Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 59

We refuse to leave Reign’s side, even for questioning, so they do it in her room. We’ve earned some goodwill since we saved the hospital from a major lawsuit if Reign was kidnapped on their time—not to mention the cops who were supposed to be outside of her room but took a break.

There is also our history. After a few phone calls, the body disappeared, so they have nothing they can hold us on.

My eyes cut to her once more, so small and frail in the bed as she sleeps off the sedative. She is going to be pissed when she wakes up, and my lips curve at the thought.

“Once more please.”

I arch my brow at the cop, and he clears his throat. “Just once more please.”

“We followed the leads and found out who her stalker was. It was only a matter of time until he acted. Unfortunately, we found it too late, thinking the attack was at her house. When she was shot and brought to the hospital, we found it suspicious. There was no way he would shoot her unless he meant to. We figured it was his plan—get her alone and isolated, thinking she’s safe, and abduct her. We found traces of sedatives at his house, along with a badge for this hospital. Then, we simply bided our time.” I cut out the parts where we illegally hacked the systems and went to the morgue.

I’m sure management will spin this in their favor at some point, but I don’t care. She’s safe, she’s alive, and now we can work on healing her body and heart. We aren’t letting her go; we never were. We just needed him to think we had so he would act.

“We searched his place as well. It’s obvious he has been stalking Miss Harrow for some time. We even found this.” He hands over a photo, which was obviously taken off a camera. In it, the man smiles widely and stares adoringly at Reign, who is smiling into the camera, and behind her are more fans who are all lined up. It looks like a meet and greet. “Our detectives think she showed him some kindness and the obsession started from there. He warped his life to match hers and made it seem like she was something to him. We also found tickets for a boat. He was planning to take her far away. You saved her life. I think you need a promotion or a pay raise,” the man says.

“Her safety is all I need,” I murmur as I stand. “Thank you, officer.”

“Um, of course.” He hurries to his feet, knowing he’s being dismissed. “My sergeant will want to speak to her when she’s feeling better. We can come to her, of course, but until then, if there’s anything else, anything at all, don’t hesitate to call us.” He hands over a private number, and I nod.

Astro escorts him out and blocks the door.

There are fans and cameras lining up outside, and the news stations are covering this around the clock, so much so we yanked out the plug for the TV. Reign is resting, and that’s all they need to know.

Moving to the bed, I take her hand and kiss the back of it.

“Come back to us, baby. We’re waiting.”

We were right. Her management spins it as their plan, from firing us to the public scene outside her house to us rescuing her. We don’t care, since it doesn’t matter to us who gets credit. They can call us heroes, but all I care about is being her hero.

Shaking my head, I turn off the TV once more. Reign is still sleeping hours later. The doctors think she had a stronger reaction to the sedatives because of her wound and the meds she was on.

When her eyelids flutter, I almost jump for joy.

Her eyes open as she groans. She struggles to sit up, so I catch her and sit her up slowly. I don’t wake the others who are finally sleeping. It’s been days since they got any rest.

“He’s here—”

“Shh, you’re okay. Calm down. Breathe for me,” I tell her.

I place her hand on my chest, forcing her to feel my breaths until she slows her breathing to match mine. “That’s it. You’re safe. He’s dead, Reign. He can’t hurt you anymore. You’re safe. Say it with me.”

“I’m safe,” she whispers. Despite her volume, the others wake up.

They surround her, speaking too quickly for her to keep up, and I can tell it’s overwhelming her. “Give her a second,” I demand, and they fall silent. “Are you okay?”

“I . . . Fuck, I don’t even know what to say except thank you.” She looks at us. “For not leaving, for being here, for saving me . . . I don’t know what he would have done to me had you—”

“Shh, don’t think of that.” I squeeze her hand.

Nodding, she looks down, and I don’t like the silence.


“I’m grateful . . .” She trails off, and when she lifts her head, there are tears in her eyes. “But overwhelmed. I think I need you to leave.” I can’t help the reaction I have to that, and she swallows hard, looking at us. “Just for now.”

“Reign,” Astro says.

“Reign, look—” I start.

“Please, Raff, so much has happened. I’m grateful you stayed and that you saved me, but I need to process. Just give me some time, okay? I’m not saying forever. I’m just saying for now.”

I hate that.

The last thing I want is time away from her. I almost lost her once. I can’t lose her again, but I nod, knowing if I push this, I could lose her forever.

She looks like a cornered animal.

She feels trapped.

The last thing I want is for her to bolt, but as we gather our stuff and I watch her carefully, I have a feeling that’s exactly what she plans to do.

“Okay, just for a little bit, but we aren’t going anywhere, Reign, and you will hear us out. This isn’t over, Miss Harrow. You are ours, don’t ever forget that.”

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