Roses on Fire ~ The Tale of Roses and Thorns 2.

Chapter 2~ Cabin under the mountain

They were settled in the living room with the book Margareth had given them. Adrastos and Delroy were reading it while Ivelle...well she did nothing. Although her Latin had improved significantly, she was still a veeery slow reader, so assuming that it would be quicker, she let the boys do the reading. What she hadn’t expected was that after they read through everything, they would start discussing the topic without filling her in. The worst part was that they instinctively spoke in Latin which made it harder to understand them. After twenty minutes of listening, she leaned forward clearing her throat. They looked up at her at once.

“Yes?” asked Adrastos seemingly annoyed.

“Would you two mind filling me in? In English." she said putting stress on the word ‘English’ and leaning back and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Adrastos’s annoyance disappeared slightly and started talking.

“Well, it’s really not much.” he started scratching his head “Basically says what we’ve already known. Although we now know that the entrance was on the Olympos, and the descriptions are quite detailed. But that’s all.”

“But it’s good, isn’t it?” she looked from one to the other “I mean, the Sisters most probably hid the blade in Arcanum. We know where the entrance is so we can go and search it.” she said hopefully.

“No, I see you still can’t understand it.” said Adrastos rubbing his head “Olympos is only the entrance to Athenaeum. You can access Arcanum from there, but for both you need a Brother and a Sister.”

“So, we’re back where we were.” she nodded hopelessly.

Delroy wanted to add something but a loud knock on the door interrupted him. All three of them pulled out their daggers. Delroy went to the window and peered out. His face became pale and rushed to the door. He opened it and a very pale, blood-covered Poloma stumbled in. Adrastos quickly rushed to her and picked her up, took her to the couch and laid her on it.

She turned her face to Adrastos and tried to focus her eyes but failed.

“Who did this to you?” asked Delroy kneeling next to her and taking her hand in his.

“Olysseus.” she whispered. Her voice was so weak it was hard to hear it. Adrastos’s ever stoic face, now became pale, his eyes widened, and fear was written on it.

“B... Bharadyl’s dead.” Poloma groaned with pain and turned away from Delroy. A tear ran down her face. She closed her eyes and at first Ivelle thought she was asleep, then noticed that her chest wasn’t moving anymore. She couldn’t believe her eyes, nor move or do anything. She stood there stunned, feeling the tears spring into her eyes.

Delroy stood up and covered Poloma with a blanket. He stood silently for a few more minutes then took a deep steady breath.

“We’ll bury her as a warrior.” Delroy looked up to Adrastos with an emotionless face and nodded. He too stood up and walked to the backyard.

Half an hour later they stood in the backyard, with an open portal. It was very different from the ones she had seen before. It was dazzlingly white and calm. Adrastos brought Poloma’s body to the portal and put her in it with her bow, arrow and dagger. They waited until the portal closed and the two men went back to the house. Unable to do anything she sat down on the green grass and stared in front of her. She felt empty, and tired. Very tired.

A few minutes later she felt someone sit next to her, but she didn’t have the will to look at him. She knew that most probably it was Delroy, and that Adrastos was most probably angry with her for being a weak little girl, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was being left alone.

“How are you?” asked the man next to her. She looked at him finally and to her biggest surprise it was Adrastos who sat there, looking at the sky.

“I...” she said fighting her tears back “I’ve never seen anyone die before. I haven’t even seen someone dead.” she confessed whispering. She felt the tears on her cheek and quickly wiped them away. Adrastos looked into her eyes, with obvious worry. Ivelle assumed it was because their situation was worse now than ever.

Adrastos suddenly did something she hadn’t expected. He wrapped his arms around her, closing her into a hug. She was now unable to control her tears and started crying on his shoulders. He strokes her back and waited until her sobs stopped. He released her and said in a low voice.

“You know, she was a hero.”

“More like a victim of a meaningless war...” she grunted.

“No, I mean it.” he said looking at the spot where the portal had been “She could’ve gone to a safe place where there are healers who would be able to help her, but she chose to come here.”

“Why would she do that?”

“To bring us a message.” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. “I found this in her quiver.”

There was a single name written on the paper.

“Who’s Velia?” she asked looking at him.

“Our key to finding the sword.” He grinned and stood up. “Come on, let’s go inside. It’s getting chilly.” she nodded lightly and followed him into the house.

Once inside the house they made a plan for finding Velia. The name was familiar to both Adrastos and Delroy, so they started reading the journals again. A few hours later Delroy stood up triumphantly.

“Found it.” He said with a wide grin “Your mother had notes of a friend named Velia. Apparently, she lives in Norway.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” asked Ivelle, jumping up from her seat.

“Sit down, all we know is that she’s in Norway, nothing more.” said Delroy “And we can’t be sure that she’s still there.”

“Then what do you suggest?” Delroy stayed silent for a few minutes then looked at Adrastos.

“We let Adrastos handle it.” Adrastos nodded and stood up.

“What do you mean by ‘handling it’?”

“Well, let’s say that Adrastos here, has a special ability to track down sorceresses.”


“Some of the elves are capable of perceiving magic.” he started looking at Ivelle “And some of us are capable to perceive it from great distances.”


Adrastos tilted his head back and leaned back. He closed his eyes and looked as if he was sleeping. A few seconds later he opened his eyes quickly.

“We have to go.” he jumped from the couch and started packing the journals.

“Why?” asked Ivelle.

“Dark Soldiers are coming this way.” he said quickly “Pack your things quickly.”

“They’ll know we were here.”

“No, they won’t.” stated Adrastos “I have a plan.”

As an answer, Ivelle just raised her eyebrow.

“Really. It involves a little bit of fire, but they won’t find us.”

“Absolutely n-”

“It wasn’t an offer, Elle.” said Adrastos strictly “pack your things and get out.”

“Idiot.” she murmured and started packing.

After they left the house, Ivelle and Delroy went to safe distance and Adrastos stayed behind. Within a few minutes the house was on fire. He quickly walked up to them, and they disappeared through a portal.

As she stepped out Ivelle found herself under a mountain. She looked around and saw huge trees. Adrastos opened another portal and motioned them to step through. This time they arrived at a city.

“Where are we?” asked Ivelle looking at the historical buildings around her.


“In Norway?” she asked wonderingly.

“No, on the Moon.” said Adrastos sarcastically “Of course in Norway.” Ivelle rolled her eyes which earned her a glare from Adrastos “Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you’ll find some brain behind it.” he started walking.

“You’re a jerk.” she said teasingly.

“I thought I was an idiot?”


"Get a room you two." exclaimed Delroy which earned him a glare from both Ivelle and Adrastos. He held up his hands and took a few steps backwards.

They were walking for ages when they finally stopped in an alley.

“Looks safe.” said Ivelle.

“I just need a place where no one sees us.” said Adrastos sitting down next to the wall and leaning against it. He closed his eyes and concentrated. Delroy at the meantime stood guard. For minutes they were in complete silence, then Adrastos winced and slowly opened his eyes.

“Found her.” he quickly stood up and opened another portal.

They found themselves a few meters from a cabin which lay under a mountain. It was small and made of wood. As they approached the cabin, they became more and more concerned. There were footsteps on the ground and as they reached the door, they could see that it was bloody. They took out their daggers and walked in. The cabin was silent, but they could tell that someone had been scuffling there. The lamp was on the floor, broken, the chairs were knocked over and there was blood on the floor. Adrastos carefully followed the blood stains on the floor. They walked into a small kitchen, which didn’t look any better: the plates were broken and on the floor, the doors of the cabinets were wild open. Suddenly they heard a groan. Adrastos quickly rounded the counter.

He bent down and lifted someone. Adrastos rushed into the small living room and lay her on the small couch. The woman was small but looked strong. Her skin was very pale, but Ivelle assumed it was because of the blood loss. She wore black leather clothes. Her long blond hair was in a braid and was messy. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Adrastos. At first her eyes widened, but then she reached up and touched his face.

“I knew you would come.” she winced “I saw it.” she coughed” But you’re late, he took the sword.” she took a sharp breath “But I’m not the last one. You have to find Charis in the Forgotten Lands.”

“You’re not Velia, are you?” asked Adrastos gently.

“I have been for hundreds of years. Before that I was Amardad.” she turned her head away “Now go and find her.”

“You need help.” stepped Ivelle closer.

“I’ll be fine.” she gave her a weak but honest smile. “Go.”

Adrastos opened a portal. This portal was red, with lightning and looked extremely unstable. She knew where they were going, but she didn’t like the idea of this portal. She knew what will come.

Adrastos stepped in before her, then Delroy motioned her to go ahead. She took a deep breath and stepped into the swirling red portal.

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