Roses Wither: Into the Darkness

Chapter Prologue


It had been instilled in me since I was young that I had responsibilities to my people. That I would one day unite species and when I did, there would be an end to their wars.

My father had raised me to be poised and well educated, while my mother gave freedom and a childhood, but stealing Mr. Caplan's prized pig and dressing him up in a suit wasn't such a good idea.

Nor was painting that clown face on the pumpkin that I stole from Mr. Edgar's porch, building it a scarecrow body out of Edna Mirner's old wedding dress, then placing it in front of the pack house.

To be honest, I didn't think it was that bad of a joke, it was Halloween after all. But, then again, I may have overdone it with the fake blood and everything...

No, looking at the pack house in the daylight showed that I definitely overdid it with the fake blood.

As I stared up at the vast building, that most of the pack called their home, I was convinced that it had to be my vampire half that found the deep red of blood so appealing. But, then again it could just be the Tepes blood in my veins. Who knew? Either way, I was now being called to the Alpha's office, which meant that this was business.

"Rosa." Ben gave me a tight nod as I strode past him. I could tell by the gleam in his green eyes, that he knew the trouble I was about to be in.

As future Beta of the pack, he knew that his father meant business. He also knew that, no matter I said, he'd be punished for his part in this one.

When I walked into the Alpha's office, Alpha Taima was seated at his desk, his oldest son to his side.

Both had shockingly dark hair and were unusually large men, but the main difference were their eyes. Aiden's were a mossy green, like all of his siblings, he had received them from his mother. A human. I found the irises they carried kind. It was as though they smiled constantly, but his father's were brown and held no emotion most of the time.

Alpha Taima had to be hard though. He had ruled the Indigenous shifters when my mother fell, and he had been her friend and confidant for hundreds of years before my time. He had even built his guard to keep my family and I safe.

I chanced a glance at Aiden as the Alpha glared at me and he gave me a smirk, showing a set of pure white teeth.

He and his brothers knew what they were getting into when they came up with this prank. The problem was that they hadn't been called to the Alpha this time. I had been singled out, and I knew this wasn't good.

Aiden was only three years older than me and, since he turned 18 last year, he had started his training to take over for his father as Alpha. I could tell that Taima was weary of his current acting Beta though, with the sideways look he gave him.

"Rosa." Alpha Taima eyed me as I took my seat in front of his desk, and put my booted feet up on it. I had shorts and a tank top on, it wasn't like I was flashing anyone, and even if I was, it wouldn't be taboo. Shifters stripped all the time for their transfermations.

"Alpha." I bowed my head as a sign of respect, but didn't advert my gaze.

As a rule of thumb, my father taught me never to avert my gaze from anyone. I was my parent's daughter, taught to stand above, because only the Queen herself, my mother, outranked me.

"You know why you're here." He gave a slow nod, crossing his arms.

"Because you want the pack to know that you're taking my punishment seriously?" I smiled and examined my nails, "I don't blame you, Alpha. I wouldn't be happy either, have you seen the building? It's a complete mess."

"Rosa, I'm going to give you the opportunity to tell me who helped you." He spoke tightly, turning his gaze to Aiden as he tried to reign in his grin.

"Obviously no one," I shrugged, "Whoever reported it apparently saw only me. My bet's on that redheaded Samantha. Never could trust a redhead. Something sinister about them."

"You're a redhead." Aiden chuckled.

"If the shoe fits." I shrugged with a gein.

I could tell by the Alpha's long stare, that he didn't like our banter, nor was he going to let it slip.

"Rosa, you do realize that people watch you like a hawk, right?" Taima sighed heavily, tiring of my game.

I tilted my head in a mocking thought, "Why don't they ever say "like a wolf?" I mean these wolves see a lot, don't they?"

"In the dark," Aiden began to snicker, "Three towns over, in the dead of night."

"That was what? A year ago?" I snorted, smirking at Aiden, "If I was alone in the woods, which totally isn't allowed, not a soul around me, they'd still see me."

"Rosa and Aiden," He looked between us, "You two are under scrutiny all the time, this is not a joking matter."

"On a deserted island." Aiden ignored his father and went on, and I joined in.

"In bed, asleep." I added.

"Everywhere." Aiden's features tightened, but he gave a nod.

"Everywhere." I gave him a returning nod.

After a moment of us snickering and him not getting anywhere, the alpha turned to his son.

"Aiden, you are dismissed for the afternoon." When Aiden's face dropped he added, "You and your brothers will clean and repaint the exterior of the pack house. TODAY." He pointed a stern finger at his son as he spoke, "The WHOLE exterior. I know your brothers and Clara were involved here. Someone tall or with abilities had to rig those ropes and where Rosa goes, so do all of you."

Clara had been there, as had the rest of them, but apparently, to them the punishment was worth the drunken fun.

Aiden winked at me and stood, moving to the door. He was thin and very tall, with long, tight muscles that formed from his patrolling in wolf form. His hair was always a mess too. So naturally, girls went crazy over him and I could never decide if it was really from his looks or the fact that he would be the next Alpha of the guard.

He was handsome, I'd give him that, but he was also my best friend. We both understood about needing to release the pressure of our upbringing. I think that's why we got along so well, we both liked the freedom while we had it.

"Movie night tonight?" He asked as he walked to the door.

"I'll be there." I winked as he closed the door with a grin.

I knew my bestie was happy to get out of duty today, even if he was going to have to paint the pack house. Again.

In all honesty, he and his brothers wouldn't do the entire thing. We all knew that they would work on the front, to be seen doing actual work, while Clara did her spell to paint the rest.

After the door clicked shut the alpha turned to me, "You are sixteen now, Rosa. When will you start showing people that you take your position in our pack seriously?"

"Alpha-." My eyes bugged as I looked around the empty room. The walls were thick, but not that thick, if some wolf really wanted to eavesdrop, they could.

"Here and now," He ordered, "Explain."

I cleared my throat, lowering my feet and getting serious now. Alpha Taima was one of the few that knew the burden I felt and I didn't want the others to know.

"Rosa-." He began sternly, but I cut him off.

"It was innocent fun this time." I sighed heavily.

"Innocent fun is swimming in the pond, watching movies with your friends, playing a game, not destroying my pack house."

"Look, I understand that I'm going to have these powers, and I'm going to be strong." I snapped back, "I understand people fear what I will become and I know why I go through all of this training. I'm a good fighter, you have seen it yourself. I do not slack and I take my responsibilities in the field seriously, but I just want a little fun while I'm alive."

"It has been my job to protect the Royal Line for hundreds of years. You will not die, as you think you will." The pride was evident in his voice, "It is why your mother brought you here."

"My mother brought me back here because my father left us again," I ground out, "Taking Marcus with him."

"Marcus needs more training." I could feel his anger rising, thanks to my mother's gifts.

"Marcus was trained already, by you and this guard that my father has stored away." I hissed, "We've both spent years training. He doesn't need anymore."

I had been seven when my father took my brother for his skill training the first time. They were gone for three years. How long would it take this time?

"I know the connection you have with your brother," Taima nodded, "It was the one Nita once had with Yuma, before he turned to the dark."

I looked away. My uncle was the reason I was here. He was supposed to be my mother's guardian. Her protector. He had turned on her, and was the reason why I was born this way.

"I have seen it in you," Taima smiled at sadly at me, "I have seen your strength and I know the glorious Queen you will become. That is why I believe you will survive this war."

"Do you want to tell that to your sons?" I cocked a brow at him, "Aiden stood between me and one of those dark wolves last week. It's why he needed the pack energy to heal, but no one apparently saw that. No. They only see me doing stupid shit."

"And you could have won that fight?" Taima cocked a brow at me.

"I am not some deity," I snapped, "I will be a queen. I need to be able to protect my people!"

"You think I don't understand pressure?" His eyes widened, "I was Chief, then Alpha and then I created the guard. To protect you."

"I can't expect these warriors to follow me into a battle, if all they are doing is protecting me until that pivotal moment."

Faces of my friends, family and pack members came to my mind. I knew they loved me, as I loved them, but I didn't want them to die for me.

"See, that is where you are wrong, Rosa. Aiden protects you because he loves you. You are family to him, just as your mother is to me. People will fight with you, not to protect you, but because they see your strength, your intelligence. They have witnessed the kindness that you don't want them to know is you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I scoffed.

"Jonathan Colby, Hannah Temple and Karlie Benton." He listed off the names of some of our pack members that I had helped through the years, "They do not look at you as a sacrifice or a young woman who needs protection. They look at you as someone they believe in. You cause trouble, yes, but the kindness you show in your summers here, and the compassion and strength in the fight has them looking to you for guidance. That is why they will follow you. Don't allow people to see you as a foolish, petulant child. Allow them to see your beauty."

"Why?" My eyes glossed over as my anger dissipated, "So they can mourn me after my death?"

"Your death is not in your markings." He pointed at my markings.

"I don't even understand them." I looked down at my arms, the written wording so visible, but no one understood the foreign language. Even Frank, who was teaching me of my prophecies, had no idea what they meant, "How am supposed to combine the species that are already together anyway?" I rolled my eyes, "Vampires and Shifters are working together as we speak. My father is the Prince of Darkness and my mother is a shifter with the powers of the Earth Goddess, so how could I possibly be anything else?"

"You will have hundreds of years on this Earth before you will know what to do, child." He spoke softly now, "And I believe, when it comes to battle, you will always come out victorious."

"I will die in the end, Alpha." I whispered, looking him dead in the eye.

"That has not been seen," He was resolute, "You will be strong for them, and I have no doubt that you will come out victorious."

"You and I both know that there is no victory in war." I scoffed, "Either way, either side, someone looses loved ones."

"For a girl that causes so much trouble, you certainly see clearly when it comes to war." His eyes smiled at me.

"My mother taught me to respect the beings around me. They are no less than any of us." I spoke firmly, "Whether they be vampire, shifter, bird, or tree."

"So, why are you making your subjects worry now?" His brow furrowed.

"It keeps them on their toes." I snorted.

"It scares them." He spoke pointedly, "It makes you look reckless."

"The element of surprise, right?" I shrugged.

"They think their future Queen is flighty. That she could care less about what is to come."

"They've seen me fight." I shrugged, "I can take down Aiden and Marcus together and that's no small feat."

"Yes, you have the strength," He gave a nod, "But they fear what you will do with it."

"Let them keep worrying. I know my place." I scoffed.

"So, the pig?" He grinned curiously.

"The pig was Ben's idea, a last minute add in." I whispered with a smile, thinking of the next Beta in line, "Not as bad as last month."

"Your jeep in the pond was an honest mistake, but taking the blame for three broken windows in the pack house?" He huffed a laugh.

"Tati said no new car." I scoffed, "I get it though."

"Because you didn't explain it to him," He told me, "Your father has seen many wars and has suffered unimaginable losses. He does what he can to assure your safety."

"I shouldn't have to explain anything," I shrugged, "If he actually stopped and got to know me, he'd understand."

"He wants to have time to get to know you," Taima smiled, "After your safety is secure, when he has millennia to do so."

"Yeah, well, I don't see a millennia in my future." I scoffed as I stood and moved to the door.

"I once knew a girl who had a way with wild horses," Taima called after me and I paused to listen, "She traveled across the land with her brother, to find an ancient scroll that spoke of her origins. So, I guess I shouldn't worry too much. At least you're staying in one place."

"My mother." I smiled, recalling her stories of adventures with my uncle, before he killed her.

"I am glad that your father has tamed her some over the past 500 years." He smiled.

"Only some." I grinned.

"Be good, Rosa." He told me sternly.

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