Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 1 - Blanca and I

Should you ask anyone what they remember about their childhood. They would probably have a few stories. But you see I do not have that many memories. I guess they are suppressed, or that is what I read in a book, trauma.

What I can tell you are some very beautiful memories of the surrounding forest and fields that now are probably just houses. Because you see, when I was a child there were not so many houses because families liked to live together. Yeah, tell me about it. They actually survived living together. But then again, it was a different time. It feels like a lifetime ago, or maybe two.

You know how every child has friends. They play in the mud, make mud pies. A lot of fun. Happy memories. Well, not for me. I remember I tried to ride the pig when I was 5, or the fact that I would read all day and climb trees.

My favorite place to read was the lavender field. Because in the summer, not only was the smell amazing but right in the middle of it was an old willow tree that provided a lot of shade, places to climb and even sleep. Yes, I sometimes fell asleep on the thick branches, in the old willow tree. A special place, because it was my escape, my secret fort. But it is also the place where I met my best friend Blanca. She was left here, in Dumbrăveni with her grandparents because her parents had gone to Italy to work.

Going back to the moment we met, she was walking her dog and that little rat, sorry, that little Yorkshire Terrier started barking at me. The little devil, sorry, the little demon, scared me in my sleep and I fell. Fortunately, the lavender bushes cushioned my fall and some bruises and scratches later, Blanca was crying and I could not find a way to comfort her. So, I hugged her, even if it was against my nature, and she eventually calmed down. After the whole incident the dog was persona non grata for us, it hated me like no tomorrow, but Blanca and I became close, like sisters.

We spent our summers reading by the willow tree. And school days would go by very fast because she found something funny in anything mean the kids used to call us. We were the weird ones from out school. We didn’t like the mean girls, the gossip so they excluded us and made fun of us. What I liked is that in some days they just forgot we existed, unfortunately that didn’t last long because there are so much things to gossip about in this little town.

I had a good, almost okay, childhood. We had problems, sometimes my mother and I would fight about mundane things like why I spaced out and forgot to clean the carpets or wash the clothes. This lasted about until she found a husband and had my brother. It was ok. Henry, my step-father, would occasionally drink, but he was a talkative drunk. He would keep me and my mother awake until the small hours of the night. Until he fell asleep in his chair. Not much happened in this part of my life. Fast forward to 16 years old. An interesting year where I started to get noticed at school. A girl has to grow sometime, has she?

I was far away from my brother and mother. They, and I mean Henry, decided to send me to relatives so I can have a proper education. I was in Cluj, at my aunt and uncle’s house. Funny thing was that Blanca had persuaded her parents to let her continue her studies in Cluj also. This made my world a lot better, knowing she was there for me.

My aunt was a stay-at-home wife. And my uncle was is the army, he was a hard man to understand. They were strict with everything from clothes, to what we ate, to when we ate, to what I would do after school. It was okay as long as I did what they ask of me, clean, cook, wash the clothes. I was a live-in made for them because they would always complain that my mother did not send enough money. So, I had to work for them.

Every day would go like this. School was the only time we could spend time together, Blanca and I, or the occasional sneak out of the house.

I loved going to school. My best friend was there, Blanca. An oddball but I loved her just the same.

“Hey Rose you daydreaming again?” Blanca had a habit of interrupting my daydreams.

“Mm mm, sorry, I was imagining how it would be to live some place different.” As I usually do. I sometimes dream about the places I read.

“Well, you could come with me to Italy for the summer vacation?!” Blanca asked-screamed. Her parents worked very hard and managed to buy a restaurant there. It was a small one, but it was going very well for them.

But as I took too long to respond ” Oh, please, pretty please.” She said.

“You know I ...” But she did not wait for me to finish.

“Everything is paid for, I asked my parents and we have jobs, at their restaurant. So that is settled!”

I was looking in her eyes. She was so sincere and I could not refuse. I mean who would refuse a trip to Italy, even if it was a small-town resort, even if you worked in a restaurant?!

“Yes ... YES” I started to get excited. Now all that remains is to tell my family.

Oh well, here it goes ...

So, this should be easy. Right? Nothing to worry. Not going to mess this up.

Little did I know that would be one of my problems. Because they flat out said: „NO!”

Okay, maybe you are wondering what I might have told them to get such a harsh no. I simply asked if I can go work in Italy with my friend Blanca at her family restaurant. And I never got to tell the best part and that the travel is already paid by her parent and that I would be coming back with money. Big mistake. Note to myself, I should learn to be more confident and learn to talk. Not just talk but express myself better.

My only thought was how to convince them to allow me. Why you ask?! Because I am still a minor. At least until I turn 18 in 1 year and 8 months.

I am considering manipulation, neah, I do not know how to. Mm mm, how about hypnosis, might give it a try. Who am I kidding?

Neah, I will try again in the morning, at breakfast. Just let it all out in the open and hope for the best.


Morning comes and I feel excited. Like something good is going to happen.

„Mom, can I talk to you?” I ask a little groggy from just waking up.

„Yes dear, after breakfast, your father is leaving for work. He found a job but it is very far. Please just leave the talking for after he leaves.”

„Okay.” was all I could say. All the while thinking that him leaving is a great opportunity. Mom will be more relaxed. And maybe say yes.


Breakfast went by uneventful. We just ate in silence. And quickly after, as if he could not get away faster, he got up, got his bags and said goodbye to us.

After the door closed, my brother went outside to play. And mom turned to face me and asked „So dear what was it you wanted to talk about?”

„canIpleasegotoItalywith Blanca?” I just said it so fast that she was just looking at me wide-eye trying to process what I just said.

„Please take a breath, go slow, so I can understand.” Was all my mother could say

So, after a few seconds that seemed like hours to me she just said: „Yes.”

With no second thought, no emotion. Just yes. And let me add, I am not one to look at a gift horse in the mouth. I just took all she said as good and started to prepare for Italy with Blanca.

YEEEY. Italy here we come!

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