Rogues Revenge

Chapter 10

Backing away, the female slowly rolled to her hands and feet crawling closer to the wall. Her hands fluttered over the floor stirring up the dirt. I watched as her hand hovered over one spot, hesitating for a second before pressing down.

Her head snapped up as the wall disappeared. “Move.” I growled at the women as I moved towards the wall. The moment her hand lifted the hole closed again. My foot pressed the same spot again as I felt the small button hidden in the floor sink in leaving no trace.

Once again, the wall opened. One-foot stepping through the opening, I stopped to face the frightened group. “Take the closest tunnel, follow it and find a way out. There should be no more wolves to stand in your way.”

I waited a moment longer watching as the broken and tormented women just stayed huddled together. Heaving a sigh my eyes locked on the one who showed me how to work the opening. “Lead them out, now, while you all still can walk.” Then with out checking if they had followed my order I stepped fully into the whole, the light blocked once more.

No light could find its way into the passage but it didn’t matter. My senses could tell me where the walls enclosed me. Quickly and quietly, I made my way along. The mould and dust causing me to breath through my mouth. Coming to a dead end I searched for a button again along the floor. Finding nothing my hands began a faster search along the walls on either side. I was taking to long to get to Lizzy. I needed to find her before that monster touched her.

Frustrated, my fist slammed into the doorway I couldn’t get through. With a small grown, the door slid free allowing me to rush out. Doors lined a hallway I seemed to be at the end of.

Crouching down, my hands lightly brushing the cold hard floor, I closed my eyes as my wolf pushed forward. I still needed my human form and the wolf knew that as he held of the change but allowed for his extra abilities to surge with in my veins.

Sharp sighted eyes, snapped open. Claws raked across the flooring and a menacing snarl sounded in my throat when my wolf spotted the slight disturbance in dust along the hall. One set of foot prints and a long drag mark next to it from someone being pulled along.

Raising to my full height, I followed the now visible evidence of where my mate had been taken. A cold breeze caressed my naked flesh, helping to cool the rage burning with in me slightly.

My year of self-control was telling me I needed a plan, some form of strategy. The wolf inside wanted to kill the one who dared touch what was his before rolling in his blood to show others who might try what would happen to them.

For now, the beast would win. The only plan I could see was to kill the fucker before Lizzy ended up like my family.

Stopping at the last door and pulling my foot back, I watched as the wood splintered inwards when the force from my kicked broke the latch keeping it closed.

My eyes locked on the figure hovering over my mate. Naked and bound to a bed with iron chains, Lizzy lay unconscious. Her long hair spread about her head making her seem as if she had been tossing and turning in her sleep.

“Come in, Mitchel. Didn’t think you were one for watching but I do love an audience.” The cold voice spoke as he gripped Lizzy’s hips as he lifted her slightly, positing himself for penetration.

“Take your filthy mutt hands off her, NOW.” I roared as I lunged across the small space and throwing the man into the wall.

I maniacal laugh ripped from the monster’s mouth while he regained his footing. “Don’t be like that, I was just going to pump and dump. Then the little whore would be all yours. I never did get my turn with her you see.”

Shifting in to my wolf, I sprang towards the brute. My sharp teeth grazed his leg as he dove over my wolf and rushed to the side of the bed closest to the door.

“I haven’t lived this long rogue, to be taken out by someone like you.” His hand ran down the arm of Lizzy who whimpered from the touch. Her eyes now open, begging for me to help her. “The choice is now yours Mitchel. Kill me or save your slut.”

Eyes darting back to the pack leader, I realised to late my mistake. Pulling his hand from within the bedding and raising it above Lizzy’s head, his hand flashed back down plunging a knife deep into the mark I left on her neck, buried to the hilt.

He was gone before Lizzy began to scream.

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