Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 40

I wake with the sun, wrapped in familiar, loving arms, and for once, I just relax. My mind wanders, worrying about what will happen when we go back. I’m sure there will be interviews, and press, and police everywhere. I still want to know who did it, but that will all be dealt with, so instead, I relax and enjoy this time with my men without cameras.

Slipping out of bed, I shower in the guesthouse and dress in some leggings and one of their oversized shirts. After kissing them good morning, I leave them to get ready as I head to the main house.

I step into the kitchen, smiling at Astro’s mom. “Good morning.”

“Morning, Reign!” She comes over and hugs me. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did, thank you, and thank you so much for letting us stay here. I know we didn’t give you any warning—”

“Don’t be silly, this is your home now too, and you are welcome whenever. Coffee?”

“Please.” I slip into a seat as she pours two mugs and sits near me, enjoying the sunshine streaming in and the sound of laughter from the open guesthouse doors.

“You don’t have to worry about cameras out here,” Gloria remarks, sipping her coffee. I turn around to look at her, and she laughs. “I know who you are; we all do and always did. Don’t worry, you’re safe here. Your life is your life. All I care about is my son, and he has never been this happy.”

“Really?” I ask. “He always seems so happy.”

She smiles, but it’s a sad one. “He is. He didn’t used to be. He struggled a lot with his mental health growing up. I watched my happy little boy disappear and it killed me. When he enlisted, I cried for days and I thought that was it, but he met the guys and trained and seemed to find his purpose, and he got better. I never saw his smile again, though, not until yesterday. You gave that back to me. You gave me back my son.”

Reaching over, I cover her hand with mine. “I didn’t know.”

“Oh, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She wipes her eyes.

“No, I’m glad you did,” I reply. “I care about your son a lot. He makes me happy too, happier than I’ve ever been in fact. I didn’t even know I needed him until he blew into my life.”

“Fate is funny like that.” She pats my hand. “How about I show you some pictures?”

When they come in, I’m holding coffee and laughing with his mom as she flips through books of photos from when Astro was a kid.

“Oh god, no, Ma!” He dives for the book, but I lift it out of his reach.

“Nope. Astro, do you still like to dress as a cat?” I tease.

His face blooms bright red. “I was four! Mother!”

“A cat?” Raffiel chuckles and steps up to my other side, peering over my shoulder. “Oh, such a pretty kitty, Astro.”

“If you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to throw myself off the roof,” he mutters, stomping away.

Raffiel’s phone rings, and he kisses my cheek before heading outside. I watch him go, and when I glance back, Gloria watches me with a knowing look. Ducking my head, I hide my blush.

“You know, I’ve known these boys since they were teenagers.”

“Oh?” I reply softly, unsure what to say.

“They have never brought anyone here. They treat this like their home, and each one is my son, yet I’ve never seen them with anyone. Ever.” Unsure what to say, I swallow, meeting her eyes. “I won’t ask, since it’s clear you don’t want me to, but know this—those boys never would have brought you here if they didn’t love you. It’s clear you feel the same way. Just please don’t hurt them, okay?”

“I don’t want to,” I murmur.

“Good.” She pats my hand. “Look at this one. This was on Christmas—”

I listen to her stories from when Astro was a kid until Raffiel returns, his face thunderous. “What is it?” I whisper, a bad feeling blooming inside me.

His mom takes my hand, holding it tight. Raff wipes his expression clean, but it’s too late. “Raffiel,” I demand.

“There are no prints that match the one who broke in, which means they aren’t in the system, and the cameras caught nothing.”

“So they will just get away with it?” I whisper.

“No, not at all. We’ll find them, I promise. The police are on high alert now, and we will be extra careful.”

“What if they come back?” I ask as he crouches before me.

“Whoever it is won’t get within thirty feet of you without my gun aimed at his head. I promise, baby.” We both freeze at the slip, but Gloria just pats Raff’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry about me, I understand.”

He winces but nods, looking at me. “We will keep you safe, Reign. Do you trust me?”

I search his gaze. “Yes, I trust you.”

“Good, then we’ll spend the long weekend here then go back. Don’t let one nut drive you from your house and life. You have done amazingly well, Reign, and you have more left to do. You worry about the revolution you are creating, and we will worry about this. Deal?”


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