Roses Wither: Into the Darkness

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Once I was seated securely on the bike behind Chase, he took off, pushing 90 miles an hour in an instant.

I tightened my pelvic muscles and squeezed my thighs together as much as his hips allowed, trying to avoid the vibrations and the fact that he was between my legs. But, between that and the power that radiated between our connected bodies, it was all too much.

A whimper escaped me as I burrowed into the back of his leather jacket. Goddess, I wanted to drown myself in this feeling, in his scent, in him... Everything between us was pulsating through me. Fuck.

He must have sensed my arousal, because his back muscles stiffened and he sped up. He was pushing the bike hard to get us to the castle fast.

When we arrived, he pulled the bike around the back of the castle and down the gravel drive as I let out another whimper. There was no way to cover my lust now, no way to hide it.

I willed my mind to let go of this man as he pulled the break and the back end swung around. When his strong leg came down to stop the bike from skidding, I was done for. Did he even know how sexy that was? How smoothly it had been done?

My body physically couldn’t release this man. My skin came alive with the adrenaline coursing through me and I gripped him tighter.

He righted the bike and his hands instantly reached for me, grabbing my right arm and leg and pulling me around him on the bike, so I was practically sitting on his lap as I straddled him.

His face was so close. So near. I knew what he was seeing as he looked into my silver eyes. I knew that he could feel my arousal, but I couldn’t stamp it down.

He released my leg as if he’d been burned and made a fist with it, then whispered a singular word in another language and gripped the handlebars of his bike, caging me in.

From his tone and broken composure, it had to be a swear.

It was so hard to control myself with the warmth of his leather clad thighs against mine and I squirmed.

“Don’t. Move,” He closed his eyes as if to compose himself, “Please, I’m barely holding on.”

After a moment he spoke, but his words were tight, “I need to leave.”

“Okay.” I took a deep breath and readied my jello legs to get up, but his next words stopped me.

“I will find a way to help you, even when I am not here, but you need to stay out of danger.” He spoke coldly, his eyes still closed.

“What are you saying?” My brow furrowed as I tried to meet his eyes, but they were closed tightly.

“The pull between us is too strong,” He still wasn’t looking at me as he spoke, “I have spent millennia with my emotions in a box, but with you. You opened this box, and I lose my wit all together with you." He cleared his throat, "I even yelled at you in public and I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have.”

“You seem pretty controlled to me,” I snorted, “Tati would have been screaming.”

“I am seething right now, Rosa.” Now he opened his eyes, staring right into my soul, drawing me into him, “How could you be so stupid to mess around with demons? Do you have any idea what that bracelet can do? He can find you anywhere, at any time. It’s a link, a portal for whoever placed it on you.”

I tried to reach his mind. I wanted to hear his thoughts. I wanted to feel what he was feeling now, see what he was seeing. I wanted to know what he meant, if he was really leaving for good, but I still heard nothing from his mind.

“Why can't I hear your thoughts?” I asked, looking to the bracelet, to hold my tears back.

“You have your familial gift...” He snorted, looking to his left, into the dark of the night. His jaw was stoic and tight.

“I do.” I gave a nod, “So why can’t I hear you?”

“I wasn’t raised the same as others. I assume that has something to do with it.” He removed his hands from the handles of his bike, straightening, “Nico doesn’t hear me either.”

“And this?” I ran a hand up his arm and his eyes closed again as a shiver visibly went through his massive body.

I knew I shouldn’t. I knew that I didn’t know what this man was and I couldn’t really feel him, but I was so drawn to his beauty. How could someone so beautiful, be known as being so cold and fierce?

“Is exactly why I need to leave.” He cleared his throat.

“Don’t leave me.” I whispered.

“Why?” His question was almost a dare, but it aroused my mind again. It made me question.

Why now? Why this man? Why had Aiden cheated on me? Why did the thought of losing Chase in my life seem so terrifying?

“Because I need you." I told him, "You bring out my vampire."

“I am not who you need.” His lips were tight.

“That’s not what my body is telling me.” I swallowed hard, pulling on his jacket for that closeness.

“I can’t be near you,” He growled, “Don’t you get that?”

“Because you want to bind to me.” I looked up into his eyes and they had become so silver that they nearly shimmered.


“Then do it.” I tilted my head to the side, revealing my neck.

“This is your heat talking.” His eyes moved to my neck as he leaned forward, “You don’t want me.”

“I can’t control it,” I bit my lip, “My entire body... I feel so raw, like-”

Before I could finish my sentence, my lips were on his. Smooth and soft, but the force behind them was strong and fierce as his arms pulled me in tightly.

When I deepened the kiss, every last one of my nerve endings lit up. From my hair, where his hand rested on the back of my scalp, all the way to the tips of my combat clad toes.

How could one man do this much to one woman with a simple kiss, a simple caress?

“I want you, here and now, but there will be no going back.” He broke away, his eyes focused on the vein in my neck. The exact artery I knew he wanted to claim, “No more hiding or running off to play with dangerous creatures.”

“I can’t promise that.” I shook my head, nervously, fidgeting my legs.

Would he stop, now that he knew I was set in my path? He couldn’t stop. As much as I wanted him to stop, I needed him. My body was screaming that it needed this. It needed Chase close, it needed him inside of me. He was like a drug, pulling me in and giving me freedom.

He swore and his lips were on mine again, even more urgent than before.

His hands slid down my body, to my bare thighs, then under my dress and I let out the most glorious shiver as his fingers smoothed over the crotch of my panties.

Goddess, what was wrong with me? My head was swimming. It was all because this glorious man was holding me, kissing me and caressing me passionately.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, adding more verve to the kiss, which lead to him moving my panties to the side. I felt a cool breeze, before his fingers dipped into my seem and he began to rub the moistness of my nub, making my hips rub over his hand in delight.

When his fingers dipped into my heat I jumped with the instant feeling of having my G-spot reached. I pulled my face from his and gasped, which caused a huge lopsided grin to marr his face.

“Oh, did I surprise you?” He watched my lips as I rode his finger. I was vaguely aware that my mouth was open, until he slid another finger into me, his strokes pushed harder against my soft area and I let out a whimper.

I pulled on him, trying to get closer, even though the only thing between our bodies was our clothing.

Our kisses became uncontrolled. A flurry of tongues and intimate touches.

He swore again. Then, all at once, he pushed me back against the handlebars of his bike, giving the slightest pull to my hair as he tilted my head to the side. His fingers were gone, leaving me feeling empty for the briefest of moments until something large and hard was plunging deep, ripping me open as I gripped his trunk tightly for support.

He didn't bother giving my body time to adjust to his girth. He was all action, as his fangs sunk into my neck, and my body loved it.

I let out a cry that was all pleasure as he suckled at my neck and moved his hips, sliding in and out of my depths with hard, plunging thrusts.

When he lifted his head, his lips were tinted with my blood and his silvered eyes bore into mine again, but this time they were filled with shock.

It didn't stop his hips as he pummelled me, but I knew he also felt it when the air around us grew heavy and deep with the energy that coursed through our connected bodies.

His eyes drew me in again and dared me to meet him on his current level of ecstacy.

Fueled by my heat and passion, I gripped the back of his head, pulling it to the side and bit into his neck.

I pulled him into me like I was starving, looking for that last drop of water from a rainstorm. I took in his magic, that I didn’t know, and I revelled in it as my fangs pushed my magic into him.

The hum of power that washed around us, fueled us on, pulled us to each other and I found myself, gasping from my climax as he filled me, hitting his own orgasm with a groan of pleasure.

“Rosa.” He whispered.

“Oh, Goddess.” It was all I could think to say in the moment.

My heat subsided, but my magic wouldn’t settle, neither would his. Our combined magic melt around us like a canopy, blanketing us, binding us.

“You are big everywhere.” I breathed heavily and his reply was a chuckle.

“I still want you more than anything right now.” He whispered, kissing me again, “Eventhough your heat has waned.”

“Yes, definitely.” I grinned wildly, returning his kiss, inhaling his scent and our mixed sex in the air.

“i want to do everything to you that I have dreamed about doing these past months.” He grinned, his lips moving to the top of my breasts, the part my dress didn’t cover, “I want to taste each and every crevice of your body and feel it pressed against mine.”

“As long as you’re begging.” I let out a giggle.

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