Roses Wither: Into the Darkness

Chapter Forty-three


As the days passed, my body began to crave Chase again. Like a drug. It didn’t help that he was almost always within arm’s reach either.

“You’re reaching.” He cocked a brow, but didn’t open his eyes, and I was grateful.

Yesterday morning I had gotten a glimpse of that deep silver and almost begged him to take me.

We had been sharing his room since we arrived here and I still needed him nearby to know he was alive, but I could tell that my need was weighing on us both.

I tried not to focus on that day or my captivity, and I found that if I concentrated on where to find Clara and how to reach her, I felt better.

It also helped that this town, and his people were amazing. They were kind and sincere and I really enjoyed walking through the village and talking to them. I had even had drinks with Corbin two nights ago, alcoholic drinks that contained blood.

Drinking the blood made my other senses return, like instead of the safety I needed from Chase in the aftermath, now my body craved more. It craved him.

Most nights, I would be reading or watching TV and he would sit with me and do his work, until I fell asleep. Then, the next morning I would wake up in his bed, in his arms.

My nightmares, of seeing him die again and again, were gone and replaced with dreams of the things he could do to my body.

It felt like our bodies gravitated to each other. Which wouldn’t surprise me, with how hot my body was for him.

“Can you blame me?” I rolled over to face the wall, and get out of his space. I needed to give myself room to breathe from this last dream.

“No, but I can tell you, it’s a very guarded area,” He cocked a brow at me, “Like Fort Knox.”

“More like Area 51.” I frowned, rolling over again to watch his back as he sat up,"Can't even fly a plane over that bitch."

I wondered if he could feel my eyes on him, like I always knew when he was watching me. Was he hyper aware too?

“I like that referance.” He stood and went to the bathroom. Wearing only his pajama pants, and looking hotter than sin as he tried to hide his very obvious morning wood.

I began to fan myself, feeling the heat overtake me, burning my insides, wanting to feel him everywhere.

Yes, I was definitely in heat again, and by how long he took in that shower this morning, I bet he was feeling it too.

Forty minutes later, he was down in his office and I was left to myself.

I showered and relinquished some of my desire, which appeared to be a daily ocurance the past week. For both of us.

Once I was finished, I was debating which funny shirt I’d wear today, when someone’s mental rambling caught me off guard.

"Shit! I hope no one heard me coming up here.” The female thought as the bedroom door clicked behind her, “The Queen might have a guard with her.”

I knew I had my shield up, so no one could detect me, but still... She knew I was here. Why wouldn’t Chase tell anyone that he was sharing his bed with me?

“Why hasn’t the maid been in here yet?” I could hear her mind, see the things that Chase and her had done together in the past, as she began to make the bed.

The bed that I had just been in.

I listened to her ponder over my scent in the sheets and stiffen. Then, my hackles rose when she decided that she just she didn’t care, she was going to make the bed and lay on top of it, with no clothes.

“I’ll grab one of the housekeepers on my way out tonight. That way they’ll know I’m back and they'll tend to his quarters a little better. They will be my quarters soon too, if I play my cards right.” Apparently she felt she was in charge around here.

“What is that?” When she reached for my book on the nightstand, I had to stop her. I had information in there about Clara’s whereabouts. Charts I had been studying, that not even Chase knew about them.

I swung the bathroom door open and the naked blonde turned to glare at me.

“Who the hell are you?” She walked around the bed and grabbed her clothes, covering herself.

I didn’t bother. Being a shifter, I was actually wearing more in my bra and jeans than my pack saw most of the time.

“I should be asking you the same thing, but I already know.” I snorted, leaning against the doorframe and trying to play it cool, as I stood there with a smile plastered to my face. I was pretty sure it was more deadly than cheerful though.

“Do you know who’s room your in, young lady?” She gasped.

“Young lady?” My brow furrowed, but then I remembered, I was blocking my essence and holding my power back, so that I wouldn’t kill any more people. But right now, with what was going through Fallen’s mind, I may not be able to hold back.

“Oh, how sweet, she thinks she’s important to him,” She thought, “She doesn’t stand a damn chance against me. He would never go for her some short, malnourished, choppy haired redhead.”

That thought kind of hurt more than anything. My hair was gone. The hair I had grown accustomed to my entire life. It was now shoulder length and still frayed at the ends from the doctor had cut it.

“You smell of Marcus's line, so I assume you’re one of his guards.” She sneered, “You’re time with my sire is up, he sent for me, because you weren't enough. The door is there.”

I wasn't enough? She even had the gall to point to the door, as if she was showing me out.

“Oh, I am so sorry.” I didn't move in fear that I would attack the blonde, my Romanian accent was thick with my anger though, "Maybe I should go, so that you can please him where I was not able to.”

She was now mentally considering my likeness to a troll doll, because she couldn’t place where she had seen me before and it took everything in me not to attack her.

Why isn’t she moving?” She inwardly scoffed.

I crossed my arms to keep them inward and not start a fight with the naked woman.

“You can leave now!” She flipped her long, blonde hair over her shoulder when she motioned to the door again.

Okay, I may be done playing nice. It was warning time. I allowed my power to rise as I moved to stand right in front of her, to glare up at her almost six foot height.

Her gasp was music to my ears. Especially when I unleashed my underlying anger, allowing her to know exactly how I felt.

I didn’t know the extent of my abilities, they kind of took over last time, but right now I was in heat and my bound-oddly not connected bound, had a naked female wanting to sleep with him and become a kept woman.

Talk about giving someone low self esteem. Especially since I couldn’t get into his mind to find out why he hadn’t tried to reconnect with me again.

“On second thought, Fallon,” I whispered, feeleling her new found fear envelope me.

I let out a burst of anger filled power and, in shock, she dropped the clothes covering her.

“I think I was the one who was invited into your master's quarters.” I snarled.

“How do you know my name?” She looked into my eyes, but must have only seen the silver, "Wh-who are you?"

The door to the quarters burst open and I scented Matthias before he rushed into the bedroom, breaking the door into shards with his haste.

He was shirtless. And reeked of sex, so I knew what he and Emilia had been doing when they were interrupted.

There was determination in his eyes, as he scoped the room for the threat. Then the anger in his eyes dissipated, when he realized that I wasn’t in danger at all.

“Fallon, why are you in Chase’s room?!” He gaped at her in shock, "Naked?!"

“I just got back, I came to surprise him.” She swallowed hard, and tried to scoop up her clothing again.

“I would probably back away from the Queen.” He was watching me warily now. He must have been feeling my anger in the air.

“T-the-,” She looked at my markings again, then my face, and fell to her knees, "She's real?"

“She looks like a Tepes.” She mentally rambled, "Shit! I had no idea she existed. She was a myth. Of course she would use the master's quarters, he's close to the family. Why is he hiding her here anyway? Is she in danger? In need of his protection?”

“Oh, I am so sorry, your highness. I didn’t realize my master had given you his quarters for your stay.” She bowed as she scooped up her clothes.

I couldn't say anything. I was too angry and I knew I would burst.

“He did not give her the quarters,” Matthias grinned as she pulled her pencil skirt on, “He has not even given her the room. They have been sharing everything, down to the bed it seems."

He gave the bed a pointed look and she paused to glance back at the bed herself.

“No! That can’t be. He doesn’t even think like that.”

“They are bound.” I allowed Matthias to explain, since I was reading her thoughts, “Chase is now King. He and Rose will rule together.”

“Her?!” She thought in anger and pain, “SHE cannot be his fated. She is a Tepes, he is a man of God. What has happened to him?”

“Oh.” She gave a nervous nod and moved on to her shirt, leaving her bra off.

“I need to talk to him. Without the bra. He couldn't have wanted this. Not her.”

I kept my mouth shut and didn’t say a word. True, if he was unsatisfied with what he had been given for a bound, he could go elsewhere and I would never know about it, because I couldn't get into his head.

I had to admit, the thought killed me though. This was me, opening my heart and binding myself to someone, for the short amount of time I had left. I wanted to be happy. I didn't want to worry about his fidelity.

Her thoughts were hitting all of the targets in my brain. And then some.

“I suggest, that we find you a new position in one of our other homes.” Matthias cleared his throat, watching me cautiously, "Perhaps Spain or Ireland."

"I just came from Spain," She argued as Matthias removed the bitch from the room, "The master never goes there."

"Oh, I know, and I think that is for the best." He glanced at the windows in the room and that was when I noticed they were rattling from the wind outside. I had to calm down, before I killed anyone else.

“Matthias, if anyone comes looking for me, I will be outside.” I grabbed a tee from my drawer, “With my knives.”

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