Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 50

I grab Reign as she turns to throw up and haul her back to the car, turning to Dal and Astro who are the closest. “Stay with her.” I shut the door on her pale, scared face, hating the helplessness I see in her eyes.

I move back to the guard, my nostrils flaring. “Who delivered it and when did it arrive?” I ask once more, my voice cold and laced with fury.

He stands taller. “By unmarked courier, not two hours ago. I have the receipt right here. I already called them, and they said it was dropped off at a shipping center this morning for special delivery. No name, paid in cash, and no cameras.”

“Fuck’s sake,” I hiss.

“Why did you open it?” Cillian questions, glaring at the box.

“Something felt off, and since we are on high alert, I thought I should check all packages. Was I wrong?”

“No, not at all, you did great,” I grumble, imagining if my girl had opened that. I don’t know who this fucking bastard is, but when I find him, he’s dead for putting that look in my girl’s eyes when she was so happy and relaxed.

“Call the police,” I command. “Lock this place down until they get here. I want answers, and I want the cameras online now!” I bark, beyond angry that this sick bastard managed to get this close to my girl again.

“Cil, with me. We check the house.” The guard pales, and I nod. “I trust your skills, but I need to make sure before Miss Harrow goes inside.”

“Of course. I’ll call them right now, and I’ll keep watch on the car.”

“Thanks.” I clap him on the shoulder as the gate opens, and Cil and I head to the house.

We don’t leave a room or corner untouched, but just like I suspected, nothing has been disturbed and there’s no one here. The new security measures are working and this bastard knows it, hence the delivery. He’s playing it smart, and I hate that.

It also means he’s watching. He could have even been waiting and watching when she saw the box, wanting her reaction.

We wave the car through, and I don’t let go of Reign’s hand until we are in the front living room. The windows are locked and shuttered, and there’s only one way in or out. I station Dal at the windows and Cil and Astro at the door as I hand Reign some water.

Her hands are shaking, so I lift it to her lips as I crouch before her. “Sip, baby, you’re in shock.” A blanket drops around her shoulders, and I tuck it around her. “Do you want something warm?”

She shakes her head, lifting her eyes to mine. “Who is doing this, Raff?”

“I don’t know, but I promise I will find out. This is good,” I reply.

“It is?” She searches my gaze.

“It means he couldn’t get in again, and he’s getting bolder, which means he’s more likely to make mistakes, but don’t worry about any of that. It’s our job to keep you safe, and we will never let anything happen to you.”

“Why is someone doing this?” she whispers, tears filling her eyes. Each one that falls breaks my heart a little more. “What have I done wrong?”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing,” I tell her, gripping her face and wiping the tears away. “They are sick, baby, that’s all, sick in the head. You did absolutely nothing wrong. They have, and they will pay for scaring you and making you cry.”

“What do you mean?” she whispers.

“Baby, you forget who I am. Before I was yours, I was a killer. It’s what I do. Do you really think any of us are going to let the sick bastard live, even behind bars, where he could be a threat to you?”

“Are you telling me you’re going to kill him?” she asks, her voice hesitant. I stay silent, and she just blinks. “That’s kind of terrifying and sweet all at the same time, but you will get in trouble.”

“Let me worry about that, okay? Just breathe for me. You will always be safe with us around, and we aren’t going anywhere. We know how to hunt and kill our prey, Reign, and this man has marked himself for death.”

“Police should be here soon,” Astro mumbles. “He’s right, Reign. He fucked with the wrong people. There is a reason we are the best and why we did so much for our country. It’s who we are, and we will become those people again so we never have to see you cry.”

“But I don’t want to lose any of you, and if—”

Dal comes to her side, turning her face to him. I see more emotion in his eyes than I have ever seen out of our psychopath. He doesn’t feel. He never did . . .

Not until her.

“I haven’t told you everything about my past, Reign, and now probably isn’t the time, but you deserve to know. When I was sixteen, I killed my mother.” She jerks, and he watches her carefully. He already told her that before, but the cool way he says it is sharp and sudden. “You remember me telling you she was a cruel woman who tortured me every day I was alive? She sold me for drugs and money. I was so messed up after it, they committed me. That’s where the government found me. I was in a psych ward, labeled as a dangerous killer, but they saw those traits and thought they were good. They molded me into a soldier, an obedient little dog, and they used me over and over. The dead piled up around me and I couldn’t escape, not until Raff, Astro, and Cillian.

“They brought a little joy into my life, and although I didn’t know what it was, I stayed with them through our missions due to the bond they spoke of. My world was simple. Death was all I knew until you. You showed me what it means to be alive, to feel happiness, joy, sadness, and love. Death is easy for me, and I would kill everyone in this world to see you smile. I might have hated what became of me because of my past, but right now, I’m grateful I have the skills to keep you safe, so don’t worry.

“None of us will ever get caught. Not with you on the line. We have a long life of you showing me how to live, and I plan to have that life with you, understand? Sometimes, though, you have to spill a little blood. This man, whoever he is, doesn’t care about hurting anyone on the way to get what he wants, so neither will we. It’s him or us. I choose us. I will do anything to protect that.”

“Dal,” she whispers.

“Shh, I see your heartbreak in your eyes. Don’t. My life was dark and cruel but it led me here, and I’m thankful for that. I can’t change my past, I can’t change what I’ve done, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying to be the man who deserves you. The truth is, Reign, I don’t care if I don’t. I have no plans of ever letting you go, so let us do this. Let us protect you. I know you are used to doing everything alone, needing to be strong, but I’ve learned one thing from my brothers—everyone needs someone. You have to trust someone sometime, so trust me. Trust us.”

“I do,” she whispers. “But . . .”

“But what?” Cillian asks.

“What if something happens to you?” she blurts.

I bark out a laugh, as do the others. She frowns, but I can tell she’s serious, so I swallow it back. “My love, we’ve dealt with terrorists, armies, warlords, and death every day. This one man isn’t going to hurt us. Maybe we need to showcase some of our skills for you.” I wink, flexing my arm as she grins. Astro smirks at my attempt to make her laugh as he strolls around.

“That’s not how you do it.” He rips his shirt off and starts posing for her. She giggles, and just then, the door opens and the police are escorted in by one of our guards.

“I’m so sorry, sir. We should have knocked,” the guard mumbles as the four officers gawk at us and Astro, who simply grins.

“Just in time for the gun show—”

“Astro.” Reign huffs.

Grinning, he puts his shirt back on as I take a seat next to Reign, and the officers hesitantly enter. A job like this could be a career maker for them, but it could also just as easily kill it.

Everyone knows what is at stake here, but I want to make it very, very fucking clear.

“Before we begin, know this is not the first attack. I’m sure you are aware, but this will not happen again. I want increased police presence around the house until he’s caught.”

“Of course, sir—”

“I wasn’t finished.”

The officer snaps his mouth shut, even as the sergeant looks at me incredulously for daring to order them around. If only they knew how high my friends went.

“Reign Harrow is your number one case right now, is that understood? If you allow this man to get close to her again, you will understand why our files are sealed, and yes, we know you searched after last time.” I see the sergeant pale and know I’m right. “Good, so what do you have?”

“We ran DNA, but there weren’t any matches. We have flagged it in the system in hopes it will match any new entries. There was some CCTV footage about a block away where we caught a man, six foot, well-built, in a dark hoodie running from the scene the night of. We are still trying to track his next moves. As for this evening, we will send the heart for analysis. I believe, like the others, it will be pig or cow. We are monitoring all credible threats to her security, and while we wait for new evidence, we will increase police officers like you suggested.”

We continue to discuss our next moves. It will be easier if they are helping us. Either way, we will stop this man, and I won’t risk Reign’s safety over a pissing match.

When the police leave, I peer at Reign. “It’s been a long night, my love,” I mumble as she stares at the wall. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“I can’t sleep,” she whispers, so I lift her, taking her to my room. The others pile on the bed, surrounding her.

“Try for us,” Astro begs. “Close your eyes. You’re safe. Nothing will touch you here.”

“You’ll be here the entire time?” she asks.

“I promise.” I never want to leave her again, not even to go to the bathroom, and my worry and promise to her wins. “Now sleep.” She curls up between us as I meet Dal’s eyes over her head.

I see death in his gaze.

There will be no holding him back now.


Tonight, we are going hunting.

This man doesn’t get to torment her for another day, and despite the police’s assurances, I don’t plan to let him live long enough to be arrested.

I meet Raff’s eyes. My girl is between us, scared and unable to rest, and it stops now.

“Take Cillian,” he mumbles. “Be back before she wakes up.”

I can see how much it kills him not to come with us, but she’s more important. Plus, we all know I’m the best hunter. He’s ours, and when I’m through, he’ll be begging me to carve out his heart and box it for her.

“I’m coming back, princess,” I promise. “Sleep tight.”

Kissing her head, I linger there for a moment before ripping myself away and striding from the room, Cillian on my heels.

The shipping store is easy to find, and we don’t bother waiting for them to open. Instead, we let ourselves in through the back door, scaring the half-asleep clerk. He screams and scrambles for the phone, but I kick it out of his hand and smack him into the chair. “Stay and you won’t get hurt.”

“Please, I have no money.”

“We don’t want your money,” Cillian replies, ever the kind one. “There was a package shipped to Reign Harrow.”

“Oh god. I told the cops everything I know—”

“Tell us,” I snap, my arms crossed.

He looks at me and balks. “It was a very late drop off, paid cash. We have no cameras. They are broken—”

“Describe him,” I demand, “in detail. Now.”

“He was tall, way over six feet, nearly seven, and he was wearing gray sweatpants with black and white paint splotches on them. He had a hoodie on so I couldn’t see his hair, but I saw his face, and it was normal.”

“Do better,” I demand.

“Uh, he was white, bulky, and his nose was definitely broken in the past—not a looker, if you know what I mean—oh, and he had a tattoo!”

“Draw it,” I snarl.

His hand shakes as he grabs a pen, flips over a receipt, and starts to scribble. He hands it over and I snatch it away, annoyed as I glance down. It’s distinct. Nodding at Cillian, I turn and start to walk away, leaving him to smooth everything over.

“Forget we were here. If he ever comes back, call us.” After delivering those parting words, he’s at my side. “Lead?” he asks when I say nothing.

“It’s a traditional tattoo, very distinct. I think if we show it to a few people, they will be able to direct us to where this person got it done and then to him.”

“Good idea.”

I was right. On our eighth shop, the eighty-year-old owner recognizes it. “Yep, I did that one many years ago. I don’t usually remember because I do so many, but I remember that fucker.”

“Why?” Cillian asks since I’m just glaring, hating being away from Reign for so long.

“Because he fucking skipped out on me. Here, I even have his picture in case he ever came back.” Stepping behind the glass display case, she rips one of the photos off the wall and hands it over. The shop is small and in a run-down section of town, but she can obviously handle herself.

I take a picture of it and hand it back. “Thanks.”

“He in trouble or something?” she asks.

“Or something,” I admit with a cruel grin.

“Good. The bastard was rude. Now, I have to get ready to open up. Show yourselves out.” She shuffles back to her station and we leave her to it, the bell ringing overhead as we head back up the concrete steps. The sign for Granny’s Ink flickers on above us.

My feet just hit the sidewalk when my phone chimes, letting me know I have a match from facial recognition.

Pulling it up, I scan the list. “Arrested four times, burglary, DUI, domestic abuse, and assault. Last address is listed. Name’s Michael Moore.”

“Doesn’t look the type, but then again, we are taught you can never be sure.” Cillian sighs. “He’s obviously a criminal.”

I shoot him a look.

“But they usually have some sort of background with this kind of thing, right? Like stalking? Maybe she’s his first victim. Fucker sure is smart though.”

I ponder his words as we head to the address.

It’s a run-down apartment building, and we get lucky. The bastard is smoking around back. It’s almost too easy as we approach, one from each side, cornering him.

“I got no dope,” he mutters, sparing us a look. The idiot is still in the same clothes.

Kicking out the bin he’s perched on, I watch him fall, and without another beat, I smash my foot into his face. He screams as I crouch next to him. “You really fucked with the wrong people,” I muse.

“I ain’t fucked with nobody, man!” he yells. “Please.” Cillian lifts him to his feet, only to drive his fist into his face and knock him back.

“You came after our girl,” Cil hisses as he punches him again.

I’ve never seen Cillian lose his temper before. He’s impressive.

“Fuck, Sandra was asking for it, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was married!” he cries.

Cillian is right, the fucker is smart, too smart to be this airheaded. “Stop,” I instruct. “It isn’t him.”

“How do you know?” Cil pants, his knuckles split as the man groans at his feet.

“It’s another dead end, a lead, nothing more. He knew we would follow it. He wanted us to. He’s taunting us,” I muse. “It’s what I would do, watch you run around and laugh.”

Crouching before him, I dig my fingers into his broken nose. “The package, who gave it to you?”

“The box?” he cries, and I release his nose as I nod. “Some weirdo. He gave me two hundred bucks to drop it off so I did. Why? What did the freak do? Fuck, I should have known. It was in the eyes, you know?”

“Describe him,” Cillian demands. “The freak. Where did he meet you? Give us the money he gave you.”

“I spent it,” he says. I stab my finger into his broken nose again and he yells, “But I can tell you what he looks like!”

“You have exactly sixty seconds,” I warn him.

“Glasses, brown eyes. Short, probably like six feet. Uh, brown—no, black hair, cut short. Dude looked like a professor or some shit, was in a suit with a waistcoat and a fucking pocket watch.”

“We need more. Tattoos? Did you see a car? A name? Anything.” That could describe hundreds of people in this city. We need something, anything.

“No, I’m sorry. He approached me outside of the bar I got kicked out of for trying to um, well, steal money. Offered me some bills to deliver a package. I knew I should have said n—”

“Which bar?” I demand.

“O’Donnell’s over on Ridgemont.”

Standing, I look down at him in disgust. “If he comes back to you again, call this number.”

“Of course.”

Cillian peels off some bills and drops them on him as we walk away.

I send a text to Raff to get into the cameras—that is, if there are any around there.

Raff: Will do.

Raff: Reign is waking up and asking where you both are.

“She’s awake and asking for us,” I tell Cil.

“Time to go home.” I hate going empty-handed, but she’s more important.

She has to be.

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