Rise of a Queen: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Kingdom Duet Book 2)

Rise of a Queen: Chapter 20

I must’ve fallen asleep after Jonathan carried me out of the shower, because the next time I open my eyes, I’m on the bed.

A sheet covers me up to my chin and the towel is still wrapped around me.

I blink the sleep away from my eyes and glide my hand across the bed. Sure enough, Jonathan isn’t here. My chest falls at that thought, and I curse myself for it. Since when did the need to see him next to me when I wake up become a habit?

The glass hints at the afternoon sun, shining through the trees. I stir and get up to search for my phone.

I need to call Layla and make sure she and her family are well-installed and protected. Then maybe I can take a look at what’s going on in the news. That is, if there’s an internet connection here.

I search through the bags on the chair and in the drawers, but there’s no sign of my phone.

Ugh. It’s Jonathan, isn’t it?

A tender ache hurts between my legs every time I move, and it brings back the memories of Jonathan taking me in the shower. It doesn’t matter how much he fucks me, each one is an experience all on its own, and I’ve become so attuned to this feeling. To him.

It takes me a few minutes to put on a short summer dress I find in the bag he packed for me. How did he even come upon this? I bought it years ago and never actually got the chance to wear it.

I let my hair fall loose to the middle of my back, put on flip-flops, and descend the stairs. I search in the kitchen and in the lounge area, and then in an office situated near the entrance.

There’s no trace of Jonathan.

My feet come to a halt as a dooming thought hits me across the face. Did he…leave me here?

I rush outside, my heart hammering in my chest. The car and Moses are also gone. The sound of the breeze slipping between the tree leaves is the only presence around me.

It’s almost like a ghost island.

A shiver snakes up my body and wraps its meaty fingers around my throat. I instinctively rub my arms to drive away the goosebumps.

Wait, no.

There’s also a faint sound of…waves. I follow the scent of the ocean, legs unsteady, and my heartbeat won’t stop escalating. The idea of being all alone brings back memories of being utterly lost. Though I should be used to being lonely, I’m not. Not really.

Especially not now.

Sure enough, there’s a beach down the cliff. Its shore expands into the horizon, creating a marvellous picturesque scene when combined with the sky. The clear, blue water sparkles under the afternoon sun, but that’s not what causes me to stop and stare.

It’s the man sitting on a chaise longue, a tablet in his hand.

Jonathan is wearing only shorts and a white polo T-shirt, which highlights his tall, muscular frame.

The sun shines on his black hair, which, for once, isn’t styled. It falls across his forehead in a tousled and carefree way. His eyes are covered with black aviators as he scrolls through his tablet with his usual serious expression. His brows are slightly furrowed, jaw set and lips in a line.

I’m so used to those features, to the hardness and ruthlessness in them.

I’m so used to him.

When the hell did I become so used to this man?

The fact that he didn’t leave me here on my own fills me with relief so strong, I nearly topple over from the force of it.

My feet lead me to him of their own volition. The flip-flops get lost in the white sand, so I kick them away and walk barefoot. It’s not hot, but it’s warm enough.

I stand beside his chair, my shadow falling across his face and chest, blocking the sun. Jonathan glances up from his tablet, and just like that, the serious expression slowly withers away.

There’s still that usual harshness, the hardness of the man beneath. However, his features relax and his lips twitch in a heart-stopping smile.

God. I’ll never get enough of his smile. It doesn’t help that he’s so stingy with it.

“You’re up.”

I’m still feeling relieved for finding him here. Add his smile, and I totally can’t find my voice right now, so I nod.

He raises a brow. “You said you didn’t have jet lag.”

“I was tired.”

“Is that so? Did I exhaust you, wild one?”

“A little.”

“A little? We need to take care of that next time so that it’s more than a little.”

“Fine, a lot. Happy now?” I couldn’t control the burning of my cheeks, even if I wanted to.

“Come here.” Even though his eyes are covered with sunglasses, I can almost see the darkening of that grey colour.

“Come where? There’s no room.”

He clutches me by the wrist and pulls me down. I gasp, expecting us both to topple over the chair. Instead, I end up half-lying atop of him, fingers splayed on his T-shirt.

“You were saying? Something about no room?”

For a moment, I’m lost in his sunglasses-covered eyes, in the way they watch me. The weird, yet overwhelming, sensation I felt while staring at our reflection in the mirror during the shower hits me again.

I shut the door on that thought and ask what I came down here for, “Where’s my phone?”

“You don’t need it.”

“I have to make sure Layla and her family are safe.”

“They are. Harris told me they arrived at Birmingham.”

“I want to talk to her myself. At least let me call Harris.”

“There will be no talking to Harris.” He taps a few things on his tablet. “Here, call Layla.”

I grin, taking the tablet from his hand, and dial Layla. I’m surprised it’s saved in his SIM card, even if it is under ‘Black Belt’. “Why do you have Layla’s phone number?”

“She’s an important part of your life,” he says, as if that explains everything.

I try to get into a sitting position, because lying all over Jonathan is distracting as hell, and wait for her to pick up. It rings a few times before she answers.

“This is called stalking, Johnny. We are not going to stay at a hotel you’re paying for. Save your money for charity.”

I stare at him. He wanted to make her and her family stay at a hotel and even called her about it? Why didn’t I know anything about this?

The shades cover his expression, but I doubt there’s a reaction or an apology in there. He does whatever he pleases and is usually convinced that it’s the right thing.

“Now, let me talk to Aurora,” Layla demands. “Or I’m going to come out of the phone and strangle you — wait. Don’t hang up. I won’t actually do it.”

I chuckle. “It’s me, Lay.”

“Mate! Are you okay? You’re unharmed, right? Did that brute Jonathan do something to you?”

He did a lot of things, but none of them were brutish. If anything, they warmed my heart like nothing ever has.

How sad is my life if Jonathan is the highlight of it? Or maybe it’s sad because I waited so long for something like this, and I got more than I bargained for in this impossible man.

He might be a tyrant, but he’s the best to ever exist.

“I’m fine, Lay. We’re at a beautiful island and I wish you were here. Are you guys okay?”

“As long as you’re safe, we are.” She sighs. “Mama and Papa send their love, and they said we’ll all stand behind you.”

“Lay…” My voice breaks.

“Hey, don’t go sappy on me. We still need to talk about how you hid your past from me all these years. I demand compensation.”

“A hug?”

“In your dreams. Okay, maybe this once.”

I smile. “Are you guys comfy?”


My gaze trails to Jonathan, who could be either watching me or the ocean. “Maybe you should take Jonathan’s offer.”

“Nope. Not gonna happen.”

“Are you at your relatives’ in Birmingham?”

“We decided against it. We didn’t really want to bring them trouble.”

“Then where are you?”

“Somewhere better than Johnny’s hotel.”


“He came over as soon as we arrived here and told us we were welcome at his mansion. Told you, he’s Daddy. Hold on.”

Oh, God. No, she didn’t.

There’s a rustle at the other end of the line before a smooth, familiar voice filters in. “Hello, Aurora. How have you been?”

Before I can even attempt to greet Ethan back, Jonathan sits up, his arms enveloping me from behind as he snatches the tablet from my fingers. “What the fuck are you doing, Ethan?”

“Oh, Jonathan. What a surprise.” He doesn’t sound surprised at all. “I invited Layla and her family to stay at my Birmingham residence as long as they please. It’s the least I can do to help Aurora in these difficult circumstances.”

“Thank you,” I say, even though I’m secretly planning to kill Layla.

Jonathan’s eyes fix on me before he focuses back on the tablet. “Harris will come over to take Miss Hussaini and her family to the hotel.”

“No, can do. We’re cool right here!” Layla’s voice comes from the background.

“You heard her,” Ethan says. “I’ll see you when you return. You, too, Aurora.”

He hangs up before Jonathan can say another word. His hold tightens on the tablet and I suspect he’ll somehow bend it in two.

The tension radiating off him could break something. He doesn’t like that Ethan is meddling, and I guess Jonathan will always see him as some sort of a threat — even if he’s helping.

“Are we alone here?” I ask to divert his attention as a wild idea springs to mind.


“What about Moses?”

“He stays near the plane landing.” He pauses. “Why are you asking about him?”

I stand up and pull the dress over my head. I went commando, so when I let the cloth fall on the chair, I’m completely naked.

My nipples instantly harden; it’s less to do with the air and more to do with the way Jonathan straightens, his entire focus zooming in on me.

His jaw clenches as he removes the shades, uncovering his darkened gaze. “Is that an invitation, Aurora?”

“No.” I walk backwards towards the beach. “I’m going for a swim.”

“A swim?”

“Catch me if you can, old man.”

“Old man?” he repeats slowly.

“Yeah, show me your stamina.”

“I did, not too long ago, and you were so exhausted, you fell asleep on me, remember?” He stands anyway, pulling his T-shirt over his head, then yanks down his shorts.

He went commando as well.

My feet falter in the sand at the view of him entirely naked, but I don’t get to stare for long when he charges towards me.

I squeal as I turn around and run in the direction of the beach. The water envelops my toes and calves in seconds. It’s a bit cold, and I shiver as it reaches above my knees, but I don’t stop my escape from Jonathan.

A strange sense of excitement grips me. It’s like those times when I used to hunt and stalk, but now, I’m not the predator, I’m the prey playing a game.

When I glance behind me, there’s no trace of Jonathan. I stop when the water reaches my waist and search around. Where did he go?

Did he leave? But I’m sure I heard him come in after me —

My thoughts are suddenly cut off when something grabs my calf and I shriek just as I’m being pulled under. Then the cold shock withers away as strong hands grip me by the arms and lead me back to the surface.

I gulp in a large intake of air, gasping, my fingers holding on to a muscular shoulder. I blink away the water in my eyes to make out the sight of Jonathan’s drenched face and his hair sticking to his temples. “Y-you!”

“Did you say something about stamina, wild one?”

“That’s not fair.”

“I never play fair.” His lips brush over my nose. “I play to win, remember?”

I do, and even though the notion scares me a bit, I can’t help but want more of it right now.

Splashing him in the face, I escape his hold and swim in the opposite direction.

He catches me in no time, but he also lets me go when he senses my need for a challenge.

It’s always been there, no matter how much I’ve tried to smother it. Challenges are what make me thrive, and Jonathan offers me that in the best way possible.

Will he still feel the same if he finds out that I’m as much of a monster as my father?

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