Roses Wither: Into the Darkness

Chapter Thirty-two


We hid out for several glorious weeks. I still trained with Bunic in the mornings, although I stopped drinking the juice. It made me weaker in comparison, but I was now content again, not hearing the thoughts of others.

I could still feel the power and strength of my vampire, but there was nothing more, aside from my need for the man I now snuggled into.

I felt safe in Chase's arms, like no one could harm me, if he was nearby. Somehow, I knew he wouldn't allow it.

“Can you guys come out, please?” Matthias...

"Leave us." Chase's chest rumbled as he whispered the words.

“I am pretty sure she needs to eat something,” He spoke through the door, “Other than your juices."

Chase snorted and I huffed a laugh, burrowing deeper into his side.

"We haven’t seen you in almost a week now.” He tapped on the door with his fingernail again.

“How open are you, my love?” Chase mumbled as I climbed onto his massive chest. We’d been sleeping when Matthias woke us, and peacefully I might add.

I knew what he meant. When my brother and mother arrived hours ago for the Christmas festivities, I was a little too busy to acknowledge it.

“No thoughts.” I sighed and rested my chin on his chest.

"You really need to feed, my beautiful." He gently scolded me.

"I am fine just as is." I planted a gentle kiss between his massive pecks and he grinned down at me.

“Emilia and I really do want to go to this ball.” Matthias whined through the still closed door, "We have given you privacy long enough. Come, brother."

“Emilia?” My brow furrowed in question as I looked up at Chase from his glorious chest.

I had known about the ball and that wasn’t what shocked me. Who was Emilia and what was she to Chase?

“Nothing to me, I assure you.” Chase smiled down at me, reading my thoughts, “She is Matthias’s love. She arrived last night, with my other brothers.”

“How did I not know this?” My brow furrowed in confusion as I reached out and found no one new.

“We’ve been a little busy, my love.” He bent his head down and shimmied my body up his so he could kiss me.

“Okay,” I sighed, “Let’s start with the obvious; he has a female counterpart?” I pointed to the door, still in shock.

“Yes,” He chuckled, kissing the top of my head, “She is just as single minded as him, but a caster.”

“Caster?” my brow furrowed in confusion, "Like Clara?"

“No, Clara is a witch," He explained, "Clara was demon and Earth born, which is why she became wolf, Emilia was Earth born, both human parents, but she has the ability to make potions and after she bound with Matthias, she became immortal.”

I listened for a moment could now hear the very light footsteps of others, as they silently made their way around his quarters.

“Why can’t I feel any of them?”

He kissed my lips again, “My brothers aren’t vampires, my love.”

This was why we’d been here for days. Sure, we’d talked about getting up and doing other things, but we were too comfortable cuddled together in bed, exploring each other.

This bond was so entirely different than mating. We were a part of each other and I could feel his power run through me, although I still couldn’t place it.

When he touched me though, and made love to me, I felt it in all of my being and it made every other question in my mind subside.

“Stop kissing and get out here.” Matthias ordered through the door, “You don’t even have to wear clothes.”

I heard a smack through the door. No doubt in my mind that it was Emilia, trying to reign him in.

“Matthias, how do you want to die tonight?” Chase grinned down at me, where I rested on his chest.

“Easily, if I don’t get food.” He mumbled, “I am starving here and people are starting to arrive.”

“I should go and get ready.” I said dryly, sliding off of Chase and standing on very wobbly legs.

I slipped on a pair of pants that I probably hadn’t worn in a week, because they were still strewn on the floor where Chase had discarded them for me.

He climbed out of bed and did the same.

“I understand Christmas. We celebrated it as kids, for Tati, but why a ball?” I grumbled, finding my shirt thrown over a chair, “Balls are ridiculous.”

I paused for a moment and turned to face Chase, as he grinned down at the jeans he was zipping up. He snorted when he caught my mind track.

“Yes, my love. You seem to like mine just fine.” He cocked a bow as he moved over to kiss me again.

Exploring every inch of each other had been fun. Although, I had to admit, it would be more fun if I could hear all of his thoughts, and not just what he allowed to slip out in the moment.

The fact that there was still a substantial lock on his mind intimidated me, but not enough to call him out.

I knew tonight was Bunic’s doing, with the way people bustled around and the way Tati was worrying about what I’d do tonight.

We'd had full briefings over my behavior and what was expected.

“Bunic wants to introduce us.” I whined.

“Us?” His smile grew tight. I could tell he was listening to the people in the castle.

“You’re my king.” I watched as his eyes tightened and knew he was covering some emotion, but what emotion, I had no idea. I’d kill to know what he was thinking.


She had no idea.

I knew that this beautiful creature was now everything to me, but I didn’t deserve her. I didn’t deserve this happiness and I definitely didn’t deserve to be the king of the creatures I once hunted, no matter how many centuries passed.

I honestly hadn’t even thought that I would be anything of the sort. I had just been happy to be with her, to soak in her light, feel her caress and be part of her beautiful mind, but as her grandfather and father thought, it was true. They considered me King, since our binding.

“Are you okay?” She was looking into my eyes and I was trying to hide my confusion.

How could this have happened? How could I have been blessed with such a beautiful creature as my bound?

“Yes, my love.” I gave her a kiss, “You had better go get ready though, before your father loses himself.”

“I would give anything to get into that mind.” She thought as she smiled up at me, but her words were, “Okay. I guess I’ll see you in a little bit?”

“Yes.” I gave her a final kiss and sent her on her way.


“You, in a suit, is very interesting, brother.” Emilia leaned against the door as I tied my tie.

“I have worn a suit before, when you and Matthias married.” I snorted.

“Yes, but never to this degree.” Matthias entered the room with two glasses of wine, handing one to his wife, “Even then, you had your sword.”

"The sword just hasn't been sheathed yet." I told her.

“He truly looks like a King now.” She told her husband.

“I am not a King.” I scoffed.

“You are bound to the Vampire Queen, that makes you the King.” My brother pointed his finger around his glass at me.

“No, that makes me a very happy being.” I pointed at his reflection in my mirror with a grin.

“Accept it, you are now the King of the creatures we once hunted.” He swigged from his glass.

I really didn’t need a reminder.


I felt them before I saw them, but when I entered my quarters and saw my brother and mother standing there, I couldn’t help but stare at the two of them as they lounged in my sitting area.

“I made a vow to never miss birthday or a holiday again, after my training.” Marcus grinned up at me, but his grin was ridden with sadness through a scarred face.

“Brother...” I gasped.

“I am fine, Rosa.” He reassured me, standing to embrace me in his arms, “It was a fight to regain our Southern territories, but they’re secured for the time in being. So long as I return immediately after this party.”

"I only get one night with you here?" I whined.

"Don't do that," He kissed the top of my head, "Don't make me feel bad. One day, my sister, you will see more of me than you want to." He kissed my cheek, "I have my duties to our people now, and I will protect them, until we reunite."

“You, my dear,” My mother wrapped me in her arms next, “You feel different.”

“Look at her markings, mother.” My brother held my hand out toward her, a dry smile marring his face.

Markings had appeared on my hands and back, after binding to Chase. Although I loved the wings on my back, it was the lighter ones on my hands that were too deep to see clearly, that neither Chase nor I knew what they meant. This appearance of a marking wasn’t typical in our type.

“They changed when I bound with Chase.” I shrugged and the two shared a look.

“What?” I asked, looking between them as Marcus grinned wildly.

“Let’s get you ready, my dear.” My mother pushed me into the bathroom, with a blushing smile on her face.

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