Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 45

I dressed with one purpose in mind today—a giant fuck you to the people on the interview last night and the person who thought they could take this away from me. When I head outside, I make sure to leave the car parked on the street as I wave. Taking center stage is a giant, sparkling, bedazzled diamond hair clip saying, “Bitch.”

It’s petty, but I don’t give a fuck.

“Where to, Miss Harrow?” Raff smirks as we pull away, his hand snaking under my dress and stroking my bare thigh.

“The office,” I murmur, opening my legs to give him better access.

He leans closer, his breath hot and heavy on my ear. “And after, do we get you all to ourselves tonight? No interviews or parties?”

“Oh, I see how it is. You are using orgasms and sex to get me to divulge my secrets and schedule.” I laugh. “Tricky man, but very clever.”

“Well?” he responds huskily, sliding his hand higher to cup my pussy.

“Cruel, Raff, real cruel.” I groan, grinding into his hand. Cameras flash outside, but I know they can’t see anything, and even if they could, fuck them. I don’t care. “We have a party tonight, someone’s album release after-party, but other than that, I’m yours.”

“Good girl,” he praises. “Just for that, you get to come.”

“I fucking better.”

He lowers to the floor of the car, kneeling in his perfectly pressed black suit and tie. He wears a wicked smirk as he rolls his sleeves back, pushes my dress higher, and licks his lips when he finds me naked underneath.

“Reign,” he chastises.

Smirking, I spread my legs even wider for him, flashing my pussy. “Better get to work, baby.”

“You are such a brat,” he remarks, but it’s soft as he yanks me down the seat. My head hits the leather as his talented mouth covers my pussy. His perfect tongue traces along my folds before flicking my clit, leaving me moaning as more cameras flash outside.

Dal struggles to get the car out of the crowd of paparazzi. Astro sits up front with him, and Cillian sits in the back with us, watching with a hungry expression. I meet his eyes as Raffiel dips his tongue inside me.

“Are you hungry, Cil?” I tease.

His hands fist on his thighs, and his eyes drop to Raffiel’s head between my thighs as the sloppy sounds of him eating my wet pussy fill the car. My heart races as I groan, riding his face shamelessly.

“For you, always,” he growls. “Tonight, I’ll get you first.”

“If I say so.” I smirk, but it turns into a cry of pleasure as Raffiel bites my clit, punishing me.

“Bastard,” I hiss, even as I tilt my hips, begging for more.

Chuckling against my flesh, he thrusts his tongue inside me once more, driving me toward the release I so desperately want and he promised.

“More,” I demand huskily.

Cameras flash, but I know the tinted windows stop them from seeing inside of the car, not that I would care. I wouldn’t stop him even if they could.

His head lifts from between my splayed thighs, his dark, dangerous eyes freezing me in the plush leather seat. “I live to serve you, Miss Harrow,” he mocks.

“Then serve me, bodyguard,” I mock right back. “Make me come before we get to the office or tonight, I’ll ride every single one of them and not you. You can escort me and protect me at the party while your hard dick throbs, wishing you had served me better.” Licking my bottom lip, I meet his eyes, my own filled with a dare.

“Don’t they teach you never to taunt animals, rock star?” he purrs. “They might just bite you.”

His head turns, and he sinks his teeth into my thigh. The sharp pain makes me yelp before his tongue rubs the sting away, and then he kisses up my thigh to lap at my pussy again.

My moans echo around the car, and Cil finally snaps, climbing over and turning my head. His lips crash onto mine in a searing kiss, his tongue mimicking the way Raffiel is tonguing my cunt. His hand slides inside the dress I’m wearing and he cups my bare breast. His expert fingers roll and tease my nipple into a stiff point as Raff nips my clit.

“So goddamn tasty, Reign,” Cil whispers against my lips. “Now come for us. Walk into that boardroom with us knowing your cream covers your thighs. Your dirty little secret.”

How could I do anything but?

Raff’s mouth seals around my clit, sucking hard, while Cillian kisses me. He swallows my cry of pleasure as I tumble over the edge and into their awaiting arms. Ecstasy roars through my blood, one I only seem to find with them.

I sit at the head of the table in the boardroom once more. All the managers and shareholders—anyone with a bit of sway or importance in my career—sit around, listening for once. They seem to have learned, even my manager, William.

“So, how’s the planning going for the album release and tour?” I ask after making them wait. A half empty coffee sits before me, thanks to Astro who made me one while I stared them down.


My guards sit behind me, trying to blend in. Part of me wants them to sit next to me and get their opinion on everything, but I know how that would look, and I’ve worked too hard to have these bastards think I depend on the will of a man.

Even ones I love.

So they sit behind me, protecting and encouraging me. Dal even promised to kill anyone who got out of line. They are so sweet.

“Good,” William says, and one of the women clears her throat.

“Winchester.” She nods. “Nice to meet you, Reign. I like the ideas you sent through for the album artwork and have booked Eamm Worcester, the photographer you like, to capture the images. I have also looked into scheduling each section of the album countdown like you wanted, and I agree, I think they would only help build anticipation. After this meeting, I will send you a detailed file for you to check out and ensure you’re happy. As for the tour, we have elected cities and dates, as explained in the email you sent.” More like a snippy voice message, but she’s good, I’ll give her that. She slides a sheet over to me. “This is for you to check over. We’ve given you the days you wanted off and leeway between shows so you don’t burn out.”

I was very specific about downtime. Tours are incredible but exhausting, and so far with my career, I have done back-to-back shows with travel between. Last time, it made me so tired, I was sick, which meant I couldn’t properly perform for my fans. That’s not something I want. I will still be doing one hundred and eight USA tour dates and a minimum of forty international, but I have time between to enjoy my life and ensure my health is top notch.

Scanning the sheet, I smile and glance up at her. “What’s your position, Ms. Winchester?”

“I’m William’s assistant.”

Interesting. I look at my manager. “You’re fired. I want her.”

Her eyes widen, as does his as he sputters. He might have guided me since the moment I stepped foot in here, but he’s stuck in his ways and he undermines me at every opportunity. I like her. She shows initiative, and she also took my wants and made them real without altering them for their own gain. She’s fresh and new and clearly hungry.

She reminds me of . . . well, me.

“Miss Harrow,” William begins.

“No, I don’t want to hear it.” I look at him. “You may help train her, but we all know you wanted to take more of a step back.” I soften my voice. “I appreciate everything you have done for me, I do, and I appreciate your thoughts and help. I would still like you on my team but overseeing from a distance. If you still want to be in this world, then this is how you do it. Pass it on to the next generation. She is the future, William, and if you can’t see that, then there is something wrong here.”

I see the pain in his eyes. He knows I’m right.

“How about this?” I suggest. “You two both work on the tour and album and you can train her, and if you think she isn’t the right fit after, we’ll relook at it then.”

He nods and glances at her. “I see her talent. You’re correct about that.” He grins. “When I met her, I knew you would get along and I still hired her.”

Winchester smiles and turns to me, mouthing, “Thank you.”

I shake my head. She did this for herself with her hard work. She doesn’t need to thank me.

“I like this layout,” I tell her. “Can I keep this copy?”

“Of course. I will also send a package of everything to your house to check over. I’ll include my contact information with it in case you need any changes. I’m reachable day or night,” she says.

“Good, then let’s go ahead. I’m assuming we have contacted my dancers.”

She nods once more. “We have confirmation from all but two, whom I will chase down this morning. They were all very grateful and thankful that you are trusting them again with your tour.”

“Good, seems we’re all set.” I stand, and as I pass her, I lean in. “Word of advice? Don’t kill yourself for the job, no matter how much you love it. Go outside every now and again and enjoy the world or it will pass you by. Trust me, you’ll regret it if you don’t.” I glance up at my men. “You’ll miss all the good.”

She peers up at me.

“You’ll figure it out. Thanks for all the hard work. You’re going to go far.” I sweep from the room, more excited than ever for what’s to come. This is my year, and I plan to make the most of it. I want to give back to the fans who stuck with me through everything . . . and maybe make rock history.

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