Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 27

I was wondering how long it would be before they asked about my brother. They are elite soldiers trained in every aspect so they miss nothing, and they certainly didn’t miss Sal mentioning my brother. Surprisingly, they haven’t brought it up yet. Cillian and Dal went straight back out and returned with everything a dog could need. I mean everything. I’m pretty sure they bought the store out.

I’m too pumped to sleep, so I show Raff Jr. his new house and he gets settled on one of the beds and instantly begins snoring. I leave him there in peace and go in search of the guys. They are surrounding what seems to be a doggy teepee, debating how to put it together.

“You could just read the instructions,” I suggest.

“Instructions are for losers.” Raff snorts, even as Cillian glances at them, winking at me as he puts it together as they struggle on the other side.

“When you’re done with that, I have some other things I need you to do,” I call.

“What?” Astro asks, biting his tongue.

“Oh, don’t know, maybe work off some of this excess adrenaline?” They freeze, their heads swinging to me. “I guess if you’re busy, though, I could always go work out.” I turn away, and I hear the teepee drop before I’m scooped up over someone’s shoulder.


“Living room, it’s closer,” Astro says, and Cillian turns and sprints into the living room, dropping me onto the floor in a heap as he grins at me.

Raff follows them in, and Dal shuts the double doors after us, leaning against them as he watches me with dark, lustful eyes.

We all know he likes to watch.

I lean back on my elbows and smirk at them, my tongue darting out to wet my lips. “Naked, now,” I order.

“You heard her,” Raff commands, prowling closer as he unbuttons his shirt. The sound of a zipper has me whirling around to see Astro yanking his jeans down. I glance at Cil to see him throwing his shirt over the sofa, while Dal unbuckles his belt.

I watch them all undress, their hard muscles on display for me as they wait for my next command. “You’re mine tonight,” I tell them as I get to my knees and push down the spaghetti straps of the simple silk dress I’m wearing.

It pools at my waist, exposing my breasts, and my nipples tighten under their gazes. My desire only grows as I move my thighs apart to tease them. “And I’ll have you however I want.”

“And how do you want us?” Dal asks.

Sliding my hands up, I squeeze my breasts. I watch Dal’s eyes darken and know he’s barely holding himself back.

“Baby,” Astro growls, pacing before me.

I drop to my hands and crawl right to Dal, sliding my palms up his thighs as he shudders. I stop when I’m level with his huge, hard cock. Licking my lips, I blow out softly and watch him shiver. I grin as I wrap my hands around his length and squeeze. “I want you all hard. I want every hole filled. I don’t want to be able to walk after.” Squeezing tighter, I grin. “I’ll leave the details up to you.”

I gasp when a hand slides into my hair, guiding my head closer to Dal’s cock as he leans against the door. “When he snaps, you’ll have to pin him down, Miss Harrow,” Raffiel orders. “That means I get that sweet ass of yours.”

Opening my mouth, I swipe my tongue out, teasing Dal, and with a groan, he surges forward, slamming his cock down my throat. I gag a little, but I tighten my hand on his length, and Raff guides me, gently pulling me off and bobbing my head back down.

“Good girl,” Raff praises. “Astro.”

I hear movement, but I can’t look away from Dal’s dark eyes as I torture him, sliding him in deeper until I can’t breathe or think.

“Pet that pretty pussy and get our girl nice and wet. She’ll need it to take all of us.”

Astro doesn’t hesitate, and his mouth brushes across my neck as his hand cups my cunt. Rolling my hips, I grind into him as I suck harder on Dal, watching as he smashes his head back into the door.

Astro pets me, sucking on my neck as his fingers slide through my wet folds and thrust inside me, curling and finding that spot that has me moaning around Dal’s dick.

The sound makes him jerk and he thrusts harder, taking my mouth brutally as Astro fucks me with his fingers until I’m dripping wet, and when he slides his fingers out, he trails them up, circling my asshole.

“Got to get this hole nice and wet, baby, if you are taking all of us.”

My eyes shut as I push back, letting him fuck my ass, stretching me as I reach for my peak, but just as I’m about to come, he pulls away. I whine and shake, deciding to take it out on Dal as I clamp my mouth around him.

He bellows, gripping my head and yanking me off his cock. I fall backwards, and my back hits the carpet. I look up to see him glaring, his nostrils flaring and chest heaving.

He lunges at me, forcing himself between my thighs.

Just like Raff said, Dal snaps, so I roll us. I know he lets me, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to, and I grind against his cock. I work myself on his length until he lifts me and slams me down, impaling me on it.

Moaning, I roll my hips and ride him as I dig my fake nails into his chest, pin him, and fuck him.

My very own trapped beast.

A hand hits my back, pushing me down, and my eyes widen as I feel the thick head of a cock at my ass.

“Be a good girl, Miss Harrow, and scream for me.”

Raff drags his cock across my ass, all while Dal rocks into me from below as he tries to hold still. We all know he won’t last long, so when Raff starts to push into me, I push back, forcing his huge length inside my ass as I scream.

The pain and ecstasy are too much.

The feeling of being stretched between them, with their hands sliding possessively over my body, sends me spiraling, clamping around them in my release as I cry out.

Dal roars, lifting his hips and forcing himself deeper, and Raf slides in the last few inches.

My head hangs as I wind my hips softly, riding out my release, but hands grip my hips and my shoulders, holding me between them, and they start to move.

It’s not soft or even loving.

No, they move hard.

I love it. I can’t speak. I’m just a dripping mess between them as they plunder my body. Raff snarls in my ear as he slams into my ass, my cheeks jiggling with the force. Dal works deep inside me, hitting that spot that has me seeing stars, even as he bites and sucks every inch of skin he can reach.

“Keep your eyes on him, baby,” Raff growls. “Look at what you do to him, feel what you do to me.” He brutally twists inside my ass and I whine.

A hand grips my jaw, their thumb and finger digging in until I open my mouth. “Turn your head,” Raff commands, and I do as I’m told, opening my eyes to see Cil and Astro watching me on their knees. “Suck them.”

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I reach for Astro first, wrapping my lips around his cock and sucking him all the way back. The feeling of being filled by three of them makes me clench before I pull my head off and turn to Cil, licking and sucking his tip before swallowing him and pulling back.

“Closer,” I say, and they move closer, practically pushed together, and an idea comes to mind.

It’s filthy, but I want it.

Trusting Raff and Dal to hold me, I reach out and push their cocks together. They jerk, but then I lower my mouth, licking and sucking them both. They touch, but it makes it easier for me to play.

Cil and Astro groan.

“Fuck,” Raff snarls, his hips snapping against my ass.

Dal almost lifts me into the air with his feral thrusts. “Mine,” Dal growls, his eyes wild, and I know he’s close.

Turning my head, I lean down and press my lips to his. “Yours.”

He kisses me hard, bruising my lips with force as they fuck me. With a roar, he jerks below me, and I feel him explode, pumping me full of his cum, while Raff works me on his cock.

“I’m so close,” he says, and I sit up, my back pressed to his chest as I take him deeper.

“Then come,” I order as his hand slides down and he pinches my clit.

I cry out as my own release slams through me. Biting my neck, he follows me into pleasure. He jerks, pushing his cock deeper into my ass as I feel him spill.

I slump in their grasp as they slowly pull from my body, making me groan.

“Our turn. Open your eyes, sweetheart, and watch us as we fuck you.”

“Our dirty little girl,” Cil praises as Raff lifts me and sets me on my knees before them. I crumple, my body lax in pleasure, and Astro catches me.

I’m rolled over and lifted, my ass yanked into the air as Cil buries his cock deep inside me, making my eyes roll back in my head. I’ve barely caught my breath when Astro, who is holding me from below, pushes into me, forcing his cock inside my cunt with Cil.

My screams bounce off the walls.

I can’t breathe, can’t think. I can’t do anything but be fucked by them. Their two huge dicks slide in and out of my pussy, stretching me to the point of pain. The wet sound of us coming together makes me arch my chest out as I give myself over to them.

“Look at her,” Dal comments. “Our fucking goddess.”

“Ours.” Cil nods, his eyes bright as he fucks me.

Astro’s warm body heats my back, sliding against me as they fuck me, holding me captive between them, and there is nowhere else I would rather be.

“So beautiful,” Astro croons in my ear. “Look at you, taking us so well. Our rock star, your pussy is our stage.” He groans in my ear as I tighten around them. “Keep doing that, Reign, and I won’t last. You feel too good as it is.”

Cillian leans down, sucking my nipple into his mouth, making me cry out.

“I love the way you moan for us.” Astro wraps his arm tighter around me. “There is no other sound like it.” I do it again, unable to hold back as Astro’s hand slips through my messy cunt and rubs my clit. “Now come for us, Reign. Let me feel it, sweetheart. Let me feel you explode for us and drench our cocks while we fill you with our cum. Forget drugs or booze, Reign, all we need is you, our addiction.” His words are so sexy as they’re whispered in my ear.

Cil bites my nipple, and I can’t hold back anymore.

I give into the tidal wave, letting it swallow me, my body clamping on the edge of pain, and Astro groans in my ear, his cock jerking as he spills deep inside me.

Snarling, Cil slides in and out, fucking me shallowly before exploding across my pussy and stomach.

I can’t open my eyes. I can’t speak or move.

I guess I got what I wanted, and it was so fucking good.

“She named a dog after me.” He sounds pained.

“And you love that dog, don’t lie. I caught you teaching him push-ups this morning,” I retort without even glancing at Raff as I pour my apple juice and turn to lean against the counter. Said dog, Junior, is currently on Astro’s knee as he eats around him. It’s seriously too fucking cute, not to mention how fluffy he was to cuddle last night, much to Astro’s chagrin, who got jealous of the dog.

“He needs to be part of the team,” is all Raffiel says. “And befitting of the name.”

“Sure thing, big guy.” Grinning, I head his way and plop down on Cillian’s lap at the table, stealing his bacon. He simply kisses my cheek, moves the bacon closer to me, and eats the toast. My heart softens. They truly are right when they say a way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach—or her vagina . . . or both. Definitely both with this lot.

“Are we committing any crimes today, or just the usual chaos?” Raff asks, sipping his coffee. The sunlight streams in, lighting the room brightly. The first thing I did this morning was check socials and news to see if Sal reported us, which she didn’t. She’s probably too scared to.

I almost can’t believe we got away with it, but it sure did make for some epic sex.

Top ten easily.

“I’m going to work outside for a few hours. There are some lyrics I need to get right and nature helps,” I reply. “Then we’re going to the studio later. We played, now we need to work.”

“Sounds good.” Raff nods. “Then it’s drill time.”

They all groan, and Astro even looks at me pleadingly. “Show him your boobs! Distract him!”

“It won’t work.” Raff grins. “Okay, it might, but she needs to work and so do we. We need to protect Reign, which means being alert and in shape, so drills, soldiers. Outside in ten.” He stands, kisses me, and leaves.

“I hate drills,” Cillian grumbles. “I can never feel my legs after.”

“Tell me about it. After the way you drilled me last night, I couldn’t feel my legs either.” He chokes on his toast, and I pat his back. “Better?” I ask sweetly.

“We better get ready.” Dal stands, and with one longing look at me, he leaves too.

“Me too.” I hop up, stealing more bacon before kissing them on the way to the studio. I’m not gone long. I grab my guitar and notebooks and make my way into the huge daybed outside, setting up. The guys are nowhere to be seen, so I plug in my headphones and listen to the beat Jack made, scribbling along to it. Sometime later, a grunting noise invades the beat, and I pull out the earbuds and turn, my mouth dropping open at the sight.

Glistening with sweat, and wearing nothing but shorts, are all four of my bodyguards. Forget writing lyrics. I lean back in the daybed and watch as they work through sets of grueling exercises that would put even the Rock to shame. I watch the play of their muscles, their veins, and the way their bodies move. In Cillian’s case, I ogle the way his huge cock bounces in his shorts as he does his burpees. It’s way better than porn, and I rub my thighs together to get some friction as my pussy pulses in need. They are completely oblivious to me watching them. My nipples pebble as the heat beats down on me, warming my skin as I roll onto my side to watch them better.

Unable to resist, I slide my hand down my stomach and into my denim shorts, rubbing my pussy over my panties. Dal is the first to notice. His sharp eyes lock on the movement, and he stills before leaping down and working harder. His eyes remain on me despite Raff’s orders. It doesn’t take the others long to notice what he’s watching.

They all stop, their eyes on my hand as I lean back and slide my fingers past the barrier of my panties and across my slick center. My hips roll as I play with my clit, watching the pull of their muscles. “I need something to watch,” I call to them.

“You heard Miss Harrow.” Raff smirks, watching my fingers for a moment. His muscles stretch as he turns to press into a push-up. Astro purposely flexes as he leaps, Cillian grins as he jumps, and Dal copies them with elegant moves that almost look like he’s dancing.

They are all sweaty and glistening, their muscles ready for me to explore and play with.

It’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Flicking my clit, I moan loud enough for them to hear as I roll my hips. My heart races, and my body overheats as desire roars through me, leaving me breathless and touching myself faster.

“Shit, I can’t concentrate,” Cil says, his eyes locked on me as I touch myself at the sight of them.

“Fuck this,” Astro growls and heads my way.

Striding over to me like a blond Adonis, Astro does a push-up above me, blocking out the sun. “See something you like?”

“Absolutely,” I murmur, rolling my clit harder and lifting my hips.

“Need a hand?” he flirts, watching my hips.

“No, I’m good. Go back to being eye candy,” I reply, pulling my fingers from my shorts and sliding them across his lips. They part as he groans, his pink tongue darting out to lap at my cream.

“Shit, Reign.”

“Back in formation,” Raffiel barks.

Throwing me a glare that promises retribution, Astro stomps back over as they carry on with their drills. Raff pushes them hard, no doubt for my benefit, as I leisurely play with myself. I drag my pleasure out as I push two fingers inside myself, letting every noise of pleasure slip past my lips to give them motivation.

The sight of them and the feeling of my own fingers finally sends me over the edge with a cry, and I arch off the daybed, my legs shaking as I come. I pull my fingers from my shorts and open my eyes to see them all slack-jawed with tented shorts.

Sucking my fingers clean, I wink at them. “Back to work, boys. Got to keep those bodies prepared.”

Astro smirks. “In case you’re attacked?”

“In case I want to climb you,” I respond as I put my earbuds in once more, grinning at their incredulous expressions.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.