RISE OF THE LYCANS - Mates and Bonds

Chapter 32 - Ancient Magic


I started by telling her about our visit to the cemetery and our encounter with the she-demon, how Selena’s apartment exploded, and what happened at the catacombs.

“And my brother didn’t believe you about the demon?” Uncle Zeus pressed.

“You know Dad,” Storm said. “It didn’t sound rational to him because she appeared in daylight and on hallowed ground. He thought it was likely a mage or hoax.”

“Ares wasn’t with us in Egypt, and since he didn’t see it—”

“He dismissed it,” I finished my uncle’s thought.

I went on to explain what happened at Notre-Dame and Caspian’s disappearance. Rex and Storm explained their visions and what they were seeing. Flaym gave her a play-by-play of our visit to Wolf Tower and the Louvre. Then, I explained what occurred at Erick’s apartment, Zane and Cynder’s disappearance at the cathedral, and what happened with our mates and Grandma.

We walked in silence for a few moments before Hazel stopped walking. Her eyes were fogged over, which told me she was mind linking with my uncle.

“Is Zander still at the hotel security command?” Uncle Zeus asked.


“Get him on the phone. Tell him to contact LaRue Enterprises Security, we’re breaking into the Louvre. Then tell him to have Xena contact the Prime Minister of France for damage control.”

“It’s impossible to break into the Louvre,” Alpha Orléans stated in shock.

“I’ll tear the entire place apart if my mate is there,” I snarled.

“You think they’re inside the Louvre?” Flaym asked.

“Or under it,” Hazel nodded and started moving her hands. “The visions you’ve been seeing connect to the Louvre. The painting of Endymion, the golden pyramid, and Wolf Tower. The Devil’s doors brought you to the cathedral, and the melting moon is a sign of distress. I’m not sure what the skeletons mean yet or the chandelier, but I think we’ll find our answers soon enough.”

“If we don’t find anything at the Louvre, we’ll try the opera house after,” Uncle Zeus said. “I hear there’s a lake beneath it that would be an ideal hideout.”

“Should we call for backup?” Alpha Orléans asked. “My pack is south of here. I can have an army of warriors here within two hours?”

“Xena is at your pack,” I replied. “Send your Gamma back and ask her to bring back warriors.”

“And the pack doctor,” Storm added. “Just in case.”

“What if she doesn’t believe me, Sir?” The Gamma asked, and I exchanged a brief look with my uncle. The Gamma had a point. Xena might believe he was trying to lure her away and rip his head off.

“Tell her Zeus said, wall of crows in Paris. She’ll know it came from me.”

"Wall of crows in Paris,” he repeated. “Got it.”

I wondered if he wanted all the Crows to form a defense wall or something going into the Louvre. “What does wall of crows mean?”

“When we encountered demons in Egypt, we were standing at the Wall Of Crows that separates the Great Pyramid compound from the cemetery.”

My sister looked thoughtful, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she had seen anything more. “Storm, is there anything else you’ve seen that could help?”

She exchanged a silent look with Rex and shook her head.

“No!” I growled, feeling my beast pushing forward. “My mate and pup are missing! Don’t hold anything back from me.”

Waves of rage radiated from me at the thought of them hiding something. Rex moved in front of my sister as if protecting her from me. Why was he always defending her? My father was still the Alpha King, so I couldn’t use the Alpha command on them.

“Lukas, calm down,” Rex spoke.

“This is no time to keep secrets!” I roared.

“I saw a vision of Selena lying on the ground,” Storm said. “You cradled her limp body in your arms.”

“Why didn’t you say something sooner!” I rumbled, and Uncle Zeus placed a hand on my shoulder.

“She could have been sleeping or knocked out or something,” Storm replied. “I didn’t want to worry you.”

“We need you thinking clearly and calmly to help find her,” Rex added. “Wolfing out isn’t going to help any of us.”

“Visions can often be misinterpreted,” Aunt Hazel said. “Was there anything else?”

“I saw myself vanish into shadows, but I don’t think it’s related,” Rex told her. “And I saw a big silver chandelier,” he said reluctantly.

“Anything else?” Hazel pressed.

“A throne,” Rex replied.

“What kind of Throne?” I asked, wondering if it was the golden throne crafted for my father when the monarchy of our world was re-established.

“I don’t know,” he replied. “I’ve never seen it before, but in my vision, Storm sat in it.”

“There are a few thrones at the Louvre,” Alpha Orléans said. “The throne of Ceres, a marble throne belonging to a Priest of Bacchus, and even one that belonged to Napoleon The Third.”

“We’re not too far from the Louvre,” I said impatiently, needing to get to my mate. “I’m not waiting anymore.”

I gave my phone to Flaym to call Zander as we quickly walked along the tree-lined street leading to the museum. The fur rippled on my face, shifting between lycan and human form. My beast was going mad with the urge to shift and smash right through the glass pyramid of the Louvre. It had been over two hours since I saw her, and it felt like an eternity.

“Zander said LaRue Enterprises in Paris provides the security system for the Louvre,” Flaym told us. “But the camouflaged armed guards are French military, the indoor guards are Louvre employees, and the outside patrol guards are private contractors.”

“All this security, and no one has noticed anything suspicious?”

“Demons are cunning creatures,” Uncle Zeus replied.

“And magic could cloak the suspicious activity,” Ranger added as he moved in step with me.

We finally reached the front of the Louvre and I knew this was the section the old fortress was under. I considered opening the ground up and covering it up with another earthquake, but that would bring attention to the Louvre before we were done. I looked at the building and considered breaking open a window. If Zander could get the security alarms turned off, then we should be able to slip inside undetected.

“That’s the window,” I pointed.

“What window?” Uncle Zeus asked.

“The one we should break to get in.”

“We’re walking in right through that door in the corner,” Uncle Zeus pointed out. “Did you forget about Hazel?”

I grinned sheepishly. “My mind is elsewhere.”

The light on my phone lit up, and Flaym read the text message. “Security system is down. Try not to break anything, and let Zander know when we’re out.”

A loud screech rang out from above, and we turned our heads up in unison to find another owl-looking creature with claws. Something moved from the side of the building, and a demonic cherub took flight. Another half-dragon, half-fish creature with wings swooped down.

“Are you kidding me?” Storm snarled. She ran towards a parked car and lept onto the roof before launching herself into the air to deliver a closed-fist punch in the cherub’s face. It crashed to the ground, shattering into stone.

“So much for not breaking anything,” Flaym muttered.

The sound of more flapping wings filled the silence of the night, and I snarled. “We don’t have time for this again.”

“Everyone inside,” Uncle Zeus motioned for the door.

The owl swooped down at my sister, and I shifted my claws to chop its clawed feet off. Aunt Hazel reached the door handle and pulled the door open effortlessly. We rushed inside, and Uncle Zeus pulled it shut just as another creature plummeted for the door. Aunt Hazel touched the door again to lock it.

“Did every gargoyle and creepy statue in Paris come alive tonight or what?” Rex asked.

“The fortress below is beneath this wing,” I told Aunt Hazel, hoping she could sense a door we couldn’t see the last time we were here. We walked along the white corridors and down the stairs until we reached the remains of the fortress. The motion detection triggered the lights to come on, and I listened closely for the sound of approaching footsteps. With any luck, they would be sleeping on the job.

“There’s something here,” Aunt Hazel whispered. “I can feel it.”

“Magic?” Zeus asked.

“Ancient magic,” she nodded. “Over there!”

“That’s where the tower was,” Flaym told her.

“Is there a door?”

We walked along the wooden deck, and Uncle Zeus lifted Hazel over the iron railing. She walked closer to the round remains of the tower and placed her hands on the stone blocks. We watched as she made a circle around it, with Zeus at her side.

“Lukas,” she called for me, and I jumped the iron railing to join her.

“Is there a door?”

“No, but I think there’s something concealed inside,” she replied. “Do you think you can remove a few stones and put them back in precise order after?”

“Yes,” I replied, and Uncle Zeus scooted back, taking Hazel with him. I examined the stones for a moment and focused on a group of eight stones. Using my earth element, I removed them together and set them down on the ground.

I heard the strike of a zippo from behind me, and Aunt Hazel stepped forward with a fireball in her hand. There was enough room for her to climb inside if she wanted to, but she just stuck her head inside to look.

“What is it?” Ranger asked.

“I can’t believe it?” She gasped. “It can’t be!”

“What can’t be?” Flaym asked.

“He’s supposed to be at the GEM,” Uncle Zeus said as he peered inside.

“Gem? Is there a treasure buried inside?” Flaym questioned.

I moved forward to take a look. It was an old body that appeared to be mummified. The head had a bald top and white hair around the middle. He had a prominent hook in his nose and a long, narrow face. My gaze reached his hands, which appeared to have been crossed over his chest, and that’s when I noticed something missing.

“The fingers on his right hand are missing.” I stepped away and let the others have a look.

“Who is that?” Ranger asked.

“I believe that’s the mummy of King Ramses The Second,” Uncle Zeus replied.

“Oh, this is bad,” Alpha Orléans muttered.

“Shouldn’t he be upstairs in the Egyptian exhibit?”

“No,” Uncle Zeus said. “We saw him at the GEM—the Great Egyptian Museum in Cairo. If he’s here and they haven’t noticed it, then someone planted a fake when they stole him.”

“Why would someone steal a mummy?” Flaym asked.

“He was a great mage,” Storm replied. “I can still feel the energy coming from his corpse. He’s the real deal.”

It seemed a bit morbid, but the question was nagging at me. “Why the missing fingers?”

“The right hand of a mage is said to channel their power,” Storm said. “Whoever took his bones—.”

“Is harnessing his magic.”

“Where were you when the glass shattered?” Aunt Hazel asked.

“In the Mesopotamian exhibit,” Rex told her.

“Let’s go,” she said. “Leave the stones so he can be found and returned to his rightful home.”

We moved quietly up the stairs and along the corridors. Thanks to lycan advanced hearing, we were able to avoid the guards on patrol. We even managed to walk past one who was too distracted watching a recap of cycling races on his phone to notice us. The Mesopotamian exhibit was on the ground floor of the Richelieu wing. My beast stirred as we got closer, and I focused my hearing just ahead.

The winged bulls of King Sargon stood more than twice my height. They had the head of a human, the body of a bull, and the wings of an eagle. Their eyes started to glow white, and even though they were carved with alabaster, they moved gracefully into a low bow.

“My Queen,” they greeted in unison.

They kept their legs bent and their heads low. We exchanged questioning glances, uncertain if they would attack.

“The Luna Queen is not with us,” Flaym said.

“We are looking for my Queen,” I spoke, but they remained still and silent.

“Are you a different kind of demon?” Ranger questioned, and silence was the answer.

They had addressed my Aunt Hazel as Queen, and I knew they could sense her magic. I looked at her, wondering if they would speak to her, but she turned her focus to Storm. My sister met her eyes, and Hazel motioned with her head, encouraging Storm to try addressing the creatures. Storm blew out a sigh and turned to the bulls.

“Benevolent guardians of the ancient world,” Storm spoke. “We have discovered malevolent and dangerous creatures lurking here and seek to destroy them.”

The bull closest to us spoke. “The demon you seek draws her power from an ancient Pharaoh and his talisman.”

“We have already found King Ramses,” Storm replied.

“Then you must destroy the source of power to release the moon,” another bull replied.

Storm gasped in realization. “The obelisk!”

“I would fly you, my Queen, but the demon has trapped us here with the magic,” the first responded as they returned to their standing positions and faded back to stone.

Aunt Hazel looked up as if she was studying the ceiling. “They’re in this building.”

“How could they be in this building and go unnoticed?” Flaym asked.

“The secret apartments!” Alpha Orléans said. “Only Napoleon The Third’s apartment has been open to the public. The others have remained off limits for as long as I can remember.”

“Off limits because of magic,” Rex replied.

“Let’s go!” Ranger snarled.

“Wait!” Zeus barked. “You heard what he said. We need to destroy the source of her power.”

“King Ramses’ obelisk is on the other side of the gardens from here,” Rex said. “I knew I was sensing something unusual from it.”

“It was his talisman,” Hazel said, piecing the puzzle together. “She’s channeling power from it through ancient magic using his bones.”

“You mean the obelisk is a big battery of power that she’s been drawing from to hide out in the Louvre?” Flaym asked. “Hasn’t anyone noticed the mummy missing by now?”

“She’s smart enough to create a fake or have a minor demon shapeshift into the ancient King,” Zeus replied.

“What did he say about releasing the moon?” Rex said thoughtfully. “There’s no way she’s got the Moon Goddess trapped upstairs, right?”

“There’s no way a demon would be able to trap a Goddess,” Flaym chuckled.

“How do we destroy the Obelisk?” Storm asked. “That thing has to be at least two hundred tons.”

“The top was capped with a gold leaf and bronze mixture,” Rex said. “It conducts electricity.”

“Then I’ll strike it until it cracks,” Storm said.

“It could burst open because of the energy it contains,” Uncle Zeus warned.

“We can’t go charging in there until her source of magic is cut off,” I said. “But once she feels it cut off, she’ll know she’s been discovered, and we won’t be able to get back here fast enough.”

“You stay here and find their location,” Storm said. “I’ll go to the obelisk and cut off her power. Once she’s unplugged, you can take her out.”

“What about the flying pests?” Flaym questioned. “They’re going to swarm you the moment you step outside.”

“Rex and Flaym will come with you,” I told my sister. “His fire should keep them away.”

Uncle Zeus’ eyes swirled like melting silver when he used his element, and I knew he was shifting the air outside to create the static charge Storm would need. We walked her to the exit leading to the street side, and she scaled the iron fence with ease. Rex and Flaym followed after her.

“Napoleon’s apartment is above the ground floor, but the west wing of the top level has remained closed off.” We followed Alpha Orléans up the stairs.

When we reached the top level, he started walking east instead of west. I tried to take a turn west and found my legs carrying me east as well.

“I thought we needed to go west?”

“We do,” Hazel said as she stood at the top of the stairs watching us. “The enchantment forces people to move away from the west wing and forget about it.”

“Is this it?” I pointed to a large wall that reminded me of a firewall.

“It is,” Hazel replied. “I can open it, but then she’ll know we’re coming.”

The sound of thunder and lightning sounded, and I focused my energy on helping Storm. I concentrated on the winds and built up a supercharge on top of the static Uncle Zeus had built. The cracks of lightning rumbled, and the lights in the building flickered.

“She’s going to have hit it several times,” Uncle Zeus said.

I heard several more strikes and felt a booming wave of energy explode as the sound of windows shattered. It resonated like a sonic boom, and I knew Storm had succeeded.

“She did it!” Aunt Hazel said, clutching the glowing scarab around her neck. “Let’s go!”

With a wave of her hand, the massive door opened, and a long hall full of artwork and green velvet wallpaper appeared. My claws extended, and my beast pushed forward. Ranger followed behind me as we quickly raced down the hall, with his parents and Alpha Orléans behind us.

“Selena!” I called through the mind link.

“Lukas,” I heard the faint sound of her voice reply.

“I’m coming!”

I heard the tremble of her voice whisper. “I love you.”

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