Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 7

I can’t help but watch Reign. She is not what I was expecting at all. Not only did she go out of her way to sign a CD for that teenager, but she also talked to her. I saw the hero worship and the hope in that girl’s eyes. She gave her a dream, a chance, and she doesn’t even seem to notice it. More than that, though, the way she handled that stuck-up, rich prick in the dealership made my cock hard. I wanted to bend her over one of those cars and show her she might not need a daddy to buy shit for her, but I’d make her scream it as I fucked her.

The news portrays her as this untouchable, perfect rock princess or the heathen whore they all hate. There is no in-between, but she’s human. That’s all. She’s bratty, stubborn, hilarious, beautiful, rich, and talented, and she seems to be tired of being treated like shit. I can’t say I blame her. I have my own suspicions about why she left the spotlight, but that’s her story and hers alone. We are here to keep her safe, which means being privy to her private business. We are new to this as well, but I’m finding I like seeing this other side of her.

I like seeing the flawed creature and the life she has built, and I want to know more. I want to know what put that sharp look in her eyes and what made her lock down her house. I want to know it all, but more than that, I want to hurt everyone for upsetting such an angel.

That’s what she is.

She dresses and acts like a devil, but inside, she’s our angel.

Music fills her soul, and she dances through her life, leaving her mark behind. I know she’s left her mark on me.

My ma always told me that there are some people who are so filled with pure energy and life that it pulls you in and sucks you up. Being near them is like being in the presence of a god. I now understand what she meant. Reign Harrow is pure life, raw and unfiltered. She is as close to a god as people can get, and not just a rock one, as they call her. I’ve spent one day in her presence and I’m already a changed man. I can’t imagine a day where I’m not standing at her back, watching her take over the world and correct every person who gets in her way.

Once we’re back at her house, she waits for me to get out first. I scan our surroundings, and only then do I help her out. She rolls her eyes but heads toward the house. Raffiel snarls and hurries to be the first one inside, only for us all to slide to a stop in the entryway.

We all just stare.

Covering every inch of her entryway and far as we can see are roses in every color and size. Huge boxes and bouquets are placed everywhere with a tiny path through the middle.

“What the fuck?” she whispers.

“I want to know how this all got in here,” Raff barks angrily, furious at security being breached so easily. He storms away to interrogate the gate staff while I step inside and grab a card I find. I want to be nosy, but I hand it over.

Eyes narrowed, she rips it open and snorts before tossing it at me. I can’t resist. I tell myself it’s so I can learn of any threats and report back, but it’s pure curiosity.

I love you. I miss you. Come home to me.


Her ex? I look around. This is a bold move, apart from the fact that she seems angry rather than impressed.

Raffiel storms back in. “The gate staff apparently didn’t know they weren’t allowed to let deliveries in,” he snaps. “Miss Harrow, I apologize for this oversight.”

She shrugs, looks around, and pulls her phone out. We watch her delete all her messages and peer around again. “What a waste.” She sighs. “Get rid of them.” I start to move to do just that when an evil grin curls her lips. “Actually, send them to every hospital in the area. Someone should get some use out of them.”

I can’t help but grin, and she glances back at us.

“And I agree with the new security measures. Nothing from him is allowed to be let in again. Understood?”

“Of course, Miss Harrow,” Raffiel responds, something unknown in his eyes.

She looks around again and shakes her head. “Idiot. If you need me, I’ll be in the studio.”

We watch her go, and then Astro lets out a whistle. “Oh, he really fucked up. How much do you reckon this cost?”

“Too much,” I say. “Plus, her favorite flowers are clearly peonies.” They all turn to gape at me, and I roll my eyes. “They are in her studio and her bedroom, and she has one tattooed on her skin, idiots.”

“Well shit,” Dal mutters, grinning at me. “I suppose we better get to work.”

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