Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 62

One week later . . .

Reign is having nightmares. It’s why we are standing in an opulent office downtown. She has spoken to us about what happened, but I suggested she talk to someone else as well. I hate that I can’t fight her demons in her sleep, and I want to help in any way I can, so when she suggested we come together to face our demons as a team, I could do nothing but agree.

Apart from her nightmares, Reign is doing good. She’s healing well with a private doctor, who checks on her every day. We wait on her hand and foot and spend time together, making up for lost time.

She speaks to Beck and Jack almost every day. Even Winchester comes by, and they get on as if they have known each other for years. Her management isn’t happy we’re back, but Reign put her foot down in a way that had us all jerking off in the shower—she basically called us hers and told them to get over it.

With the way the press is eating up her story and desperate for any image of her, they have chosen to give her whatever she wants. Plus, it means free security, and they can’t argue with that, even if we answer to her and not them.

“Please sit.” Dr. Wright, or Andie, as he told us to call him, gestures to a couch.

It’s a hard habit to break, but I sit down for her, letting her take my hand.

“This must be a little weird, huh? Two people with different traumas.” Reign grins shyly.

“It is a little unusual doing a session like this,” he admits with a friendly grin.

“Well, we have never been normal.” She giggles, the sound making my heart fly. I felt nothing until I met her, and then I felt too much, but now I wouldn’t change these feelings for anything, even the pain that comes with it, because they are hers, just like me.

If she wants me to bare my soul to this man, then I will because I will do anything to make her feel better, and if he crosses us, I’ll simply cut out his heart.

“Why don’t you tell me what brought you in today?” he begins.

I look at Reign and smile. “Love,” I admit. “Love brought me here.”


“Ma, I know, please stop,” I beg as she rants down the phone.

Raff Jr.’s barking makes me grin as I glance outside to see him chasing Dal around happily, filling the house with joy and life.

“So help me, boy. You lock that shit down before she gets away again, I mean it. Oh, and make sure to eat properly. You looked skinny in that picture they captured yesterday at the beach.”

Chuckling, I lean against the kitchen counter, snacking on strawberries. “Will do, love you.”

“Love you too. Tell the boys and Reign that I said hi.” She hangs up.

Reign strolls in like I summoned her. “Hey, hot stuff.”

“Hi.” I peer at her as she steals a strawberry, and since I have the opportunity, I tug out the box I carry around everywhere with me.

I slide it across the counter, and Reign tilts her head. She picks it up as she swallows. “What’s this?”

Her voice trails off as she opens it and sees the emerald ring inside.

I put it in a new strawberry-shaped box, but it’s the same ring. “I know you’re not ready for this yet, but I need you to have it. When you are ready, you can put it on.”

“Astro,” she whispers, staring at the ring.

“Reign, I have been in love with you since the first moment I laid eyes on you. Ring or no ring, you’re mine and I am yours. Don’t feel pressured—” I gape when she takes the ring out and slides it on her finger.

“I guess I should get you guys one.” She winks as she kisses me. “Oh, and tell your mom hi back.”

“You . . . I . . . You . . .” I stop sputtering as a wide grin takes over. Gripping her tight, I drag her into a deep kiss, careful of her wound. “Oh, Reign Harrow, I’m going to love you to death.”

“You better.” She smirks. “Now how about we pull that prank on Cil—”

I stare at her, watching her mouth move but hearing nothing. I can’t help the flutter in my heart or the tears in my eyes. She is so goddamn beautiful, but it’s more than that. It’s in her heart, her soul.

Reign Harrow is someone this world needs, and she is also someone I need. She took a broken joker boy and loved him when nobody could.

“Well, what do you think?” she asks, and I realize I’ve just been staring at her.

“Whatever you say, babe,” I croak, and she grins.

“Come on.” She holds out her hand, and I lay mine in hers, letting her lead me anywhere.

I’d follow Reign Harrow to the ends of the earth and beyond.

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