Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 21

The dressing room door shuts, and I slump back on the sofa. I left the guys outside, needing a moment. Interviews like this take it out of me and I never know why, other than I feel like I’m pretending to be another person. It used to eat me up, but now I know better, and I can’t let guilt rule my life. If I were a man, they would call me smart, a forward thinker, a boss, so fuck guilt. I’d rather enjoy the time I have on this earth, and I know better than anyone how quickly it can all be taken away.

My hand drifts to my hip, but I quickly snatch it away when the door opens. I expect Raff or even someone from the show, but Dal stands in the doorway. He shuts it behind him and stares at me. The intensity of Dal’s gaze always puts me on high alert. Even without words, I can see what he’s thinking.

He’s all raw masculinity and strength, and right now, it’s all directed at me.

“Everything okay?” I ask, my voice breathless.

Without a word, he heads my way, not stopping until I tilt my head back to meet his eyes. A gasp leaves my lips when his hand darts out and grips my chin. His thumb sweeps over my lower lip as I swallow.

“Dal?” I whisper, watching his eyes blow at hearing his name on my tongue.

“Your song,” he murmurs. “I heard every word. I felt every word. You aren’t just a singer, Reign; you’re a master. You have a way of reaching into someone’s head and heart and ripping them out. You make them feel everything. How do you do that? How do you make me feel anything at all? Every breath you take is like a hammer against the organ in my chest. I worry about you every moment of every day. Are you hungry? Are you tired? Angry? Sad? Are you lonely? Is that crack going to trip you? Are you going to fumble? It’s exhausting, but I can’t seem to care, not with you looking at me like that.”

“Like what?” I ask.

“Like I am everything you have been waiting for, because, Reign, you are everything I didn’t even know I was searching for and I’m tired of trying to figure out why. You sang for them, for you, and now you’re going to sing in here for me.”


His hand covers my mouth and my eyes widen. “I don’t want you to fake it, not with me.” My heart stops at the truth in his eyes. He sees into me. “When you sing in here, it will be because you can’t do anything but.”

I don’t even know what to say to that. Luckily, he doesn’t expect a response. Something links Dal and me together, and he knows without words what I’m feeling. My exhaustion quickly turns to desire for him. I’ve wanted him since the moment I saw him standing above me, when he hauled me out of the pool. Unlike the others, whom I can laugh and joke with, there’s always a knowing look in Dal’s eyes, one I avoid because he sees too much, but right now, I couldn’t prevent this any more than I could stop the music in my soul.

Maybe it’s time to start feeling again.

My tongue darts out and licks his thumb, and it’s the only response he needs. He drops to his knees before me.

His eyes feast on me as his hands slide my outfit up, exposing my legs. His gaze drops to my skin, and it’s only then I realize I was holding my breath, and it comes out in a pant as I suck in much needed air.

Dal has this magnetism about him, an air of danger I can’t help but crave, and with it all directed toward me, I’m helpless.

“Do you know how many times I have imagined you spread open for me?” he murmurs, his voice soft and reverent. “I have never given anyone a second thought, but you drive me crazy, Reign. You’re all I think about every waking second. Every time you speak, I imagine what your lips feel like. Every time you move, I imagine how you will move with me buried inside you.” My eyes widen. “I can’t sleep, can’t eat. All I can do is think about you. My whole world revolves around you. You own me completely. My body is yours, but first, I want to enjoy you. I want to do all the depraved things I have imagined.”

Jesus fucking Christ.

My pussy actually pulses at his words, leaving me wet just from a dirty promise.

“Will you let me, Reign?” he purrs, dragging his nose along my thigh, down my calf, and up my foot until his eyes meet mine once more. “Will you let me act out all my depraved, sick fantasies on you?”

“Yes.” I clear my throat since it’s just a whisper. “Yes, fuck yes.”

He could ask me to bend over in the middle of the stage and I would. I would do anything to have him.

His tongue follows the path his nose took until his teeth dig into the thick edge of my thigh. The sharp pain makes me cry out, even as I throw my other leg over his shoulder, waiting to see what he will do next.

He licks the bite mark before moving lower and striking again, biting so hard, it makes me whimper, and when he pulls back, his teeth imprint is very clear to see.

Dal is always hard to read. He’s so cold and calm, but right now, his eyes blaze with a fire that leaves me burning. How someone could contain such desire is beyond me, and it’s all aimed at me.

“I wonder if you would cry if I made you bleed,” he muses. “But that’s for next time.” My heart stutters, but he doesn’t notice as he cuts my jumpsuit away and then settles back between my thighs, leaving me open and bare as the expensive outfit falls in shreds around us.

I didn’t even see a knife. He was that quick, and the sharp edge of danger only has me pulling him closer with my thighs, wanting what he’s offering.

His tongue sweeps up my thigh again until he reaches my pussy, and his teeth close around my thong. He jerks his head to the side like a feral animal, and I gasp at the sharp sting as it snaps. Continuing to watch me, he stuffs my panties into his mouth, groaning as he licks them before pulling them away and grabbing my thigh and arm. I blink in confusion as he moves deftly, and when he sits back, my left thigh is tied to my arm, leaving me spread for him.

“Keep that up there, Reign,” he commands. “Otherwise, I’ll be forced to punish you.”

Biting my bottom lip, I lift my hips, needing attention. When his eyes drop to my exposed, wet pussy, he makes a feral noise that has me moaning. I know he’s going to fuck me so dirty, and I can’t wait. The anticipation is driving me crazy.

There are no words after that, his usual silence filled with grunts as he holds my thighs prisoner, spreading them so wide, it hurts. My cream drips to the leather below as his mouth finally touches my cunt.

He isn’t hesitant or loving—no, Dal fucking attacks me, using his tongue as a weapon. He shoves it inside me, making me moan before he lashes my clit. His feral, erratic attacks leave me on edge, unable to predict what he will do next.

His thick, scarred fingers thrust into me, splitting me open as he forces three in. The sharp pain turns to a burn of pleasure as he rubs my throbbing clit, until I’m lifting my hips and forcing them deeper. My eyes close and my head falls back at his attack.

Pleasure burns through me, and I’m panting so hard, I feel my heart thundering. Dal forces another finger deep inside me before I feel his other hand prodding at my ass.

I open my mouth to protest, but a scream slips free as he shoves two fingers in my ass. “There won’t be an inch of you I leave unclaimed, Reign, just like you have claimed every inch of me.”

It’s a threat, a promise that I can’t even deny as he fucks both my holes mercilessly, his saliva from his open mouth dripping to my pussy and sliding down. He seals his lips around my clit again and sucks, and I come so hard and so unexpectedly, I seize up with a yell.

My entire body shakes and contracts as I squirt around his fingers. He fucks my ass and pussy the entire time, stretching them to the point of pain until my leg kicks.

When I slump, he pulls his fingers free, making me mewl at the pain. With his dark eyes on me, he sucks his fingers from my pussy clean, shoving his pants down and circling his cock like an offering.

My eyes widen at the sight of him. “No! No fucking way!” I try to scoot backwards and get away, but I’m still weak from coming so hard. He captures my kicking leg and drags me down the sofa until I hang off it.

“This is yours,” he tells me, stroking his cock as I stare, wide-eyed. “Don’t fear it. I’ll make it feel good.”

“Dal,” I whimper. “Please, you’re too big, and the piercings . . . It will hurt.”

“Good.” He grins. “Let me hear you scream again. You scream so fucking beautifully.”

His cock is the biggest thing I’ve ever seen, and with the eight piercings running down its length, it looks mean as fucking hell.

Most want sex to feel good, but not Dal.

He wants pain and the oblivion you find in darkness.

He climbs up my body, sliding his hand up until he reaches my breasts, and then his teeth clamp around my nipple. I cry out, wrapping my legs around his waist.

“Dal,” I beg.

“I’m going to buy clamps for these,” he says, biting my other one. “I want to see them hurt for me.”

Oh my fucking god.

My eyes almost roll into the back of my head as he licks them better before sucking on them. His fingers twist my other nipple until I whimper below him. Finally, he releases my tortured breasts, his tongue laving over my chest and up my neck to my ear.

“Sing for me, rock star,” he commands, and in one smooth move, he buries himself deep inside me.

I scream so loudly, I’m surprised the others don’t beat down the door.

He’s so fucking big, it actually hurts, but he doesn’t care. He forces me to take every hard inch. “Look what you do to me,” he says, biting my earlobe. “You drive me crazy,” he snarls, pulling out and hammering back in, even as I wince, trying to escape. “You make me fucking feral. They’ve always wanted a beast, and they’ve got one now because of you. Reign, fuck, take it. Fucking take it. I want you to hurt as much as I do from wanting you.”

He pulls back, and when he sees the tears sliding down my face, he wipes them away. “That’s it, take me deep. Cry, scream, and use me, just don’t make me stop. You’re doing so well. I know it hurts now, but it will feel so good.” He wraps his hand around my throat, anchoring me as he hammers into me.

Like everything with Dal, it hurts so good, I can’t take it.

His piercings drag along the nerves inside me, but he’s right. The pain fades to a burning pleasure so strong, I can’t breathe, can’t move, locked in a tidal wave. He sees me struggling and bites my ear.

“I’ve got you.”

His hand grips my throat, and his grunts fill my ear as he licks up and down my neck, biting and licking as I cry out. He hammers into me so hard, it hurts. “Fucking perfect,” he snarls in my ear. “Good, so good. How can you feel this great? It’s like the high of a kill but ten times better. Fuck, Reign, I think I’m finding religion in your cunt.”

His dirty words spew right in my ear as he holds me prisoner and rams into me so hard, it sends me spiraling. I scream as I come, my nails clawing at his back.

He doesn’t stop, fucking me like an animal in rut.

We actually fall from the sofa, but he doesn’t stop, hammering me into the floor as he bites and sucks my lips. I hold him, taking it and wanting the pain he demands.

I hear the door, and when my head lolls to the side, I meet Cillian’s wide-eyed stare. “Are you okay?”

Dal snarls, and when I jerk my head back, I see his gun pointed at Cil, yet he doesn’t stop thrusting for one fucking moment. Cil must see the truth written across Dal’s face. He would kill his brother right now.

Hands up, Cil glances at me, and I nod to let him know that I’m okay. He backs away and shuts the door, then Dal turns those beastly eyes back to me.

“Again,” he demands. “Come again. I want to feel you squeeze my cock.”

“I can’t.” My words are hoarse, and with a snarl, he reaches between us, pinching my clit until he makes me a liar. I come so hard, I actually black out for a moment, and when I come to, his voice is in my ear.

“So good. So tight. Like a fucking vise, silken fucking torture. You fuck me so good. You’re mine. Mine. Every inch of you, and I’m going to spend years marking every single hole you have, filling it over and over with my cum until it’s all you crave and you fucking need it to survive.”

I try to lift my hands but they flop to the floor, exhausted as he powers into me. He lifts my hips so he hits deeper inside me, and I cry out.

“I love the way you scream, like music to my ears. My very own personal song I want to listen to forever,” he growls, dragging his mouth across my cheek to my lips, biting and sucking them before I open. His tongue slips inside, tangling with mine as he kisses me as hard as he fucks me.

My pleasure starts to build again, bordering on painful, and I know I need to make him come or he will never stop—not until he’s fucked me to death.

His hand slams against the floor by my head. “I can’t. Fuck, Reign, I can’t take it.”

“So let go,” I say, licking and nipping his chin as I rip his shirt open, clawing at his skin, and when I catch his nipple, he roars.

Smirking, I bite his neck hard and twist his nipple until his back bows and he yells his release.

I drink in his twisted expression of ecstasy, his eyes closed as he lets go. It’s fucking beautiful, and when he slumps over me, I wrap my arms around him, kissing his neck.

“Thank you,” he murmurs into my ear, making me shiver at his dark, sexy voice. “You’re mine, Reign.”

I have no issue being Dal’s.

I’ll be black and blue tomorrow, but it was so worth it.

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