Chapter 33: Meeting 205 part 3

This time Siraj was so stunned that he forgot to take a breath of his cigarette that was close to his mouth. After a moment of shock, he pulled himself together to take a breath of the cigarette.

He was about to ask the logical question of how did you know? But he stopped. He remembered the bet he just now lost. He realized how big the bet he just lost. It wasn't just an ordinary bet.

It was a loss for answers to so many questions. He felt that it would become his next nightmare as long as he didn't know how to answer them.

"As you know my name in the game, there's absolutely no point in asking. Could you get to the point, or I'll run out of patience with you and I'll never let you leave this building again ."

Ibro didn't care about his threat, but he felt good about getting there. A combination of curiosity and tension always made 205 easier to deal with.

The problem was that he would become completely unexpected and that was pretty dangerous too. That was why Ibro stopped playing with him and went straight to the point and said :contemporary romance

"What I'm about to tell you might feel illogical. As we agreed before, I can't tell you where I got to know all this information.

I don't know what you knew about Rioneed, so I'll keep it simple and tell you all about this game.

The first thing you need to know is that it is not a game at all. Rioneed is a real-world that looks like the Earth we live in, even more complicated.

who is responsible for this game is not a game company as the propaganda says.

It is a meteorite that fell to Earth in the Antarctica continent. The game determines the future of all human beings.

The G8 nations have joined together to ensure that they would continue to control humans after we move to the Rioneed world later in the future.

I forgot to tell you that we will move to the Rioneed world in the future, approximately within seven years. Seven of the eight countries have selected and supported their allies.

So you'll find fifteen nations supported by the game while the rest of the world are subjected to restrictions. These restrictions were forced to block any effort by the players of any other nation.

The 15 nations feared what these players would do. They feared to have a negative impact on their future plans in the Rioneed. I won't talk longer at this point.

You knew that Solron became a country supported by the company because it became supported by Tasania .

In the game, I could assure you that in five years' time, before all of us can move to Rioneed, the Solronian players will control the Heptian domain of the game.

Not just Hept, but the entire surrounding countries as well. In fact, the whole world is completely mapped out among the 15 nations ."

Ibro silenced a bit to allow Siraj to understand everything he said. As he predicted, the look of 205 towards him was, as he used to before, extremely sharp and serious.

Anyone else in his place wouldn't initially believe his words. but the 205 that he knew didn't think in the usual way. Siraj was already thinking of Ibro's words seriously as if they were a proven fact.

The information Ibro threw on his face was already a big disaster if these were true. Siraj looked carefully at the young man sitting in front of him. Since the first time, he saw him Ibro didn't do anything with no avail.

His every move has a specific purpose. So what's the point of telling him all this information?

"Of course, if I asked you about the source of your information you would not answer me because I lost a bet with you.

I won't ask about your source but in return, you have to prove to me the validity of what you call him, Mr. Ibrahim ."

"Unfortunately, I have no concrete proof of what I just said ."

Siraj's face has changed color immediately to say in anger :

"You think I'd believe you because you proved there were Spy bodies in my game capsule? The existence of those bodies and what you claim are totally different like Earth from the sky. Even if I believed you, no one of my superiors would believe you ."

"I know that, but I could use alternatives to concrete evidence ."

Siraj looked at him with a big question, and Ibro continued to explain. :

"Let me explain a little, and eventually you'll understand what I meant. First, let me tell you my name in Rioneed. I know yours and you didn't know me yet. Even though you might have heard about me no doubt. My name in the game is Ibro ."

Siraj suddenly interrupted him, saying loudly in surprise :

"Are you Ibro? A lot of people are looking for you, Ibro, do you know that?"

"Yes, I do. I think that by knowing who I am, you've realized that my words are not without weight or significance. What I want to explain to you is that the 15 nations when they decided to take on the new world in Rioneed they expected players like me.

So they put a counter plan that would enable them to safeguard against players like me. They arrested a group of players who have double nationality. Like in the case of our Hept country there are a large number of professional players in Tasania were captured and held hostage.

They did this move so they can monitor our players. if a player like me emerged they won't hesitate in trying all means to get rid of me. Those players helped them in giving them info about me for example.

So the problem lies in these players themselves. If they wanted to hide any info they would hide it and vice versa. I met one of these players and that player was luckily not satisfied with the bad treatment of the Tasanians .

That's why this player decided to help me destroy their plans. But unfortunately, this player has discovered a little while ago, so I came to you. You could check that player's name.

I don't just know his name. I also know where he's being held hostage now ."

Siraj's eyes shone when he heard this information. he finally understood why Ibro appeared before him.

He wanted to save his partner from the clutches of those who held him. He felt great about Ibro's loyalty, even risking himself to save his partner. But yet he said in a tone without any apparent appreciation in his eyes. :

"This is good information, Mr. Ibro. in the end, even if we made sure it was correct that doesn't mean that what you said before is true. Well if you asked me to save your mate, I could do that gladly. but in return, you must offer a fair price for it. You know what I mean ."

Even though he respected his loyalty and his audacity, he would not leave him without exploiting all his secrets. He also needed to know the source of his information that he tried hard to cover.

It didn't matter which bet he just had, that bet was just a game. In his view, Ibro had made a mistake showing his own weakness to him. Now Ibro must concede to his terms. He noticed how badly Ibro needed his help.

so if Ibro strongly needed to save his mate then he had to pay the appropriate price. Ibro understood fully what he meant, but he didn't comment on his words but continued :

"Don't worry about the price I'll pay for that rescue mission. Now I hope you start the task of investigating this information. My partner's name is Aya Darwish, a Heptian-Tasanian player.

She's now being held at a farm in the Tasanian. The state of Redax. These are her coordinates ."

Then he moved and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from a desk and wrote the coordinates that he heard about before.

These were coordinates of the place of detention of Heptian players in Tasania. He was afraid that those Tasanians would move Oya from that place. He hoped that his move was fast enough and was in the perfect timing.

That was why he looked for meeting Siraj without any delay. He predicted that they might wait for a couple of days before thinking about moving her. He only needed a couple of hours, not just a day.

Time again was his enemy ! Siraj looked at the paper in silence and then grabbed his phone and wrote some instructions. then he closed it again and looked at Ibro and said:

"We'll look into your information. this rescue would only take place when you pay me what I want, Mr. Ibro ."

"Why do I get the feeling you're more worried than me, Mr. Siraj? Don't worry yourself too much about the price I'll give you. Believe me, it's a lot more than you want.

Now let me tell you one of the rules of the game that a lot of people don't know yet. There are two conditions you can pick from.

These conditions were to allow any nation outside the 15 ones to introduce all its inhabitants into the game and the game will provide free capsules for them. that information the 15 countries are trying to hide with great effort.

But you can confirm it with a little patience and good investigation. The first condition is that 10% or more of the population has game capsules.

The second condition is that nation players occupy five cities of five different domains in the game.

When either of the two former conditions is met, the Heptian population would be given the opportunity to enter the game. the plot against us will be undermined then."

Siraj thought a bit in Ibro's words. Inside, he was amazed at how much information this young man had about the game. Had he not known the purpose of his visit, he would have suspected he was one of the agents of the G8 in the game.

He also knew that he was Ibro. Ibro was this mysterious person in the game who heard a lot about him despite Rioneed short time. Ibro was wanted by many G8 countries. So he could never be an agent to one of them.

This young man made them even here at his department and tried hard to look for him. Regardless of everything you claimed before, those two conditions were just impractical at all!

"Excuse me, Mr. Ibro, but the two conditions you have put forward can't be applied now. One capsule price is very expensive and the number of the Hept population now exceeded two hundred and fifty million.

This means that we must buy 25 million capsules in order to allow the entire population of Hept to enter the game free of charge. This is a great price we can't afford. As for the second condition, it is also difficult.

We don't know till now the way of entry from one domain to another in the game. Even if we knew, the number of our players in the game is very little. as you pointed out earlier that many of them are considered agents of foreign countries.

So how are we going to make this condition happen? What you say is impossible, and I would not accept it as a price for saving your partner ."

"I know, but don't worry. I've got a solution. Tell me, how powerful is your position in the department?"

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