Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 34

While we wait for the footage, I head out. I told Raff it was to chase a lead, but I lied. I hate lying to him, but this is important, and it’s on a time crunch. I know Reign is safe with them, and in a few hours, we will have the information we need on her stalker, and then we can make sure she’s safe for good.

When we were first hired, we scanned through the many threats she gets. Some are harmless, others not so much, and we put a stop to most of them, but her management was worried about this one specifically. This one kept sending her letters they intercepted and they were creepy, but we couldn’t find out where they came from. Whoever it is, he’s smart and clearly annoyed at being ignored, so he’s stepping up his game, and now it’s time to act.

When this fucker is taken care of, she’ll be safe again.

Our jobs will be over as well.

I have to tell her the truth and just hope she keeps us around anyway. I hate lying to her, but it’s for her protection. I know she’ll be mad, but she’ll understand, right? She already has enough to worry about without having this on her plate.

It’s our job to protect her, and we’ll do that.

I take my car, not wanting Raff to track me in hers. This is a surprise for her and her alone. Pulling up outside the tattoo studio, I turn my phone off, knowing they’ll turn up if they want me. I head inside and grin at the big, burly biker. I’ve known Vaughn since our days in the service, and he does all our tattoos, including Astro’s new one, which he thinks he’s hidden.

“Sup, brother?” he calls.

“I need this inked.” I slide my jeans down and he whistles. “Got the time?”

“I do. Are they lyrics?” He leans down. “They are good.”

I grin proudly. “You bet they are. My girl’s a rockstar.”


“He’s not answering.” I shrug at Raffiel. “His phone’s off too.”

“I’m going to fucking kill him,” he snaps, pacing angrily. “And where the fuck is my footage of this loser?”

“It takes time,” Astro says as he munches on popcorn, watching Raffiel lose his shit. He always gets like this on missions, especially if he doesn’t like the results, but this is personal now.

“When we get the information, do you want me to handle it?” I ask carefully. He doesn’t like it when I offer to kill people so openly, but why else would he be obtaining information on this asshole?

“I’ll decide,” he mutters, rubbing his face. “Astro, I want that footage, and I want it now.”

We hear footsteps, and Raff narrows his gaze on us. “We say nothing,” he orders just as Reign stops in the door. She freezes as we all swing our gazes to her.

“Uh, is everything okay?” She cocks her head.

“Everything is fine, beautiful,” Astro replies. “Just a team meeting to sort out some new measures,” he says, but I can see the tightness in his shoulders. He hates lying to her. I can usually lie without thought, but when she glances at me to see my reaction, I find myself unable to do so and betray her like that.

Raffiel’s voice covers for me as I frown.

“Just work,” he promises. “How’s writing going, baby?”

“Fine.” She shrugs, looking at me once more. She sees too much. “I just have to finish this verse and then I’ll send it to Jack. I was thinking about going out tonight—not a club or even a party, but maybe for a nice meal. What do you think? I’ve been working a lot recently, and when the album comes out, I’ll be on tour, so I might as well enjoy it while I can.”

“Sounds great. Anywhere in particular?” Raff asks smoothly.

“I’ll have a think. I thought you all might like to go. Not as work but . . .” Blowing out a breath, she smiles. “Fuck, as a date, okay?”

“Beautiful, I would love nothing more.” Astro grins widely.

Date? That’s serious, right? I have never dated, so I wouldn’t know, but it seems important. However, if she thinks we are anything other than together, then she has another thing coming.

“Of course, baby,” Raff purrs. “I would love to.”

“Dal?” she queries.

“You’re the boss.”

She winces, looking away, and I want to kick myself. Fuck, I really can’t lie to her, and it has messed me up. “Right,” she drawls. “I forgot.” She leaves.


Ignoring Raffiel and Astro, I head after her, refusing to let her be angry at me. I don’t want her to think I don’t want to go out with her either.

She’s practically running down the hall, and I catch her between the stairs and the door.


She turns to me wearing that fake fucking smile on her face she uses for paparazzi photos. I hate that it’s aimed at me. I never want that. I want all of her, especially the pieces no one else ever gets.


“No, it’s fine, Dal. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that.”

“Reign,” I warn, advancing on her, needing her to shut up and listen.

“Seriously, it’s okay. Just because we’re fucking doesn’t—” I slam my fist next to her head, watching her jump as I cover her mouth and get in her face.

“Shut the fuck up and listen to me, Reign Harrow. I have never been on a date, but if I were ever to go on one, it would be with you. I was simply distracted by work and didn’t choose my words correctly, but understand me when I say this. You do not need to take me on a date for me to be yours. I already am.”

Her eyes widen and her chest heaves, pressing against mine as my heart races, and I wonder if she can feel it. “Do you understand me, Reign? Nod.”

She nods slowly, and I peel my hand away. She licks her lips but doesn’t protest or move away. “You’re kind of intense, you know that?”

“For you,” I reply without shame. “Now, Reign, let’s get one thing clear. A date is important to you, yes?”

“Yes,” she replies shyly.

“Then we’ll go on them every single day. Make no mistake Reign, we are . . . dating. We are so much more, but I have a feeling you wouldn’t be comfortable with that yet. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Raffiel is correct when he says to be careful about what you ask of me, because I would deny you nothing. You want me out in public, then I’m there, even if I hate it. I am not a civilized man, Reign. I never have been. I’m a killer, a trained professional, and I can’t change that, but I’ll try for you. You want a date, then we’ll go on one.”

Her eyes roll up to mine, so big and innocent for a moment, and her soft skin rubs against mine. I know I should walk away because the blood that covers my soul should never touch this angel, but I would drop to my knees right here and now and beg her to never leave me, despite the fact that I’m a monster and I don’t deserve her. She has ruined me. I can’t go back to who I used to be. I feel everything in her presence. She brought me back to life, and if she walks away, I will never recover.

Reign Harrow is my salvation and my heart, and the fear of losing that leaves me breathless. Her words could be weapons for the way I wait for them to fall. I don’t regret many things in my life, but I would regret losing her.

“Okay.” She smiles and it’s bright. “I like you being mine. No matter what you think of yourself, Dal, I like you. I like who you are. I’m not afraid of that. I’m also not dumb. I can imagine the things you’ve done and what you’ve seen, but it won’t stop me. I can’t let you go.”

“Good, because I won’t let you.” It should scare her, but she grins wider, sliding her hands into my hair and tugging me close.

She’s the only person I will let touch me.

She’s the only person to ever see past what I’m capable of.

I wonder if she knows this killer’s heart is hers. Wherever Reign Harrow goes, I will too. Never in my life have I followed another so willingly into destruction—not even Raffiel. Before her, there was just killing, but now I have her.

If she wants dates, then she will drown in them.

If she wants to rip out my heart and serve it on a platter, then she can have it. If she wants my soul, even dirty and stained, she can take it. I will give her whatever she wants as long as she keeps looking at me like she is now.

Like I’m hers.

Like I’m enough.

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