Rogues Revenge

Chapter 12

I could see the cabin through the last line of trees. My long stride having no trouble with the extra weight of the unconscious man hanging over my shoulder. The pungent smell from the man wrapping around my body made me want to throw him to the ground and drag him by the foot just to rid myself of the sink.

Reaching for the door, my head was thrust forward with a crack as the elbow of the pack leader slammed into it. Reflexively my hold relaxed allowing my prey time to slip from my grasp.

My right knee buckled, hitting the wooden flooring hard enough to shift my knee cap. A howl of pain escaped my lips as a sharp kick was aimed for the middle of my back, flattening me on to my stomach.

“Do you really think I would let you get the better of me.” His rough voice sneered.” I rolled over to my back, keeping the animal in my sight. “You have been nothing but trouble for me since I killed your whore of a wife and those worthless runts. You should be thanking me. I freed you from your burden and gifted you power. You could have ruled the pack someday, and now you will end up just like the rest of them.”

I could see the move he was going to make before to did it. I was expecting it which is why I had been gripping my knee, pushing it back in place while he rambled on like some super-villains finally speech.

His eyes began to change seconds before he started to make the shift. I wanted him human. I needed him human.

Striking the lower half of his legs with the full strength of my kick, made his legs fly out behind him. His body had started the shift, but the jolt from smacking into the ground made the process recede.

When he fell, I had rolled out of the way but those few moments of distraction had cost me.

A hand snaked into my shaggy hair, fisting a handful to throw me back away from the door of the cabin.

Landing low to the ground on my hands and toes, a feral growl ripped from my chest. My eyes followed his every move as he prowled closer to me, clothes torn and dirty.

My wolf was itching to be released but I wanted to be the one to bring him down. Me, the man and not my wolf. We stood, facing each other. I was so looking forward to this.

Digging my toes deeper into the soft soil until I hit the harder dirt, I launched myself forward. He stood still, moving only at the last second, bringing his fist up to connect with my face. I saw his shoulder drop just as his arm pulled back allowing me to twist at the last second. I wasn’t fast enough to dodge the hit altogether, but I didn’t receive the full force.

I grabbed for his ankle as I went down, tugging it with out as I rolled. I satisfying snap echoed in the utter stillness that bounced around the forest for that one moment in time.

Jumping to my feet to his pitiful outcry at the pain, my knuckles had a meet and greet with the man’s jaw. It wasn’t hard enough to knock him out but it was hard enough to mess with his mind. With my grip on his broken ankle, I began to drag him back to the cabin.

My beautiful master piece still sat, waiting expectantly for the one it was ultimately made for.

Dropping the semi-conscious man at the floor of the chair, I reached over, flipping open both the arm and leg restraints.

Hoisting him up, I straddled his legs as they dragged slightly on the ground, and with force dumped him into the chair and down on the iron spikes. His low moans became pain filled screams. I shoved him back, more spikes taring into his flesh. His arms draped over the sides of the chair were next to be spiked and then locked in place, followed by his legs.

The spicy smell of blood circulated around the small room. The soft drip of liquid hitting the floor was almost drowned out by the cries of the wounded animal. I watched in delight, as his head rolled around on his shoulders, his brain and body getting use to the pain the iron would be causing.

Walking to the toolbox that held the things I would need, I opened it, pulling the thin iron plated blade the black wooden handle out. It was lighter than I remembered, but I knew it would still be as sharp.

From behind, I grabbed a hold of his hair. His eyes open, looking at me with hate. Without speaking, I lifted the knife dragging it across his cheek, a thin line of scarlet staining his face.

Three more cuts were place on his body. A line of blood trailing from each. Everything I did to this worthless male would be done in fours. The revenge was mine to inflict, but it was my families to have. This would be the only justice they would get.

“You understand why this must be done, don’t you?” Grabbing his chin to make him look at me. A smile reached his lips.

“We all must go at some point but at least I got to taste how amazing your female was.” My hand shot up faster than I knew it could. His head snapped to the right as a chuckle left his mouth.

Pulling a cheese grater from the toolbox, a smile of my own found its place on my lips. It was by far the deadliest weapon, but fuck it is going to hurt.

Placing the bladed edge face down on the top of his thigh before adding some weight, I forcefully pulled the metal object back towards myself. His screams were almost like a symphony, lulling me into a peaceful sleep.

I didn’t feel like wasting my words on him so I pulled the watermelon baller out next. My girls love watermelon, cold from the fridge on a hot day. Milly thought it would be easier for them to eat if it was small pieces so she brought the melon baller.

All it was doing now was helping me scoop out bit of meat from the grated remains of his legs.

Looking over my tools, some were not useable. Now that I had time to think most of the items could kill him too fast. That only left me with to options, the rolling pin my kids would use helping their mum to bake some yummy treats, or the bolt cutters Milly got me as a Christmas present one year.

My hand reached for the rolling pin and I found myself facing the monster again. I could see his wolf was trying to break through. His eyes kept shifting, but the iron nails sticking out of the chair held him and the wolf right where I wanted.

I told him a knew story with every hit of the rolling pin, every hit pushing the nails in further, blood now soaking the floor.

His body lay limp, but his head held up right with a shaky smile grazing his lips. “Watching the small one’s blood soak the sheets of where it sleeps was like an art piece. I wish I had a photo that captured the moment.” He spat, blood flying from his mouth.

That stupid fucking tongue never knew when to stop talking. Flexing my hand, the tool I clutched could solve that. Grabbing a pair of pliers from the toolbox, I gripped his tongue tightly.

It took me two goes, but his tongue separated. Blood gushed like a river from his month. His breath inhaled sharply as he fought the tide of blood flooding back down his throat. Within minutes he was making a choking sound.

I began to laugh. After all of this, he was going to drown in his own blood.

Dropping the bolt cutters, I picked the photo of my family from the wall.

I waited in silence; his gaging had stopped but he was still alive. Six long drawn out minutes had past before I laid a kiss on the photo. “This was for you Milly. You and our beautiful girls.”

The photo fell from my fingers just as the door was thrown open. The dark outline of a female stood in the doorway. I watched as she tossed something at my feet.

Looking down, Lizzy’s cold dead eyes were glassed over as they blankly looked at mine. “Lizzy?” The name was followed by a growl.

Mate. My mate was dead. There was nothing left for me now.

A familiar voice made my head snap back to the doorway. “Mate for a Mate sound fair to me.”

My knees gave out hitting the ground beside the head of my mate. Eye’s refusing to believe who I was looking at.

Her brown hair was longer, disorder still touched every strand, blue eye’s stared at the lifeless man sitting in the iron chair. Turning her body towards me, I watched in horror as she began to shift into a wolf.

Her name leaving my lips as she ended my life.


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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