Roses and Thorns ~ The Tale of Roses and Thorns 1.

Chapter 7~ Truth will out

Ivelle woke up early in the morning. She got used to the bad dreams and sleep by now. She got up and got dressed. She looked in the mirror. Last evening she'd got a long white dress from Niran. It looked great on her: it highlighted her shape. "I should do something with my hair..." she looked around and noticed a comb. She was tired, so she just combed her hair and arranged it in curls. "That'll do it... What's next?" She looked around. The sun was rising. "I'm sure everyone is still asleep." She sat down, then stood up and paced up and down. She was terribly unsure about what to do. She stopped and with a sudden decision she went to the door, took a deep breath and opened it. The guards disappeared. She stepped out and started her way through the corridors, although she had no idea where she was going, or where she was. Everything was silent. A right turn, then a left... then right again... and now she was lost. "You are unbelievably stupid, Ivelle. " she scolded herself "Let's just wander around in an unknown palace, in a kingdom full of elves... Very smart I have to say... " She nearly lost hope when someone tuched her shoulders.

"Ivelle." said a familiar voice.

"Hagan! I am sooo happy to see you!" she sighted.

"I'm happy to hear that... but why? "

"Well... I'm lost... "

"You're lost? How come? " he laughed.

"Not funny! I'm new here, okay? "

"Okay, okay, you're right. What are you doing out of bed that early? "

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought, maybe I could discover the palace... " she looked at her shoes.

"Well, in this case, maybe I could show you around. "

"That would be great. " She smiled.

"Great, but breakfast first, I'm starving. "

"Typical man... " she joked.

"Excuse me? I'm not a typical man! I'm an elf. " said the prince with pretended resentfulness.

"My bad, prince Hagan. " she laughed and curtsied, which made Hagan laugh again.

"You're very bad at it, you know that, right? "

"Well, not everyone was raised in a palace... "

"Okay, that's right... anyway, breakfast, this way. " Ivelle followed him.

The dining room, was more like a canteen. Every elf who lived in the palace ate there. Since it was early in the morning there were only a few people. Having breakfast with Hagan was hilarious. He was funny and made fun of literally everything.

After breakfast they went to the courtyard. They walked, talked and had a great time... Until they met Cirillo.

"Hagan, Ivelle."

"Brother, nice to see you. We haven't seen each other for... 2 months now." said Hagan with a smile and hugged his brother.

"I was busy." he smiled, but when his gaze wandered to Ivelle his expressions changed. He became more formal and serious. "Allerick called Rohana. He wants her to examine Ivelle. Now, that you're good friends, maybe you should take her back to her room." he said it to Hagan, but his eyes never left her.

"Sure." Cirillo wanted to leave but Ivelle stopped him.

"Cirillo, wait. What's wrong? Are you trying to avoid me?"


"Really? Because since we got here you don't talk to me."

"You should go. Rohana is waiting for you." he turned around and left.

"Come, I'll go with you." offered Hagan.


She followed Hagan in silence. Ivelle was confused. Why does Cirillo avoiding her? Did she do something? She didn't even notice when they arrived to her room. A tall brown haired and eyed elf woman stood in the middle of the room. She looked old and young at the same time.

" Gaudeo te videre, Hagan. " she had soft voice.

"Voluntas mea fiet. Gaudeo quod salvus advenisti. " he bowed "Possumus loqui Latine? "

The woman nodded.

"I guess our guest can't speak latin. " She looked at Ivelle. "Nice to meet you. I'm Rohana. "

"I'm Ivelle Preston. Nice to meet you. Why are you here, exactly? "

"The king believes that you are under a charm. He wants me to break it. "

"Why you? I thought every elf had magic? "

"Yes they do. But some of us have more than the others. I'm an elf sorceress, what's more, I'm the most powerful. "

"I see. "Ivelle looked at Hagan who was standing in the corner quietly deep in his thoughts.

" Please, come here. "

Ivelle stood in front of Rohana. The woman reached out her hand towards Ivelle, and murmured something. Ivelle felt sick and dizzy. Rohana was still murmuring. She felt more and more dizzy, then something dark covered her eyes, she couldn't see and than breath. She screamed and then... Everything became silent.

When she opened her eyes she was laying on her bed and Cirillo was sitting on its edge.

"Hey." her voice was shaky and week. And she had to cough after every word.

"Hey." Cirillo looked worried "How are you feeling? "

"Like someone who's having a hangover. " she smiled. And then realised "Oh wait. Do you guys know what a hangover is?" Cirillo wanted to answer but Rohana interrupted him.

"Oh she's awake!" came Rohana into the room. "Here drink this. "

"What's this? "

"Remedy." Ivelle looked at Rohana suspiciously " You'll feel better. "

"Okay." she drank it. It was sweet and salty at the same time, but surprisingly it tasted good.

"What happened to me? "

"You fainted. You're lucky that Hagan was there. He took hold of you. You slept for a day. "

"A day?! "

"Yes. But, during this time I was able to break the charm. "

"Really? And what was it? "

"Nothing serious. It just hid your true self. "

"My true self? What's that supposed to mean? "

"Look in the mirror. " Ivelle stood up, but nearly fell back. Luckily Cirillo caught her. She went to the mirror and looked into it. She had elf years. "What the... "

"How is that possible? " she asked.

"You're an elf, darling. "

"No, I'm not. "

"Yes you are. I'll leave you two alone." she pointd at Ivelle and Cirillo "There's a lot to be discussed. " and with that she left the room. Ivelle was still standing in front of the mirror. Cirillo stepped behind her.

"What's happening, Cirillo? " tears stood in her eyes.

"Come here. " Cirillo hugged her. They stood like that for a while.

"Your mother, was a human. She lived in Abonwan. However your father was an elf. He was the commander of the elven forces. They met when your father went to help the king of Abonwan. When your mother became pregnant, I assume that she escaped to the Other World."

"But why? "

"Because you're half elf, half human. And being a half blood was dangerous back then... "

"Did you know them well?"

"I knew your father. He was not only the commander but a close friend to my father. They grew up together, fought together...they were like brothers."

She stayed quiet. It was too much for her.

"And what now?"

"You can stay here if you want."

"And if not?"

"I'll take you home."

"I see..."

Cirillo looked at her.

"I have to go now. My father wants to see me. See you later."

"Yeah, later." Cirillo stood up and left the room. Ivelle was left there with her thoughts. If someone told her that she was an elf a month ago, she would've loughed and thought that the person was crazy... But now... She looked into the mirror and an elf looked back at her. She had so many questions, but if she stays noone will answer them...the best solution is staying. But what will her grandmother think? She'll be worried. What the hell should she do? She looked out the window. Elves were walking and chatting in the garden, the city was lively. Some bird-like creatures flew on the sky. Was she ready to leave this world? She had always wanted to meet the elves ever since she had read Tolkien's books, and now she had the chance to live with them, what's more, she's one of them... She admired the city for a few more minutes, then turned around. She made her decision.

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