Rise of The Fallen

Chapter Ch 54- The hunt pt 2

(Sexual content rating: 🔥 🔥 🔥)

(Warning this chapter makes mention of somnophilia, IT IS CONSENSUAL, your reading an alien book this is practically monster shut! Don't read if you can't handle it!!!) (For those of you who can, I hope you enjoy~) 4,669 words 😉

(Ps. I have a poll on my FindNovel.net going on at the moment where I need help designing a new alien species so head over there and vote for what you wanna see! Wings, tails, horns, tentacles etc…)


I awoke with a start, my heart pinned in my chest as I came to realize I was completely unable to move. As I opened my eyes and the rest of my senses came to life I was overwhelmed by everything. 

I couldn't move, I smelt smoke  and my eyes were forced to adjust to the light of a campfire. Sounds of the night filled my ears as I reigned in my awareness and took in the situation.

I'm bound, It's dark, And I am still paralyzed. 

Wait, still? I thought back to what happened before I seemingly blacked out and it hit me as the realization of my situation hit me. Kora. 

I tried to move in an attempt to break free but could barely flex my fingers that were tied behind my back. A deep growl resonated through my chest as I grit my teeth. 

"Look who's finally awake." Looking off to the side I found kora sitting a few feet away snacking on some berries by the campfire. Copied up in her clothes and the furs from my den. 

She was still here!? She chose to stay here instead of fleeing the first chance she had? Why, why would she still be here so close to me when I am meant to hunt her- 

Realization quickly dawned on me. 

She never intended to run.

"I figured the powder wouldn't last too long. I just used it as a precaution while I secured you since I wasn't sure how effective the poison would be. Luckily for me it seems to have done the trick!"

Kora happily came over and crouched in front of me.

My fingers barely twitched with the urge to pounce her right there and then surging through my muscles. She was so close, close enough to grab but my body refused to move. I can't believe She tricked me. She planned this and I fell for it just as she wanted. 

Kora reached out to push a strand of hair out of my face with a big smile gracing her lips and I growled quietly. "Is the big bad hunter upset?" She teased. 

My eye twitched as she teased me with a berry and giggled. "Come on, don't be too mad, you said I could use any means necessary."

As much as I wanted to tell her this was wrong and unfair, I knew it wasn't. I was the one who put such skills and weapons in her hands. Of course she would use them against me.  

Closing my eyes I sighed. "That I did…" 

Kora chuckled before moving to sit beside me and leaned against me. "You still can't move can you? I guess that poison is gonna take a while to wear off, That means you're not gonna be able to catch me before sunrise and I'll win this little hunt right? What's my prize for winning?

"There is no 'prize' you will simply be able to claim that you succeeded in evading capture during our hunt. Should you last till morning…" I mumbled that last part while staring ahead frustrated at my current circumstance.

"So I get bragging rights… sounds good enough to me!" She jumped to her feet and I watched her stretch her arms above her head and proudly stand before me. "They'll call me Kora the great! The human who bested xanadis's best hunter!" 

My body relaxed a bit as I watched the female before parade around in her self proclaimed glory. She was so confident that She had succeeded in evading capture in this hunt, but… my gaze moved to the sky as I looked to where the moons hung high above. The night was only halfway over. She may have bound my arms and feet much she forgot one very important factor that

"You have bested me this time but do not think I shall let it happen again, female." I warned her ever so calmly.

She came back and crouched before me once again. "Yeah right big guy, you're just upset you were bested by a little human female, your threats don't scare me, not when you're completely immobilized. So you are just gonna have to sit tight until that poison wears off and wallow in your defeat."

She trailed her fingers up my chest mimicking walking only to stop suddenly. I could see the gleam in her eyes as she seemed to come up with an idea. A small smirk crept onto her lips as she briefly glanced down.

"What is considered 'capturing' exactly? What does it entail?" She questioned while looking at me with an evil gleam.

I wasn't sure where she was getting at and eyed the human before me suspiciously as I responded. "You are considered captured and claimed once I have caught you, bred you and asserted dominance."

"Asserted dominance?" 

"Yes, usually in the form of a bite and spilling of seed inside-" My breath hitched in my throat as koras hand suddenly snaked down to stroke my shaft teasingly. 

"So basically you can't claim my capture unless you do those things?" She gently massaged her hand over my shaft through my leathers making it grow harder as I held my breath.

"What are you-"

"Just having some fun…consider this both your lucky and unlucky night~" she cooed before pulling off the belt from my waist. I tried to move once more but could barely clench my fist much less stop Kora from proceeding with whatever scheme she was planning.

She managed to pull down my leathers enough to reveal my hardened shaft and I watched with bated breath as she Inspected it lightly with her fingers almost teasingly.

"Seeing that certain requirements need to be met in order for you to win, I think we can still have a little fun tonight." 

She wrapped her small hands around the base of my cock and I groaned, clenching my teeth as a jolt of pleasure traveled up my spine. "T-this is no game-!"

I groaned once more as she gave one long hard stroke with her hand then trailed her thumb down, across the underside. 

"Oh but it is now and you are gonna play it… let's see who lasts the longest." She smiled up at me wickedly before lowering herself down to lick the end of my shaft and suck the head into her mouth. 

I could feel the jolt pass through every fiber of my being but I still couldn't move my arms or legs. a low growl rumbled through my chest and I squeezed my eyes shut. Faux, this woman is the embodiment of mischief!

She hummed, sending torturous vibrations through me before pulling away to lick and tease the rest of my cock. With my head back and eyes closed I panted trying my best to focus. Flexing my claws I slowly felt myself regaining control over my bodily movement, I just needed to hold back long enough to regain full control.

 Should kora find that I'm able to break free she could run, knock me out or even use another poisoned needle on me.

Cracking my eyes open to look down at her I watched as she brushed back her hair with one hand, removing it from her face as she trailed her small soft tongue back up to the head of my cock. 

Her hazel eyes moved back up to mine with a sparkle and she all but mocked me with her devious smile before taking my shaft into her mouth even deeper than before. 

A startled growl slipped through my lips as I clenched my teeth and slightly jolted from the pleasure. She pulled back again, nearly removing her mouth from me only to take me back in over and over. 

Her tongue gilded and teased me each and every time followed by her delicate hands that massaged and stroked me each time she pulled back. 

The combination was torturous as I could feel myself starting to swell, my cock nearly ready to spill into her warm and inviting mouth. But before I could reach that point she pulled her head away and wiped her mouth with the back of one hand. 

Raising my head slightly to look at her she stood up leaving my shaft to throb painfully in the cold open air of night. My tail twitched beside me but she didn't seem to notice as she grabbed a piece of cloth from my back and wiped her hands clean. "Don't worry we aren't done yet." 

Throwing the small towel away she then grabbed the hem of her top and pulled it up and over her head. My eyes dilated and changed as I watched her slowly undress before me. As she removed the leathers covering up her heat, the scent of her arousal hit me. 

I breathed in subtle but deeply and ran my tongue over my fangs as I watched her. She came up beside me moving her hands to my face, tracing her fingers across the stubble on my jaw. She.seemed to be admiring me while pressing the front of her body against mine. I could feel the soft squishy curvature of her body and breath molding against my muscled arm and chest. The feeling of having her body pressed against mine was driving my instincts and desire to breed, up the wall.

"You really are something…" she mused quietly. Her eyes moved to mine and she trailed one hand down my neck, chest, and back to my throbbing shaft. I held in another grunt as she took hold of it once more, Stroking it slowly. 

My gaze moved to her soft pink lips as she leaned in closer. Her lips collided with mine gently at first as we kissed but as I nipped at her lip she opened up to me, deepening the kiss. Our tongues collided in a fierce battle of their own as we melted into the taste of eachother.

I swallowed Her happy sound of pleasure as she moved further into my lap and continued to stimulate my throbbing erection. My tail flicked happily, out of her sight and my arms slightly strained against the ropes binding them behind my back.

After what seemed like forever kora broke the kiss and climbed over me, straddling my waist with my erection sticking up between us. My gaze was locked onto the last bit of clothing between us. I wanted to tear those undergarments from her body.

 "Elazar?" Kora spoke almost breathlessly as her hand continued to knead my cock.  My eyes moved back up to her flushed face as she reached out to stroke my cheek once more and slowed her movements with her other hand. 

"Do you want me?" One simple little question, yet it drove me mad with lust. I clenched my fists behind my back staring into Kora's eyes. There were so many ways I wanted to show her how badly I wanted her but I was constrained to simple words. I wasn't able to show her, only tell her.


She smiled so sweetly before closing her eyes and leaning in to give a peck on my lips."Good, cause I want you too." She ground her hips against me, rubbing her core along my shaft before sitting up and looking down. With one hand she took hold of my erection and with the other she pulled aside the cloth between us.

I tensed as soon as she guided me to her opening and my cock's head was nestled in the slick warmth of her heat. We both watched as she slowly lowered herself taking me in little by little. Her face twisted into that of pain and pleasure as she slowly descended with small gasps. 

Clenching my teeth I held back, keeping as still as I could, not wanting to do anything I might regret. She will have full reign over this part, the last thing I wanted was to hurt her so I will hold myself back and let her set the pace until she's comfortable.

Hissing through my teeth as I felt myself sinking deeper inside I had a hard time keeping my sanity. My mind felt muddled and I couldn't focus much on anything other than the pure bliss I felt with her. She was so warm so tight-

"K-kora" I watched as she struggled to go down any further. She was on her knees with her hands on my shoulders and her hair cascading down one side of her neck, exposing her other bare shoulder to me. 

My tongue darted out to glide over my fangs as I felt the itch to grab her, pull her close and bite into her shoulder. 

The primal urges coursing through me were unlike anything I had ever experienced before, I worried I may harm her should I manage to break free. As she lowered herself even further, nearly taking my entire cock, I threw my head back and a snarl ripped free from my throat. My tail curled delighted as I shuddered. 

She gasped and leaned against my sickest taking a moment to regain her composure. "S-see I told you I could take it!" She chuckled. 

With my eyes squeezed shut and my fits clenched, Every muscle in my body was tense as I kept myself still trying not to lose myself to the pleasure. 

Kora's hands trailed up my neck to caress my face and make me look at her.  "Hey come on. Isn't this what you wanted? Don't you wanna watch me ride you?" She pecked my cheek before claiming my lips in a heated kiss that slowly consumed all thoughts in my head.

She moaned happly before breaking the kiss to wrap her arms around my neck and start rotating her hips. My body shook from the strain as I held myself back. It didn't take long for her to start moving more fervently, raising and lowering herself upon my shaft in repeated fast motions. 

My erection swelled and I felt myself coming closer to spilling the faster she got she started nipping and pecking small kisses across the side of my neck, while also Sighing and making small moaning gasps in my ear that drove my senses crazy.

 "K-kora…wait-" I needed to get her to slow down. She was driving me crazy and I needed to regain control.

"Not now, we are so close…" she combed her fingers through my hair and grabbed my horns tugging on them ever so slightly, increasing the jolt of pleasure Crawling down my back.

I could feel my sense of control slipping away as I panted and called out to kora once more.

"That's it, big guy, I'm right here." She cooed happily. "Just let go." She whispered in my ear and pushed herself down on me harder than before. 

My hips jerked, and the spurs on my cock flared as I came undone with a cry, Making the female atop of me gasp and clenched down tightly on my shaft. 

The feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt before and I knew I wasn't coming back after this… but this hunt was far from over, in fact it was merely the beginning. Kora had her fun, now it's my turn.



'Holy fuckk!'

Hot liquid was shooting inside Me from the monster of an erection elazar was sporting and I could nearly see spots dancing across my vision. I forgot about the bloody spurs!

I gasped and held myself up with my hands on his chest as my core spasmed after El's explosive orgasm. Glancing down I could see the knot on his shaft pushing on my entrance, it twitched slightly as some of his seed spilled out. I can't imagine what it would be like to take that thing, it's probably not physically possible for me at the moment. 

I definitely tried a moment ago but he's just too big… maybe if the angle was different. Looking up I could see El had his head tilted back and jaw clenched tightly. Another pulse of seed went into me and I bit my lip at the feeling. My body was starting to relax and my orgasm was fading but he was still going. Hell, I don't think he's even getting any softer.

I closed my eyes while catching my breath and couldn't help but think about what happened. I knew he was close to finishing but I didn't think those spurs would make me come so hard and so quickly. These guys really are something. 

Feeling the little devils soften up some and fold back down inside of me, i took that as him being finished. Sitting upright I marveled myself off of his shaft before sitting in his lap again and laying against his chest. 

A small chuckle bubbled up from my throat as I sighed happily and closed my eyes. "That was really something…I kinda wish we did this a lot sooner." I mused. 

A purr resonated in Elazars chest as I laid my head under his chin and closed my eyes. 

"Was it enjoyable?"  He questioned as his hands trailed across my backside soothingly. 

"Yes, very." I smiled, happily relishing in his touch. "That was probably the best sex I've had in my entire life…" 

He hummed as one of his hands trailed down to squeeze my ass. "It's far from over…" 

As he grabbed my butt I couldn't help but also notice his erection twitching against my backside. He's still hard? Wait what does he mean-

My eyes flew open and I pushed away from him to sit up. His tail grabbed my left wrist while he grabbed my right in his other hand. 

Hand. Hand?! I looked him over and could see the discarded ropes laying beside him on the ground. He broke free?! But how is he able to move!?

Within seconds he managed to flip us over and pin me to the ground. The hand he had been groping my butt with grabbed the bracelet on my wrist and untied it before tossing it across the camp, far out of my reach. "Wait wait!" I tried to break free from his grasp but couldn't do anything. 

He leaned in growling in my ear before speaking. "You were too overconfident  and you let your guard down. Not only did you not realize the poison was wearing off, you also forgot to secure my tail." 

His tail? I glanced at the offending limb. Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me- I squeaked as elazar flipped me over so I was face down and pinned my wrists together with one hand before grabbing his discarded belt to tie them together. 

"Playtime's over."

"W-wait! Don't I get a chance to run!?"

"You had your chance to run, you evaded me nearly the entire night but now you've been caught and will be punished for the stunt you pulled." Elazar stated calmly.

My eyes widened a little in worry. "Wait, punished?! But you said I could use any means necessary! How is that fair!?"

"I did, you however thought it wise to stick around and tease me while I was vulnerable then attempted a partial mating to satisfy yourself while I was helpless to do much else. That is why you must be punished."

"Partial mate- what do you mean!? We both finished and you enjoyed it! That wasn't just teasing!"

"That was far from a proper rut- I won't be satisfied now until you've taken my knot and are marked by my fangs." 

He's joking right? That has to be a joke. 

Elazar secured my bound hands to a tree root above my head and tightened it as I watched. Looking back at El I could see his tail flicking around behind him wildly as he looked over my body with a hooded gaze. He lifted one of my Legs over his arm while stroking his throbbing member, bringing himself closer to me. With one swift movement he tore my underwear off and I gulped hard.

Nope. He's definitely not joking. As I felt the tip press against my opening teasingly, I whined trying to pull my hands free despite how hopeless it might've been. "Oh, fuck me." I muttered under my breath annoyed by the restraints.

El suddenly leaned over me claiming my lips in a quick kiss before pulling away with a smug smile. "As you wish."

My eyes widened in realization and I opened my mouth to correct myself but my words merely turned into a startled cry as he suddenly thrusted into me nearly going all the way past the knot. 

"F-fuck!" My body shook from the sudden intrusion and I squeezed my eyes shut struggling to keep my head straight. "Ahh-"

Elazar purred while gently running his hands up and down my legs, being generous enough to give my body a chance to adjust. 

"Tell me if I hurt you. I only wish to show you pleasure, not pain."

My arms trembled as my tense body started to relax a little, but as he pulled back and thrusted back in again with another swift motion, my body jolted and I cried out once more. He proceeded to pump in and out of my core over and over at a steady pace causing a familiar knot to coil up in the pit of my stomach, growing tighter and tighter.

"E-el!" I panted while looking down to where he was pumping into me. 

"Yes kora?" He strained to keep his voice steady while keeping his focus on his movements. Closing my eyes I enjoyed each thrust and found myself being pushed closer to the edge. 

"Y-your knot i-isnt gonna fit-" I moaned at a particularly hard thrust and El growled, pausing for a brief moment as my walls clenched down around him. 

"Do not worry, I've yet to reach your deepest parts… it will fit." He suddenly grabbed both my legs lifting them up and held them together putting my body in a L position. Grasping my thighs he then started speeding up his thrusts considerably and I grabbed onto the Belt keeping my hands tied together, as support. 

"Ah!? W-wait!" He didn't slow down and started growling even more as he got faster, building up for the big finish. "El! It's not gonna fit!" 

He didn't seem to hear me as he put everything he had in the last few thrusts, pushing as hard as he could. By some miracle I felt it go in with that final push. His cock swelled and the spurs flared out causing an overwhelming sense of pleasure to shoot up my spine and cause black dots to dance across my vision as I cried out.

Unlike last time, all that warm seed that was shooting into me was trapped inside, filling my womb to the brim. My mouth opened in a silent gasp as my own orgasm was drawn out by the throbbing of his member spilling more and more seed inside of me. 

Elazar groaned happily holding me in place as he closed his eyes, relishing in the intense pleasure. As I slowly came down from my high, his orgasm almost seemed never ending and it caused little jolts of pleasure to shoot through me. We were both panting messes by the end of it and he was still stuck inside of me as we both tried to catch our breath. 

Finally I felt the swelling go down and the spurs fold allowing him to pull away. He laid my legs back down and they trembled from the aftershocks of my climax. 

Holy fuck- why was that so much more intense than the last one? I closed my eyes, sighing in relief as I felt elazar untying my hands. 

My relief however was short lived as he suddenly flipped me onto my stomach and tied my arms behind my back. "Hey!?" 

He sat back pulling me with him so that I was sitting in his lap, with his still- erect member between my legs. "W-wait what are you-"

"The hunt isn't over until the sun rises, I will not stop breeding you until I see the first light of day." He whispered into my ear while grabbing at my breasts with both hands. 

Wait, that's what they meant by it lasts all night?! I thought that was just some kind of exaggeration!? "Don't we get to take breaks in between?!"

He chuckled and nipped at the side of my neck. "Of course not. I need to spend every last minute spilling my seed inside you to make sure there will be a kit in your belly."

"Uh- El I don't think we are very compatible. The chances of me having a kid are very slim. We aren't even the same species!"

"All the more reason to put everything I have into this…after all we won't know until we try…"

His tail suddenly coiled around my waist lifting me up just enough to position his shaft at my entrance once more before pulling me down.

I moaned out loud and my body shook as I threw my head back against him, one of his hands tailed down my side before leaving my body and I could hear him rummaging through his bag. "Open your mouth kora." 

I did so without question as he brought something to my lips and had me consume it. Whatever it was made my mouth tingle and it tasted sweet. "What was that?"

"Vel'vhe" my eyes quickly snapped to his then the bag where I saw he had a small pouch of the little purple flowers. "I had been saving them for such an occasion." He then popped one in his mouth and I gaped. 

"But-" I was cut off as he claimed my lips in a passionate kiss and the taste of him mingled with the sweet taste of the flowers making my mind melt. He started grinding into me, stirring up my insides in ways I never felt before. 

His free hand wrapped around my waist and he moved my body in rhythm to his, making small hard thrusts into me. My mind became hazy as he finally broke the kiss to attack the side of my neck licking and nipping at the skin.

My entire body felt tingly as it heated up and I realized the flowers' aphrodisiac effects were kicking in. Everything became so much more sensitive and I cried out as he squeezed my breast while massaging it. I knew I was losing myself as spots danced across my vision as he increased the pace.

"E-el I can't… I'm gonna-" I could feel the vibration from his purr all across my back as he dragged his tongue across my neck. 

"I've got you." He reassured me. 

"N-no you don't understand! You gotta slow down! If this keeps up, I'll faint!" He pecked a kiss just under my ear while increasing his hard thrusts even more. 

"Even if you fall unconscious I will keep going. It's my mission to keep breeding you until morning, this is the purpose of the hunt."

Both his hands grabbed my hips as he picked up the pace and I cried out feeling him ram into me like a wild animal. He's really not gonna stop?! A snarl came from Elazar as he prepared for that grand final once again. And my head lulled back as I was pushed over the edge with another intense orgasm. With one final hard thrust he buried himself inside me, spilling everything he had. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder as he bit down sinking his fangs into my skin.

My body went limp aside from the few muscle spasms I had after climaxing and my vision blurred, slowly going dark. 

El's hand rubbed circles over my belly as my consciousness faded with one thought on my mind.

He wasn't kidding.

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