Roses and Thorns ~ The Tale of Roses and Thorns 1.

Chapter 16 ~ Problems, problems, problems...

They had been on their way to Drauri for 3 days. Two more days... So far everything was okay. They spent the previous night in a forest called Foresta Cinefactus (the forest turned to ashes) by the elves. At first, Ivelle didn’t know why they called it like that. For about an hour the forest was beautiful. The trees were very high and they had huge emerald leaves. Birds were chirping and they saw many beautiful and strange creatures. Once they saw a snow-white bird. According to Áedh, it was a caladrius. They were able to take away the illness of a person. Ivelle found it amazing. As they got closer to the middle of the forest, the trees had black marks on their trunk. They were burnt. Soon they didn’t have leaves, and in the middle, the trees were burnt, and the beautiful green grass turned to black dirt.

“Delaney did it.” said Áedh “As a revenge for killing Erebus.” Ivelle looked at him and saw sadness and pain in his eyes. Sometimes it was just too easy to forgot that he fought against the Dark King. He must’ve lost many people close to him. She was curious, but she didn’t dare to ask.

They resumed their way in silence. Two hours later they left the forest and a few hours later they stopped for a short break. Everything was very silent, like in that bad ominous way. Ivelle looked at Áedh. He stood still and was listening to something.

All of a sudden, strange, black-dressed men jumped out from behind the trees and drew out their swords. Áedh quickly pushed Ivelle away and drew out his sword. He motioned her to hide behind a rock not far away from them. Ivelle wanted to resist, but she remembered what Áedh had said: “Whatever happens do what I tell you." Ivelle quickly hid behind the rock and prayed for both of them to survive. He heard the swords clashing and yelling. A few minutes later everything went silent.

They dragged Ivelle out from behind the rock and made her kneel before their leader. There were about 15 bandits, and many were laying on the ground. Áedh didn’t have a chance.

“I’m Aeron.” started their leader “Give us your values and we won’t harm you.”

“Both of us know, that you’re lying.” Ivelle heard Áedh’s voice, but it was very very weak. She turned towards him. He had a cut on his abdomen. It looked bad.

" We’re being smart at rapertee, aren’t we?” he sneered “Too bad, you won’t live long.” he turned to Ivelle “Who are you?”

“None of your business,” said Áedh.

“Oh, it is. Maybe I’ll kill you, rob you and then, play with her a bit.” he caressed Ivelle’s cheeks. She freaked out. It was her fault. Cirillo was right. She shouldn’t have come. There was no way they were going to survive it.

“I assume you put your weapons down.” said an unfamiliar voice. The bandits raised their swords. At once more brown-hooded man appeared from the woods. All of them had bows “I said put the weapons down.” the stranger’s voice was deep but very calm. The bandits looked uncertain.

“Or what?” asked Aeron still sneering. The man -who assumed Ivelle was the leader of the other group- he looked at his men and back at Aeron.

“Or we’ll kill you.” he said still very calmly. Aeron lifted his swords but before he could turn around arrows flew towards them. Ivelle laid on the ground. A few moments later the storm of the arrows stopped and the bandits were dead. The leader approached her. ”Great. Out of the frying pan into the fire. So typical...” she thought.

“Don’t be afraid, we won’t harm you.” he said “I’m Íomhair, the leader of the Ghosts. Who are you?” Ivelle stayed silent. Another man approached them.

“The other’s wound is very bad. The blade was poisoned. He won’t live long.”

“Let’s take them back to the camp.” he said still looking at Ivelle.

Ivelle looked at Áedh he nodded languidly. His face was sweaty and his hair stuck to his face. Without a word, Ivelle went to Áedh. She helped him climb on his horse, then she led Amlug and Zandro after the strange men.

"Everything is going to be okay.” whispered Áedh. Ivelle nodded but she didn’t believe him.

After what seemed like forever the reached a camp. Many makeshift tents were set up around fireplaces. There were about 50 men and a few women in the camp. She noticed more men on the trees. They took Áedh to a tent and laid him down on a...well let’s call it a bed. A bit overweighted women came to the tent and looked at Áedh’s wound. She put herbs and bandages on it.

“I did what I could, but don’t add much hope to it. I’m afraid he won’t live long.” Ivelle felt like she could start crying any minute. “I’m sorry.” She left the tent.

“Áedh, I...” started Ivelle but he cut it off quickly,

“I’m going to be okay.” he looked her in the eye “The wound isn’t deep and the poison was for humans.” Ivelle raised an eyebrow. “I’m a dragon, not a human.” He reminded her in a much lower voice. His voice was still shaky but he indeed looked better.“But if anyone asks, you’re my wife and your name is Liridona. We were going to visit our relatives in Wendlyn when we were attacked.” she nodded. Áedh closed his eyes and almost immediately fell asleep. Ivelle took a last look at him. He was obviously in pain because even in his sleep he had a pained expression. She couldn’t imagine how was he able to sleep. She sat down on the ground next to Áedh’s bed and closed her eyes, but couldn’t sleep. She was still afraid that he’ll die.

A few hours later Íomhair came in. Ivelle opened her eyes and looked at him. He stopped in front of her and stood still and quiet for a while. Then he took a deep breath and spoke up:

“He looks better.” he said on his usual calm voice.

“He’s strong and stubborn. He’ll be okay.” said Ivelle while looking at the still sleeping Áedh. The grimace disappeared from his face.

“Are you” said the man, examining the sitting Ivelle. She examined his expressions.

“Umm...yes...” she said uncertainly “He’s my husband...”

“Obviously...” Íomhair thought about it then asked again “What were you doing on the road?”

“Umm, travelling?” she said with a pretended ignorance.

“Very funny. Where were you going?”


“From...?” now, that was a great question. Áedh didn’t say what was she supposed to say. She couldn’t say Aerowyn, because it was too risky. They could easily found out who they really were.

“Silas.” she remembered the bigger town between Aerowyn and Arran. They didn’t stop there so there was little chance of getting caught. For a few minutes, Íomhair just stood there staring into Ivelle’s eyes.

“I believe you.” Ivelle nodded while the man turned around and left.

It took a week for Áedh to nearly recover. He still wasn’t ready to leave, but his scar looked better, and he didn’t have pain all the time. The Ghosts proved themselves to be friendly and kind with the “good people”.

One night Ivelle woke up, all sweaty and scared. She dreamed. She immediately woke up Áedh who wasn’t happy about it.

“What?” he asked with a sleepy tone.

“Áedh, we’re in trouble.” said Ivelle with fear in her voice.

“What?!” Áedh became more alert and awake.

“Shh! I dreamed.”

“About what?” he sat up and motioned Ivelle to sit next to him.

“Dark soldiers came to this camp, looking for us. They burnt it down and killed everyone.”


“I don’t know. I never know.” she sighed “But we were here, so in the close future.” she looked at her lap.

“Ivelle, look at me.” He turned Ivelle’s head towards him “It’s not your fault. You just wanted good.” she nodded, with tears in her eye. Áedh hugged her and they sat like that for a few minutes. Then he released her. “Now listen to me. Pack our things and harness the horses. I’ll talk to Íomhair and tell them to leave. And then we’ll leave too.” she nodded and started packing, while Áedh left the tent.

15 minutes later Áedh came to her. They sat on their horses, said goodbye and thank you to the Ghosts - who had already started packing - and left.

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