Right Man, Right Time

: Chapter 22

I was with Sarah for over a decade, and never once did I feel what I feel about Ollie.

I think I loved Sarah. I’m not going to take that away from our history, but I don’t think I loved her the way I thought I did. Our love grew apart over time.

With Ollie, there’s this obsession. An obsession to make her happy, to make her feel fulfilled. An obsession to be near her, to hold her, to possess her.

An obsession to never let go of her, and knowing I have another away trip coming up, I actually feel sick that I have to leave her.

She curls closer into my side, warm, naked, needy.

She hasn’t let go of me all night, and I haven’t let go of her. She makes me feel desired, and Sarah never made me feel that way. I always felt like I was chasing her. Chasing her to give me attention or any piece of her. But now that I think about it, she was always looking for something else, someone else. We never would have lasted. And now I’m so fucking glad I found that out when I did.

Ollie shifts, and her hand draws down my stomach.

Hell . . .

She finds my morning erection and lightly runs her fingers over it.

“Morning,” I say, my pelvis shifting upward unintentionally.

“Mmm . . . morning,” she says right before she travels her mouth down my body, right to my cock.

“Baby,” I groan as I make room for her body.

She swirls her tongue around the tip, and I place my hands behind my head and watch her delicious mouth drive me fucking nuts.

We spend the next half hour using our mouths, hands, and bodies to bring each other pleasure to the point that we’re both sweating, tangled between each other, and completely spent.

“Ollie,” I say, out of breath. “Baby, you have to stop telling me to fill you up with my cum.”

“Why?” she asks with a laugh. “That’s what I want.”

“I know, but it makes me wild.”

“That’s how I like you. Wild. Out of control.”

“You’re going to break me.”

She twists into me and asks, “Are you telling me I have to take it easy on my geriatric boyfriend?”

My brow rises as I turn toward her, causing her to laugh. “I’m not fucking geriatric.”

“Could have fooled me with all the cracking your bones do.”

“That’s just part of being an athlete.”

“A geriatric athlete.”


She laughs and straddles me. “Are your feelings getting hurt?” She traces her hands over my pecs.


“Aw, my poor baby.” She kisses my lips and then hops off, leaving me cold and wanting more.

“Come back here.”

She slips my shirt over her body and buttons the middle button. “I need some breakfast. You’ve fucked me hungry.”

“And you’re calling me the geriatric one.” I slip my hands behind my head and say, “I could go all day, baby.”

“Says the man who was breathing heavily last night and had to take a break between rounds.”

I sit up on my elbows. “I’m the one doing the fucking pumping. Excuse me if I don’t want to cramp up.”

She laughs some more and then goes to her mini fridge, where she pulls out two yogurts.

She tosses one at me and then pulls out spoons. I scoot back to the headboard and sit up while she sits right on top of me, just the way I like it.

I pull off the lid of my yogurt and do the same for her. She hands me a spoon, and together, we eat breakfast.

“Did you turn in your article?” I ask.

“I did yesterday. I haven’t heard anything yet.”

“It was a good article, babe,” I say. “I don’t see how he won’t like it.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate your help on it. Before I turned it in, I made a few changes, but I feel like it’ll give me the credit I need, and then after that, I just have to breeze through the rest of the internship until the end of the year.”

“Your grade doesn’t depend on the rest of the year?” I ask.

“No, the extension of the internship is just experience. That’s why the extension was so good because it’s paid and great for the résumé.”

“What do you plan on doing after you graduate?” I ask.

“Hopefully find a job that suits what I’m working toward . . . not sports.”

I chuckle. “But now your boyfriend is a professional hockey player, giving you the inside look. You could be very valuable to someone looking for a sportswriter.”

“Oh yeah, very valuable. I couldn’t even tell you a single rule about hockey, let alone write about it.”

“So what happens if you get a job that’s not in Vancouver?” I ask, wanting to gauge where she’s at.

“Are you worried I might not be at your beck and call for your post-game adrenaline?”

“No.” I bring my hand to her thigh. “I just want to know what your plans are.”

Playfully, she asks, “Are you growing attached to me, Silas?”

“I am,” I say, completely serious, which changes her expression. I set down my yogurt and grip her waist. “I really like you, Ollie.”

“I really like you too, Silas.”

“I want you to have the world in front of you, all of the opportunities, but I also want to know that I have a chance of being in that future.”

She sets her yogurt down as well and rests her hands on my chest. “You’re in my future, Silas. I don’t know what that future will be, but you’re in it. I honestly can say this is the happiest I’ve ever been.”

“Me too, Ollie.” I slide a strand of hair behind her ear. “How do you feel about everything so far, with the season and the time apart?”

“Good,” she answers. “I had coffee with Winnie, and it felt nice to talk to someone experiencing the same thing as me.”

“You don’t fear I won’t be there for you?”

“I don’t have that fear at all.”

“Because if you do, you can tell me.”

“Silas,” she says, placing her hand over my heart. “I promise I can handle this. So far, I’ve seen you almost every night besides the nights you were on the road. And those nights, you called me. I have no worries about you not being there for me. And I have no need to go looking for comfort elsewhere if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

“I don’t want to be afraid of it,” I say as I droop my head. “But I feel this heavy weight in my chest when I think about you and how I feel.” I look her in the eyes. “It’s really fucking strong, Ollie. You brought me back to life. I don’t want to lose that. I don’t want to lose you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she says, then leans in to kiss me. “I’m yours, Silas. Only yours.”

“YOU LOOK HAPPY,” Holmes says, walking up next to me as we head down the hallway. Another game day, another chance to add a win to the tally.

“I am happy,” I say. “Had a great morning with Ollie.”

“You feeling her?” Holmes asks.

“Yeah, man. A lot. She makes me really fucking happy.” Leaning in close, I say, “I think she’s the fucking one.”

“Really?” Holmes asks, surprised.

“I know it’s pretty early, but I swear to God, I’ve never felt this way. Even with Sarah. This is a new level of connection—of . . . possession—I have inside me. I haven’t told her, but hell, dude, I love her. The feeling is so strong in my veins that I need to be around her all the goddamn time.”

“And you trust her?” he asks, making me think he might have had a talk with Pacey.

“I do,” I answer. “I trust her with everything in me.” When I told her about Sarah, she floored me with her compassion and empathy. She showed maturity beyond her years. But her anger on my behalf proved that she values trustworthiness and honesty as much as I do. “She’s far more mature than I expected and has adapted to being the girlfriend of a hockey player much easier than I anticipated. So far. I’m happy.”

“I can tell. You’re on top of your game, too.”

“I feel like I’ve shed this weight I’ve been carrying around. The weight of what Sarah put me through. Now that Ollie has come along, it just feels different. Right. Like everything is in place.”

“Morning, boys,” Blakely says, cutting us off in the hallway. Blakely works for the Agitators and has been helping with Penny’s job regarding social media. Blakely is also the girl Holmes has a huge crush on.

“Uh, hey, Blakely,” Holmes says, his body growing rigid next to mine.

I thrive for these moments. And I know I shouldn’t because my friend is clearly uncomfortable. But I love watching him squirm. It makes me realize he’s not the robot he likes to portray himself as, and that light that keeps him motivated is stronger.

“Ooo, Halsey, that suit looks amazing on you. Is it new?”

I catch his cheeks blush as he shakes his head. “No, had it for a bit.”

“I love it. You should wear it more often.”

Why do I feel like he’s going to wear it every day for the rest of his life now?


Just to stir the pot a bit, I nudge his shoulder. “You going to compliment her dress?”

Holmes flashes a death look at me right before he says, “Uh, you look beautiful, Blakely.”

Okay, I was just looking for a dress compliment, not a full-on I’m in love with you compliment.

“Oh . . . thank you, Halsey.” She glances down at her plum dress. “Since I have to be on the ice today before the game, I thought I would dress in Agitators colors.”

“Purple looks really good on you.”

I swear to God, I see heart eyes sprouting from Holmes. He’s going to get so much shit when we get to the locker room, and he knows it.

“Thank you.” She clears her throat. “Um, well, I have to go gather some things—”

“Ugh, there you are,” I hear Sarah say as she walks up to us in a pair of skintight black pants and a purple top that dips low in the front. “Oh hey, Silas.” She smiles, and it’s crazy that I used to like that smile—now it just seems maniacal. Like she’s plotting revenge.

“Hey,” I say, hand in my pocket.

She turns to Blakely. “I talked with the guys, and they’ll be able to use the new purple rug we got for the ice. They’re unpacking it now.”

“Oh, awesome.”

“Let me know if you need anything else. I’m going upstairs to work on a few graphics.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

“Okay, catch you later.” She walks by me and runs her hand down my arm as she passes. “Good luck today.” And then she’s gone.

When she’s out of earshot, Blakely whispers, “She was telling me the other day that she’s trying to get you back. I don’t know what your history is, but I would be careful because aren’t you dating someone?”

“I am. Sarah can try all she wants, but it’s not going to happen. I’m happy with Ollie.”

“Okay, good. Just checking. All right, I’ll let you boys get to the locker room.” She moves by us. “Good luck tonight, Halsey.”

“Thanks,” he says quietly as we move away.

When we’re out of earshot, I say, “That was fun.”

“Not a fucking word,” he grumbles.

And I leave it at that because why torture him anymore?

SILAS: Where are you?

Ollie: Back of the bar.

I move through the crowd, trying not to draw attention, but that’s nearly impossible after another big win. Undefeated has never felt so good.

Posey follows me as well as Holmes and Rivers, and we head to the back of the bar where Ollie is waiting with a round of beers.

God, this girl. She’s perfect.

“Hey, baby,” I say as I plant a kiss on her lips.

“Hey, handsome,” she says, kissing me back. “Congrats on another win.”

“Thank you.” I give her another kiss and slip my arm around her waist, keeping her close as she hands out the beers.

Ross appears, and I give him a nod just before he walks up to Rivers and kisses him as well. Rivers then slides his hand into Ross’s and pulls him off to the side to a private booth.

“Guess we won’t be hanging out with them,” Posey says before taking a sip of his beer.

“I didn’t think we would,” Ollie says. “They really like their privacy.” She then looks up at me. “No goals tonight. What was that about?”

“Two assists, babe, that’s just as good.”

“Is that what you’re convincing her?” Posey asks with a laugh. “Dude, you’re pathetic.”

“I might not be well-versed in hockey,” Ollie says, “but I know that bullshit he just spewed is inaccurate.”

Posey lets out a boisterous laugh while I give my girl a look.

“What?” She shrugs. “It’s true.”

“You’re supposed to back me up.”

“Not when you’re making a fool of yourself.”

“Hell, I think Ollie is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Please tell me you’re bringing her to Banff when this season is over. We could use her to cut through your bullshit.”

“Yeah, she’s coming with me,” I say as I kiss her forehead, only to feel her go stiff in my arms. Confused, I glance down at her to see if everything is okay, and that’s when I hear a familiar voice.

“Great game, boys,” Sarah says, coming up to us.

Jesus, is she following us around today? Is there an air tag on me that I don’t know about?

“Uh, thanks,” Posey says.

Sarah grips my arm. “Amazing assists.”

“Hey,” Ollie says, swatting at Sarah’s arm. “Don’t touch him.”

The abrupt demand startles me, only to make me inwardly smile. Ollie is claiming me.

“Excuse me?” Sarah says.

“I said don’t fucking touch him, especially in front of me. That’s disrespectful as shit. I know you might be from a different generation, but I’d appreciate if you didn’t set back feminism and act like a man-stealing bitch. Accept the fact that you’re not together anymore and move on.”

Oh hell, I think I just got hard.

Sarah’s brows narrow as she says, “You might be his girlfriend at the moment, a flavor of the week, but Silas and I have over a decade of history. If I want to touch him, then I’ll fucking touch him.”

“Don’t,” I say to Sarah. When her eyes connect with mine, I repeat, “Don’t. I honestly don’t want you near me. I’m just tolerating it because it’s part of your job, but outside of the arena, don’t come near me.”

“Silas,” she says, looking insulted. “I know we’ve had our disagreements—”

“Disagreements?” I say, my voice a harsh whisper. “I think you remember it incorrectly because what you did to me wasn’t a disagreement. What you did went against everything we promised each other. I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forgive it.” Ollie’s arm tightens around me, offering me support. “You have absolutely zero chance of ever winning me back, so for the love of God, leave me the fuck alone.”

“Zero chance? Really? I see the way you look at me, Silas.”

I grip Ollie even tighter.

“You’re mistaking distaste for lust. There isn’t anything in this world that would make me change my mind. We’re over. So save your dignity and move the fuck along.”

“Wow,” she says, shaking her head. “You’re really going to take this girl you barely know over me? We have history, Silas. I know you. She doesn’t. And when she breaks your heart because she’s too immature, too inexperienced to date someone of your caliber, I’ll be sitting back, waiting.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” Ollie says. And fuck, I love her. I love her so goddamn much.

Without another word, Sarah walks away, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

“Oh shit,” Posey says before laughing. “You pissed her off.”

“Good, maybe she’ll stay away once and for all.”

I spin Ollie toward me and lift her chin so her lips are near. “I’m going to fuck you so hard when we get to my place.”

A smile stretches across her beautiful face.

“I’m counting on it.”

I lightly kiss her, only for Posey to clear his throat. “Can you two not? Some of us are struggling romantically and would prefer not to watch you two go at it.”

I lift my lips from Ollie’s and then turn toward Posey. “Some of us? Does that include you?”

“What? Me?” He points at his chest. “No, I’m not struggling. I’m fine.” He pats Holmes on the back. “Just looking out for our dear friend Halsey here.”

“Don’t,” Holmes says, peeling Posey’s hand off his shoulder. “I’m good.”

“Not from what I saw this morning,” I say.

“Ooo, what happened this morning?” Ollie asks.

Holmes gives me the death glare, and I say, “Sorry, dude, she’s a part of me now. What I know, she knows.”

He takes a long pull of his beer before saying, “Just ran into someone . . .”

“Blakely,” I say, filling in for him.

“And I don’t know, just told her how beautiful she looked. That’s it, we’re not talking about it anymore, or I’m going to fucking leave.”

“Dude.” Posey shakes Holmes. “You said that to her? That’s huge. What did she say? Did she blush?”

“I said we’re not getting into this,” Holmes says, always in a bad fucking mood.

“She blushed,” I answer for him. “And she said he looked really good in his suit.”

Posey’s mouth drops open. “Holmes, that’s your in.”

“It’s not,” he says, setting his beer down. “Have you forgotten she has a boyfriend?”

“No,” Posey answers. “But things change. Look at Taters. He was with Sarah for over a decade, and that changed.” He glances at me. “Sorry, had to use you as an example.”

“It’s fine,” I say as I kiss Ollie’s forehead.

“She’s happy, and I’m not going to fuck around with that. Now, we can either change the subject, or I can leave.” From the expression on his face and the dead-set tone in his voice, I know he’s serious. And I have to respect the man. Blakely is not available, and she does appear happy, so I respect the fact he’s not going to chase after her. I shouldn’t tease him, really.

“Ollie turned in her final paper for her internship.”

“What was it about?” Posey asks.

“You guys,” she says, sounding so sincere and full of love. “Talked about your day-to-day journey and what you do to prepare for a season. Talked about the Agitators and how welcoming they are as a team to newcomers.”

“When does it come out?” Posey asks.

“Not sure. I still haven’t heard from my boss about it.”

“He hasn’t said anything to you?” I ask.

Ollie shakes her head. “No, but I guess no news is better than bad news.” She turns to the boys. “He wanted me to do some sort of exposé about the team and the owner, really dig for some dirt. But I wouldn’t.”

“What a dick,” Posey says. “That’s a total conflict of interest.”

“That’s what I said, but he apparently didn’t care.” Ollie sighs. “Oh well, hopefully, he enjoys what I put together.”

“He will.” I kiss the top of her head.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE you leave again tomorrow,” Ollie says as she comes up behind me in the kitchen, where I’m grabbing a glass of water. Her hands go around my waist, and she hugs me from behind.

“I know. This is how it’ll be for the next few months.” I turn around to face her. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Yes, I’m just going to miss you.”

“Well, if you want, you can stay here when I’m gone.”

She glances around my apartment and then back up at me. “It’s way too big.”

I chuckle. “Then take some of my clothes home with you, so you can wear them while I’m gone.”

“That I can do.” She stands up on her toes and presses a kiss to my chin. “Do you ever think how crazy it is that we got here? Ross was talking about it the other day, how happy we are. We’re kind of waiting for something bad to happen.”

“Why would you wait for that?” I ask. “Live in the moment, babe. This is real.”

“That’s what I keep telling myself, but then, it’s nights like tonight when it feels too good to be true.”

I move her back to the counter and lift her up and sit her on it. “What do you mean?”

Her fingers move over my dress shirt, and she plays with the buttons, slowly undoing them one at a time. “Despite Sarah’s interruption, it was nice. Yonny never let me hang out with him and his guys like that. I was never welcome, and tonight, I felt like I belonged.”

“You did belong. That’s how it is, Ollie. It’s you and me. I don’t care who I’m with. I want you there with me.”

She parts my shirt open and tugs on the belt loops of my pants. “When you say things like that . . . that’s what makes me believe this is all too good to be true.” Her fingers toy with my zipper.

“It’s not. This is how you’re treated with me, Ollie.”

She slips her hand into my pants and cups me. I place my hands on her shoulders and take a deep breath. Fuck. “You realize this is how you’re treated with me, right?” she asks as she slowly massages my balls. “You’re desired. You’re wanted. You’re needed. You’re cherished.” Her hand slides up my shaft and pulls me out of my briefs. “I’m yours, no one else’s.”

Sliding off the counter, she kneels in front of me and pulls me into her mouth. My hands fall to the countertop in front of me, and as she sucks me into her warm mouth, I have the same thought as Ollie.

This feels too good to be true.

It feels like everything is going my way.

And as my girl kneels before me, I can acknowledge I have the same fears. Sarah believes I’ll get tired of Ollie and go back to her. She is so fucking deluded. But I fear that Ollie will get sick of this lifestyle, see that the grass is really greener elsewhere, and I’ll be left with another broken heart. I just hope to God I’m wrong.

I hope this isn’t too good to be true.

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