Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 29 - Change or Transformation


I was driving, something I am starting to enjoy doing with Rose by my side. I notice that she is silent and looking out the window of the car. She usually is happy, listens to music, driving me crazy by changing the radio until she finds the perfect song to sing along to.

Something is bothering her and she is just not ready to tell me.

„We are going first to see the doctor.” I said, but she seemed lost in thought.

Oh well, I guess she will see when we get there.


I notice the scenery changing and us moving out of the city.

„Lucian, where are we going?” I asked.

„Well, we are going to see a doctor. And he is a pack doctor for the Lunar Pack that is situated just outside of Cluj, in the rural area.” Lucian said worried that I will get upset.

„Ok.” And I turn to look at the scenery.

The place is beautiful, I can see that we are going towards the mountains and almost all of is farming land, and since it is the end of the summer they are preparing for harvest. I am not sure what, but from my little knowledge I can say that the sunflower looks like an alien plant. And the rest look like they got cooked in the sun.

What catches my eyes are the hills filled with redwood. I lower the window of the car to get the fresh air from them. You can tell that the mountain side is near because the air is colder here, fresher and with hints of redwood. Not that the air is not fresh in other parts of the rural area but I like it where there are forests.

„We are here.” Lucian announces and gets me out of my day-dreaming.

„It is beautiful. Are you sure we are allowed?” I ask, with eyes glued to the upcoming buildings.

„Yes, I am sure we are allowed. After all you are their superior, and queen. Plus, the alpha is a friend of mine. He is like a brother to me.” Lucian said with a warm smile on his face.

„If you say so.” I say but I think I am going to get sick again.

„Are you going to barf again? Rose are you ok?” but his voice felt like it was underwater.

I barfed near someone’s shoes. And I felt sparks around my waist as Lucian grabbed me so I don’t fall. But it can’t be Lucian, he is in front of me.

No, no, no this is not happening.

I felt like my head got lighter and my eyelids were closing.

Lights out for me, I guess.


As Alpha Damien Kristof comes to greet us with his beta Andrei. Rose starts to get sick and barfs near him. Lucky for her, Lucca catches her before I can go around the car. Lucca lifts her in his arms and rushed her in the pack hospital. Something is off. I can feel it but I cannot put my finger on it.

I rush in the pack hospital after Alpha Damien and Lucca. I watch as he places her with care on the hospital bet and growls at the doctor for trying to touch Rose.

I think I know. Fuck. I did not expect things to turn out like this. He is her second mate. I am not sure how I should feel about this. I expected it to happen, but not so fast. The Moon-Goddess told me the reason, and that it is connected to her power.

„Lucca, you should let the doctor look at her. He is only going to help her get better.” I tell him and place a hand on his shoulder. He tenses.

Alpha Damian looks at me with worry. Lucca is an ancient vampire and good friend.

„She is MY MATE!” Lucca yells the last two word in his alpha tone but they do not bother me. I know he is a good vampire and is in control, he is ancient so he has a lot of time to adjust his blood-lust.

„I understand. Rose is your mate and mine.” I did not think that through. I should have waited a little for him to calm down before I break it to him. Best now is to do it quick, like a band-aid.

Lucca turned to me with black eyes. This allowed the doctor to check on Rose.

I have his attention.

„MINE. MY MATE.” Lucca said.

„Lucca. Look at me. I am your friend. Do you think she will like it if she knew you got beasty with the doctor or me, or anyone here for that matter?” I am going to use logic, it usually helps if you add in something that they love, and in this case Rose. And it seemed to have worked because he turned to face the doctor.

„Please doctor, take care of Rose.” Lucca said, and looked at Alpha Damian and me, expecting for us to start talking.

„Doctor, she was fine until the plane landed and she barfed in the airport-bathroom. She did not eat anything on the plane. Just a sandwich before she left Italy. The car ride was uneventful and she barfed again after she got out of the car.” I tried to tell the doctor as much information as I could so he can get a better idea of what she has.

„Her vitals are good. She fainted but there is no reason for her not to wake up. I am going to take some blood and run some tests. Until then I have to ask you to wait outside. We will let you know if anything changes.” The pack doctor said.

„Thank you, doctor!” Lucca and I said at the same time and headed to the waiting area so we can talk.

„Talk!” Kris said a little too hard and winced at his own tone, because I am his best-friend, and I saved his life countless times.

I ignored his tone but saw that he winced. A sign that he regretted using his alpha tone on me.

„Are you sure this is the best place to talk?” I ask Lucca. There are pack members here, doctors and nurses. Too many eyes and ears.

„Alpha Damian may we use your office?” Lucca turned to look at Alpha Damian for permission.

„I am not comfortable leaving her alone!” I tell them.

„How about we wait for her to wake up and we all talk in my office?” I think this is better. Alpha Damian spoke.

„I agree!” Lucca said.

I hope Rose will wake up soon. Maybe she got a stomach-bug?

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