the two men. They give each other a look of fear.

“Alex, what did you do?” Sara asks again.

“Nothing, I swear.”

“Then where is Bryne.”

“Tucker, what did you do then?” asks Courtney.

“I just asked a simple question and he got pissed and stormed off.” Tucker replies.

“A simple question, huh? What question?” Sara starts to get even angrier.

“I ghshajjah” Tucker mumbles something nobody understands.

“Holy crap, Tucker,” says Alex. “He asked him if he actually has feeling and if he has the ability to feel anything.”

“Are you serious?” Tucker looks down while Sara gets in his face. “What the hell is wrong with you Tucker?”

“I am honestly so sorry. I didn’t think he would get angry like that.”

“Really? Who wouldn’t be royally pissed off. Well, what did he say?” she asks curiously.

“I don’t know if it’s really our place to say anything.” Tucker replies.

“Now, you are going to keep your mouth shut. No, no, no. Spill it or I will have Katherine force it out of you.” Sara threatens.

“Don’t worry about forcing me,” Katherine says smiling cracking her knuckles.

“Fine, he said he loves you. I mean he said some other things but I have feeling that was what you wanted to hear.”

“Really? He said he loves me?” she smiles slightly as the boys nod slowly. “I need to find him. Tucker, you’re an idiot.”

She runs off towards Bryne’s tent leaving the others in near silence.

“Did you really not think he can’t love someone,” asks Katherine.

“Well, I thought with like his wolf spirit he couldn’t,” explains Tucker. “That was what Fromm said to us and we should be careful.”

“Do you know anything about wolves?” asks Katherine rhetorically.

“They mate for life,” Courtney says out of nowhere smiling.

“That’s correct. So, if you are worried about anything it would be his human nature getting in the way.”

“How did you know that?” Tucker asks Courtney.

“There is much you do not know about me? So, how about we take a walk back to our rooms before you make a bigger ass out of yourself tonight. You can apologize to him in the morning when he has slept everything off.”

“I don’t think there will be much sleeping going on in that tent,” Katherine says smiling from ear to ear. She suddenly realizes Alex’s dead stare at her.

“Seriously? That’s not funny or an image I want to have,” complains Alex.

“Oh, stop being such a baby and take some action yourself.” Katherine points with her eyes toward Cali. He notices her slightly in the rear of the group talking to some people amongst the crowd. After nodding, he walks over to her and holds out his arm like a gentleman.

“Hey Cali, may I walk you back to your tent?”

“Absolutely. It’s not very far but I will enjoy the company. Besides, my tent is actually the lead ship.”

Alex walks by Katherine smiling and she pats him on the back. They exchange goodnights to one another and leave to go their separate ways.

“Do you know how to sail?” Alex asks her.

“About as good as I can breathe. What about you? What did you do before coming here?”

“I was a football captain.”

“Is football a type of ship of a name of an army?”

“No,” he says letting out a chuckle. “It is a game that we play. There is an oval shaped ball made of leather. That is called the football.”

“Okay, got it. What is the point of the game?”

“To make it across the field with the football to the opponent’s side, called an end zone.”

“And then what happens?”

“The other team gets a chance to score.”

“Is this football, common in your world?”

“Yeah, I mean people even make millions of dollars playing it. And millions of people actually sit down and watch it together.”

“I will have to learn more about your world one day when we have more time but for now I am needing to get some rest. Thank you for walking me back to my ship.”

She leaves him with a peck on the cheek and goes on deck of the largest ship in the fleet.

Sara runs into Bryne’s tent to see a single lit lantern and him removing his robes as he remains in his thoughts. She sees his scarred back to her and approaches him slowly. He turns around slowly to be suddenly grabbed by the face and kissed by the future queen of the Five Kingdoms. The surprise on his face is quickly erased by pure joy. After a while of making out Sara pulls away and looks at him straight into her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

“I love you too,” Sara says smiling.

“But, I didn’t say-,” He starts to say but she puts her finger on his lips to quiet him.

“Tucker and Alex explained what happened to the kicked over bench.”

Sara smiles and she continues to kiss him. He puts his arms around her waist and unties her dress from behind. She allows him to pull the dress over her head exposing her near naked and athletic toned body. She wraps her legs around his waist. Bryne lays her down to his bed and kneels over her exposing his scarred and toned body to her. He lays on top of her kissing her freckled body all over. She moans in pleasure as she grabs the back of his head and arching her back. He dips his head and nuzzles at the crook of Sara’s neck. He continues to playfully nip at her soft skin. He can feel her accelerated heartbeat underneath his lips. They finish the night entangled in each other’s embrace.

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