Roses Wither: Into the Darkness

Chapter Twenty-seven


After dawning our club gear, and a few knives on my end, Clara used a spell to disguise my markings, and we made our way to the club.

It was my first time in any establishment other than the shifter bar back home. At least, one with beings. I had been here before, years ago, and the memory sent a chill down my spine.

Tonight, the multi-colored neon lighting strobed the dace floor, while still neon lights illuminated the rest. The sheen of the deep colored glass that made up the walls, bar and stools, made the light almost radiate.

Vampires were everywhere, as were a few others that I couldn’t place, but they weren’t human. More demons maybe?

“We’ll head to the bar first,” Clara whispered, “Be careful. The drink here has to be strong to effect the demons and vampires. It will even get you drunk, my beautiful friend.”

I followed and we made our way to two empty bar stools, as vampires around us watched.

They could feel me, I knew they could, but what could they feel? My vampire was pushed to the surface still, due to my need for Chase, and I didn't know if they could feel the Goddess too.

“What can I get you, your highness?” The bartender asked, his eyes following us as we took our seats.

I paused, mid sit, to look at him with confusion.

“The masking does nothing on demons.” He laughed, “Don’t worry, no harm will come to you here. You may be the Queen of the vampires, but your grandmother was married to our King and we have the utmost respect for her. Now, what can I get you?”

“Whisky sour, please.” I smiled and he moved on to Clara, who ordered a Martini, making me feel frumpy in comparison.

He mixed our drinks, but kept looking wearily in my direction.

“You give off quite and interesting vibe, now.” He placed my drink in front of me, “Are you here on business or pleasure tonight, Goddess?”

“She’s here for me.” His voice sounded from behind me and I stiffened. How had I not felt him?

“Davide.” I turned and gave him a nod.

“You can drop her shield here, Clara.” He gave Clara a nod, “My niece is safe, and by the feel of it, she’s stronger than everyone here, including me.”

“Sorry.” She waved her hand and my markings reappeared.

Several vampires walking by gawked at me, as if seeing me for the first time, but no one said a word.

“What can I do for you ladies tonight?” Davide asked.

“You can start by giving Clara Aster’s jewel.” I told him.

“No.” He shook his head like it was a joke.

“It is her birthright.” I reminded him.

“True, but she has to face her past before she can move on, and she isn’t ready for that.” He sat on the empty stool next to me, “Why do you want to do this, Rosa? Why do want to place Clara with the amulet of Aster?”

“Who says I don’t want it?” Clara’s brow furrowed, and somehow I knew, if I lied he could sense it.

“I know you are not ready to face Aster yet,” He told her, then turned back to me, “So I will ask Rosa again. Why do you want it?”

“Do you know what it’s like, feeling millions of souls in your body? Meeting someone for the first time and seeing things through their eyes, as if you have lived in their shoes?”

“Is that what it’s like for you?” He leaned against the bar, obviously offended, “A burden?”

“No," I scoffed, "Although I have seen people’s darkest sins.”

“Numerous, I’m sure.” He chuckled.

“I haven't encountered many, but in my father's castle, the vampires that reside there." I gave a nod, "I’ve also seen their motives though," I looked into his red hued eyes, begging him to understand, "I have seen their love, their pain and grief, of what is to come of me.”

“You want Clara to help you run away, don’t you?” He gave me a grin that said he was toying with me, but I didn’t deter, something about him said that he wouldn’t deceive me.

“I am not my mother. I will NEVER run. I will never hide and I WILL fight. In the end, I WILL die, Davide,” I looked dead into his gaze, “I want Clara to help them to forget I existed and she will need the amulet to help me." At my admittance, Clara gasped, but I continued on, "I have been a huge burden to them all, the least I can do is redirect their minds when I am gone.”

“So, you want the amulet for that, but what about this war to end all wars?" He smiled sadly, "What is your game plan for that? Using the amulet then too? Maybe swaying the battle in your favor?”

“No,” I suddenly felt lightheaded, watching the blood swirl in his stare. The blood I hadn't noticed until now, “Clara is not a pawn, or a weapon. She is my sister. I have accepted my fate and will not falter.”

“Don't you fear death?” His brow furrowed, but those eyes never stopped swirling.

“Not at all,” My voice came out in a monotone, “I fear not living in the time I’ve been given.”

“What do you fear most of all, my beautiful niece?” This had to be a power he was using on me. I felt like I couldn’t lie, even if I wanted to.

I attempted to look away, to regain myself, but I still didn't want to lie. This was my uncle, after all.

“Every day of my life, since I can remember, I wake and train for this war,” He began to nod thoughtfully as my truths slipped from my lips as if I had verbal diharea, “I fear not knowing the truth of why I exist. I fear not being strong enough, and I fear people mourning my loss after I die in this war, but I do not fear the inevitable. I welcome it.”

“And why do you welcome it, little Queen?” He asked, his eyes turning tight and controlled.

“Because, my fight will be over.” I heard Clara gasp as I said the words, but she didn't speak and Divide went on.

“How so?” His brow furrowed, "What fight are you speaking of?"

“My inner halves don't agree with one another. They cannot coexist. I am only alive because my father didn't have the heart to let my mother die honorably." I admitted.

I saw the sorrow fill his eyes, but they didn’t change, they didn’t look away, they just held me there.

“What is your main goal now, Rosa?” He cleared his throat.

“I want to find the source of the midnight wolves that have plagued my people for centuries,” I told him, “I don't believe they come from Yuma alone, and I believe I can stop it and free vampire and shifter kinds from them without war.”

“Why would you do that if you don’t fear death?” His brow furrowed.

“My people, all of them, deserve to live.” I told him flatly, "No one deserves to die in this war that my uncle created with his hate."

"But you do?"

"If it means that not another soul dies?" I asked, "Yes."

"Why would you willingly die for these vampires and wolves?"

"I have seen both species express love, compassion and kindness. I know that they have their faults, but every being deserves a chance to thrive."

He cleared his throat again and broke his gaze. That was when the anger of him taking over my mind hit.

“You bastard!” I hissed, “What the fuck was that?!”

“Compulsion, I am sorry, your highness.” He gave a nod, “I had to know.”

"We all know now," The bartender nodded, passing me my drink, "We will fight for you in your war, but you have to figure out your powers, cause you will be Living through it."

I heard a bunch of agreeing mumbles and I looked around the bar, only to see that the majority of the vampires and demons were watching on, listening to our conversation.

"What the fuck was this about?" I snapped at Davide.

"This is our Army," Davide gave a nod to the men who stood in agreement, "A small portion of it anyway, Finn here wanted to know your motives."

"And what do you want in return?" I asked Finn and Davide together, "There is always something with a demon."

“I have heard myths that warlocks are involved in the creation of these new wolves.” He leaned forward on the bar and whispered, “But no one knows for certain.”

“That doesn't make sense," I thought about it as I spoke, "The witches work with us.”

“We are talking warlocks though," Davide shook his head, “Not witches. Witches, like Clara, are created by demon and human. Warlocks are the offspring of witches and demons. When a witch mates with a demon, there's too much demon blood mixed with the human and it gets twisted, because the human mind can't compete with the demonic urges.”

“And you think I can find these warlocks?” I looked between Finn and Davide.

“Rosa," Clara gave me a pointed look, "No, we came for Aster's amulet, not to bargain with them."

"I want to hear him out!" I shouted at Clara as Davide spoke.

“The war is a given, amulet is my leverage to get your help to find some of our men.” Davide gave me a pointed look, "One in particular."

The demon knew I'd bite. The look he gave me proved it.

“You need help finding a demon?” I gaped between him and Finn.

“We believe these warlocks have taken seven men who were destined to make our world whole again.” Finn explained, “Sons of the leaders of our realm. One who is even prophecized to lead our army in your war. No one from our realm can find them.”

“And you think I can help find these demons?” My brow furrowed as I looked between the two again.

“I know you can," Davide smiled, "Because part of your prophecy reads that light will shine in the dark. That means Hell, Rosa.”

“I don’t understand what-.” I paused, feeling him the exact moment he walked in and turning in my seat to find him.

Chase's foreign power was now unmistakable to my senses, causing goosebumps to crawl over my skin.

“You and Satan's eldest will bind the species. We will all fight as one, because of you and him.” Davide explained, not noticing my eyes drift to the two blondes that made their way into the club, "You will return my father's heir."

“You mean there's another brother?" I scoffed, "Goddess, I'd hate to run into another of you."

"I have been searching millennia for these men, that could know of my eldest brother's whereabouts,” He sighed, "But I am always in their wake."

“I think I need to go.” I whispered as Chase met my gaze his eyes silvered over, as did mine.

Oh, Goddess... He was wearing that leather jacket...

“Is this where you stab me with one of those seven knives you have hidden in that skimpy little dress?” Davide joked, but I watched as Chase cocked a brow at me, a slick grin forming his features.

“No,” I moved to stand, “We’re on the same team. I just have a big problem and I need to go.”

He was sidling up to the bar, like he was out for a good time with Matthias and women swooned as Finn moved over and spoke to them.

“Big, as in sexy, burley and blonde?” He snorted, "I saw those eyes, honey. He's hot for you. Does he always look that tasty?"

Okay, my uncle was a gay demon, in search of some lost heir that he thought I could find. My life just kept getting more interesting.

“I can’t be near him.” I looked at my uncle and Clara and I began to shake, “Not tonight.”

My heat was too revved up and even though I hadn't had a sip of my drink, I felt the effects of his stare to my core.

“Why are you shaking? What has he done to you?” His brow furrowed as his gaze turned instantly red, “Who is he? I cannot feel him.”

“Chase," My body felt so raw all of a sudden, "The- Uh, Guard. I just... ”

“You are drawn to him." Davide grinned wickedly, then stood and began to pull me to the dancefloor, “Come. We can talk while we dance. No one will hear us out there and it may give you some distance.”

Once we were on the fringe, he gently pulled me in, so his body spooned mine, and began to sway to the music.

"I'm sorry for the closeness," He whispered close to my ear now, “But by this angle, he cannot see or hear what I am saying.”

I glanced over and Chase was watching us like a hawk drawn to it's prey.

“What do you know of that man?” He asked.

“Not much.” I shrugged, “They call him The Guard.”

“The Guard?” His brow furrowed, "That man is The Guard?"

“What do you know?” I asked.

“It has been said that he is a man of priests,” He whispered, “But one skilled in war.”

“He's been with my father for centuries." I told him, "Father felt drawn to him and turned him."

"I can not feel him." He spoke in confusion, "What of the man next to him?"

"Matthias," I rolled my eyes, "A pain in the ass. One of his brothers."

"Curious." He watched them as we danced.

"What do you know if The Guard?" I asked.

“Rumor has it that he has been known to keep private company with numerous women." Davide chuckled, "Even at once. He is very skilled. He is a man after all, but never have these women gotten his attention, quite like you do now.”

That didn’t shock me, most vampires had women at their beck and call. Chase was extraordinarily attractive, big and massive. I couldn’t blame the women for wanting him, but I also couldn’t blame the jealousy that took hold of me when my uncle told me this. Multiple woman at once?

“Why do you say rumor has it?”

“No one like me has encountered The Guard and lived.” He shrugged, like it was nothing.

“Like you?”

“He doesn’t exactly like demons.” His face scrunched, "He must be making my people uneasy by being here."

“There is a static electricity between you two though,” I could hear the smile in his voice, “I also know that The Guard hasn’t been rumored to be with a woman in years. Not since he turned the prince. He even sent his consorts away.”

“He what?!” I stopped dancing and turned to face Davide.

“Although it has not been confirmed, people know that the Prince has visions of the future,” He continued on, “But it is whispered in dark corners, that The Guard saw a vision of his bonded that day, and couldn’t get her out of his head. Perhaps she is you.”

“You hear a lot of rumors.” I glared at him.

“If you ask me, it’s a little crazy, to let all of those women down,” He grinned, “He is such a fine specimen after all, but then again, if you were any man’s, bonded or not, I could see the inferiority of other women.”

I looked up again and saw Chase watching me from the bar, his posture was relaxed and calm, but I could almost feel the anger rolling through him from where I stood. I could see it in his eyes.

“I will now talk to the witch. See you again soon, beautiful.” He whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

Then he was gone. Leaving me standing there as he walked off the dancefloor to talk to Clara.

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