Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 57

The bright lights of the truck flash in my mind, as does the look in his eyes—regret.

Groaning, I sit up, giving up trying to sleep. Beck left after getting me settled, but this house is just too quiet and big without them, even with Raff Jr. close on my heels, as if protecting me in their place. Not to mention, my mind won’t stop whirring.

Dal tried to kill himself.

Guilt is eating at me. Is it my fault? Of course it is. He made the decision, but it won’t stop me from blaming myself, and it’s making me feel sick to my very core. I didn’t even think as I ran to him. I had to stop him. I might still be angry, but I can’t live in a world without him.

I love him, and it fucking hurts.

It’s not the moment of heartbreak that hurts the most. It’s in the stillness after the fact. It’s in the days after, when you repeat their words in your head over and over so much, they don’t seem real. You remember their touches and their looks. You question everything from the start, and you torture yourself until you can’t sleep or eat. All you think about is the constant pain, and within that stillness is when you truly break.

That’s when you realize just how strong you need to be to survive.

They say heartbreak can’t kill you, but I beg to differ. I wrap my arms around myself to hold myself together.

My house is too quiet.

My heart is too jagged and broken to work again.

No, the moment of heartbreak isn’t the worst. It’s what comes after.

It’s trying to heal from a pain you can’t fix. No doctor or medication can make it go away. No one else can see it, but you can feel the open wounds. You can only numb yourself for a little while, but when the quiet comes, it will return.

The truth is, I crave it because it means I’m still alive.

Pain has always been my constant companion, in a sense, because heartbreak has been with me since I was born to a mother who didn’t love me enough to stay. I had a father who hated me enough to hurt me and a brother too innocent for this world. I even had a fake fiancé who was too blind to care. Yes, I know heartbreak well, and in a sense, we are old friends.

Along with the pain is anger. They did this to us and destroyed what we could have been. Dal almost killed himself, and I’m so mad that he could be that selfish.

The emotional turmoil is too much, and I find myself in the one place I feel safe—my studio. I’m curled up under a blanket, my guitar on my lap like a shield. I hold my phone in my hand, open to the group chat.

The last message is from them.

QueenB: Okay, which of you idiots used all my fancy body scrub?

Cillian: Definitely Astro, babe.

Raff: Which one? I can run out and get you more.

Dal: What is body scrub?

Astro: I deny everything. However, if you happen to notice that my skin is silky smooth, I demand a lawyer.

QueenB: *Laughing emoji.*

Swallowing against the heartache, I hover my thumb over the keyboard, debating asking if they are okay, but then I remember I’m not supposed to care anymore.

I want to tell them this house is too big, but I don’t. I try to close my eyes and sleep when my phone suddenly vibrates. I scramble to answer it, hope choking me.


“Reign, darling, are you okay?” The female voice is soft and worried.

“Who is this?” I ask, slumping when I realize it’s not them.

“Astro’s mom, Gloria. The boys called and told me everything. They are worried about you but didn’t want to hurt you, so I called.”

“They asked you to?” I murmur.

“No, those idiots beat around the bush. I called because I was worried and wanted to make sure you are okay. Are you?” she asks, her motherly voice making tears fill my eyes once more.

“No,” I rasp.

“Oh, sweetie.” There’s a thud. “Get your old ass up and pack the car. We are going to the city.”

“Wait, what?” Astro’s father mumbles in the background, and it makes me grin despite everything.

“The car,” she says exasperatedly, like it’s straightforward.

“Woman, it’s five in the morning. Go back to sleep.” There’s another thud. “You know, I heard divorces aren’t that expensive anymore.”

“Don’t tempt me,” she hisses. “Sorry, Reign. Carry on, love, what can I do?”

“Nothing, thank you. So . . . they told you everything?” I settle back, strangely comforted now that she called me, even if she is Astro’s mom.

“They did. The idiots. When I see them, I’m going to smack them blue. I’m so mad at them, Reign, so mad for you. I know they will have their reasons, they aren’t cruel for the sake of it, but that doesn’t make me less angry and hurt for you. Do you need me to come to you?”

Swallowing, I allow her words to flow through my mind. Their reasons . . . They kept saying that and I didn’t give them the time of day. Was I wrong? No, they lied to me, used me, and hurt me. I’m allowed to feel upset. No matter their reasons, they made the wrong choice. She is right though. They aren’t cruel for the sake of it.

“Reign, do you need me to come? Say the word and we are there. You are family now, and that means everything. They may be my sons, but I care for you a great deal,” she murmurs.

“No, thank you though. I really appreciate the offer and your call,” I admit. “I was feeling very alone.”

“Well, you aren’t. You’re family now too, and family doesn’t let each other hurt alone. Why don’t you come stay here for a little while?” she asks hopefully.

“I don’t want to run, not again. I need to face this, but I really am thankful. I think I’m going to try and sleep now . . . Mama?” I whisper. After all, she is the one who insisted I call her that before we left their house.

“Yes, my love,” she murmurs.

“Will you make sure they are okay?” I ask.

“Of course, now get some sleep. I’ll call you tomorrow. Good night, Reign.”

“Good night.” I hang up, cuddling the phone as my eyes close, exhaustion finally winning out.

I hate the kitchen the most. It’s too fucking empty.

I try to fill it with music, but it doesn’t work, so I stop going in there. Food turns up, all my favorite dishes, and there are no names, but only one set of people could get it to my door without anyone seeing. Flowers sometimes accompany the meals as well as little love notes I can’t bear to read. I swim, I try to write, I clean, and I pace. I don’t think I would even be looking after myself if it wasn’t for Raff Jr. I have to cook and play with him and that brings me a little joy in the darkness. When I can’t stand being in the house anymore, I call the new guards I’ve been assigned. They’ve clearly been given strict rules and don’t enter the house unless necessary. They also don’t speak or even look at me as they escort me to the car.

“Where to, Miss Harrow?” I startle at his voice. It’s wrong, strict, and cold. It’s not purring and familiar.

Clearing my throat and my obsessive thoughts, I force a smile. “To the studio please.” The album is ready to drop any time, but maybe working will help keep my mind off them.

He doesn’t respond, and I sink back in my seat, pulling my shades over my eyes. The cameras beat at the car, and I have flashbacks of similar nights, of the guys laughing as they touched me where the cameras couldn’t see, and I have the insane urge to run away from all the reminders, prying eyes, and pain.

My phone vibrates, and to distract myself, I scroll through the notifications.

One catches my attention.

Unknown: See you soon.

I delete it and instead focus on the texts.





Beck: Why all caps? Shit, sorry.

Grinning, I type out a response.

Reign: Who are we killing and what was his response? I’m alive.

Beck: About time. We are killing your exes, obviously. He was on board. We are on our way to Home Depot to get clear containers and shovels.

Reign: I have questions . . .

Beck: We watched a program, Santa Clarita Diet, and figured we could do it that way, but we are open to suggestions.

A moment later, a picture comes through of Beck and the band holding up chainsaws, and I can’t hold back my snort.

Reign: I like your thinking, but shouldn’t you guys be packing for tour?

Beck: Boring, fine. Text me later, hot stuff. The offer for murder remains open.

Reign: Got it, cutie.

Shaking my head, I navigate through my other messages, ignoring the group chat of the guys, which hasn’t stopped since this morning. They are determined, I’ll give them that. I stop at one from Tucker.

Tuck: Saw the news. Hope you’re okay. I’m always here if you need anything, even just a familiar ear to talk to.

Reign: Thanks.

The group chat, called Reign’s Boys, has a new notification, and at first I want to delete it without looking, but I can’t resist punishing myself. I don’t read the ones before it, unable to handle that yet, but I peer at the newish text.

Raff: Dal is sleeping. He’s okay. Reign, I know you probably won’t respond, but please be okay, just let us know that at least. I’m begging you. I’m so sorry, baby. I hope one day you understand why, but if not, please know we love you. Don’t run from this world again, not because of us. We will wait for you forever if that’s what it takes. We won’t ever give up on you.

I swallow my pain. He hit the nail right on the head after all. Didn’t I think of running again?

I shouldn’t respond. God, I’m a glutton for punishment.

QueenB: I’m okay.

There, that’s all I say and then I shut it, ignoring the chat as it blows up with their responses. We pull into the underground parking garage at the studio, so I guess the new guards aren’t taking any chances. I wait for them to open the door, a habit, and they sweep the surrounding area. When the door opens, I slide out.

“Thanks,” I say softly.

A nod is all I get. Rolling my eyes, I blow out a breath and head to the elevator with them in formation around me. It’s ridiculous, really—


I duck, the sound of gunfire loud and distinct.

“Contact!” one of the guard’s screams. “Back, car, go!”

An arm wraps around me and tugs, keeping me down as we spin, but not before I see one of the guards drop with a shout, blood blooming on his chest. “Shit, shit, man down, let’s go!” the one holding me barks.

Whimpering, I run with him, stumbling in my heels as everything seems to slow down as the pop-pop-pop of the gun gets louder. When I glance back, I see more of the guards falling as they protect our backs, their guns out. Spinning forward, I drop my bag and phone and almost fall.

The guard yanks me up and we round the car. He pushes me to it as he opens the door, but my eyes widen when a masked man in a suit rounds the car, calmly reloading. “Behind you!” I scream, but it’s too late. The guard turns just in time to get a bullet in the head.

My scream rips free as he spins from the force, his open, unseeing eyes haunting me as they meet mine and he falls against me. I push him away as his blood covers me. Whimpering, I manage to get free and scramble back on my hands and knees as the man in the mask tilts his head and watches me.

It’s silent.

There are no screams or voices.

They are all dead.

He killed them, and I’m next.

Oh god, I’m such a fool.

“Please,” I implore, piercing the deafening silence.

“You beg prettily.” A computer voice comes from the mask. “Do it again.”

“Please, please, just let me go. I have money.”

He laughs, and it’s haunting. “I don’t want your money, Reign.” He crouches before me as my lip trembles. He uses the gun to tip my chin up as I cry, fear coursing through me. “I want something much more valuable—you.”

Sirens split the air and my eyes widen. His head turns to the garage entrance. “Damn it, two minutes early. I guess our time is cut short—” I take my chance, refusing to die on my knees, and bring my hand down like I was taught. I snap his wrist, the pain making him recoil and drop the gun. I take the shot and kick off my heels as I scramble to my feet and run for the slope, making sure to zigzag.

“Reign!” the voice roars.

I run faster, but when he skids to a stop before the slope, I swerve, knowing I’m not going to make it. I race down the line of cars and duck behind one, covering my mouth as I hide.

The sirens are getting louder.

“Reign, Reign, Reign, that wasn’t very nice, and you’ll pay for that,” the voice calls, getting closer. “Where are you? Duck, duck, goose . . . Boo!” He pops around the car, and I kick out with a scream. He catches my foot and uses it to drag me out. I try to claw my way under the car, breaking my nails, but it’s no use.

He drags me out, kicking and screaming.

Flipping me over, he presses the gun to my chin once more. “Time to go, Reign. Remember, I’m always here. This is going to hurt. A lot.” My heart stops, and just when I think he’s going to leave, he lowers the gun and presses it to my side.

There’s a sudden sharp pain and my eyes widen.


He shot me.

Shock slams through my body as he lays me back, tucks the gun away, and watches me for a second before whistling and strolling away. I blink up at the gray ceiling of the garage, my hands slipping by my side.

Why are they slipping?

Lifting my head takes great effort, but it allows me to see the blood covering my fingers. Blinking slowly, I cover my side, and agony surges through me.

Oh god, he shot me!

I’m going to die. Fuck, I can’t die, not like this.

With shaking hands, I rip off my shirt as I hear yelled words and boots rushing my way. Gripping it in a ball, I press it to the wound and slump back. “We have her!” a voice calls as several bodies surround me. “Shit, she’s shot. Get an ambulance!”

“Captain, we have eight bodies here, as well as the ten that were taken down by her other guards at the distraction point at her house. The door is swinging, in pursuit of the suspect,” comes down the radio.

“Hold on, Reign,” a soft female voice says from behind a mask. A hand grips mine, covering the wound. “Just hold on, they are on the way. Talk to me, okay?”

“Where are they? They should be here,” I whisper. “Please, where are they?”

“Who, Reign?” she asks.

“Raff, Astro, Cil, Dal—” I cough. “Where are they? I want them.” I feel tears sliding into my hair as agony takes over. “Where are they? They promised to protect me,” I whisper as my head rolls to the side, everything going fuzzy.

“No, don’t you fucking dare. You stay with me, you hear? They are coming. Raff, Astro, Cil, and Dal are all coming, so you just hold the fuck on, Reign!”

It’s too late.

I’m swallowed by the waiting darkness, their names on my lips.

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