Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 20 - Lucian's Father 2

„Father? What is …” Lucian wanted to say something to his father but I was not paying attention. I was looking at the books.

„Shush, let me have a moment with my future daughter-in-law.” Lucian’s father is something. I am not sure what. He makes me feel uncomfortable and welcome at the same time.

„Is there anything that catches you eye darling?” Lucian’s father asks me.

Again, with the darling and love. What do the men in this family think? Can’t they remember a simple name?

„If I may … well … I do not mean to upset you … but may I read a book from here? Or more? If it’s, ok? I do not want to …” I am not sure what he is looking for, what kind of reaction he wants from me. But I don’t really care. I mean, look at those amazing books. I wonder what is in them.

„Excuse me?” Lucian’s father asked me.

I kept my eyes away. I really do not want to upset him. The mighty ruler. At least, that is what I think he is, I think he is ruler of this place.

Lucian turns to face me and blocks his father. So, I can’t see him. All I can see are his eyes, his lips.

„Love. It is ok. No matter what happens. No matter what he says I am forever yours.” Lucian whispers to me.

„What does he want to do?” I whisper back.

„I am right here son. Leave her be. I was addressing her. Do not be rude.” Lucian’s father says from behind Lucian.

„Yes. You are.” Lucian answered him, and he gives his father a small smile, one that lets me know that he has something in his sleeves if there is something to happen.

„My dear. What were you going to ask of me?” Lucian’s father goes in a place that he wants to tempt me. Not sure I want to go there. I mean a demon tempting you? With books? What do I have to do and what does he want in return?

„If it is ok with you. May I read some of your books?” I finally ask him.

„This is a nice turn of events. I was wondering. Excuse me? Did you say books from here? Yes, of course. But why did you not ask for riches or fame. Anything your heart’s desire.” Lucian’s father asks a little surprised but he soon hides it.

„Not to offend you but I think I am smarter than I look. At least I hope I am.” I respond with a smile.

„Father, let us leave the games behind. I know you wanted to tempt her into leaving my side. I hope this is enough evidence that her heart is pure.” Lucian tells his father.

His father’s eyes were blazing with fire. He is so angry now.

It was Lucians turn to grow in anger. He is protective of me. And as far as I can see, that protection comes out even in front of his father.

„You have no right to question the reason behind her blood-oath. You should have looked further into her memory to see the whole truth. We are done here. We are leaving father.” Lucian turns to look at me. While his father is frozen in place.

He did not say any word or look into my direction. He dropped his gaze as Lucian grabbed my wrist and dragged me after him.

„What just happened?” I ask Lucian.

„We are going home.” Lucian is angry.

„But where is home?” I ask him without meaning. I just want to know where we are going.

I think this was the first time he looked at me. Really looked at me.

„My room. If that is fine with you.” he says

„Okay” I just blink in exhaustion. It has been a long day.

Meeting the father of your destined one is not that easy. Considering he is a demon. More so the ruler of the place. Not so sure as to what happened back there but I think that his father got upset because of the blood-oath I have with Blanca.

Making Lucian angry because his father did not know all the facts and made me feel like dirt. I do feel like dirt. And I blame myself for what happened. I should have been able to do something better to help Blanca. But I couldn’t.

„Are you alright?” Lucian asks me.

„No.” I tell him without looking at him, resting my head on my hands.

I believe this is the first time I am admitting I am not fine with what happened. I mean how should I react? Is there a hand-book or some pamphlet to guide you when something like this happens?

I was sitting on the bed. Hands in my palms and elbows on my knees. No sound came from me.

Lucian did not know what to do. He did not know what to say or how to react.

The one thing I can say was that I was not thinking. I was reacting. Following my instinct. I got up from the bed and pushed him on it. With my legs on each side of him, and he just looks at me puzzled.

„Love. I am not sure this is what you want or need.” Lucian tells me without making a move to get me of off him.

I could not hear one word out of his mouth. I started kissing him. At first, he just put his arms on my waist. Not sure what to do about me. But after a few seconds he just started kissing me back and took control of the kiss.

At first the kiss was soft but it soon got more needy. Like he wanted to show me from that kiss alone how much he needed me. Not only did he want me, he desired to have me whole.

He needed me as much as I needed him.

He lived to see so many things and people, empires being built and destroyed. But he needed me.

I stopped kissing him only to unbutton my shirt and remove it. And he was just looking at me. And this gave me power. Made me feel like I was controlling him. It gave me the need to have him. To love him and to show him how much I wanted him.

Unbuttoning his shirt was harder because he was tracing patterns on my back and I am very ticklish. But I managed to do it. Placing a small kiss before going for my pants. Unbuttoning mine and taking them off was easy, but his, harder because I started to blush just looking at the bulge of his jeans. He noticed me looking at it, smiled, and unbuttoned it.

„We can stop if you want to.” He smiles at me.

„I need you now.” I whisper it.

We were in underwear, kissing, rubbing on each other. The next second I was under him.

I just looked at him. It is so hard to believe that this hunk of a man is so sensitive towards me and in one second turns into a beast to protect me.

My hands flew to my breasts while he was taking my bra of. He is the first to see me this naked. Not to mention the fact that I am self-conscious about my body.

„Never hide from me. You are beautiful.” Lucian tells me while giving me feathery kisses.

With that said, he started kissing me, kissing my collar bone, going down for my breasts, paying with them, kissing them. Making sure they both got the same attention. And he goes lower kissing every part of me, until he reaches the top of my panties and takes them off really slow. Teasing me and kissing my inner thigh and my calves.

„Lucian.” I scream out.

He just hummed. Raises his head and smiles at me.

„I want to eat you. Eat all of you and make you cum so hard you scream my name.” Lucian said.

In seconds he was kissing my mound, licking my clitoris. It feels so good. He keeps kissing and licking until I feel a finger inside of me rubbing slow circles. Making me go crazy. Making me cum so hard just by doing this to me.

I want him inside of me. All of him.

„Lucian” I call his name out as I am climaxing. And he smiles at me. He is proud of himself.

As I am coming out of my high. He smiles at me and kisses me. I can taste myself on his lips and on his tongue.

He starts kissing me rough. Making me think only of kissing him. As he slowly goes inside of me. He is big. It hurts a little. But he sees me flinch and stops to let me adjust to his size.

„Do you want to stop? We can stop if it hurt too much.” He is so gentle with me.

„I am ok.” I tell him as I start moving my hips. And he takes it as a sign to start moving.

At first, he goes slow, and I can see how much he is trying to calm himself. To go slow for me. To make love to me.

Because this is what we are doing now. We are making love. Showing one another how much we care for the other. How much we want to be together. To connect in more ways.

„Lucian I am going …” I am panting. And waiting for the sweet release of our orgasm.

„Yes love, let go, cum for me!” he is also panting.

We have our climaxes at the same time. He kisses my lips my face like a hungry man.

He was still inside of me. He wanted to get up but I wrapped my legs around him.

„One more second. Please.” I ask him to stay a little longer like this.

„I like to stay like this. Inside of you. Maybe continue for more?” Lucian wants more. And I want more.

„I do love you! More!” Lucian tells me.

He was looking in my eyes. Looking for something I don’t know what.

„Wolves have mating as in sex and marking. But how do demons do it?” I ask him.

„We have something similar. It is called a marking.” He tells me.

„And …” I want to know more.

„It is very painful. It is similar to a branding. Because my soul, the part from the fire of the demon, calls upon the elements to make something similar to a tattoo on your skin.” Lucian explains to me.

„Will you, do it?” I ask.

„Are you sure?” he is looking at me like I am crazy. Maybe I am.

„If you think that I am going to change my mind and just …” he stopped my rambling by kissing me.

I am getting all warm. And it is not from the kiss. I want to move but Lucian is holding me tight. It hurts so bad, the only thing left to do is scream.

I scream for minutes, my tears falling, Lucian whispering all sorts of nothings in my ear, kissing my neck and my cheek. But I don’t hear a word he is saying.

Finally, it is all over, my shoulder hurts so bad. I can only lie on my stomach, and rest my head on his chest.

„I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Rest. You will feel better in the morning.” He whispers to me, kissing my temple, my face, my shoulder.

„Love you!” was all I could say before my eyes closed and I fell into a deep sleep in his arms while he was caressing my head.

„Love you more!” Lucian said, but Rose didn’t hear it.

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