Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 37

Raffiel sets his card down to pay, and something about that makes me want to cry. A waiter appears, and after he departs, Raff comes around, takes my hand, and leads me from the restaurant. I can walk, thank fuck, since they let me finish my wine as I recovered from them claiming me. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. I don’t care if the staff heard or saw the mess on the table. It was worth it. The car is right out front, and Raff opens the door. Cil climbs in with Astro, and I clamber in behind them, relaxed and tired.

There’s no paparazzi, no reason to be on display, and I love it as I climb onto their laps as Dal and Raff get into the front and we take off, heading home.

Curling into Cillian’s lap, I sigh and close my eyes in bliss.

“Did you have a good night, baby?” he murmurs softly, kissing the top of my head.

I love that they tried to be gentlemen this evening, keeping their hands off me, but I love it even better that they gave in.

“The best,” I admit. “That’s probably the best date I’ve ever been on.” They gave me what I wanted without me even realizing it, and more than that, they gave me the chance to feel safe enough to explore myself and my actions. I know I am always safe with them, and it’s heady.

“It was the best date I’ve ever been on. Well, the only one actually.” He laughs above my head, and I lift it to meet his gaze.

“Really?” I look at Astro who shrugs.

“We had no time for dating, babe.”

I turn to look at Raff, and he winks. Laughing, I lay my head back down, secretly pleased I’m the only one they have ever taken on a date. Cillian holds me as Astro rubs my feet. It’s nice and relaxing, and I must drift off to sleep because I startle awake when a hand brushes my hair.

“Shh, baby, I’ve got you.” It’s Raffiel. He picks me up, and I open my eyes to see us heading to the front door. I didn’t even know we were home. Curling into his chest, I relax as he walks inside—only to stop.

“Raff?” I lift my head as he turns.

“Dal, take her,” he barks.

Dal takes me and slides me down his body, shielding me. I peer around him as Astro and Cillian move into the door.

Sitting in the reception of my house are ten bloody hearts—ten real-looking, dripping, bloody hearts placed in the shape of a heart, and blood is smeared across the white marble.

Gasping, I cover my mouth. “What the fuck?”

“Dal, with her,” Raff orders. “We sweep the house now.” His voice is quiet. “At the first sign of trouble, get her out of here.”

“No, wait!” I try to help, but they are already moving.

They dive into action, hustling me to the side. Dal stands before me with his gun out as Raffiel points, and the others split up, heading into the house, while Raffiel goes upstairs, their weapons drawn as they move silently.

I cover my mouth, horror and fear surging through me. “Dal,” I whisper.

“Shh, baby, we’ve got you.”

My eyes go back to the hearts in terror. Who the hell did this? How did they do this?


Oh god, Raff Jr.

I have so many questions, but fear fills me, and I cower behind Dal, letting them protect me as they silently sweep the house. Every second they are gone, my heart beats harder, and when they suddenly appear, I jump.

“Downstairs is clear. I found Raff Jr. locked in a cupboard. He’s fine,” Cillian says, glancing at me to check me over, Raff Jr. snuggling happily in his arms, and I rain kisses across his head as I wait nervously.

Astro appears a second later. “Outside too.”

Raff strides down the stairs, phone in hand. “Upstairs is clear, but they left a present. Get her into the kitchen. I want two of you with her at all times. I want cameras accessed and security spoken to. Find out how the fuck this happened,” he roars.

“Raff?” He turns to Astro, speaking in low, hushed voices, and I clear my throat. “Raffiel,” I practically shout. They all turn to me. “What’s happening?”

He heads my way, cupping my chin. “Someone broke in, baby, but they aren’t here anymore.”

“Why?” I whisper, searching his gaze. Something slides across his eyes too quickly for me to identify.

“I don’t know. We will find out who, and they will never do it again. I’m sorry, baby. Go relax with them while I take care of this, okay?” His voice is soft, but his eyes are hard and angry.

“Upstairs, you said—”

“Shh, go.” He pushes me toward Dal and Cillian, while Astro goes with Raff.

I watch them walk away, feeling uncertain and terrified.

“Here.” Dal places a hot cup of herbal tea before me. “Drink this.”

I pick it up with shaking hands, sitting in a chair with them guarding me. Cillian stands at the back, his sharp eyes scanning everything, while Dal continually moves around the space. The others haven’t appeared yet.

Raff Jr. is fine, we double-checked, and he seems unbothered as he sleeps happily on one of his many beds on the kitchen floor.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“It’s okay. You’re okay,” Cillian promises before turning back to his duty.

“Tell me,” I demand, my tone harder this time.

“We will once we know—”

I slam the mug down, cracking it, and wince. “No, now. This is my home, my life, and I want to know.” They share a look over my head, which I hate. Snarling, I get to my feet, refusing to cower. I stomp to the stairs, and they scramble after me, but I’m fast and I make it up there before they can stop me.

They grab me when I reach my room, horror coursing through me.

Another bloody heart is sitting on my bed, and surrounding it is my underwear, which is ripped and covered in a glistening liquid—cum. Gagging, I turn away before forcing myself to look again. Written in blood above my bed is a message.

I’ve missed you. Come home.

“Who did this?” I whisper, turning to them. “Why did they do this?”

“Because some people are sick, baby. Come on, let’s go back downstairs. The others will be back and we can talk then, okay?”

Nodding, I let them lead me back downstairs, and this time, I don’t protest. I sit and sip from the chipped mug of tea as they wait for the others. My mind whirs. Who did this? Tucker? No, this is too insane, even for him. One of my enemies or Sal? No, this isn’t a prank or even retribution. This is something more.

A crazed fan maybe?

How did they get in here?

I thought I was safe, untouchable, and now my castle is crumbling down around me, leaving me cold and unsure. The happiness from tonight fades.

Sometime later, a furious Raffiel and Astro appear. Raff crouches before me, eyeing Cillian and Dal before he glances at me. “Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not fucking okay. Someone broke into my house, Raffiel. They left a sick fucking message in my bed. My fucking bed. It feels tainted and wrong. This is my sanctuary, my safe space!” I yell, and he just takes it so I deflate. “Who did this?”

He glances away for a moment, and when he looks back at me, he searches my face. “We don’t know.” I go to pull away, but he doesn’t let me. “But we will. I promise, Reign, we will. The cameras went down, so did the alarms, and it drew the security team’s attention which is how he got in. It won’t happen again.”

“I don’t care. I don’t feel safe here,” I snap.

“We will be here. You will never be alone—”

“No, I can’t.” I stand, swallowing. “Not here, not right now. It feels wrong.” I try to explain, but it doesn’t feel like my house anymore and I’m pissed. I’m pissed they took that from me. I want to argue and fight because this is still my house and they won’t take it from me, but the message above my bed makes me shiver in fear. No matter how badass my men are, I still won’t feel safe here.

“Okay,” he says without fighting. “How about we go somewhere else for a few days and let them clean up? A team I trust will come in and secure everything, and when we come back, you can see how you feel.”

Nodding, I peer at the others. “But where?”

Biting his lip, Raff seems to come to a conclusion before he stands. “How about we get out of the city for a few days? You have no appearances, and you can work from wherever we go.”

I nod. Maybe getting out of the city would be good. We can get away from all this for a few days and the media frenzy that will undoubtedly come once they find out about this. Raff Jr. can stay with Emma, the boarder, so he’ll be okay. It will get him out of the line of fire at least. “Okay, but where?”

Raff turns to Astro and grins. “How do you feel about going home?”

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