RONAN (The Wolf Hotel)

RONAN: Chapter 12

Kyle is emptying his mail box when I walk into the building on Wednesday night, struggling with my backpack. “Fancy meeting you here.”

He chuckles as he reaches for the strap. “It looks like you’re carrying a dozen textbooks. Here, let me help you.”

Normally I’d decline the offer, but I’m too tired and it’s too heavy.

He grunts under the weight. “God, I don’t miss these days.”

“Trust me, I can’t wait until it’s over.”

He presses the button for the elevator. “It’s been four years since I graduated and I still sometimes wake up in a panic, thinking I’m late for an exam.”

Four years. That would make him around twenty-seven or twenty-eight, if I had to guess. Not that much older than me.

“So, when do you write?”

“Next Wednesday.”

Kyle hits the button for the fourth floor. But not the one for the second floor, I notice. “Are you ready?”

“I don’t know. Honestly. I work full time, I just broke up with my boyfriend, I’ve been…”  Fucking my roommate, every single night. “The last couple weeks have been distracting.”

The elevator doors open onto the fourth floor. Kyle holds the door for me and then steps out behind me. I reach for my backpack but he’s already moving around me and down the hall. “This way, right?”


“Well, if you’re free on Friday night, you could come over. I’ll help you study. We could order in Thai or something.”

“Actually, my roommates are having a goodbye party on Friday night.” That I have no interest in being around for. “Can I let you know?” I peer up into kind, blue eyes.

“Sure. I’ll be home all night.”

I collect my bag from him. “Thanks for carrying this.”

He grins and I catch a glimpse of his deep dimples. “Maybe I’ll see you Friday.”

I watch him walk back to the elevator. Did Kyle just ask me out on a date? I think he might have.

I’m smiling as I walk into our condo. Ronan’s in the kitchen, hovering in front of the open fridge, shirtless, the view of his back mesmerizing.

He turns to me. “What’s that smile for? Good night in class?”

“Kind of.” I drop my bag on the ground, exhausted. “Where’s Connor?”

“A concert.”

That guy and his concerts. I frown. “Are you eating my yogurt?”

Ronan licks the spoon. “Yup. It’s my second one.”


He shrugs. “I was hungry. And bored.”

“You shithead!”

“What are you gonna do about it?” he taunts, his eyes roving over me.

Oh my God, this guy is a machine. I’ve never had so much sex in my life. Every single night, sometimes twice. There’s no denying him either, not that I’d want to.

Still, I toy with him. I pretend that I have the willpower to say no. It lasts all of ten seconds. As soon as his lips are on me, I’m a goner.

“Nothing. I’m going to sleep.” I bolt for my room with a shriek, making it all the way to my door before his arms rope around my waist and I’m laughing hysterically. “Put me down!”

He tosses me onto my bed and yanks my shoes and socks off, followed by my pants, then my panties. I help him by tugging my own shirt off and unfastening my bra. In seconds, I’m lying naked in front of him. Waiting.

He pauses to peer down at me, his gaze softening for a moment. “You know, I’m gonna miss you.”

I smile up at him. “I’m gonna miss you, too.” Maybe with a bit more time together, I’d consider him a real friend.

He drops his pants—he’s not even wearing briefs tonight. “How do you want it tonight?”

“Well, seeing as you ate my food, it’s only fair….” I stretch my legs wide.

With a grin, he drops to his knees.

~ ~ ~ ~

“Did you hear?” Jean hisses, startling me in my cube.

I sigh. What will today’s gossip be? “I doubt it.”

“Henry Wolf is in Miami.” Her onyx eyes dance with excitement.

That piques my interest. Henry Wolf, acting CEO of Wolf Hotels, who will one day officially take over the luxury hotel chain from his father, is like a celebrity to most Wolf employees, and the source of a lot of racy gossip. I’ve only seen pictures of him, but the man could easily grace a most beautiful people magazine cover. No wonder I’ve sensed a strange buzz around the office today.

Every female is in heat.

And from what I’ve heard, that’s exactly the way he likes it.

Regardless, I’ve always wanted to see him in person, to see what all the hype is.

“They’re in the Pacific, having some big meeting, but Darian said they just called her to arrange for a car to take them to lunch, off site, for noon.”

I glance at my watch. That’s in five minutes.

Jean grins. “Feel like a walk to the lobby?”

I lock my computer and grab my lunch bag.

~ ~ ~ ~

“They’re saying it’s going to be one of the nicest Wolf locations in the world,” Darian gushes. The tall, willowy brunette is a popular concierge. There’s usually a circle of businessmen around her desk.

“That’s what I keep hearing, too,” Jean says. “Plane rides and tours to see grizzly bears. And the scenery alone, with all the mountains and lakes and wilderness!”

I’ve seen the pictures and I already know it’s going to be an incredible place. Had I not been in school, maybe I would have considered applying. Then again, I don’t know if I could handle the living conditions. “The staff are all in cabins. Like six people to each, or something like that.”

Darian and Jean both look at me with blank expressions.

“Absolutely no privacy?”

“Oh, yeah,” Jean agrees. Her eyes widen. “I don’t know how Connor and Ronan are going to handle that.”

“Something tells me they won’t care one way or another,” I answer dryly. A prickle of jealousy sparks in my chest. I quickly chase it away. I don’t want to date Ronan, I remind myself. It’s just… I guess I don’t want to think about him with someone else, either. Not just yet. I’ve selfishly enjoyed him too much. I’ve barely thought of David.

That Connor hasn’t caught us is mind-boggling. I’m beginning to question my brother’s intelligence. He confronted Ronan about Vera the other day. Ronan said nothing, merely smiling and letting Connor come to his own conclusions. Thankfully those conclusions haven’t included Ronan and me together.

But our fun is coming to an end. He leaves for Alaska Saturday morning, and tomorrow’s the party.

“You know, you’re going to miss them when they’re gone. I don’t care what you say,” Jean says.

“I know.” I’ll even miss my big, dumb brother. But it’s also for the best, because I can’t concentrate on anything when Ronan’s around. I’m going to fail my exams if I can’t clear my head.

“There he is!” Darian suddenly hisses.

All three of us—and pretty much every other female in the lobby—zone in on the five-man conglomerate that strides out of the elevator, heading for us.

Speaking of not being able to concentrate….

I’m not one to openly fawn, and yet there’s no ignoring Henry Wolf. Not his piercing blue gaze, or his sharp, angular features, or his dark, thick hair, styled in sexy waves. I watch the way his muscular body moves smoothly, how his tailored suit falls perfectly with each step as he approaches, preoccupied with conversation.

I’m mesmerized.

“What’s with the beard?” Jean whispers. “Is he going lumberjack for Alaska?”

Darian giggles. “I heard he’s going to be up there a lot. The hotel is his pet project.”

Henry Wolf’s eyes slide over Jean and me before moving on to Darian. My face instantly flushes.

“I believe there’s a car for us?” he says, smoothly. Beneath that scruff, I can make out a set of plump lips. If rumor is correct, those are reserved for Victoria’s Secret models and other gorgeous celebrities, not lowly Wolf staff members.

Darian glances over her shoulder to check the carport. A doorman waves at her. “Yes, Mr. Wolf. Just this way.” She smiles wide at him. He meets it with a cool, polite smile of his own.

“Lead the way then, please.” He and the other men follow Darian out without so much as a glance our way.

Jean sighs. “What I would do for a night with that.”

“Are you cheating on Connor, Jean?” I tease as we head toward the doors to the staff area.

“Connor doesn’t even know I exist, and you won’t help me,” she mutters sullenly.

“My brother doesn’t do relationships, and I’m not going to be his pimp.”

“But do you think I could come to that going-away party tomorrow night?”

I frown. “How do you know about that?”

Everyone knows about that.”

I roll my eyes. “You don’t belong at that party. I don’t belong at that party.”

“Why not? What’s going to happen there?”

“The last time Connor threw a get-together, I came home to a naked girl stretched out across the kitchen island and people doing body shots off her. Off every part of her.” I give her a knowing stare.

Jean’s face pales. “On second thought, I think I’ll stay away.”

~ ~ ~ ~

I come home to a living room littered with shopping bags.

“Did you realize how cold it is in Alaska?” Connor exclaims, holding up a fleece sweater. “Even in summer?”

“I had an idea, yes. I guess you’re packing?”

“Won’t have time tomorrow, and we leave early Saturday.” He stuffs the sweater into his duffle bag. “So, I’ve written down a bunch of things that I need you to do. Bills to pay, that kind of stuff.”

“Connor, I do that stuff 75 percent of the time now.”

He shrugs. “Figured it can’t hurt to have a list.”

“You’re right. Thanks.” Grabbing a water from the fridge, I turn to head for my room. Ronan must be packing in his room.

“Oh hey, some guy came by, looking for you.”

I frown.

“His name was Kyle, I think?”


“He said something about helping you study for your exam tomorrow night.  He thought you might have forgotten where he lived. Ronan got his number for you. Left it in your room.”


Connor drops a heap of socks into his bag. “I’m glad to see you’re moving on.”

“He’s just helping me study for my Economics exam.”

Connor smirks. “Uh-huh. Well, smart move to be out of here tomorrow because this party is gonna be off the rails!”

I roll my eyes. “If anyone goes into my room—”

“No one’s going in your room. Ronan put a lock on it after work today.”

I peer down the hall to my door. Sure enough, there’s a shiny new handle with a key sitting inside. “Oh, thanks,” I murmur.

“He seemed like a decent enough guy. A hundred times better than douche bag.”

“I guess we’ll see. Have fun packing.” I hesitate. “Ronan’s in his room?”

“He had a few last-minute things to pick up at the store. Everything’s so expensive in Homer, we’re better off flying up with it.”

I wander down the hall, stealing a glimpse into Ronan’s room to see his black duffle bag packed and sitting on the floor beside his bed. Unexpected sadness fills my heart. He’s only been here two weeks, I was a bitch to him for half that time, and yet I’m going to miss him terribly.

With a sigh, I head into my room.

Kyle’s phone number is exactly where Connor said it would be. I recognize Ronan’s neat scrawl.

~ ~ ~ ~

Ronan slips into my room at midnight and into my bed.


His warm hand slides around my waist to my back. He pulls me closer until we’re both lying on our sides, our chests pressed against each other. We stay like that, quiet, for a long moment, before he leans in to kiss me. “Hey.”

“You ready for Alaska?”

“Fuck….” He rolls onto his back with a chuckle. “I still don’t know why I’m going.”

“Because my brother lured you there with tales of beautiful, loose women?”

He stretches an arm out and fits it under my head. He pulls me in to rest on his chest. “How did you know?”

“Wild guess.”

I hear his hard swallow in the night. “Does that bother you?”

“Maybe a little bit? But we knew what this was when we started, right?”

“Right.” He skates a finger across my cheek. “So, Kyle.”

“Yeah. Kyle.”

“Could there be something there?”


He sighs. “Ryan.”


“I’ve just spent the last week fucking you in every position I know, plus a few I didn’t. I can read your body language. And your bullshit.”

I smile sheepishly, even though he can’t see it. “I met him in the elevator last night. He wanted to get together. He offered to help me study.”

“Is that what the kids are calling it these days,” Ronan says dryly.

“Shut up. He was an economics major. I think he actually means to help.” Partly, anyway.

“I’m just kidding. I think it’s great.”

“Does it bother you?” I echo his earlier question.

“Maybe a little bit,” Ronan admits softly, sending a thrill through my body. Whatever I’m feeling for him must be mutual. “But he seems like a good guy. And I like the idea that you’ll know someone in the building.” His fingertips skate over my bare shoulder. “You two have things in common.”

Unlike us. “I think we do.”

“You should go and see him tomorrow night. You’re not gonna have any fun here. It’ll only make you angry, and I don’t want to leave with you being angry.”

“That would mean that tonight’s our last night.”

He slides one of my nightgown straps down. “You’re right. It would.”

I close my eyes and inhale the scent of Ronan. It’s odd, how addicted I’ve become to his body. “I’m going to miss you.”

“And I’ll miss you. But then you and this Kyle guy will hook up and you’ll miss me less.”

“And you will hook up with half the women in Alaska, and miss me less,” I tease.

“And Connor will take the other half.”

“And then you’ll swap.”

“Probably.” Ronan flinches as I smack him, but he chuckles softly, the deep melody of it comforting to my heart.

“Thank you, Ronan. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m happy you moved in.” I’m not even sure I actually loved David, after all. How could I have gotten over him so quickly if I did? But I seem to have, because every time I picture myself lying in bed with someone, it’s Ronan who’s next to me.

“So am I.” He hesitates. “I still love her and miss her like crazy, but you’ve made it easier for me. Thank you.” He presses a kiss against my forehead.

“You know, you’re a decent guy. In your own twisted way.”

“Yeah, I hope you still feel that way after tomorrow night. I don’t know what your brother has planned, but I can tell he’s up to something.”

I groan. “Maybe I’ll stay at a friend’s house.” While I know Ronan will be with other women at some point and soon, I don’t want to bear witness to it.

I hear him reaching into my nightstand, where he tucked several condoms away. “One more time, for shits and giggles?”

I straddle his hips this time and close my eyes, reveling the feel of my sinful Wolf crew guy as he sinks deep inside me one last time.

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